A Faceless Number

By Grizzle10

1.7K 10 6

An average boy lives with his happy family under the Empire's control, until one fateful day where a Rebel Te... More

The Spark
The Empire's Passionate
The Empire's Best
First Drop
Operation Pilgrim Moon
Desert to Jungle
Predator and Prey
Cruel World
Battle of Cholganna
Nothing to Lose
Suprising Success
From Jungle to Wasteland
The Metal Man
Coarse, Rough, and Gets Everywhere

A Life of Peace

226 1 0
By Grizzle10

And there was peace.

Raz was never one for attention. As the youngest of ten siblings, there was never time for it. Raz's father was just a humble wheat farmer, and made good use of his eight sons in the fields while he could.

The Empire has allowed for Lothal to grow and prosper, all while providing the security never guaranteed by the Republic during the Clone Wars, or so his father claimed. Life had been tense. Worries about invasion, worries about a change of life, and even the threat of death if war came to Lothal. The Empire has reduced these threats to nearly nothing since their occupation began.


Every day is the same. Basic schooling from morning until afternoon, then work in the fields until sundown. We've had to pick up some slack in the fields recently since one of my older brothers, Zur, has began to work in one of the Imperial Factories on Lothal. Although life has become harder, we couldn't be more proud of him.

My parents especially, who always say how they want to see us leave Lothal and make something of our lives. My father has told me this for years. Every time I point to my siblings and how they haven't, but every time he challenges me to try more. Don't just live a life that stays in one place, go change the galaxy and be rembered. I think he is kidding when he says to "go change the galaxy", but his smile and distant gaze tell me otherwise. He points to Zur and how he has joined the Empire, just in a factory, and is slowly making a change for the better.

Even though Zur is still on Lothal, they are thrilled he has begun to make his own money in a way other than farming.

He talks about his work at the factory like he is saving the galaxy, which I guess in a way he is. He talks about how the Stormtrooper Batallion prepares for battles in simulators inside. He talks about any battles he has heard about throughout the galaxy, with the Empire winning most. He talks about the great people he works with and how they all have very unique stories even though they are all from Lothal.

Zur is so cool, just the way he holds himself to a higher standard. He tries to do the best for himself only if it also benefits others. He is selfless. He is admirable.

Zur is one of the oldest, the fourth child and the third boy, and all of the other three oldest have moved on with their lives on Lothal and begun farms of their own. They enjoy the same type of peaceful life that was held here at my home, just in different locations.

What Father is going to do when I, the last of the children, move out is beyond me. My build is somewhat large, I stand at 1.85 meters and 80 kilograms. My expertise in using a scythe to cut down the crops is second to none. My touch with a rifle is also elite. Shooting vermin who try to eat your crops is one of the most fun things to do on the farm. With that said, there isn't a lot of fun things to do on the farm. Father always gives me tips on how to improve my shooting.

He has aged well, but still aged nonetheless. I would be willing to bet he retires from farming when I leave. Maybe he will make inspirational quotes. He has grown wise with his age, and become a great role model. He is always willing to talk about his, and the galaxy's, history.

Raz: "Father, tell me another story about the Clone Wars."

And he would always respond with the same sentence.

Father: "Back when the galaxy was in chaos..."

He rambles on for hours about stories he had heard of Jedi leading Clones to impossible battles, and always finding a way to succeed in bringing peace to the people of a planet.

The Jedi though, the backstabbing brutes, went against the Republic and attempted to gain power in the waining hours of the war. They attacked Chancellor Palpatine who barely escaped with his life. I believe he did the right thing in wiping out the rest.

There are always rumors of Jedi's locations, and the Stormtrooper Batallions on Lothal always check those locations to see if there is one. They do a great job of ensuring safety. If there is one, they are gunned down so that their traitorous plotting continues no further.

There's also stories of children getting Jedi abilities, and everyone here thinks that's bogus since the Age of The Jedi ended with Chancelor, or I guess Emperor, Palpatine's rise to power.

Who knows what the galaxy would look like today if he hadn't defeated the selfish Jedi? We would probably be their slaves. An army of wizards controlling every move we make, literally forcing us to do their traitorous actions.

Thankfully though, the Empire stepped in and has made the galaxy safe once again. The only threat to peace are the Rebels who rarely show themselves.

Another thing that Zur had heard and relayed to me. The Rebels are cowards. They will wear civilian clothing and just take "cheap shots" at the stormtroopers in their cities. They kill soldiers then retreat. Kill and retreat. Over and over. They don't even care about civilian casualties, those can happen if "Imps" die. Cowards.

Anyways, I am excited for Father's 60th birthday party later today, and the entire family will be in town. I had just had my 15th birthday two weeks ago, but the only family was my parents. Only a couple of classmates too. Zur should be there tonight though, and I'm so excited to ask him about life with Imperials.

I live in Tothal, and Tothal is one of the largest cities on Lothal, and we live right inside the city. Our farmland is on the outside, but we are able to enjoy the benefits like restaurants and schools within Tothal.

The entire family meets up at our house as we prepare to leave for Father's favorite restaurant, Bridger's. It's a local restaurant, and they serve THE BEST food. Everyone is in a great mood and ready to celebrate. Zur had even managed to get the day off of work to celebrate with us.

With a grin, Zur leaned over and began to wisper.

Zur: "I have a surprise for you Raz. I was able to get us in for a thirty minute tour of the factory I work at."


Unfortunately, none of the works of magnificent art that will be incorporated into parts of this series is mine.

That said, I also have no idea who has made most of these artworks. If you or you know who made these, please leave a comment of who so they get their fair credit.

On a separate note, I hope you immerse yourself in the story and place yourself in the shoes of the protagonist. I hope my writing puts you within the story. I hope the pictures illustrate the characters and they come to life.

I love reading comments about the story, so feel free to add those. Suggestions are welcome.

Thank you, and happy reading.

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