Crush/Boyfriend Imagines

By agklhfg

206K 1.5K 670

reader x male love interest -crush imagines -boyfriend imagines -requests are OPEN! -wont write smut tho More

road trip confession
lip balm
occasional sex nights (requested)
occasional sex nights 2 (requested)
occasional sex nights 3 (requested)
back for birthday (requested)
working late
working late 2 (requested)
ice skating
best friends love triangle (requested)
best friends love triangle 2 (requested)
best friend's brother (requested)
swimming in a lake (requested)
fear of the dark
athlete 2 (requested)
hidden messages 1
hidden messages 2
movie night
cat cuddling
an early bird
class rivals (requested)
class rivals 2 (requested)
sleepover at c/n's (requested)
sleepover at y/n's (requested)
4 am
clothes 2 (requested)
a place to stay
arms of comfort
learning to snowboard
strawberries and chocolate
strawberries and chocolate 2 (requested)
hospital visit
night train adventure
20 questions
sob dish
surprise visit (requested)
drunk visitor
roommate's friend
dog trouble
sk8r boi
bus crush
Loving On Thin Ice
Drunk And Mistaken 1
Drunk And Mistaken 2

dance classes (requested)

2K 15 3
By agklhfg

Taking a deep breath, you stepped through the wooden door into the big hall used for dance training. You were met with familiar faces accompanied by a few friendly waves to greet you. You had been attending the dance classes for some weeks now, so you already knew most of the people, even if you weren't particularly close to them.

You've just always liked dancing, even though people wouldn't usually assume so given your slightly chubbier frame. Nevertheless, you enjoyed it despite not being able to dance for as along as the other as your body wasn't fit enough yet - but you were working on it.

"Is everyone here already?" the man who was training the class called out as he stepped in close after you, one more student quickly trailing in behind him and closing the door. The instructor shot him a glance.

You walked into the changing room and found a place for you to put away your bag and other belongings you had with you in between the other things of others who had come before you. You would already come here in the clothes you meant to dance in and so you didn't need to change, but you brought a spare change so that you could change into fresh, clean clothes after the class was finished.

You all began to get into your corners of the big room, finding a spot with space enough to move around. Stretching was always how you started, and it usually took up some space.

After you were done with it, the instructor clapped his hands and shouted for you all to hear, "get into pairs, we'll practice the dance we've been learning!"

As always, people around you dashed around to get to their partners. There was on odd number of people in your group and the luck just had it you were the one left out, without a partner to dance with.

"Y/n!" the instructor called out your name and you made your way to him. It was only natural he'd make you his partner when you didn't have one, carefully demonstrating both his moves and yours, correcting them slightly if need be. You also got used to it by now, what else could you have done, anyway? It wasn't really your fault there wasn't anyone else you could dance with, even though it felt a little awkward at first for you and you'd still wished you could rather dance with someone learning just like you.

He held you by the arm when you got to him at last, getting into the starting position as his eyes trailed over everybody else as well, seeing if they did good. Then, he went over the dance, breaking down each single move, explaining the footing and arms placement just like he did at every start of the class for review. You were pretty sure you all knew it by heart now with the countless times he had said it.

Then, the music began to play and with it, you all began to dance as well. You completely forgot the fact you were dancing with the instructor and let yourself be utterly enveloped by the dance. It seemed to be finished in a split second, yet you felt a little sweaty at the end.

"Alright, everyone!" the instructor shouted once again to get your attention. "I see you're already pretty familiar with the dance and you are able to do it pretty well - I was thinking, why don't we organize a little party next week as a reward?"

Everyone cheered and clapped while laughing and nodding their heads, happy at the thought of having a little party. You, on the other hand, wondered what you'd do there - dance with a teacher again?

The instructor cut off your thoughts with another shout, "Okay, calm down everybody! We'll go over it again, just in case."

The chatter slowly died down and you all danced a bunch more, leaving you tired at the end, but still feeling good from the thrill dancing brought you.

Ending the class with some simple stretches and exercises before being dismissed, the all of you rushing into the changing rooms to get your stuff and change into new clothes. Just as you were about to walk out through the same wooden door you used to enter, the instructor called your name and beckoned for you to come closer.

"Y/n, since you don't have a partner, I invited another guy from a different class to come to the party next week and he already agreed, so you don't need to worry about dancing with the teacher again," he told you with an amused smile and you nodded at him, returning the smile before saying your goodbye and leaving.

[time skip to the day of the party]

You all gathered earlier together before the official start of the party to decorate the big hall, and tables were brought in with snacks and drinks. Some of you got together to compile a playlist while the others hung different kinds of decorations on the walls.

