Attacking Aggressively

By ArthurDFreight

42 0 0

The year is 2028, society is frustrating and competitive. Anyone who has a fair sum of money can buy an andro... More



1 0 0
By ArthurDFreight

I decide to install the program for handling heavy firearms, the fighting basics 1-3 and the grip optimizer, which is technically not a combat program, but may still come in handy. Sam and Eve are still browsing the programs, so I decide to start off without further redue. Yet, nothing happens when I touch the programs with my left hand, even separately. Is this because my arm fell off and had to be put back again? Nothing happens when I let the cartridges touch my neck either. Sam and Eve face the same problem once they have chosen their programs, so this cannot be due to my incident.

- Why won't the programs install? Sam asks the rest of us, as though everything should obviously run easily.

- These programs are outdated, Eve explains. After reaching the factory and believing that the programs did not exist, we finally found them, only to learn that our systems are too fresh to handle them!

- That explains the system update that introduced anti-violenceware, Sam explains.

- So our software is programmed to ignore these programs? I ask Eve.

- It seems so, is her response. So there is no way to make use of these programs that we travelled past a whole country just to get. Only a moment ago, we did not even think there were any such programs in the factory, which only makes it a greater disappointment now that we have actually found the programs and hence proved their existence. I can only read my code, but I cannot alter it, even with every last unit of willpower I have. The box however, the grey metal box might be a computer, maybe even one strong enough to remove the 'anti-violenceware'. I flip the most obvious switch, and the device boots up instantly. If the tiny laptop Fred Geape used was strong enough to burn our trackers and ID numbers out, this way bigger computer can surely remove our 'anti-violenceware'.

- What is that? Sam asks med, and actually sounds interested.

- A computer of some kind, I think, answer him, suggesting that we use it to remove the anti-violenceware.

Both Sam and Eve seem to agree it sounds like a good idea. I understand Eve, but I would find it more surprising that Sam would be the first to connect himself to the computer, allowing us to see his entire code. Even if we do not see that much code relevant to Sam's personal traits, it still feels kind of weird to look at someone... through their code. I comprehend far from everything, but the 'anti-violenceware' does not seem to occur as a full program, but have its code spread into different segments. If we were to delete all of rows where these segments appear, which the door would never hold for, many of Sam's functions would go lost. Sam would turn unstable, if he would even work at all.

Out of desperation, Eve starts to search the computer's files, and then she finds something called "INSTANT DELETER OF ANTI-VIOLENCEWARE", which I suppose is an instant deleter of 'anti-violenceware'. Eve and I read through a small text file with the name "INSTANT DELETER OF ANTI-VW" which is in the same folder called "IDOAVW", which probably means 'Instant Deleter Of "Anti- ViolenceWare". The text file says the following:


Instant deleter of anti-violenceware

To execute, press any letter key while holding [ctrl] + [alt] and clicking the icon. This will activate a worm, which will spread across the entire code of the unit to test for anti-violenceware. These parts of the code will be replaced by <fill_func>, a command with no other function than to keep the rest of the code stable.

Caution: Do not use on android with low battery

(c) 2023 PunchINC, cheddarMaster85


I check my battery level, and I would not really call it low just yet. It is at 32%, so I should be able to execute the instant deleter of anti-violenceware without any trouble.

- Have you found anything? Sam asks us.

- Yes, a program that will remove the anti-violenceware, I explain.

- Where is your current battery level at? Eve asks Sam.

- It's 34%, he explains. Before I have had the time to comprehend anything, Eve activates the worm, and all I can do is focus my eyes on Sam. Before anything has happened to our friend, a window pops up on the computer screen.


                                                                    YES | NO

Eve clicks "YES", and then I turn my face to Sam automatically. He carefully unplugs himself from the computer, and makes a new attempt to install one of his programs. He seems a little perplexed at first, but soon shows off some kicks and punches. I cannot help but to cast a smile upon Sam, even Eve smiles in her own way.

