Portal To One Punch Man

By fubukisexy

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Your name is Caleb, and you're from real life. You have no powers will you're crush protect you from danger... More

character bio
chapter 1
chapter 2 it was a dream
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6 money
chapter 7
chapter 8 Tatsumaki
chapter 9 a new power
chapter 10 recovery
chapter 11
chapter 12 rescue mission
chapter 13
chapter 14 war
chapter 15 the big fight
chapter 16 round 2 fight
chapter 17 the beginning
chapter 18 a day in hell
chapter 19 love is hard
chapter 20 absolute evil.
chapter 21 torture
22 chapter excape attempt
chapter 23 war
chapter 24
chapter 25 counseling
chapter 26 the repercussion
chapter 27 a day to remember
chapter 28 rival
chapter 29 the morgue
chapter 30 the real reason
chapter 31
chapter 32 it was only a dream
chapter 34 monster uprising.

chapter 33 forgive me

69 2 33
By fubukisexy

"Can you guys leave the room for a minute? I need to talk to Fubuki." Caleb said. "Sure." Tatsumaki said. Lily Saitama and Tatsumaki leave the room.

"What do you wanna talk about?" Fubuki asked. "When you told me you had feelings for him, I started feeling like everything I had ever done for you was for nothing."

"You didn't do it for nothing." Fubuki said. "Since the day I came here, I've been doing nothing but be there for you and try my hardest to please you in every way that I could. I helped you become a better hero. I've helped you overcome your fear of not being able to pass your sister. I have given you so much of my time and love. But

"I'm sorry. I hope what I did doesn't ruin our relationship." Fubuki said as tears rolled down her face. Caleb weakly grabs her hand. "Just because you had hurt my feelings doesn't mean I'm gonna end it with you. Besides, I can't just end it with you, not with everything we've done together." She gently squeezes his hand.

"Once when we get out of here, I want to take you on a date so it will help makeup for what I did." Fubuki said. "You don't have to do that." Caleb said.

"I know. I just want to do it for you." Fubuki said, smiling. "I wish I could hug you right now."

Meanwhile, in a different dimension

Fubuki sits up in the hospital bed and looks at her arms. "I'm alive? Why didn't he kill me like he did them?" She said outloud.

She gets up out of bed and leaves the hospital room. She then immediately sees him, and she then starts backing up scared. She backs up to the end of the long hallway. "Please don't hurt me." She begged, covering her face with her arms.

Evil Saitama walks right up to her. "I'm not gonna hurt you." He said while moving her arms away from her face they both lock eyes with each other. "How did I survive getting hit by you?" Fubuki asked.

"I simply held back all of my strength. That's why you survived." Saitama said. "Why did you hold back from killing me?" She asked. "Because you had apologized to me."

She just stares at him and then turns her head away. "Well, thanks for not killing me, but anyway, I'm gonna leave you alone now." She said as she walked around him. But before she walked away, she tripped and started to fall. "Ahhhh!" She screamed, closing her eyes and waiting for the impact, but it never came. She opened her eyes and saw he caught her.

"You stopped me from hitting the ground. Why?" She asked. "Because I don't wanna see you hurt yourself."

"Well, thanks. You can put me back down now." She said. "You look beautiful, Fubuki." He said while still  holding onto her. Her eyes widen in shock, and her face starts heating up. She couldn't bring herself to say a word.

"Awe, did I make you speechless? How cute." Saitama said as she started blushing even more. "You t-think I'm b-beautiful?" Fubuki asked.

"Of course I do, and if I'm being honest, you have always been beautiful. When we first met, I thought that you were a queen."

"Stop it, you're making me nervous." Fubuki said. "I'm sorry I can't help it. You're just so pretty I can't resist."

Saitama then did something unexpected he leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Fubuki's eyes widen in shock, but she soon falls into it.

Evil Saitama breaks the kiss. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done tha-" his words were cut off by Fubuki kissing him.

