snake in the lions den|| WTM

By KoolInsomniac

227K 6.7K 793

Ada Potter was struggling to get through her fifth year, the trauma of the past events catching up to her, be... More

act two
act three


5.4K 195 11
By KoolInsomniac

The Ford Anglia is parked at King's Cross Station as numerous people walk past it. In the station, Ada, Ron, Ginny, Percy, Fred, George, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are desperate to catch the Hogwarts Express before it leaves. "10:58. Come on, come on!" Molly rushes.

"Train will be leaving any moment!"

"Fred, George, Percy, you first!" Fred pushes his cart through the barrier to Platform 9¾, followed by Percy and George. Molly pats Ginny on the back "Okay." Ginny pushes her cart and runs through the wall; Mr. and Mrs. Weasley follow "After you, dear." Mrs. Weasley disappears through the wall; Mr. Weasley goes in immediately after her.

Mrs. Weasley meets up with Ginny as she stands by the Hogwarts Express, which is just about ready to go. "Come on, Ginny. We'll get you a seat. Hurry!" The three run for the train; outside, only Ada and Ron are left.

"Let's go."

Ron nods; then the two push their carts directly for the wall. However, instead of going through the wall, Ada inexplicably crashes into it and falls over; Ron loses control of his cart, and falls over as well. A station agent, the same man Ada saw a year ago, notices while speaking to a woman, and approaches Ada and Ron as they get to their feet, groaning from their slight injuries.

Some people cringed watching the two kids run into the wall, that must of hurt. "What just happened?" Remus askes in compete confusion, never in his life has he heard of the wall closing before.

"Oy! What do you two think you're doing?" The station guard says. Ada glares at him "Well we just thought it would be so funny to run into the wall. What do you think?"

"What's with the attitude?" Blaise askes amused and Ada gives him a look, "How about you run into a wall and be in a good mood then." Blaise smiles sheepishly "Fair enough."

The man shakes his head at them and walks away; Ada glances at Ron "Why can't we get through?"

"I don't know." Ron touches the wall with his hand, discovering the bricks have become solid "The gateway's sealed itself for some reason." Ada also touches the wall to see that it's completely solid. The clock chimes and they look up at a nearby clock displaying the time 11:00 "The train leaves at exactly 11:00. We've missed it!"

Ron glances at the clock in horror, then turns to the girl "Ada... if we can't get through, maybe mum and dad can't get back."

Ada stays silent trying to decide what to do about their dilemma "Maybe we should just go and wait by the car." Ron lights up at the sound of these words suddenly gives him an idea "The car..." Ada glances at him, wondering what he's got in mind.

A blue car starts rising up into the air flying up into the sky.

"Cub you didn't." Remus sighs disappointed, Ada winces and hides into her boyfriend, she's been doing that a lot recently. Sirius starts clapping his hands in excitement, "Oh Bambi I'm so proud, I wish me and prongs did this." That causes the girl to smile slightly.

A handful of muggles were looking up in complete shock never in their lives have they seen a flying car. "Urmm Ron I wont lie, muggles don't really see flying cars on the day to day." Ron nods nervously "Urr... right." He his a big sliver button and the car turns invisible and flies off.

After flying for a few hours the car turs visible again confusing the two. Ron tries the button again but it doesn't change "Oh no. The invisibility booster must be faulty." Ada sighs "Oh great, very helpful. We should head lower and try and find the train."

"Okay" Ron pulls the rickety lever and they fly down towards some train tracks. "Right now we just need to find the train and hope when we get to Hogwarts Minnie doesn't kill us."

McGonagall gives the girl a stern look while she just smiles innocently, "What it was a genuine concern." She shrugs Minnie just shakes her head with a smile tugging at her lips. She's always had a soft spot for the girl.

"We can't be far behind." Ron looks around. They here the sound of the train approaching but they can't see it. "Do you hear that?" Ada askes as Ron smiles "We must be getting close." But the train is still not in sight, but they can hear the train whistle "Hold on..."