- After you, Eve tells me, and hands over the wire to me.

I plug myself in, and Eve unleashes the worm in me. It feels strange. It feels like I am loss8ng a whole lot of content, which nearly makes the inside ready to fall, but then the emptiness is filled with something new. It must be the so-called <fill_func> which has no function than to occupy space among the rest of the code. I try to tighten my fist, which I do without any complications whatsoever. I am sure I could do that before, so I am going to need a more distinct test. I try to touch the back of my head carefully, and I actually manage to touch it.

- Don't do that! Eve tells me, and by a gesture full of authority she sweeps me away from the computer to plug herself in. Before handing me any further orders, she reminds me that I die if my brain leaves my head even for a moment.

I then activate the worm at Eve's command, and she shows off her programs once her movement lock has ceased. I prepare my weapon while Eve and Sam test their new moves.

- When should I hit someone? Sam asks us.

- As soon as someone prevents you from proceeding forward, you should hit them, Eve explains to Sam.

- But do not hit us, I tell Sam, whose nodding makes it seem obvious. The door falls, and the soldiers rush inside. I hold my rifle up, and pull the trigger down. Bullets fly ahead of me, and soldiers fall down with bleeding holes on their bodies. I am paralyzed by the sight of injured humans, but Eve hits me gently and reminds me that we should get going. Let us get out of here, Eve tells me and Sam, and we both nod.

We run through a crowd of soldiers. Sam knocks one down, and Eve takes stranglehold of another soldier whom she throws away. It looks pretty fantastic. I shoot forward while soldiers run towards me and fire their guns. Eve grabs my hand, and leads both me and Sam through the door to the factory corridor. Suddenly, a soldier manages to grab my rifle, so I kick him in the stomach. He falls to the floor, screaming in pain. I use the rifle to shoot a few men down, even those who hesitate to attack me. I am not the victim anymore. This is a powerful feeling that I have never had the chance to feel before, it feels like I finally have my vengeance for all the pain I have ever been put through. Every hit from Damian, every time I have been chased either by the Royal Civil Defence or by military, every time that I have lost. It is still kind of pointless to get my revenge on these individuals, who have made themselves guilty of far from all my suffering. If it would not have been for them, we would still have Adam with us, now that we have succeeded at last. Hence, it is still satisfying, in a slight, quite big rate.

I take back that last sentence. I do not want to hurt anyone who is not necessary to hurt. It feels terrible to see people lie completely still, even worse knowing that it is on your account. Under these circumstances however, it is either them or us, and of course we are fighting for our own cause. But do we really deserve to live more than they do? They are the ones who are attacking us, so they should understand we are just defending ourselves.

- PD! Sam cries to me, and then I notice that he has tackled down a soldier whom he got into a fight with.

- That was close, Eve tells me and Sam, she then looks at me and explains that I stood completely still all sudden.

Sam seems to have conquered his opponent, or at least he has managed to scare them just enough to be able to flee.

- That way! Eve shouts, and leads us through a so-far empty corridor.

On the way through the corridor, about twenty soldiers appear. They shoot at us, but I am still capable of taking more bullets than they are, which gives me a great advantage. The soldiers who were in front fall down, and their cohorts run over their bodies. I try to shoot them, but it does not work anymore. I am out of ammunition! Some of the soldiers are smiling, it is a mad, nervous smile rather than a sadistic one. They have got plently of ammunition, which they let us know.

I manage to take down a few soldiers, and I see Sam and Eve manage to do the same. We are really just trying to get through the mass of soldiers without losing our lives. I barely make it out from the cluster of human foes before I begin to feel the pain from all the bullets that I have hit me. Both Sam and Eve are covered with wounds, or injuries since they are both robots and do not possess human bodies. As a matter of fact, neither do I, so I guess I do not suffer any injuries either.

- Are you guys... okay? Eve asks us.

