Fluent Symphony | OHSHC

بواسطة pinkf1eur

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Y/N Newman spent her life in the sunny breeze of Madison, Wisconsin. Very early on she knew she wanted to stu... المزيد

Make Amends


131 4 2
بواسطة pinkf1eur

part four


"So, Y/N, today is your first day being a hostess," Hikaru rushed over to her side, Kaoru coming up to her other. Classes had just ended for the day and Y/N was slowly making her way over to Music Room #3.

"No, it's my first day being your club's instrumentalist. I am not hosting anyone," Y/N uttered. The twins looked over to one another and grinned.

The three of them continued to walk in silence as they made their way up the stairs and through the many halls. They made it to their destination and opened the large doors to find the rest of the club members.

They all turned to face the trio, "Ah, I'm glad you could make it, Ms. Y/N," Kyoya spoke, never taking his eyes off his notebook.

She nodded curtly, placing her violin in one of the chairs. "So you're aware, Ms. Newman, you have a few male guests coming to see you today."

Y/N looked over to Kyoya. She narrowed her eyes, "Well, you better tell them not to come. I told you yesterday I'm not going to be a hostess."

"I understand your frustration; however, I don't know if you've noticed, but you are the talk of the school right now. You are more popular than you think. Bringing in male guests to our club expands our clientele. Therefore, expanding our reach to other student groups on campus," he explained.

Y/N was getting frustrated at this point. She made an agreement with them the evening prior, and now they want her to do something just because it helps their club. "I told everyone here, and I looked at you, Kyoya, dead in the eyes when I said I only wanted to play my violin. Nothing else."

"And you can still be our instrumentalist. You'll just be talking with people after a few pieces. Again, it is only for a week. You can leave after if this is not something for you," he reminded her.

Y/N huffed and grabbed her violin once more, "I'll gladly do so." She walked over to where she will be performing and started to set up.

She had brought a collection of different pieces to play. It was in no particular order, so she was able to have free range with what style she played and when. Most of the music she brought was soulful songs, or upbeat; however, after the altercation that just occurred, Y/N wanted to play something with more intensity.

She decided on a recently produced song called Into the Woods by Joel Sunny. Whenever she played it, she played it with her whole heart. It helped her release tension within her body, and anger she held within. It was a perfect moment to bring out this piece.

The doors opened and the other members welcomed their guests. Y/N watched as they all went to their respective seating areas, a few girls following after them. She continued to prepare her piece, going over the motions in her head. This was a last minute decision, so Y/N had to go by memory. She played it enough, though, so she had no worries.

Looking over to the entrance once more, she noticed Kyoya welcoming a few guys who walked in. She grunted knowing they were there for her. They walked over to an empty pair of couches and sat themselves. They looked over to Y/N. Two of the three shyly smiled and waved. She returned a light smile, nodding in acknowledgement. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the third person and her heart nearly stopped. 

Y/N inhaled sharply. She looked away quickly, but her eyes flicked back. His gaze was as soft as she remembered. His two-toned eyes scanned her with admiration. She turned away, her heart skipping way too many beats. She was happy to see a familiar face, but part of her felt hurt. And to her dismay, angry.

"My beautiful guests, I would like to introduce you to our potential instrumentalist," Tamaki announced, "If you happened to be here yesterday, we discovered the lovely Y/N Newman playing violin in Music Room #4. She will be playing once again for you all today. Please welcome her and show her your love," he finished.

Everyone turned their attention to Y/N, letting out gasps and a few claps upon seeing her presence. Y/N waved awkwardly at the sudden attention.

The room split in half as far as attention goes. A few turned back to the host they came to see, conversing with them, while the rest kept their attention on Y/N.

She got ready to begin the song, bringing up the base of the violin to rest under her chin. She moved the bow in swift motions. The song had begun with a soft yet crisp melody. Y/N watched in her peripheral as more people turned their heads to see her.

As she continued, the song became more intense. Not enough to shock people, but enough for them to notice the change in her emotion. She put everything into her playing. Almost like she wanted those hosts to know how she felt. She didn't want to think about walking over to the table of guys waiting for her. She just wanted to play this song and hopefully feel better after doing so.

The song came to an end and Y/N relaxed her arms. She looked over the room to find everyone clapping. Her mind was still in a daze. She saw everyone smiling and giving her an applause; even the other club members were giving her their attention. However, everything was quiet. It felt as if all of her energy and emotion had flooded out of her after she played that song.

Y/N blinked a few times as her senses suddenly returned. The applause was much louder than she expected. A bright smile adorned her face as she placed her violin in its casing and gave a slight bow to everyone. She noticed Kyoya had made his way close to where she was, seeming as if he needed to speak with her.

