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MINI SERIES. : โœจ๏ธ
๐Ž๐‹๐ˆ๐•๐„๐‘. : 001

สแดแดœส€ sสแด›สŸแด‡. : โœ”๏ธ

2.2K 19 3

OLI: Hippie vibes. You're all about colors and funky designs. Adding on, it usually has waves and curves in the pattern at some point on it. You always have a pair of sunglasses with you, rather it's sunny as freak or cloudy and raining. Your shoes are basic butthe rest of your outfit make sup for it.

SEB: Hello Kitty type, or any really cutsey animal/cartoon characters. Mainly pinks and Hello Kitty because she rocks and you just like the way of her looks. But you usually go all out for your make up. Big bright eyeliner with some type of shape or character representing your face. But if your trying to be comfy you always get your fuzzy frog pajama pants.

REGIE: Y2k. You have that comfortable but stylish tone. Mainly darker mood colors like a shade of sage green, grays, black, grays or plain reds, and dark blues. Cargo pants are always a yes with small rock t-shirts. And your make up always matches.

DARREN: Earthy. I feel like you'd have more of an Earthy style. Like mushroom core or cottage core sorts. Because I feel like Darren gives huge Earth/rock vibes in his significant other. You have definitely gone as some dark academia elf for Halloween one year.

RYAN: Girly. It's always skirts or dresses. Nothing inbetween unless it's Halloween. Your either in a bright colors or browns and grays. You're closet is mainly full with pink and yellow short skirts. Your make up, you usually try to make your eyes bigger. Your style is completely different from your personality though. You seem like you'd giggle and say, "I'm soo tiny" but in reality you sound like a beast and laugh like a gorilla getting a banana.

JUSTIN: Natural glam. You most likley have the 'no make up look' but in reality have ten pound sof make up on but it still looks natural. Your pants are usually baggy and you almost always have a crop top on. But you always carry a jacket because it looks cute.

KANE:✨️Anime✨️ or goth. Your closet consists of anime shirts, dark/ripped shirts and black pants. Even if you have never seen the show in your life you still have atleast one t-shirt of it. And surprisingly, it's not even because of Kane you just like the style. Belts are a definite yes. Sometimes you'll cut the sleeves or the bottom to make a crop top with high top jeans or joggers. But you almost always have something cartoon-y, anime, just show related on. Colorfully or not. And if you don't you have chains, dark, shadow-y make up and big boots.

BAE: ..An odd verison of mixed match. You for sure have an outgoing style. It's nothing specific, you just put on what you feel like putting on, even if it has nothign to do with each other or it looks terrible together. You just put on what looks cute and leave, and honestly it doesn't even have to be cute.

ANGEL: Comfortable. I feel as if you'd have a calm, calective style. Nothing fancy or too homeless looking. You find a way to style all sweats but not make it look like that's all you have in your closet.

GELA: All. You probably wouldn't have a certain style. But you and her would most of the time walk around with opposite clothing on. Like different colors but same type of clothes.

(Ex. Black and white, cute and hard core.. etc)

A/N. : Istg if I see one comment saying that u don't like a certain vibe or "ew no." I'm going to report because im tired of seeing sum dang comments judging ppls style. I purposely put different styles in here for all my readers. Out of kindness pls don't say anything rude.

luv, authory poo <3

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