They both pull apart this time. "I love you, S-Saitama." Fubuki said outloud. "I love you too."

Back in Caleb's world.

"Did the doctor say how long we have to stay in the hospital?" Fubuki asked. "No, but he did say we could leave after we get all our energy back." Caleb said.

Time skip 3 days later day 33

"Alright, you both take care of yourselves." The doctor said both Caleb and Fubuki wave as they both walk out the main entrance.

"After we get home and change, I'm taking you on that date I promised." Fubuki said. Caleb smiles. "You sure are determined to take me on a date." Caleb said.

"Well, of course I would be. I owe it to you." Fubuki said as she grabbed his hand and continued walking beside him.

Time skip after they got home

Fubuki goes to her room and starts looking for a dress. Lily takes Caleb to Eyelashes' room she then starts looking through his wardrobe. "Here, try this on." Lily said. Handing him a black tuxedo with a rose on it.

Caleb takes it to the bathroom and puts the suit on. He comes out of the bathroom in the tux. "How do I look?" Caleb asked.

"You look good here. Let me help you with the tie." Lily said. As she straightens out his tie. "Thanks."

"I bet you shell love the way you look." Lily said. "I hope she does too." Caleb said.

Fubuki grabs her black dress and puts it on she then looks in the mirror. "I'm sure you'll love this."

Fubuki opens the door and heads downstairs. "Where's Caleb?" Fubuki asked. "He just flew out the door." Lily said.

"Dammit, I wanted to see him." Fubuki cursed. "I'll drive you he gave me the restaurant name." Lily said.

Time skip

"Thanks for setting the table im gonna go wait on my girlfriend to get here, then we will be ready to order." Caleb said to the waiter. "Okay, sir."

Time skip 5 minutes later

Lily gets out of the car and opens the back door. Fubuki then steps out. "Have a great time, Miss Blizzard. I'll be sitting right here waiting for you." Lily said as she closed the back door.

"Thanks." Fubuki said as she stepped onto the sidewalk. She looked up and immediately saw him.

"Hi." Fubuki said nervousily. His mouth fell open when he laid eyes on her. Fubuki walks up and stops 3 feet away from him. "You must like what you see."

Caleb snaps out of it by shaking his head. "I d-dont just like it. I love it. You look beautiful. I've never seen you look so beautiful in my entire life." Caleb said. Her cheeks turn pink because of his compliments that he gave her.

"T-Thanks." He extends his hand out to her. Fubuki looked down at his hand and looked back up at him. Fubuki smiles, taking his hand they both walk inside. Caleb let's her hand go and slid the chair back for her. "You're such a gentleman." She sits down he walks over and sits across from her. They both look at the menu.

After a few minutes, the waiter walks up. "You both ready to order?" The waiter asked. "Yes, we are." They both said in unison. He pulls out a notepad and a pin. "What would you like to drink?" He asked

"I'll take some water." Fubuki said. "And what would you like to drink."

"Water as well." Caleb said. "What would you like to eat?" The waiter asked. "I'll go with a salad." Fubuki said. "And what would you like to eat, sir?" He asked

Caleb quickly glared at Fubuki and looked back up to the waiter. "Can I get 2 large steaks please and a large frie."

"Will that all for you two?" He asked. "Yessir," Caleb said as he walked away. *Caleb sighs*

"What's wrong?" Fubuki asked, looking at him. "Why do you always have to watch what you eat?" Caleb asked, looking at her.

"Well, for one, I have to keep this appearance for everyone so they don't talk about how fat I look. And two, my sister would humiliate me for being fat she would call me names like you're a fat pig. Everyone would stop looking up at me as a role model because my skinny body would be gone." Fubuki said, looking down at the table.

Caleb reaches across the table and grabs her hands, which makes her look up at him. "Fubuki, you shouldn't care what others think about your body it's your body, and so what if people don't like the way you look you should love your body just the way it is. Ignore what everyone else says. You don't have to please anybody other than yourself." Caleb said with a smile.