- It hurts, but I feel alright, Sam tells her.

- Honestly, the unbearable pain is worth it, I tell the others.

- You're right. Now come on, there is no reason to stay here any longer, Sam tells us.

- Now that we are able to defend ourselves, we could rescue Adam, Eve suggests in modest enthusiasm, and Sam agrees. I agree as well, even though Adam was acting oddly around me. However, there are still hundreds of soldiers waiting outside the factory, and they are everywhere, so we cannot just sneak out through the backdoor.

- They're out of ammo, someone tells someone else and nods, before putting their tool of communication down.

A rain of bullets swarms us, and we do our best to take cover. Once were down and unable to move for some time, the whole army marches towards us, and we are soon picked up.

Sam, Eve and I are pulled up by one soldier each. Sam is quite fast to punch his soldier in the face, which unfortunately just leads to fifteen soldiers coming to collaborate in beating him up. I get myself free from my soldier pretty quickly, and Eve is not too far behind me. I get a hold one of the soldiers in order to make the others less willing to attack me, and once I have some space I kick him in the stomach and rush further on. Even Eve grabs a soldier, whom in confusion accidentally knocks down one of his own. Another soldier knocks him down however, and the three cohorts burst out in a fight themselves between.

Now that we are left unwatched, Eve and I take on the soldiers who are beating up Sam. I take down one of them, and Eve throws away another. I kick the next soldier over to Eve, whom takes stranglehold of him. Eve then slaps one of the soldiers closest to Sam, which gives our friend the opportunity to his last suppressors down and get up. However, they keep on coming, and by time they are getting even more difficult to evade. I bring one down, but then three new ones approach. I am sure that I recognize some of the newcomers as soliders I have beaten down and now long for revenge. It turns quite chaotic, and in the end I am just hitting anything that gets close. Nobody is shooting at us any longer, which is probably because we are all surrounded by a whole bunch of people. Either that or they are assured of their victory and hence refrain from wasting ammunition on us.

Among the angry mass hunting us down, there are a few who decide to flee, which annoys the bravest individuals something greatly. I get to see Sam in the riot for a short period of time, as he fights using some really odd techniques. He spins around, kicks and grabs a soldier whom he swings above his head and then pound to the ground. It reminds me a little of this movie that Damian and I once saw on television, it was about this slender boy who fought in away that resembles the way Sam fights right now. As another soldier approaches him from behind, and Sam raises his fists as if he had noticed. But then suddenly, he stands completely still.

- No... he says quietly in a voice that slowly fades. He then falls to the ground.

- Sam! I cry after him, but he does not respond. A few soldiers turn away from me, and help carrying Sam away.

It is first now that I see Eve in the heat of the battle, as she is kicking a soldier down. Eve she starts standing inanimate, just as Sam just did.

- Eve! What is going on? I ask her.

- Out of power, Eve says very quickly, before falling to the ground as well. She does not surrender as quickly as Sam, even as she falls, she keeps her battle-ready pose. I look at my battery level, which is running quite low as well. I only have 3% left. There is no source of energy nearby, except possibly in the factory. I cannot save Sam or Eve, but I guess it is better that I go free than all of us ending up captured. However, we have been captured before, and with luck on our side, we have broken out. If I go free this time and they do not, they might not be able to get out. However, I was not the one to set us free, I must find Guys Against Sadism so they can help me take my friends back. Yes, that is my best option at the moment.

I start to run towards the factory, now with all the soldiers after me. I am currently inside the storage room with all the boxes, I reach the corridors. There are soldiers in here, they must have waited for me, or for us. They surround me. IKant' reachTheFactory. 1%. SoldER shoT.

<IndividualTag = "soldier">          <ItemTag = "gun">

<{shot}PAIN {APSpressure/APScm2} = 60%> <APS = 10%>

<Batterylevel = 0%> <execute "Shutdown">

< >

< >

< >

< >


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