Hedwig looks behind her eyes widening. The whistle blows again as they look behind then spotting the front of the train, right behind them. They both scream as the train come closer and closer.

Everyone in the hall starts screaming too.

Ron turns the wheel flying the car away from the train. The rusty blue car starts spinning around and around as the two continue screaming. Suddenly the door opens sending Ada out catching herself on the door handle.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck. OH FUCK." Sirius shouts wide eyed and pale he quickly grabs the girl, "Your gonna die." Ada gave him a look "Dad calm down I'm literally right here." That seems to calm him down slightly. "Oh yeah."

Remus turns to his daughter, "You are never allowed outside again."

"What, why?" She whines. The man just points to the screen with stress written all over his face. "But it was kinda fun." Ada says watching the mans jaw drop.

Suddenly Mattheo shouts "How is that fun!"

"It's like sky diving." After she said that everyone looks at her like she's stupid, McGonagall looks like she's going to go in cardiac arrest considering to retire on the spot. She knows Ada loved to do some daring things but saying almost falling out of a flying car was 'fun' was not normal.

"Ada! Hold on." Ron shouts, "No shit Ron." The car lifts higher and Ada looks at the train below. In the train a bunch of Slytherins are sat in a compartment talking when Blaise looks out of the window and spots something, "Is that Potter hanging out of a flying car." Blaise says in bewilderment, Draco and Mattheo rush over to the window, "What the fuck?!" They both call out.

"Take my hand!" Ron shouts to the girl extending his hand out, Ada reaches up and grabs his hand but slips out. "Hold on!"

"I'm trying, your hand all sweaty." They grab hands again and Ron strains pulling to get the girl back into the car. She finally gets back into the car and shuts the door. The friends pant out of breath "I think we found the train." Ada laughs out.

"Yeah." The two follow the train all the way to Hogwarts.

Sighs of relief fill the hall, "And that kids is why you always wear a seatbelt." The Potter girl says watching everyone roll their eyes.

The sun has now set and the two can see Hogwarts castle. Ron glances at the castle with a smile as he turns to face Ada "Welcome home." The brunette smiles, happy to be back at Hogwarts after such an unpleasant summer.

The car engine starts seizing up causing the ride to become bumpy and the car starting to fly down towards the floor. "Shit. Up up." Ron starts stepping on every pedal. "It's not working." Ada yanks the gear stick but nothings happening.

Ron starts whimpering with horror all over his face. "Mind that tree!" Ada screams. Ron grabs his wand smacking it against the wheel "Stop. Stop, stop!" The wand snaps as the car flies straight into the whomping willow, twigs and branches braking in their path.

"Oh no not that tree, why can't you catch a break." Sirius sighs, Remus looks guilty knowing the tree wouldn't be there if it wasn't for him but Ada sends him a reassuring smile causing him to break out into a smile himself.

Everyone holds their breath in anticipation not knowing what going to happen.

The car sways forward then back falling trough the branches stopping and a large part of the tree. Ron looks to his snaped wand "My wand. Look at my wand." He whisper says with a massive voice crack.

"Be thankful it's not your neck." Suddenly something crashes into the side of the car. "What's happening?" Ron askes in a high pitch, if it was any higher only dogs could here him. "I don't know."

A growling noise could be heard when a large branch hit the front of the car over and over as the two scream again. It hits the car again causing the windshield to crack. With out warning another branch comes through the back window reaching between Ada and Ron as the yell.

The whole tree starts attacking the car as the windows start smashing and the metal starts denting. One last whack to the back of the car sends it crashing down to the grass. The entire tree leans back ready to fling it's self onto the car. "Come on go! Fast!" Ada panics.

Ron sets the car into drive as the whomping willow starts coming down. It just about misses saving their lives. The tree goes back to it's original position as the car stops a few feet away.

Once again sighs of relief fill the hall once they see that the two kids weren't injured.

Suddenly the cars doors open, Ada and Ron are thrown out causing them to fall into the grass landing on their backs. The car then opens it's boot spitting out the trunks, then comes Hedwig's cage that Ada thankfully caught, followed by scabbers which Ron sadly caught "Scabbers." Ron looks at the rat "You're okay."

