Mystery Of The Mask

By geetsnovels

166 16 60

Akihiko Yamagata had always been a quiet boy, content to keep to himself and avoid the drama and danger that... More



15 3 12
By geetsnovels

I woke up early, my head resting on the table. I quickly brushed my teeth and got dressed in my school uniform, grabbing my backpack and getting ready to leave. I headed downstairs.

"Good morning Ane.." I yelled, but there was no answer. It was then that I realized that my sister was no longer with us.

Oh no! I forgot that...

I felt lonely and let out a sigh. I quickly heated up the pan and made a pancake for myself.

The sweet aroma of pancakes filled the room as I cooked. Before long, I had finished my breakfast.

I ran to school as fast as I could, ignoring everyone and everything around me. I didn't even notice my friends or the weather.

Tears streamed down my face as I cried uncontrollably. My vision was blurry from all the tears.

Every moment without her felt like an eternity. I missed her more than anything in the world, and the pain of her absence was too much to bear.

I found myself crying uncontrollably, my heart aching with every beat.

The thought of her brought me to my knees in my mind, and I felt lost without her by my side.

I finally arrived at my school, relieved to have made it on time.

The familiar sights and sounds of the school greeted me as I walked through the gates. I was still feeling sad as I prepared to start my day.


~Kyotsu pov~

We have a free period, so I'm sitting outside on a bench.

Nice weather today,

Then I noticed that strange girl approaching.

Why this girl is coming again to annoy me

She came and sat beside me, and said "Hey there, my little red rose.

" I cringed at the nickname and replied, "I don't like being called that. Just call me Kyotsu," I said it a little louder than I intended.

"Oh, don't be such a bore. I'm going to call you Red Rose from now on, and you can call me Blueberry." She said with a wink.

Why this girl always annoy me, I'm too irritated. What a shitty nickname...I don't like nicknames

I shook my head in response. She let out a deep sigh and said, "Come on, Red Rose. Let's have dinner together." She blew me a kiss, but I wasn't interested.

Wtf she is doing, what she thinks. If she will do this to me. I will accept her as my friend ?!

I replied coldly, "No." She pleaded with me, "Please, please, please"' I let out a sigh and got up from where I was sitting.

~Akihiko pov~

I was pondering while sitting in my chair.

If the murderer was her boss, he will rape her and then maybe murder cause he look at girl especially look at my sister with wrong intentions. And he didn't rape-ed my sister, he just murdered in the CCTV footage of my sister's room. So what it is, who is he

Suddenly I heard a voice of Akira. He was calling me. "Ahh Akihiko..what r u thinking" he asked. "I was thinking who murdered my sister" he nodded.

"Aren't sad," I sighed. "I'm sad but I can't cry like a child. I have to find him and take revenge" I spoke.

"Aki.. don't worry. Don't be sad, we will be with you forever, no matter what" Dai spoke who was sitting beside me.

"Yes I'm with you Yamagata-san," akari spoke. "I would never gonna leave you, whenever you need me I'm always ready to help you" Akira said and smiled. My tears fell cause of the support of my friends.

I again started thinking

If anyone will murder her for money they would stole the money, and why would they will murder someone. They can stole the money secretly in nights like other thiefs, the intention of murdering my sister is unique, something different.

School bell rang, our class started. It was our last class, Students stood up and wished gold morning to the teacher who have arrived.

After a while, our class ended...I headed out from my school...

~Kyotsu pov~

Why someone from my school arrived to my house...ugh! Everyone disturbs me

I was making my way to my room when my mom called out "Kyotsu!" I responded with a sigh, "Yes, coming!" I yelled loud enough for her to hear. I dragged my feet to the living room.

I walked in and saw Fuyuko sitting with my mom. "Your friend Fuyuko is here,

she told me that she asked to have dinner together and you said no to her, you mustn't say no to anyone.

You should make friends and enjoy spending time with them. Now come and sit here," she scolded me.

I nodded and let out a deep sigh. Before sitting down, I gave Fuyuko a glare. She giggled silently. "I should go, auntie," she said.

"Why don't you stay here for a little while longer and have dinner with us?" my mom spoke gently to her.

"No, maybe my mom is getting worried about me, so I should go," she said before leaving the room.

"You will have dinner with her tomorrow," my mom said strictly. I nodded and closed my eyes slightly. "And if you disagree,

I won't give you dinner tomorrow," she spoke before heading to the kitchen.

I walked to my room and sat on my bed.

This girl is really annoying, question I have, how she knows my address..

~Akihiko pov~

I'm at home having dinner. It's nothing special, just a cup of noodles.

I'm really missing you ane..

I let out a deep sigh as my best memories came flooding back into my mind.

"It's all finished," my mom said while grinning. "Yay!" I screamed in happiness. "Let's eat together," my sister suggested. "Just the three of us, we won't give any to dad," I said with a pout. My mother laughed and asked why. "He didn't bring me any ice cream," I complained. "It's because it's cold outside," she explained, and I nodded in agreement.

I smiled and wiped away my tears. "Mom made us a cake, even though she was sick. She promised to give us a gift if we did well in our classes, and she kept her promise," I whispered to myself.

"It's motivating me to keep my desire for revenge alive.

I don't know if it's a sin or something, but I just want to ruin that person's life," I whispered to myself once again.

After finishing dinner, I headed to my room with my laptop. Before going to bed, I checked my laptop and noticed a notification from my news app.

The notification read, "There have been 20 murders in one day."

20 murders in one day? It's terrible. I know the murderer is that man who have murdered my sister.

I let out a sigh and felt the pain because I'm a good person who tries to understand everyone.

The murderer, on the other hand, is stone-hearted and truly evil. Did they really killed 15 people in one day?

I shut my laptop and lay down on my bed. Before long, I drifted off to sleep.

To Be Continue

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