"I have to keep this nice body in shape so you won't leave me because my beautiful body is gone." Caleb tightens his hands around hers. "Fubuki, you still aren't listening to me. I don't care how much weigh or how your body looks I will always love you for who you are even if I had the power to change your looks I wouldn't change a damn thing about you. If someone truly loves you, they won't leave you because you gained a few pounds."

Tears start rolling down her cheeks. "Hey, don't cry, it's okay. You're okay, babe." He said as he let's go of her hands and wiped away her tears. She lifts her right hand and holds his hand to her face. "T-Thank you, Caleb, that really m-means a lot to me." She said in-between sobs.

Caleb immediately stands up and scoots his chair around the table, making a loud  screeching sound. Luckily, there was no one else in the restaurant at the time. He wraps both his arms around her, and she falls into his embrace. "It's okay. Let it all out. I'm here for you, and I always will be." Caleb said, trying to comfort her.

Her sobs we're so loud they could be heard from in the kitchen. "There there it's okay, my little epser."

The waiter walks up. "Here's your water." Caleb motions for him to put it down he does so and leaves.

'That's really sweet of that man to comfort his girlfriend like that.' The waiter thought in his head.

"You're perfect just the way you are." Caleb said.

A few minutes pass by, and she stops crying. She lifts her head to look up and into his eyes. Her makeup was smeared because of her tears.

"You feel better now?" He asked. "I feel a lot better, thanks." Fubuki said as she gave him a smile. "I think you need to go in the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror. Your makeup is smeared." Caleb said.

"Is it bad?" She asked. Caleb pulls out his phone and turns on the camera. Her eyes widen in shock. "Oh my God." She said as she covered her face in a panic. "Hey, calm down. There's no need to panic. Nobody's gonna see you like that."

Fubuki uncovers her face and gets up, running to the bathroom. Caleb sighs and gets up and goes to the women's bathroom.

[And no, Caleb doesn't care about going into the women's bathroom.]

"Do you need me to help Fubuki?" Caleb asked. "No, but thanks, tho." Fubuki said. Caleb leaves the bathroom and sits down at the table.

"I'm glad I get to be helping her instead of somebody else trying to help her." Caleb said to himself outloud.

A few minutes later, she comes out of the bathroom. She sits a back down at the table. "You didn't have to move bath across the table if you don't want to." Fubuki said.

"I know I just want enough room for both of us to eat."

A few minutes later, after the food comes. "Fubuki, if you want, you can have the 2nd steak. I actually got it for you."

Fubuki takes the steak and starts eating. A short while later, they both finish their steak. "So how was it?" Caleb asked.

"It was actually really good. This is my first time ever tasting food this good." Fubuki said.

"Well, I'm glad you little it, babe." Caleb said Caleb got a to go tray for the salad, and Caleb pulled money out of his wallet, paying for the food. "Wait, I thought you didn't have any money?" Fubuki asked.

"You know you get paid for being a hero, so that's how I got money." Caleb said. "Oh, okay, you wanna ride home in the car with me?"

"Of course I will." Caleb said as he smiled. They both got in the car and made their way back home. Meanwhile, somewhere else.

"That moon sure does look nice in the sky." Tatsumaki said

It's currently 6pm thats why she can see the moon.  Something then takes over her mind and body. Tatsumaki starts using all of her power on the moon to try and bring it closer to the earth.

Blood immediately pours down her face, and veins bulge all over her body with how much Tatsumaki is over using her power. Her vision starts getting fuzzy.

Tatsumaki slowly started moving the moon a tiny bit. It moved just enough that the earth's gravity started pulling it inwards.

'Wait, I can feel that my sister is overusing her powers. Why is she doing that?' She questioned herself.

Lily was talking to Fubuki when she saw the moon getting bigger and bigger. Lily immediately stopped talking.

"Lily, are you okay? Why did you stop talking?" Fubuki asked. "Is it just me, or is it the moon getting bigger and bigger by the second?" Lily asked.

