Digimon Adventure~Summer Camp...

By ArashiKae5683

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Arashi Kaida was just your average everyday 10-year-old girl when she and seven other kids got sucked into a... More

And So It Begins
The Birth of Greymon and Hudiemon
Biyomon Gets Firepower
Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker
Togemon in Toy Town
Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo
Evil Shows His Face
Subzero Ice Punch!
A Clue From The Digi-Past
The Dancing Digimon
DigiBaby Boom
The Legend of the Digidestined and The Princess of Harmony
Departure for a New Continent
The Dark Network of Etemon
The Arrival of SkullGreymon
The Crest of Sincerity
The Piximon Cometh
The Prisoner of the Pyramid
The Earthquake of MetalGreymon
Home Away from Home
Forget About It!
WereGarurumon's Diner
No Questions, Please
Princess Karaoke and Princess Harmony
Sora's Crest of Love
Black and White the Crest of Stars
Partner's Divided?!
X-Scratch and Whipping Waves
The Gateway to Home
It's All in the Cards
Return to Highton View Terrace
Memory Database
Almost Home Free
The Ninth Digivice
Gatomon Comes Calling
Out On the Town
The Ninth Child Revealed
Flower Power
City Under Siege
Wizardmon's Gift
The Battle for Earth
Enter the Dark Masters
Sea-Sick and Tired
Under Pressure
Playing Games
Trash Day
The Ultimate Clash.
Etemon's Comeback Tour
Ogremon's Honor
My Sister's Keeper
Follow the Brightest Crest
Joe's Battle
In a Field of Lilies
The Crest of Friendship
Piedmon's Last Jest
Now Apocalymon
The Fate of Two Worlds

What Lurks in the Dark

61 1 0
By ArashiKae5683

Arashi continued down the path despite Tai's shouts of protest, and to ensure that she didn't attempt to turn back Arashi picked up her speed and didn't stop until her lungs screamed for her to stop. She had to leave, she had to, it was the only way the voices would leave her alone... at least that's what she believed. 'Look at the little coward. Running from your problems again? Hahaha.' The voices had become one deafening boom at this point. A deep mocking tone that reverberated around in her head that wouldn't stop tormenting her. 'Allying with Homeostasis are we?' "No!" Arashi replied, holding her head in pain as she leaned against a tree. 'Yes, you are! You're aligning yourself with the very being who abandoned you? Who left you to rot, who left Meicoomon to rot? The same being who caused all of these problems.'

"Stop it, stop please," Arashi begged. 'I can only imagine how it must feel knowing that while you and the others suffer such agonizing wars, the one who's supposed to fix it is sitting by in their dog house and reveling in the chaos.' The voice continued and Arashi began smacking the back of her head against the tree. "Get out of my head. Leave me alone!" She exclaimed as the voice's booming laughter filled her mind again. 'The only way to rid yourself of me is to come see me yourself. You remember the way don't you?' The voice asked as Arashi vigorously shook her head in denial. 'Nonsense! If you remember Homeostasis then you remember I!' The voice boomed as a dark smoke wrapped itself around Arashi's neck restraining her to the tree.

'Now repent!' The voice boomed its words repeating countless times as the invisible tether grew tighter. As if sensing something in the air Meicrackmon's ears perked up as the feline creature began sniffing the air. After a moment she growled deeply and turned to the area behind Arashi, slicing away the surrounding foliage with a single blow. Although the tree fell, the tether around Arashi's neck remained as the girl fell to her knees coughing and gasping. It was at that moment that the phone Maki had given to her began to ring from inside her bag. Realizing what the phone's purpose was Arashi fumbled for the device and answered the call. As soon as Arashi answered the phone both the voice and tether disappeared and the girl leaned back and caught her breath.

If it weren't for the destroyed foliage and Arashi's labored breathing one would've never known what had happened there. Arashi turned to the phone in her hand intending to inspect the device for any clues as to how it resolved the issue only to find the screen was pitch black and shattered. After allowing herself another moment of respite Arashi stood back up and continued on her path or at least she would have had the path still been there. Without any warning, Arashi had found herself in a terrible place opposite to the Digital World. The sound of waves crashing against rocks, an endless expanse of black and grey, a lighthouse in the distance which only darkened the world with its pitch black rays and the suffocating feeling of decay and hopelessness.