She walked up to him giving a few 'thank you's' to people complimenting her. Y/N found his eyes as he spoke, "That was rather impressive, Ms. Newman. I could definitely sense the strong amount of emotion coming from you. Well done."

"Good, I'm glad," she remarked. She looked over to the table of boys awaiting her, "I assume I have to go over to them now?" Y/N made a gesture over to the group.

"You would be correct. As soon as you approach them, they'll only be here for 30 minutes. You will have more customers afterwards, however," he explained.

Y/N rolled her eyes, "Of course. Whatever. 30 minutes isn't that bad." She turned on her heel and made her way over to her table.

The three boys turned her way and smiled as she approached. "Hi, Y/N! It's nice to see you," one of them spoke.

"Yes, you as well. . ." She trailed off, waiting for him to introduce himself.

"Yasu. Yasu Imai," He smiled again. Yasu had platinum blonde hair paired with fair skin. He had hazel brown eyes and, honestly, a very gentle smile.

Y/N nodded and sat down opposite of them. She turned her attention to the boy in the middle, hinting for him to follow with an introduction.

The one next to Yasu spoke up, "Ren Amari," the brunette said. He was slightly tanner than the others. He has dark brown eyes, and freckles over his nose.

She hesitantly looked over to the final boy. He was already staring at her. Y/N tried avoiding his eyes this whole time; however, seeing the situation—it would be rude to do so.

"Jun Kishi." His skin seemed to be glowing more than Y/N remembered. He has heterochromia. His left eye was a hazel brown, the other a light blue. They were still as beautiful as always.

Y/N smiled slightly at him, "It's nice to meet you. Your eyes are very pretty."

She watched a smile grow on his face. His cheeks flushed a light red. "Thank you. No one has ever complimented them before."

It was a lie. She knows because she used to compliment that feature all the time. Y/N leaned forward slightly, "Well they should. Your eyes make you unique in such a special way."

"You think so?" Jun questioned. Y/N gave a simple nod in response.

"So, Y/N," Ren started, "could you tell us about yourself? What made you want to move to Ouran Academy?"

"Yeah, do you have any hobbies other than playing the violin?" Yasu inquired.

Y/N thought for a moment, looking over to the side, "Well, I moved here from Madison, Wisconsin. I'm not sure how much you guys have heard about me so I'll tell you what I can. The school compromised with me for a half-scholarship. They wanted to give me a full ride, but I wanted to be somewhat independent. So, I have to pay for 30% of the tuition. They paid for my plane ticket here, and unfortunately my parents couldn't afford to come with me."

"That's so sad, it must be hard without them," Jun expressed, slumping in his chair a little. Though she could see the genuine sadness in his eyes, Y/N couldn't help but be annoyed with his impromptu presence.

"It's only been a few days since I've arrived, but I'm sure it'll get harder to be away from them. I message and call them as much as I can, but it truly isn't the same."

The boys nodded and hummed in understanding. "But to answer your other question," she looked over to Yasu, "I do have other interests. The reason I'm at this school is to learn more about psychology. I like learning how to understand what other people think and feel. Alongside that, I have a little problem of learning other languages when I'm bored. So far I know English, French, Spanish, American Sign Language, a little bit of Greek, and of course, Japanese."

The three looked at her with a new interest. "I wouldn't say that's a problem. Learning new languages is very helpful. You've learned so many," exclaimed Jun.

"I guess you're right," Y/N forced a laugh.

The four continued to mingle for their remaining time. Y/N found this whole 'hosting' thing to be surprisingly easy. It really wasn't so much of entertaining her guests—well for her at least. It was simple conversation. She got to know them, and they got to know her. The session went by rather quickly once they got past basic introductions.

She found out that Jun was actually involved in the school's musical ensemble during any formal events. He played the harp. He's played it since he was little. But she already knew that.

The other two weren't involved in any clubs or school related activities. To be honest, she didn't remember much of what the other two said.

Nonetheless, their time together had ended and the three began to stand. Ren inquired, "Do you mind if we request you again for tomorrow, Y/N?"

She was honestly surprised they wanted to come back. "Yeah—yes, of course," she smiled lightly. "I would be more than happy to see you three again."

A string of 'thank you's' followed from each as they waved their goodbyes. She gave a limp wave back and watched them walk back out the double doors.

She couldn't even get a breath in before she felt someone throw their arms over her. "Y/N, you did amazing! You were so cute talking with your guests. The way you smiled so warmly at them! They definitely were entranced by you. You're a natural!"