Fubuki leans forward and sees the moon getting bigger. "STOP THE CAR!" Lily slams on the breaks. The cars slid across the ground, then finally come to a stop. Fubuki immediately jumps out the car and immediately starts using all her powers, but it doesn't slow it down  much.

The thing that took control of Tatsumaki lets her go. She sees the moon steadily getting closer she immediately knows she needs to stop it before it kills everyone on earth. She started trying to force it back out into space, but it only slowed it down so much.

Caleb gets out of the car and starts going beyond his limits to at least slow it down some. Blood pours from their eyes, nose, and mouth.

Gearspear feels a ton of psychic power being used he walks outside and sees the  moon getting bigger. He starts going all out, and it breaks his helmet.

"As you can see here, folks, the moon is steadily getting closer and closer to earth will the association be able to save us." The news reporter spoke as the video camera films it.

Bofoi sees it on the news. "Perfect, now I can finally test the rocket strength of my robotic army." He hits a button waking all of the up, and he gives them orders they all fly up.

"Wait a minute, what's that flying up into the sky?" The reporter asked the camera man zoomed in, and it showed a whole army of robots lined up. "OH MY GOD, IT'S METAL KNIGHTS ARMY!" He yelled.

Everyone was starting to panic. All the heroes in the association ranks were all watching it unfold all the heroes, knew  none of them could even help at all.

Bofoi hits the button all his robots shoot at the moon, but it had no effect. "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" Everyone screamed.

Bofoi sighs as he hits another button, and all the robots combine into a massive robot, and it flies up to the moon and blasted it's jets at the maximum, trying to push it back out into space but it doesn't help as much as Fubuki's powers are.

Genos sees the alert from the association he tries to wake up Saitama, but to no advail, no matter how much Genos tried, he wouldn't wake up. Genos runs out the door and flies up to it and uses his strongest move, yet he punches it, and it broke off some rocks. Genos then uses his jets at full power.

Drive knight comes in between both metal knight and genos using his boosters at maximum.

It slows the moon down a little bit. But the moon is slowly gaining more and more speed. Both Caleb and Fubuki immediately go way beyond their limits. Fubuki goes almost as far as she did the last time.

The moon gets closer and closer with no hope of stopping. Both Caleb and Fubuki fall to their knees, trying their hardest to stop it.

It slows down even more, but it's not enough. It's gotten so close that it's starting to go up in a fire. The 3 cyborgs couldn't resist the heat, so they all flew out the way.

Caleb hits the emergency button. Blast immediately teleports, in front of them. "Oh my God, what happened to you both."

"T-Turn around." Caleb stuttered. Blast turns around, and his eyes widen. "DIMESION DEATH CANNON!" It hit the meteor, but it only knocked off a chunk the size of a town. "Dammit, what is the moon made of."

"WE'RE DOOMED!" Caleb yelled. "Don't give up just yet. Can't you both charge up your power and blast it?"

"Yes, we can. Why?" They both asked. "Well, we need to hit it with a lot of force in order to try and knock it back into space." Blast said.

"Let's try it." They both stop and start charging up their psychic cannons. All 3 of the cyborgs land where the blue blast came from. "What are you guys doing?" Genos asked.

"Their charging up their cannons so the 3 of us can try to blast the moon back into space." Blast said.

"You're gonna need all the help you can get." Genos said as he started charging his cannon. The other two decide to do the same. "we're all gonna have to work together in order to pull this off." Blast said

"3...2....1 FIRE!" Fubuki yelled all their all attacks hit the moon. It makes 1/8th of it explode. Tatsumaki hits the ground unconscious because of how much she over excerted herself.

Fubuki breathes heavily, fighting to stay awake. "D-Did weeee do itttttt?" Fubuki asked, slurred. "Only a part of it exploded. Blast summons a hyperspace gate in the sky he starts using his powers to make it bigger. It keeps growing until he hits his limit. It's the size of a town he wishes his crew crew could help, but their busy keeping God at bay.