That is how one would describe this world, the world which was devoid of light, the world known as The Dark Ocean. A world that Arashi once wished she would never find herself in again. "Ah, there you are. I was wondering how much longer you'd keep me waiting my dear." Dr. Nishimura greeted Arashi with a bright smile. However, upon seeing the building that stood behind Dr. Nishimura, Arashi froze in place. A word one may have used to describe her at that moment would be emotionless, but the sparking of her digivice revealed an unseen turmoil happening inside.

"Don't be afraid. When we're out, I'll take you to buy donuts." The girl smiled, looking at the boy beside her. She attempted to draw the shape of a donut in the air, but her bruise-covered arms were trembling to the point her drawing ended up looking more like a catawampus heart. The boy remained silent, his teal eyes remained locked on the ceiling in a daze. "If you're worried about money you don't need to be, Kyoko will give me some." She continued, knowing that the boy was listening to her despite his silence. Still, the girl strained to pull on his hand, interlacing her fingers with his. "You don't need to be afraid anymore. I'll protect you." She vowed as the boy turned to look at her.

As he looked into her determined eyes for the first time he saw a light shining in them, a light that made the orchid and lemon hues in her eyes shine that much brighter. Slowly the corners of the boy's lips turn upward and for the first time, a smile appears on his own face. Seeing the boy smile the girl giggled and pressed her forehead to his, his blonde locks tickling her cheeks, her rosy hair entangling with his. Suddenly, the door to the room flung open with such force it hit the wall with a loud crash. A group of people wearing doctors' coats take hold of the boy and drag him away, the girl attempts to reach for him only to be jabbed in the side with an electric baton and forced in the opposite direction.

"So excited to see me, you've been shocked into silence?" The doctor's cheerful voice snapped Arashi from her memories. "What..." the girl's voice seemed to cut out and she froze for a moment before continuing, "is that doing here?" "Oh, you mean this place?" Dr. Nishimura questioned, glancing at the building behind him. It was a drab and broken building, turned sinister by the lack of light, or perhaps it seemed worse in Arashi's mind than it truly was. "What else would I mean?" Arashi sneered as Dr. Nishimura sighed. "Must you always be so hostile? It was here when I got here, how should I know?" Dr. Nishimura stepped forward while reaching for something in his coat pocket, at the same time Meicrackmon growled and stood in front of Arashi protectively. Bang! The crack of a gun firing rang through the air.

Behind Arashi, a disfigured creature let out a blood-curdling screech and fell to the ground with a sickening thud. "Come now, we have much to talk about and I'd rather take my chances with tetanus than whatever that was." Dr. Nishimura said, pocketing the gun in his lab coat and motioning for Arashi to follow him into the building. Arashi glanced at the creature behind her before turning to Meicrackmon and giving a slight nod as the feline dedigivolved. "Arashi?" Meicoomon questioned as Arashi chuckled slightly. "As much as I hate doctors, he had a point. I'd rather be stuck with Dr. Nishimura for protection than leave you at the mercy of those things." Arashi replied, picking Meicoomon up and holding her tightly to her chest. Giving Meicoomon her best smile, Arashi followed Dr. Nishimura into the dilapidated building.

"Now, into the exam room if you would. You avoided me before, but you can't escape now." There was a lilt in the doctor's tone as he opened the door to some sort of medical examination room. Arashi immediately froze upon entering because in the center of the room was a large metal table with leather straps. "Go on, it's not my intention to restrain you as long as you don't bite like last time. You know as well as I that this isn't my facility." Dr. Nishimura nudged Arashi towards the table as her grip on Meicoomon tightened with every step. "Now, let's begin. Two days ago, in Earth time, the memories of your past were returned by the Agency. Yes or no?" "Yes." "Do you believe there to be any issue in these memories?" "...."