"Unfortunately." Ron grumbles shivering at the sight of the rat, he still can't believe that his pet rat was a man.

The now beat up car closes its doors and drives off "The car." The two chase the car through the grounds of Hogwarts as it drives off into the forbidden forest. "Dad's gonna kill me." Ron's voice was full of devastation, he knows he will be in deep shit.

"I'm just glad you're alright son." Arthur smiles at the boy while he smiles back. Molly on the other hand did not have that reaction.

"You're grounded."

"What.. Mum you already told me off." The boy complains. "Yes that was before I saw all of that. I mean for merlins sake Ada almost died."

Ron frowned at this he was in danger too but all she cared about was Ada.

"Mrs Weasley don't punish Ron for me almost falling out of the car that was my fault and like he said he was already told off there is no point in grounding him too. Also i think you should be thankful that your own son wasn't hurt we were only twelve and we made mistakes but we are both okay now."

Ada loves Molly but she doesn't think the was Ron has been treated was entirely fair. She knows that Ron is loved by his family but she also knows that he feels like a second thought, she will always defend him when she sees his mum not treating him fairly, just like when she defends the twins when Molly shuts down their dreams.

Molly stays silent thinking. Ron smiles thankful that he had Ada in his life. 

Ada and Ron walk into the Entrance Hall with their belongings and pets, which they leave with the rest of the students' luggage. "See you, Hedwig!" Ada and Ron then run up the steps "So a house-elf shows up in my bedroom, we can't get through the barrier to Platform 9¾, we almost get killed by a tree... clearly someone doesn't want me here this year." Ada rants.

They reach the top of the stairs, they come face-to-face with Filch the caretaker,  and his pet cat, Mrs. Norris. Filch glares at them with a malicious smile "Well, take a good look. This night might well be the last you spend in this castle." Ada and Ron glance at each other nervously "Oh, dear, we are in trouble." He smiles more devilishly.

"He's such a creep"

Moments later Ada and Ron are standing in Snapes classroom. The greasy man holds up a newspaper article about their flying car at King's Cross Station "You were seen by no less than seven Muggles! " He furiously throws the newspaper aside and glares at them "Do you have any idea how serious this is? You have risked the exposure of our world. Not to mention the damage you inflicted on a Whomping Willow that's been on these grounds since before you were born!"

"The tree has been there for just over 20 years calm down." Sirius rolls his eyes as the other man sneers at him.

"Honestly, Professor Snape, I think it did more damage to us." Ron shivers.

"Silence!" Snape walks around his desk towards them "I assure you... that were you in Slytherin and your fate rested with me, the both of you would be on the train home tonight! As it is."

Ada just rolls her eyes she doesn't know why they were taken to Snape, he isn't even their head of house.

"They are not." A voice cuts in. Ada, Ron, Snape, and Filch turn towards the doorway to see Dumbledore standing there, accompanied by his associate, McGonagall. Both of them are looking stern.

Ada glances at Dumbledore and McGonagall "Professor Dumbledore, Minnie, I mean Professor McGonagall."

"Headmaster, these two have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry. As such..."

"I'm well aware of our bylaws, Severus, having written more than a few myself. However, as Head of Gryffindor House, it is for Professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate action."

"We'll go and get our stuff." Ron hangs his head low in shame and sadness. "What are you talking about, Mr. Weasley?"

"Well, you're going to expel us, aren't you?"

"Not today, Mr. Weasley. But I must impress upon both of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to your families tonight. And you will both receive detention." Ada and Ron turn back to Snape who casts a glare of pure venom at them.

"I bet if any of us did that we would be expelled immediately." A seventh year Slytherin muttered "Yeah cause you're not Minnie's favorite." Ada sings as the woman glares at Ada "Miss Potter." McGonagall scolds but doesn't deny it.

"What I'm only saying the facts." She was obviously being playful in her opinion she thinks it was well in their right to expel her and Ron.

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