Huge chunks pass through it, but the moon hits it, and the portal can't contain the size of it. The portal calapsed as the moon slowly got closer.

"Shit were all doomed." Caleb manages to force himself off the ground. Fubuki couldn't stay awake any longer. She falls over unconscious. Caleb looks at her and sighs. "Blast tell Fubuki when she wakes up that I've had an amazing time with her and tell her I forgive her for what she did. I love you with all my heart, and I would never have chosen anyone else to be my girlfriend." Caleb said.

"Wait, where do you think you're going!?" He asked seriously. "If I can't stop the moon, get as many people off the planet as you can." And with that, Caleb jumps off the ground at light speed.

"SERIOUS LIGHTSPEED PUNCH!" He yelled at his fist, hit the moon it started cracking but stopped about 1/4 of the way around it. Caleb started burning up on the moon. Tears start streaming down his face. "I WILL NOT LET YOU DESTROY THIS PLANET!" Caleb yelled as a barrier started forming across the sky. 

He keeps on hitting the moon, and every time he hits it, more cracks appear. "I WON'T LET YOU TAKE MY FUBUKI AWAY!" 

He hit it one last time, and it shattered Blast summons two portals and made them stretch across the sky as much as he could so none of it could hit the earth.

After the big chunk hit the barrier. Caleb's plan had worked, but the barrier disappeared as all of it started to rain down on earth. All the heroes started blasting them out of the sky, but there were too many blast started teleporting at light speed, punching them, making them explode.

After a few seconds, all of it was gone. Blast breathed heavily because of how many times he teleported.

Caleb shot down, hitting the ground in front of them, making a crater. "CALEB!"  Blast ran over to him and saw his bones all sticking out of him. His body burned horribly he checked his pulse, but there was none. Blast shoke his head no.

"O-Oh my God n-no." Lily falls to her knees, crying. "I should have stopped him while he was on the ground." Blast said, wiping a tear drop from his eye. "At least he saved the world." Genos said.

"WHERE THE HELL WAS THAT BALD IDOIT!" Blast yelled. "He was knocked out asleep."

Blast sighs. "That idiot slept through all of this?" He asked. "He's a heavy sleeper." Genos responded.

Fubuki wakes up and sees the moon is gonna she gets up off the ground and walks over to them.

"What are you all doing?" Fubuki asked Lily, ran up, and tried to stop her from walking over to the crater. "You don't wanna go over there, trust me." Lily said.

"Move out my way. I wanna see what you're all looking at." Fubuki walks past her she then stops in her tracks when she sees him. CALEB!!!!!!" She ran over to him as fast as she could run. "No No No this can't be happening." She falls to her knees. "SOMEONE GET OVER HERE I DONT HAVE ENOUGH ENERGY TO HEAL HIM!"

Blast gave her his hand she uses his energy to heal his broken and burned body, but it doesn't bring him back to life.

"Caleb told me to tell you that he's had an amazing time with you  for what she did. I forgive you for what you did. He also said he loves you with all his heart, and he would never have chosen anyone else to be his girlfriend." Blast said.

Fubuki lays down beside him, starting to cry she throws her hand over his chest, holding him.

"He sacrificed himself to save the world." Blast said. She turns and looks at him. "SHUT UP JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Fubuki yelled clenching her fist in rage.

"I'm sorry." He said "I DONT WANNA HEAR YOUR APOLOGY JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!"  She yelled super passed off.

"Okay, I'll leave you alone." Blast teleports back to his dimension. The other driveknight and metal knight head back to where they were. "I tried to wake sensi but he wouldn't wake up."

"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!!" She screamed, sending out a Shockwave hitting him back. He nods his head and heads back to Saitama's apartment. "You want me to help put him in the car, Mrs.blizard?" Lily asked.

"J-Just go back home. I wanna be left alone." Fubuki responded. "But how will you get home?"