"I'll repeat, do you believe there to be any issues with your memory?" Dr. Nishimura had picked up a clipboard from a bag on one of the counters, presumably his which had been brought from Earth. "...Maybe," Arashi stated after a moment. "Explain." "I... can't remember why I hate this place. I can't remember ever being here. I just hate it. I can barely remember anything from before I moved away from Highton View Terrace four years ago." Arashi explained. "And what about your name?" Dr. Nishimura asked as Arashi froze. "My... name?" She repeated, opening and closing her mouth in an attempt to answer. Usually, there was a feeling inside her chest or something resting on the tip of her tongue that would just come rolling out when she was asked questions about her past.

Once she said it, she'd either remember it or the person who asked would be satisfied and drop the topic. That wasn't the case this time, there was nothing, only this feeling of emptiness, and emptiness that grew with each passing day. "I'm waiting." "I-I don't remember my name," Arashi confessed. "Do you remember anything about your parents? Your life before you were adopted by Kyoko and Ellen?" Dr. Nishimura continued with the questions and Arashi answered truthfully. Her birth parents? She had been under the assumption Kyoko and Ellen adopted her when she was a baby. Her original home? Again not a single clue. How did she end up being adopted? Triple nope. Her original trip to the Digital World? Bits and pieces but mainly a gut-wrenching feeling that it was her fault whenever something went wrong.

Dr. Nishimura let out a hum of disappointment at the end of the questioning, clearly dissatisfied with Arashi's answers. Setting the clipboard aside, Dr. Nishimura walked over to Arashi and began giving her a routine check-up as if this was merely a doctor's visit. "Have you broken your wrist recently?" Dr. Nishimura noticed the resistance in her wrist when he rotated it. "Shortly before Devimon. So a couple of days in the real world but a couple months taking in the time difference." Arashi replied, pulling her arm away and massaging the inside of her wrist with her thumb. "Due to the shock of going back and forth between worlds, your healing process has stunted." Dr. Nishimura started making a note on his clipboard.

"If we're to keep sending you back and forth we'll have to start a training regimen to strengthen your body. I wonder whether your volatile state is caused by your incompatibility to certain elements on Earth or incompatibilities here in the Digital Word." Dr. Nishimura muttered, placing the clipboard down and continuing his inspection. At the end of it all there was no sigh, just a few short scribbles on the clipboard before walking back over to Arashi. "Last but not least, let's see that wound of yours." Dr. Nishimura reached for the bandage around Arashi's neck only for the girl to duck away from his touch. "...not....necessary," Arashi muttered protectively holding the side of her neck. "The blood seeping through the bandages says otherwise." Hearing this Arashi pulled her hand away only to see a crimson smear across her palm.

The crimson liquid dripped from the little girl's mouth and into her palm as she fell to her knees coughing. Her rosy-colored hair blocked her line of sight as more fumes filled the room and the other children around her began coughing up the same colored liquid. Some of the more fragile-looking ones were only able to cough a couple of times before falling completely limp while others fell to the ground with loud thuds and began twitching and moaning out in pain. The girl struggled to push herself back up onto her feet, gripping at the grooves in the wall for support. 'The door!' she thought to herself. If only she could get to the door, then she'd be free. Using the wall as support the girl lumbered her way to the door reaching for the handle only for her heart to plummet. It was locked.

The sounds of coughing and groaning from the other children were dimming, there wasn't any time left. This was just like the other 'games' those scientists liked to play with them, only the last one left was able to leave the room. The girl had rarely been part of these games, she must've done something either terribly right or horrifically wrong to be chosen for this game. In the beginning, she didn't understand why she wouldn't see the other kids from the games anymore after it was over, but by now she knew exactly why. They didn't have to play the games anymore; they were failures and just like the masked man had said when she'd first arrived 'failures didn't deserve to play the game'.