She strained her neck to catch a glimpse of blonde hair near the side of her head. She sighed. Of course, it was the obnoxious blonde.

She reached up to the tight grasp around her, prying the long arms off from around her shoulders. "Don't you have your own guests to attend to, Tamaki? I'm sure they wouldn't want you frolicking with another girl. I myself don't want you touching me without warning."

The blonde frowned at the girl's quick urge to remove his presence. "They're very understanding, Y/N. I've told them you're a new member of our club, so they know I have to keep an eye on you."

She looked up at him, furrowing her brows, "Well, I won't be here long, so no need to waste that attention. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go play some more pieces."

The rest of her time was spent in a pattern. Y/N would play one or two pieces and then attend to the guests who requested her. It was a rather easy few hours.

Once the club dismissed the remaining girls (and guys), it was around 3 o'clock. Club hours didn't officially end until 4:00 PM, so she had another hour to spare.

Y/N was packing up her violin while the other members were chatting amongst themselves at a large table. She assumed they were discussing club plans, et cetera.

"Y/N! Come join us!" She looked up from her area to see the shorter blonde waving her over. She hesitantly walked over, clutching her violin case in her hand.

She looked over the group as she sat herself down at the end of the table, placing her violin at the base of her seat. Kyoya was to her right, at the head of the table, and one of the twins was to her left.

"Why are you guys just sitting here? If everyone else is gone, surely we can leave too." She stated.

Kyoya pushed up his glasses before speaking, "We can; however, we have club business we need to speak about."

"Right. Well I'm not apart of this club, so I'll just walk myself out-"

"You are apart of this club for this week, Ms. Y/N. You will stay seated," Kyoya retorted.

She paused mid movement, looking him over. She huffed and fell back into her chair.

"Now that we're all here," Kyoya glanced over to Y/N, "we can discuss the upcoming formal dance."

Y/N glared at him. What school has any kind of dance right when school starts. He wouldn't mention it if it were a few weeks away which meant she would most likely have to go.

She let out a grunt, lowering her head. "Is there a problem, Ms. Y/N?" She heard Kyoya inquire.

He didn't sound confused at all. If anything his voice gave off a hint of amusement. "Don't give me that. You know the answer."

She heard him hum in response. "Do you know how to dance? Specifically waltz," he added.

"No. I'm guessing I have to learn?"

"Correct. One of us will teach you later in the week."

She nodded slowly. "Does this mean I have to buy a dress? I can't afford one as of now without a job."

"Given your circumstance with the school, we'll provide you with something to wear," Kyoya offered.

The twin to her left jumped in, "Kaoru and I will pick something out for her. After all, our mom is a designer. We know what will look good."

So Hikaru was the one sitting next to her. "Whatever. Just don't make me look stupid," Y/N returned a forced smile.

"Oh, we would never," Hikaru flashed a cheesy grin.

"That's all we need to talk about. You all are free to leave," Kyoya announced.

Y/N happily grabbed her belongings and headed for the door. She noticed Haruhi near her and quickened her pace to catch up.

"Hey, Haruhi," the brunette turned towards her and gave a small smile.

"Hi, Y/N. Is there something you need?" He asked.

"No—well, yes. I just have a question," he looked at her signaling for her to continue. "Do you have a sister? I think I met your dad yesterday morning, and he said I should meet his daughter."

Y/N watched his mouth turn up slightly, "No, I don't. Biologically I'm a girl. However, on the first day of school I stumbled into one of this club's vases. I'm pretending to be a guy to pay off my debt."

Y/N looked over at them, stunned. These people have a problem with gaslighting others into joining their club. "Wow—well, I didn't expect that. So, this is your second week with them. Will you leave once your debt is fulfilled?"

The two continued down the main stairway and out the front entrance. "The first week was definitely a new experience. They're all so different from each other, yet they click so well. They definitely have their. . .moments, but you get used to them. As far as my debt goes, I need to have 1,000 guests request me to get it taken care of. I'm not sure that I would just up and leave, though. They've gone out of their way just to have me be this involved in their club. I guess my decision will come over time."

Y/N listened to the brunette beside her. Her answer seemed well thought out and, honestly, made Y/N question her own upcoming decision. "That makes sense."

She was unsure what else to say. The two walked in comfortable silence the rest of the way home with occasional small talk. "Well it looks like we're here. I'm right next door, so if you need a sane person to talk to, I'm a few steps away," Y/N joked.

Haruhi let out a light chuckle, "Thanks, Y/N. You're always welcome to visit as well. Welcome to the neighborhood."

Y/N gave the brunette a smile, nodding at her invitation. They exchanged waves and parted ways into their homes.


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