"I SAID I WANNA BE ALONE SO GO!" Lily runs away crying she gets into the car and drives away.

Fubuki rolls back over and looks at him. She then pulls him closer. "Why does everything always happen to me. Everything we get further into the relationship, something always happens." Fubuki said, crying into his shoulder.

A little bit later, she falls asleep holding him in her arms.

Meanwhile, Tatsumaki starts waking up. She looks up and into the sky and sees it's gone. "What the where'd it go?"

Tatsumaki weakly stands up to her feet and starts walking back to her house, but she then collapses to the ground in pain, holding her side.

Fubuki immediately wakes up feeling her sister is in pain, so she gets up to her feet and uses her powers to lift Caleb's body up.

"I'm coming, sis." Fubuki said as she flied off towards her house. Timeskip after she arrives.

"SIS!" Fubuki yelled as she flied up to her. "Are you okay?" Fubuki asked.

"I hurt my back when I passed out." Tatsumaki responded. Fubuki looks up at her face and sees dried blood. "Why do you have blood on your face?" Fubuki questioned.

"I was trying my hardest to stop the moon from coming into earth's atmosphere." Tatsumaki responded.

"How did it even start heading towards earth?" Fubuki asked. Tatsumaki looks at the ground, thinking. "I honestly dont even know." 

Fubuki starts thinking. 'What the hell could have moved something so massive.... unless she lied to me about not moving it. No No No, she can't be that strong unless it just took a little bit to make it heads towards the earth.'

Fubuki's mood changes. "You're lying to me, aren't you?" Fubuki asked. "No, no, no, I would never lie to you about something like that." She nervously responded while scratching the back of her head. Fubuki starts getting mad. "You're a horribe fucking liar." Fubuki responded she then starts floating in the air. "YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING PAY FOR KILLING MY MAN!!!!!!!" Fubuki screamed at the top of her lungs in rage.

"I DIDN'T DO IT I WAS TRYING TO STOP IT FROM COMING TO EARTH!" Tatsumaki yelled back. Fubuki lifts her up with her powers and starts trying to twist her. But it doesn't work because of how strong she is.

Fubuki realized that her powers weren't gonna work on her, so she landed back on the ground. She then jumped forward  as fast as she could run with her drained body.

Tatsumaki had enough time to throw up a strong barrier about the time she was fixing the hit her. Fubuki's fist hit the barrier, and it sent them both flying back.

Tatsumaki starts to get up. Fubuki runs up and was fix to hit her again when a car hits her out of the way.

Fubuki slowly gets up to her feet. Tatsumaki walks out in the open so she can see her. "Fubuki, just hear me out, please. I beg of you." Tatsumaki pleaded.

"You got 5 seconds to explain." Fubuki said in a half calm manner.

"I had looked up at the moon and said it looked pretty the next thing I know. I'm floating in the sky using all my power to bring it towards earth. The thing is, I don't even remember any of it until I started pushing it back with everything I had."

"So you're telling me you don't remember floating up in the air and using your powers to bring it towards earth?" Fubuki asked. "No, I don't remember it's like I got controlled by someone."

Fubuki's mood changes back to normal. "Wait, does this mean someone can by pass your mind control resistance?" Fubuki asked.

"I guess they did because I wasn't even aware that I was using my powers on the moon." Tatsumaki said.

"I'm sorry I went after you, sis." Fubuki apologized. "It's okay. I don't blame you now. Where did you leave Caleb's body?" Tatsumaki asked.

"I left him propped up against your house." Fubuki responded. "You can take him inside my place if you want."

"I will." She said. After they brought him inside, Fubuki lays him down on the living room table. She starts tearing up. Tatsumaki walks over and pats her shoulder. "How did he die?" Tatsumaki asked. "He died sarcifing himself to save the earth." As soon as Fubuki said that his body disappeared right out of thin air.

"WHAT THE!" They both yelled. The front door opens, and Caleb walks in. He stands there looking at them. Both Fubuki and Tatsumaki turn around they both freeze in place.