The girl's body was burning, her legs were giving out from beneath her once more and her vision was turning back, but she clutched onto the handle like it was a lifesaver in the middle of the ocean. She tried shaking, jiggling, yanking, pushing, and anything else she could muster in an attempt to open the door. She had to win, she had to, she made a promise... She made a promise to protect him. She had to get back. She had to. But all she was able to do anymore was cough and choke. Cough up the all too familiar crimson liquid that had been splattered all across the room. Choke on the noxious fumes around her as her throat got tighter and tighter and tighter—

"Arashi!" Meicoomon's cry of worry brought Arashi back to the present. "Let go. You can let go now." Dr. Nishimura gently placed his hand atop the ones Arashi had wrapped around her own neck. "You can let go now." Dr. NIshimura repeated as Arashi's grip loosened and her hands fell to her sides like a limp doll. Meicoomon sat on Arashi's lap worriedly looking up at the girl as she caught her breath. "Are you okay?" Meicoomon asked as Arashi spoke. "I... I believe my bandages need to be changed."

Ellen frowned as the headlines popped up on her screen. 'Young Girls Struck With Sudden Anemia May Not Recover.' 'Sudden Anemia Outbreak Leaves Four In The ICU And Three Comatose.' "Reading those things is only going to make your relationship with her worse." Kyoko's voice called from behind. Ellen turned around in her desk chair to find her sister lending against the doorframe a discontented look across her face. "I'm so sorry for caring about her health," Ellen replied as Kyoko scoffed. "Oh please, all you're worried about is how this is going to affect her future." "At least one of us is! She has no reason to get involved in the affairs of these people! All it has done is cause her pain and strife!" Ellen exclaimed.

"Whether or not she should be involved is up to her, we have no right to interfere with her choices." "So what? We should just trust that a ten-year-old girl who would put the life of a butterfly before her own will make the correct decision?" "Only she knows what's best for her," Kyoko stated calmly only enraging Ellen more. "After all she has been through because of these... these... disgusting creatures?!" Ellen shot out of her chair. "Yes, I may be rough on her. Yes, I may be too focused on her future. And yes, I may be overbearing, but at least I actually try to parent her. Never once have you disciplined her. Never once have you put your foot down. Never once have you done anything to protect her!" Ellen jabs a finger into Kyoko's chest with each accusation.

"All you do is sit around and watch as this world destroys her bit by bit. We were tasked with protecting her until the day she can return home and all you do is sit around like a glorified gargoyle. You're no better than Mich–" "Don't you ever compare me to him! After all, he's done to us?!" Kyoko snaps grabbing Ellen by the collar. "If it weren't for him and his foolish ideals none of this would have ever happened." Kyoko seethed. "If you have such an investment in her future, why are you here and not watching to see what happens? You have cameras all around the city recording so why not go out and see for yourself?" Kyoko asks. "I could say the same to you." Ellen counters, meeting Kyoko's gaze with a neutral expression. "Why are you here yelling at me rather than waiting out there with Daigo and Luke?"

Kyoko releases Elen's collar before walking over to the window, looking at the darkened sky refusing to speak. Ellen sighs as she walks over to her desk and pulls out a glass bottle and two glasses from the drawer. Without saying another word Ellen pours the golden liquid into the glasses and hands one to Kyoko as the two watch the sky in silence.

"Why are you here?" Arashi asks, finally bringing an end to the silence in the room. Dr. Nishimura had long finished examining and rebandaging the wound on Arashi's neck. "Ellen has requested your removal from the situation and after some discussion, The Agency approved." Dr.Nishimura replied. "What? But we haven't defeated Piedmon yet!" "After some calculation, we reasoned that although it will be significantly harder without your assistance, the other DigiDestined should be able to defeat him all on their own." "No!" Arashi exclaims, jumping to her feet. "Arashi, be rational. With the growing instability between light and dark powers here in the Digital World, it's only a matter of time before your health becomes negatively affected again." Dr. Nishimura begins.