Then, you felt a light tap on your shoulder. As you turned around, your gaze fell on your instructor and a boy seemingly your age standing next to him, one you did not recognize.

"Y/n, this is C/n, the guy I told you about last week," your dance instructor explained.

That must've been the guy your instructor invited over so you could have a partner.

Allowing your eyes to travel to C/n, you could see him already smiling shyly at you. "Hi, I'm C/n. It's nice to meet you." He spoke with a little accent, perhaps Eastern European?

"Alright guys, so tend to yourselves, I still need to take care of some stuff," the instructor told you as he walked away.

"Hey," you whispered back to the boy and only then did you actually notice the flowers in his hands. You had been too preoccupied with your thoughts to notice he was carrying them in his hands.

He must've seen you looking puzzlingly st the flowers, because he suddenly reached out a hand as if only remembering he was holding them now. "Right, I got these for you."

You carefully took the bouquet from his hands, your fingers brushing against his softly. You looked up at his face again. "Thank you, but you really didn't need to. I already feel guilty enough for you having to come here only because I don't have a dance partner," you confessed, although you felt grateful for the fact he was as mindful so as to actually get you flowers.

"Don't be silly. I looked forward to meeting you." He gave you another smile. You focused on his features, examining him more closely. His smile lightened up his whole face, making him appear even sweeter and friendlier. He had a cute face and a simple, albeit nice outfit on.

You blushed despite yourself and looked down. "Let me just put these in some water." You motioned at the flowers and dashed into the changing rooms, where you had your bag which also contained a bottle of clear water, where you carefully placed the flowers since you didn't have a better vase.

As you returned, you saw him standing in the same position as you had left him in, and smiled at him again when you stopped just in front of him.

"So," he cleared his throat to get your attention - as if you already weren't fully focused on him - and scratched his neck, "how long have you been dancing for?"

During your small talk, you both eased up the more you asked and answered and talked and joked. He was becoming less and less shy the longer your conversation had carried on and before you knew it, it was the start of the party.

The lightings had been dimmed and music began to play out of the speakers. The first few minutes, people were just lingering about, but they soon began to dance.

"Wanna join them?" C/n asked while bowing deeply with his arm and elbow outstretched to you, just like the guys in movies did.

You dropped a curtsy and took his hand, laughing as you replied, "it'd be my pleasure."

He pulled you to the dancefloor, the space which wasn't preoccupied by the tables and moved along to the beats freely, all the while gripping your hand firmly and leading your movements, spinning you around.

You could tell he was a really great dance just from the one song he danced to with you.

When the song ended, you said between your breaths, "let's get some drinks now."

He nodded, still holding at your hand as he led you to the table were the drink were located. "Everything good?"

You glanced over at him. "Yeah, of course. You dance really good."

The wide smile which spread his cheeks after your compliment made you want to pinch them like a little kid's.

After getting two cups for you and for him, you just stood by the side, watching some other people dance. From time to time, a small talk would be exchanged between you, but the silence settled between you at other times wasn't awkward or uncomfortable in the very least - the atmosphere felt rather safe and peaceful if anything.

"Hey, I love this song!" you suddenly exclaimed when you heard the first notes of your favorite song playing and without waiting for him to say anything, you already pulled him back into the swarm of dancing people.

It felt like minutes when you danced when in reality an hour or two must've passed already (still with some breaks to grab a bite or a drink, though), and it came to an end when the teachers present (a couple instructors from different classes) turned down the volume, announcing, "it's time for you all to show off what you've learned! Time for your dance!"

As they said, the familiar melody to which you had danced all those times in classes began to play. You looked at C/n, asking over the music, "do you know how the dance goes?"

He grinned at you, "why don't you lead me?"

He could probably see the way your face fell at the mention (were you skilled enough to lead another person? You hadn't done it before), because he added, "all good?"

"Yeah," you managed a smile, "but I'm not sure whether I'll be able to lead you," you admitted.

"Don't worry," he laughed softly and took your hand when the music started.

Indeed, the whole night was fun, you even managed to lead the dance alright - but, when it ended, your feet were dead from wearing high heels. Throughout the night, you had somehow coped with the slight pain and discomfort, but after the couple dance, the pain was just too much.

"I think I'm gonna go sit down for a while," you told C/n and made your way through the other people, finding a spot on a nearby chair. Soon, C/n came after you.

"Are you alright? Do your feet hurt?" he asked as be saw you taking off your heels and massaging your legs, his face morphing into a worried expression. "Let me get you something to drink," he offered.

You watched as he walked away, only to return with a cup in his hand, which he then gave you.

"Thanks," you said softly, the only indicator that he heard you through the loud music was the sparkly smile he gave you in return.

"Nothing to thank for. How about we end the night here, and I can drive you back?"

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