Fubuki barely manages to say. "C-Caleb?" Her heart started thumping. "Why do you guys look like you've seen a ghost?" Caleb asked. Fubuki immediately runs up, hugging him. She then starts crying into his shoulder. "Please don't ever leave me again."

He wraps his arms around her. "I never left you, baby." Caleb said in a calm and gentle manner.

"I don't understand how the hell are you alive? We just saw you were lying on the table dead?" Tatsumaki asked.

Fubuki pulls her head back to look into his eyes. "You both might wanna sit down for this." Tatsumaki walks over and sits down. Fubuki wipes away her tears and goes to the couch to sit down. Caleb walks in front of them and sits down on the table.

"The dead me you saw was actually a clone of myself. I cloned myself right before the moon hit the barrier I flew out the way." Caleb said.

"You can clone yourself, but how?" Fubuki asked. "I gained a new ability when we pushed ourselves past our limits when we fought evil Saitama." Caleb said.

Fubuki's mouth drops open in total shock. "You had this new ability and  never thought about telling me?" Fubuki asked.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it sooner. It's just that I didn't know how to tell you without you freaking out." Caleb said, looking away from them.

"Well, next time, just tell me you it broke my heart knowing you died." Fubuki said, starting to tear up again. Caleb leans forward and grabs her right hand. "Next time I will, baby." Caleb said as he smiled at her.

The thing that took control of her takes control yet again. Tatsumaki then sends Fubuki flying through the wall. Caleb immediately stands up.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TATSUMAKI!?" Caleb yelled. Fubuki comes back inside, holding her face with her hand.

"GET AWAY FROM HER ITS NOT TATSUMAKI!" Fubuki yelled. "What do you mean it's not h-"? He was cut short by getting punched in the face it sends him crashing into the wall.

Caleb's eyes widen when he looks back at her. He sees her eyes glowing red, and her veins are bulging all over her body. Caleb stands up and gets in a fighting stance.

"YOU FOOLS! DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU COULD BEAT ME? WELL, YOU'RE WRONG!" Tatsumaki said in a deep voice. It sends shivers down Caleb's spine.

Fubuki jumps forward with her remaining energy. "EXPLODING HEART RELEASE FIST!" Fubuki yelled.

[The reason why she can't use none of her more deadly attacks is because she still hasn't gained her energy back.]

She catches her fist with only 1 finger. "You're weak compared to me." Tatsumaki said as she grabbed her arm and slammed her face first into the ground. Caleb jumps forward at lightning speed. "LIGHTNING SPEED PUNCH!" He yelled as it hit her through the wall.

"Are you okay?" Caleb asks. "I'm fine, and I have a plan on how to beat her." Fubuki said.

"What's your plan?" Caleb asks. "I'll give you my remaining energy so you can summon a psychic cannon. Don't worry, I'll buy you enough time to charge it up." Fubuki said.

"Okay, let's do it." Caleb helps her up, and she gives him the remaining energy she has. Tatsumaki walks back inside. "I admit you're strong, but unfortunately, it's not enough to kill me." She said as she floated up into the air. "PSYCHIC STRIKE!" They both immediately jump apart as it hits the ground.

Caleb starts powering up the psychic cannon. Fubuki jumps forward and hits her to the wall. Fubuki runs up, fixing to hit her when she gets hit to the wall by a couch. Tatsumaki flew over to her. Fubuki spits blood out of her mouth and weakly gets up.

"What's wrong? You are giving up on me already." She taunted. "ILL NEVER GIVE UP ON SOMEONE LIKE YOU!" Fubuki yelled, jumping forward, aiming for her head, but she side steps, making it miss. Tatsumaki then flicks her into the wall.

Before Fubuki starts getting up, Tatsumaki flew over and put her foot down on her head. She then starts applying more pressure. Fubuki tries as much as she can to get up, but Tatsumaki is using her powers on her body.