"I don't care about my health! I care about all those people down on Earth whose lives have been negatively affected because of this. I care about the other DigiDestined who are currently risking their lives to save both worlds. I don't care what the Agency wants, I'm not going back until Piedmon has been defeated." Arashi exclaims. "Perhaps you've forgotten the fact that you belong to the Agency. From the moment Ellen and Kyoko enlisted the Agency's assistance in keeping you safe, from the moment you became Arashi Kaida, you've belonged to us. Our actions are your actions, your accomplishments are our accomplishments, our ideals are your ideals, and our dreams are yours." "...." Dr. Nishimura let out a deep sigh upon being met with silence.

"Let's put this as simply as possible, shall we? As long as you live your life as Arashi, you will be no more than a tool for the Agency, and right now as a member of the Agency I am ordering you to leave the Digital World." Dr. Nishimura stated as Arashi shook her head. "I can't do that." "Why not? You've already left the DigiDestined." Dr. Nishimura pointed out. "But that's because–" Arashi stopped short and looked down at her hands. 'Why did I leave? Because of the voices? Since when did I start listening to those?' Arashi asked herself before her eyes widened. "Yggdrasil." The words left Arashi's lips and she lifted her head. "The imbalance in the Digital World... that's what the voice was. That's why I'm here. That's why you want me out. Homeostasis told you to get to me before It did." Arashi trailed off moving to her feet.

"That doesn't make sense, Arashi. Homeostasis was the one who asked you all to save the Digital World were they not?" Dr. Nishimura asked. "You're right... that doesn't make sense. Unless they know something I don't." Arashi paced around the room in thought. 'Because of the imbalance, Yggdrasil was able to escape the Dark Ocean and influence the Digital World. Homeostasis wants me to leave the Digital World to keep me from it, which contradicts their words to stay with the DigiDestined. Why? To avoid–' "Yygrdasil is going for the others isn't It? That's why you brought me to the Dark Ocean because It's not here right now. It's going after them, isn't It?" Arashi asked.

Dr. Nishimura chuckled slightly, as ran a hand through his hair. "I told them honesty would be more effective than blunt orders, you always ask too many questions." He smiled before gaining a neutral expression. "Yes. We received word from Homeostasis that Yygdrasil's consciousness managed to cross into the Digital World and infect one of the DigiDestined." Arashi's head whipped around, her face a mix of horror and disbelief. How could she have let this happen? The faulty crest, the group's separation, the fighting, the voices in her head. How come she didn't realize what it was sooner? Of course, Yggdrasil was behind it, the thing strived off of turmoil and conflict. And with Its grudge against both Homeostasis and humanity, why wouldn't It go after the Digidestined?

"I have to get back there. Mei, let's go." Arashi stated moving towards the door. "Hold on, how exactly are you planning to get back? And more importantly, what do you plan to do?" Dr. Nishimura asked as Arashi's hand hesitated centimeters away from the doorknob. "You have no way of breaking Yggdrasil's hold on your friends. You know just as well as I what happens once It infects something."

"The virus seems to have spread to the cores of subjects 4 and 17." "Corrosion has been detected in every subject." "Full corruption expected in less than an hour ma'am" The researchers relayed as the old woman nodded in acknowledgment before turning to the brown-haired child hidden behind Daigo's legs. "Well, can you heal them?" She asked as the girl shrunk back. "I'm not......." Arashi did her best to reply but her voice tapered off into an unintelligible mumble. "Speak up." The older woman barked. "I'm not sure," Arashi replied, fiddling with the fabric of her skirt. "Then become sure. Dr. Nishimura take her to the containment center." The woman ordered. "I can do i–" "I asked Dr. Nishimura to do it, not you Agent." The older woman spoke coldly, cutting Daigo off.

Daigo clenched his jaw before kneeling down and turning to Arashi. "Don't worry, even if you can't heal them it's okay. Just try your best." He said, smoothing down Arashi's hair as she nodded. "Follow me then, Miss Kaida." Dr. Nishimura led Arashi down a nearby flight of stairs which led to a locked room. After putting in a code on the nearby keypad, the door opened and Arashi was led into a room with seemingly sleeping Digimon lined up in transparent cages. "Go ahead." Dr. Nishimura nodded towards one of the cages as Arashi stepped towards it. Inside was a Digimon with the appearance of a white labrador retriever, the only thing off about its appearance was its pink ears and tail. "La..bra...mon. Labramon?" Arashi read the name tag aloud as the Digimon lifted its head toward her.

