Boys Like You / Tyrion Lannis...

By rissarosewrites

94.3K 4.6K 214

Rieka Stark hated the idea of being engaged to a stranger. Then Tyrion came and she thought she was doomed to... More

1. Bravest of Men
3. Entertain Him
4. Future Husband
5. Boys Like You
6. Little Brother
7. It's an Honor- It's a Hell Hole
8. Feral
9. Not Impressed
10. Don't do the Math
11. Lovestruck
12. Mermaids
13. Leverage
14. Not Married Yet
15. Because Murder is Wrong
16. Oh, Mother
17. Shady Weasel
18. Looney Lysa
19. Mother Knows Best
20. Intimate
21. Checkmate
22. Deathwish
23. Blah, Blah, Blah
24. Suffer
25. Powerplay
26. Lion's Den
27. Don't Jump
28. Disappointing Child
29. Alton
30. Yell at You
31. Educating
32. Secrets & Wildfire
33. Twins
34. Get Out You Whore
35. Quarter Man
36. Monster
37. Future Daughter In Law
38. Friends in Low Places
39. Jump
40. Was It All a Lie
41. Kneel before a Lion
42. Gone
43. She Has Me
44. Breathless
45. You Know What You Know
46. Legacy
47. Reign
48. What's The Catch?
49. Not The Day I Die
50. My Child
51. Threats & Homegoings
52. Late to the Party
53. Leona
54. Invitation
55. United
56. Nervous Jitters
57. Snow Lion
58. Back To Bitch
59. Glitter & Hellfire
60. Crypts? Idiots
61. You Know? What Do You Know?
62. Choices
63. Little Lady
64. Dangerously
65. Girl Like You

2. Good Boy

3.1K 153 23
By rissarosewrites

"Sansa for Joffrey and Rieka for... Tyrion? But tywin lannister is an important man. Having them as our allies that could be wonderful ned!"  Catelyn declared.

"Rieka says no." Ned countered innocently and Catelyn scowled at him. 

"She doesnt get a choice." Catelyn corrected. "She would be lady of casterly rock and sansa would be the queen! Our girls. Ned this is grand!"

"Not grand Rieka said no."

"What part of she doesn't get a chance don't you understand?"

"The fact that she's my daughter and I want her happy." he countered.

"Ned!" Catelyn exclaimed through an exasperated breath.

"Sansa is smitten with joffrey. Rieka isnt smitten with tyrion." Ned reminded her. 

"Then we make her smitten." Catelyn decided.

"I want no part of this!" Ned corrected wiping his hands clean of whatever catelyn was planning.

"I will set them up."

"If rieka finds out when she finds out you will lose your head." Ned warned. "Rieka will take it herself."

"Then i will have to not let her know what im up to."

"Knew sooner or later i would find the library in this freezing place." Tyrion remarked seeing a few candles lit and he looked around tall ceilings books to the top along one wall tables and couches scattered this must have been where they had their lessons.

"I've read them all." Rieka remarked. "Multiple times. Even the boring ones."

"I brought a few books with on my journey. I read them. I could leave them here for you if you were to loan me a book or two for my stay?" Tyrion pondered getting closer.

"Deal." Rieka agreed without hesitation. "What books do you read? I bore easily with history unless its bloody." She informed him and tyrion chuckled. "What? Why is that funny?"

"You are not living up to your reputation lady Rieka." Tyrion remarked

"No? What do people say about me?"

"Delicate northern rose."

''Delicate, erm, no. But Roses are beautiful and have the potential to make you bleed. Maybe they got it right and you werent opening your mind enough." Rieka countered.  Tyrion nodded looking to seat beside her on the couch. She nodded and he sat down beside her.

"So what books do you like to read? I warn you our library isnt very large only a few hundred books. 269 to be exact."

"The rock has a plethora of books should you ever visit the library is yours to ransack." Tyrion remarked.

"Why would i go to casterly rock?" Rieka corrected.

Because my father said I was to marry you if your father agreed and Im starting to want him to agree Tyrion thought desperately.

"Your father is going to be hand of the king. The rock is beautiful. Might make a trip while you are down south visiting him." Tyrion offered. 

"Not because of some bogus proposals?" Rieka mused and tyrion cleared his throat looking anywhere but her. "Rejected by the way. Dont feel bad though. I rejected joffrey faster." 

"You... what?"

"My father said I got two proposals and he didnt even get Joffreys name out before I vetoed his ass." Rieka remarked. 

"And you had to think for two seconds when he said my name?" Tyrion mused. 

"Give yourself more credit than that. It was three seconds." Rieka corrected a laugh on her full lips.

"I read everything." Tyrion finally answered her earlier question.

"I got a little bit of everything but odds are you have read them."

"Your favorite book then." Tyrion requested.

"I need it back, not damaged or I will spill blood." Rieka warned.

"I will protect it with my life." Tyrion assured.

"Good boy." Rieka agreed as she got up.

"Oh its hidden." Tyrion declared giddy when he saw her pull it from a secret pocket under the side table. "you make that yourself?"

"Im handy." Rieka agreed. She held it out to him. The cover was worn and well loved he opened it up finding the title and below it a transcription from her father.

"A well read woman is a dangerous thing." Tyrion whispered a smile on his lips.

"Knowledge is power. Watch out for all the book worms." Rieka agreed.

"Loving you, Losing you." Tyrion remarked. "I cant say I have ever read it."

"Its a love story turned bloody." Rieka remarked.

"So very realistic." Tyrion agreed.

"Yep." Rieka agreed. "If you like Targaryen history like I do I also have Reputation a detailed story of the Targaryens reign and downfall. When Queen Davina reigned."

"I think I might want to read that." Tyrion agreed.

"I dont trust you enough to give you that one." Rieka corrected.

"You trust me enough with this one though?" Tyrion countered holding it up.

"Lets see how you do with this one." Rieka countered. "I want a full report when you finish if you liked it or not." Tyrion smiled looking to the book and back to her. 

"I can do that." Tyrion agreed.

"And if you cried."

"I dont cry over books." Tyrion corrected.

"I dont usually but I did over this one." Rieka admitted.  Tyrion stared back at her as she touched the writing from Ned on the inner cover.

"You like Targaryens?"

"I dont like them. The king killed my uncle and my grandfather. The prince killed my aunt lyanna. But they werent all mad kings." Rieka explained. 

"No. They werent." Tyrion agreed.

"I used to want a dragon as a pet." Rieka admitted and Tyrion's eyes widened. 

"Me too." Tyrion admitted

"Were you devastated when you found out they werent around any more?" Rieka pondered.

"Yes." Tyrion agreed. "I think I cried." He added and rieka turned to him.

"You want to meet my direwolf, Tyrion?"

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