Fubuki's head starts hurting with each second that goes by. "Come on, you really gonna let me beat you this easily?"

"I wasn't trying to beat you. I was only buying him some time." Fubuki said as she smiled.

"PSYCHIC CANNON!" He yelled, shooting a big amount of psychic energy at her. Tatsumaki turns her head. "Wait, WHA-!" She got cut off as the attack hit her through the wall.

Fubuki slowly gets up to her feet but stumbles back, fixing to fall, but Caleb quickly runs up and catches her. "It's okay. I got you."

"Let's go see if the attack worked." Fubuki said. "Here, I'll sit you on the broken couch."

After caleb sat her down on the couch he then walks outside and saw an unconscious Tatsumaki. He picks her up and carries her inside.

"Your plan worked. I'm proud I have an incredibly smart girlfriend like you." Caleb said to Fubuki as he walked around the couch. He then lays Tatsumaki on the table and sits down on beside Fubuki.

"Once, when she wakes up, we're gonna have to decide what to do with her it's like she has DID."

"What's DID?" Fubuki asked. "It's dissociative identity disorder. it's where a person has two or more personalities." Caleb responded.

"Oh, I didn't know that, sorry." Fubuki rubs the back of her head, embarrassed. "Hey, it's okay. You didn't know what it meant." Caleb said.

"Never mind about waiting till she wakes up because that thing or whatever it is could still have control over her." Caleb said. "Okay, so where do you think we could put her she's too strong for anything to hold her." Fubuki responded.

"Oh, I know we should get Blast he should know what to do." Caleb said. He then hits the button sending an alert to him.

"Sorry you guys, I got to go again." Blast said as he teleported. "Oh my god, what happened to you both?" He asked in a serious tone.

Caleb points at Tatsumaki's unconscious body. "She attacked you. Why?" He asked, confused.

"Something took over her mind she had told me it happened before." Caleb's eyes widen in shock. "Wait, it's happened to her before, but you didn't bother to tell me beforehand?" Caleb asked.

"I never had enough time to before she chang-." she got cut off by Tatsumaki sending her to the wall.

Blast immediately looks at Tatsumaki and sees that same thing he saw when he saw God. He immediately summoned chains and grabbed her wrists and legs, restraining her from moving.

"Ah, so we meet yet again, Blast." Tatsumaki said. "Are you okay, Fubuki?" Caleb asked. "Yeah, I'm okay." Caleb helps her to her feet. "Why are you controlling her?" Blast asked.

"If you really wanna know so bad, I want to kill all the pathetic life forms and create a new world full of monsters." Tatsumaki said.

"Well, not if I got anything to say about it." Blast said. "Who is controlling my sister?" Fubuki asked. "God's the one controlling your sisters mind."

"G-God?" Fubuki stuttered. "Yes, I'm God, and I'm the most powerful being in all of existence." God said.

"How are we gonna force him out of her head?" Caleb asked. "HAHAHAHAHA YOU THINK YOU COULD FORCE ME OUT OF HER HEAD I WOULD LOVE TO SER YOU TRY." God said.

Blast puts his hand on Tatsumaki's head and uses his powers to push God out of her head. "That should keep him out of her head for a while." Blast said as Tatsumaki's head fell forward.

"How do we stop him from gaining control of her again?" Caleb asked. "I don't know he shouldn't have been able to get inside her head that easily she has mind control resistance."

"Does that mean he can take control of us anytime he gets ready?" Fubuki asked.

"Yes, sadly unless you both can somehow manage to make your minds stronger." Blast said. "Well, I already  have been training my mind ever since I was a little kid." Fubuki said.

"I'm proud of you now. If you excuse me, I have to go back and help my crew keep him at bay before he really tries to come to earth." Blast said, summoning a portal.

"Good luck." They both said he waves as he walks through the portal.

Tatsumaki falls to the ground unconscious. "When she wakes up, we all need to start making our mind resistance stronger." Fubuki said.

End of chapter 33
With 6140 words.

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