"Hello, Labramon, it's nice to meet you. My name is Arashi, I'm here to help you." Arashi smiled in greeting as the dog-like Digimon struggled to push itself onto its feet and closer to Arashi. As it drew nearer the black colored smoke surrounding the Digimon and the lifeless look in its eyes became apparent. Unsure of what to do next, Aarashi glanced at Dr. Nishimura who simply nodded to the door of the cage. With a shaky nod, Arashi pushed open the case and walked inside as the door shut and locked itself behind her.  As Arashi approached Labramon began growling and baring its teeth while backing itself away from her. "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you." Arashi attempted to calm the Digimon but was met with more growls.

Taking in another breath Arashi lowered herself to the ground while reaching out her open palm. Slowly Labramon seemed to lower its defense and began tentatively sniffing Arashi's hand. After a few moments of this Labramon collapsed to the ground in front of Arashi, no longer seeing the need to keep its guard up. "Are you alright?!" Arashi panicked, rising to her knees and inspecting Labramon. "I-I'm gonna try and help you," Arashi said as she gently placed her hands on Labramon's fur and closed her eyes. The little girl's eyebrows furrowed in concentration and then discomfort as a bucket of ice water was poured on her head. Startled, Arashi pulled away from Labramon only to find herself completely dry, the only hint that something was off was the goosebumps now lining her body.

With a small shake of her head, Arashi steeled herself and reached out to Labramon, once again she was met with a chilling sensation but she continued to push forward. Dr. Nishimura watched from outside the cage as the dark aura enveloping Labramon began to slowly creep toward Arashi. The chilling sensation in Arashi's body worsened into a stabbing pain that began to trail up her arms. The smoke around Labramon seemed to lighten as it began to wrap around Arashi's body. The young girl groaned in pain as the smoke began to seep into her skin, turning her veins black. However, when the smoke trailed beneath the sleeves of her t-shirt Arashi cried out in pain as a bright light seemed to burst from her body.

In response to the light, the darkness practically leaped from Arashi's body and back to Labramon as the little girl was sent tumbling into the wall, her eyes trained to the floor in an odd daze. At the same time, an alarm began to ring throughout the containment area as Dr. Nishimura's radio beeped. 'Doctor, what's going on? What was that power surge?' The older woman's voice came through. Dr. Nishimura didn't respond right away; he had opened the cage and rushed to Arashi's side to ensure her safety. "Miss Kaida?" He placed a hand on the girl's neck to feel her pulse. It was fast, abnormally fast, but that wasn't the only abnormality, her skin was ice cold and a faint almost crescent-shaped mark had appeared on her cheek. The most unsettling of them all however was the pale light emitting from her hazy slit-like eyes.

'Doctor Nishimura. Is everything alright?' The woman's voice sounded again as Dr. Nishimura finally responded. "The attempt was a failure, the subject remains corrupted, and Arashi..." Dr. Nishimura looked back at Arashi and paused. In the few seconds he turned his head the light and unknown mark disappeared while Arashi herself had slumped over on her side and passed out. 'What about Arashi?' The woman asked as Dr. Nishimura hesitated for a moment. "The corruption fought back and knocked her out." 'It became hostile toward a human? Hey-!' The woman's voice came through as the sound of scuffling sounded from the radio's speaker. 'Nishimura, get her out of there and into the infirmary, now.' Daigo's voice came through as Dr. Nishimura did just that.

