Cannibal ( Xfohv AU )

Von 13_XfohvThirteen_13

958 6 12

This is the continuation of the first book because my phone broke on me . . . anyways, some ships are gonna b... Mehr

Welcome, to the New Book . . . and Info
Chapter 4 • The Broken Agreement
Chapter 5 • Wounds and Betrayal

Chapter 6 • Hunger pt.1

221 1 4
Von 13_XfohvThirteen_13


| The TV's playing in the background as One starts waking up |

News Anchor: This just in, the comedian Six Integer has been found dead near the edge of the woods. His arms were seemed to be ripped off of his body and his knee was slightly damaged. We have words from the CEO of _____
who found the body, may we please hear it

Five: ( slightly holding back tears ) I was just walking by when I saw something blue in the forest. It wasn't really sure what it was so I decided to go check it out, and next thing I knew it was Six. I . . . I was shocked and disgusted at the sight of it . . . I liked them, I really did, and I cried when I saw them there . . . Dead. I felt sick and screamed.

News Anchor: . . . Thank you for the information, we hope you can recover from the sight. The mysteries of the armless murders continue as police try to find out who did these horrific things, may Infinity protect us all . . .

| The TV turns off as One looks around for a second and sees Three standing beside them |

Three:" . . . So, you really killed someone who was famous. Smart move One " they said sarcastically.

One:" Hey! Look, I was hungry and upset because that Zero fought with me and made things more difficult. "

Three:" That still doesn't clear the fact that you killed someone who everyone knows . . . This could lead you into getting caught. "

One:" sigh, I know . . . ( gets up from the couch and and flinches a bit ) ow . . . "

Three:" ( sits One back down ) Hey take it easy, you still need to heal up and I need to change your bandages . . . I'll be back. "

Three walked away while One sat there, spacing out until Three walked in and took off the bandages.

Three looked at the injury and was kinda disgusted at the sight but shook it off, cleaned the wound again, and put the new bandages on. Three then put the stuff away and went to wash their bloody hands when they heard someone knock on the door.

One looked at the door and tried to get up but couldn't so he stayed there as Three picked One up and carried them to their room and placed him on the bed.

Three:" Stay here, I don't want people to see you like this because they'll obviously have questions okay? "

One nodded and Three went back downstairs and opened the door to see a zero, they had a orange rubber band on their wrist.

Three:" Hello there zero. Uh sorry, which zero are you again? "

Zero:" Hello Three, I'm the one who's dating Ten hehe- . . . "

Three:" Oh okay, anyways what brings you here? " They say as they let Zero in.

Zero:" Well, Ten had to go somewhere with Seven again and I'm kinda scared . . . "

Three:" Why? "

Zero:" It's about the murders, all of them have been my cousins and siblings . . . and I'm afraid I might get killed next. I-I don't want to die, I d-don't want to leave Ten a-alone-! " Zero says, panicking a bit.

Three:" Hey it's okay-! ( tries to comfort them ) Well, all of the murders happened outside so maybe staying inside might be the safest option. "

Zero:" O-okay, yeah. Maybe staying in is safe- . . . t-thank you Three. " They say, starting to calm down.

They talked for a bit until Zero then went back home. Three then went back upstairs and saw One face planted on floor. Three helped One up and asked what happened.

One said they were getting slightly hungry so they tried to go through the window but fell on the floor instead. Three sighed and got up right when One was about to bite their arm.

Three:" Hey- no biting my arm. " Three said, slightly glaring at them.

One:" Oh come on, just a tiny bite? I promise I won't actually eat your arm-. "

Three:" Sigh, I guess . . . " They said slightly regretting it.

One then started to nibble on their arm for a couple of minutes. Three was looking at them, slightly embarrassed until they felt One bite slightly harder, making Three pull their arm closer to them.

Three:" Okay, maybe that's enough for you . . . don't want you to draw blood. "

One:" ( realizes what they did ) Oh- right . . . "

Three:" Anyways, I gotta put you back. ( picks up One and carries them back to the couch ) Try to sleep . . . good night One. " Three goes to their room and sleeps as One lays there.

One:" . . . Good night Three . . . maybe I should sleep, that wouldn't be bad, right? " One starts to fall asleep as that thought sinks in.


780 words minus the note! Have a Great Day/Night :∆


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