When Arashi next opened her eyes she found herself laying on the cot in the infirmary. A terrifying place for her. Immediately Arashi kicked off the blanket and attempted to scramble off the cot, but ended up face-planting on the floor as her IV unit fell atop her with a loud crash.
"Woah, woah, it's okay. I'm here, don't worry." Daigo rushed to the little girl's side. He had been dozing in a nearby chair, waiting for Arashi's to awaken. "Get it out. Get it out. Get it out." Arashi whimpered, clawing at the needle in her arm. "You said they wouldn't. You said they wouldn't." She repeated as Daigo disconnected the IV and pulled the panicking child into his arms. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. They said it was necessary. I'm sorry." Dr. Nishimura ran and hand through Arashi's hair as she sobbed into his chest.

Soon after the infirmary doctors came over and ran what checkup procedures they could, ultimately allowing Arashi's discharge under the condition she returned if anything happened. "And we mean anything, if she sneezes or if she stubs her toe. We have no idea what It could have done to her. We shouldn't even be letting her leave..." The female doctor sighed walking off as Diago glanced down at Arashi who had once again hidden herself behind his legs. Despite the young girl's intellect and curiosity, Daigo had found that she had a tendency to go silent and avoid communication with others, especially adults. A ramification of all the horrors she had faced in the past few years, he assumed.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Daigo asked as Arashi nodded. "Want to talk about it?" Arashi shook her head. "Dr. Nishimura was worried about you." Silence. "Do you want to lie down in your room?" Another head shake. "Is there someplace you want to go?" Daigo asked as Arashi thought for a moment. A small nod and yank on his pant leg was all he received in response. "The cafeteria?" A firm head shake and another yank. "If you're trying to go back, it's not allowed." Arashi let go of Daigo's pant leg and crossed her arms with an evident pout on her face. "Arashi, I know you're trying to help but you need to learn when to tap out." Daigo lowered himself to one knee as he spoke while Arashi scrunched her nose and turned away. "Pout all you want, but you're not going back."

Daigo sighed loudly as he followed Arashi into the control room where Dr. Nishimura and many other scientists sat being scrutinized by the woman sent from the home office. "The Agency's most valuable asset was almost lost due to your negligence. No longer shall those infected beasts be grouped with the rest of the Digital World's monsters. From now on we purge them the moment the infection begins to take root. I want all current infected assets in containment destroyed–" "No!" Arashi exclaimed, cutting off the woman. "Miss Kaida, this is not up to you. The infection has the capability to spread to humans and we cannot allow an outbreak of something we don't understand." The woman replied.

"But they're still living creatures. They're not doing anything wrong, they're sick! We should be finding a way to help them." "That's enough, Miss Kaida." Arashi flinched at the woman's harsh voice and backed down. "Execute the data purge, now." The woman ordered as one by one around the room, scientists began inputting codes as the warnings that appeared on their screens were dismissed. A 30-second countdown appeared on the center monitor as the woman addressed the entirety of the room. "From here on out no more tests or experiments on infected Digimon will be authorized." 20 seconds. "We shall send a permanent scientist from the home office to oversee this facility's acceptance of the policies." 10 seconds.

"And any member of the Agency found assisting or harboring the infected will face severe punishment." Pointed looks were sent to Arashi, Dr. Nishimura, and Daigo as the counter reached its final three seconds. 2. 1. A loud explosion sounds from deep below as all hell breaks loose. "Help me!" Please, I beg of you. Save me!" "Save me!" "Help us!" "Somebody save us!" "Make it stop!" "It burns!" The voices cried as Arashi covered her ears, her eyes widening in terror. The voices of those so-called infected were the same as the voices of any human. Their cries and screams and agony sounded just like the voices she had been trapped with back then. "Make it stop." Arashi whimpered, dropping to her knees. Her hands covered her ears as she clenched her eyes closed and folded in on herself.

"Please make it stop. Mercy. Mercy. Mercy. Mercy." Like a broken record all the little girl could say was 'mercy.' Not for herself but for the crying Digimon who were being disassembled and destroyed. "Arashi?" "Miss Kaida!" Daigo and Dr. Nishimura were quick to check on the young girl as the others in the room watched in confusion. "You're hurting them. They're crying. Stop it. Please, you're killing them. You're killing them." Arashi cried as the screams only she could hear began to die out as two words appeared on the main monitor.

'Purge Complete.'

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