A Drop of Flames

By Nicki-Bell

38.1K 1.1K 129

The story line has always been that the Great Dragon of Fire created the magic dimension. Then it layed to re... More

Character Information
A "Normal" Day
An Unexpected Event
Character Information
More Than A College
Definitely More Than A College
First Day of College
"Date" in the Forest
Date Night nope Rescue Night
Date Night
Simulation or Reality
Test of Bonds
Night of Fun
Saved By the Red
Quick Vote

Dance under the Stars

2.3K 78 6
By Nicki-Bell

3rd Person P.O.V
•Alfea College
As Scarlett started to stir from the noise of her alarm, she realizes that it still wasn't a dream. She gave out a large stretch and asked Octavius if he wanted to wake the other girls since she didn't need to take a shower. He got up and nodded his head but before he went Scarlett called him back and said " Wait show them this note." It was a note about what outfit to choose for the day. Let's just say that by the end of the day, everyone will know this girl group. Scarlett went to her closet and pulled out the outfit she planed for the day. Everyone came out of their rooms and Stella screams " SCARLETT I LOVE YOU!!!!! Your fashion sense est mágnific"
All the girls did was laugh but agree with Stella, they look amazing.

" She is right though, Groups that dress alike have a 20% more likely chance to stay together" Tecna states with a smile. Bloom comes out and looks completely out of dress-code.

" Bloom did you not like the outfit idea I picked" Scarlett asks
" Not really, I mean how am I suppose to show off anything if I'm in baggy clothes" Bloom states with a irritated look
"But that's the point it's to show we look amazing with or without showy clothes" Musa says
"And shows our natural beauty" Flora adds since none of them have on makeup and their hair styles are all natural with no magic, hairspray, or bobby pins.
" Well I didn't like it, I wanna show off OK" Bloom snaps back while storming out.
" It's okay Girls, Next time I'll ask to make sure everyone likes the theme" Scarlett suggests
" Naw she's just tripping but I say next theme needs to be something music related" Musa jokes
" No Sun...No flowers.... No technology" they start to argue, but stop when Scarlett starts to laugh.
" We can talk over breakfast, Come on" Scarlett stars while leading them out the door.

Scarlett's P.O.V
As we walk into the cafeteria with me leading, I see heads turn towards my girls. I just hold my head high while sitting and waiting to be served. Bloom didn't sit with us today, but that was an after thought once my food appeared. Before I could start our conversation of today, Headmistress Faragonda started to speak.
"Now ladies....Ladies" "LADIES BE QUIET FOR YOUR HEADMISTRESS" Griselda cuts in and everyone froze and went silent.
"Thank you Ms. Griselda. Now ladies as per Alfea tradition we will be having a gala tonight to celebrate the gift exchange tradition" cue cheering "LADIES" cue silent by Griselda "and we need all of your talents to help bring together this gala and we will be graced by the presence of our own Red Fountain" cue chearing again.
"BUT there will be teacher supervision and any love potion, spell or curse of any kind will not be tolerated" Griselda stated "But dancing encouraged" Headmistress Faragonda adds and then goes to talk how she met her husband but that was more towards Griselda.
"Ladies what do you think of this gala tonight" Musa asks
"I think it's wonderful, it will be my fist dance here" I say happily
"And that means I get to dress up to see my Prince Sky of Eraklyon" Stella almost shouts standing up if not for Tecna holding her down.
"Okay ladies let's go pick out our outfits" I say
"But shouldn't we finish breakfast?" Flora asks
"Just bring it with you, I wanna show off my dress" Stella says while running out the door and grabbing Flora on the way.
The rest of us run after Stella, but I slow to look for Bloom to see her talking to some other girls so I don't go to ask if she wants to come back to the dorm.
We made it back to the dorm and separate to try on our dresses and show them off to each other. But then I realize I didn't bring dress or did I????

3rd Person P.O.V
As the girls got ready, Scarlett realized she would have to tell the girls one of her secrets talents.
"Okays Scarlett we are ready for you" Flora calls out.
Scarlett comes out in her normal clothes and a confusion look spread across the girls' faces.
"Where's your dress? Wait did you forget to bring one it's okay we can go shopping" Stella says
"No Stella I just haven't finished it yet" Scarlett says with a nervous look
"Ohh that makes wait... finish it? As in you are creating a dress? As in YOU DESIGN" Stella says as she puts the peace's together
Stella squeals and while Flora says to calm down Musa says "Got any more hidden talents?"
Scarlett shrugs her shoulders but says "Well y'all will see it at the dance, anyway y'all look fabulous"

( Flora's Dress)

( Tecna's dress)

( Stella's dress)

(Musa's dress)
Scarlett continues to praise all the Winx for their dresses untill Bloom comes and says " HELLO I don't have a dress!"
" Oh... Okay we can go shopping" Stella says and everyone agrees but Scarlet.
" I can't girls, I have to do my nails for the gala... sorry." Scarlett says in a sad tone.
The Winx reassure her it's fine while Bloom starts to happy dance that the 'freak', in her eyes, won't be coming. While the Winx head to Magix to look for a dress for Bloom, Scarlett goes to her makeup desk and changes it to her nail station and asks Octavius to bring her phone so she can play music.

Scarlett's P.O.V
As I played my music through the room, I started on my nails since they would be the longest. Because once I take off my nail polish I have to file them down, check my cuticles, and then put on a base coat to keep my nails healthy. And that is before I even start the process of my nails.
                       ~Mini Time Skip~

Once I finally finished do my pre-nail care, I was ready to start my nails but then I heard the girls coming back in to the dorm. I stop to listen to see if I need to go out, but they all went to their rooms to get ready so I left them alone. And I started on my nails for the night. After about 40mins I finished my nails and I loved the result.

( Remember these are her real nails)
I flexed my fingers and put them under my heat lamp to make sure the glue stayed for the jewels, because I use a real-nail safe glue. Once I was sure the jewels were good and in place, I grabbed my design book. I opened to the page with my dress of the night and got to work. When I'm finally done I realized I only had 30 mins to get ready and go to the dance. So I rushed to turn off my music, go take a shower and hopefully make it in time.

3rd Person P.O.V
As Scarlett rushes to the shower the other Winx were start to get ready and Bloom was struggling to find a dress still.

Bloom came running into the door 10mins later as the Winx, except Scarlett, came out. Bloom saw their dresses and complimented them while saying she will be ready but she needs to make dress adjustments. But while she is saying this, the ladies here the noise of a ship landing. They run to Bloom and Flora's balcony and see the specialists walking into the school with Eros leading with their headmaster and head-professor: Codatorta. The Winx stare in awe and with a Blush to match a tomato.
"Girls lets go to the ballroom and let Bloom and Scarlett get ready for tonight" Flora says in a kind voice. The Winx agree and leave for the ballroom. Bloom starts to rush around and look for a pair of scissors. She finds none and tries to us her flame but almost burns down her dress and bed. So she goes to look in Stella room.
Back with Scarlett, while she was putting the finishing touches on her dress and taking it off her mannequin. She heard a noise in Stella's room and went to check it out. But what nobody knew was that three senior witches were sneaking into Alfea by permission of their headmistress earlier that day
~Rewind 2 hours~

3rd Person P.O.V
"Good Morning my young witches" Headmistress Griffin greeted and the witches smirked and greet back.
"I regret to inform you that I have the most devastating news. Alfea is throwing their annual gala and WE were not invited" Headmistress Griffin exclaims and the witches 'boo'
"But it's okay because we will ruin that gala by devastating their souls." Cue cheers. "Submit your proposals and I will elect the best one. Let the worst witch win" Headmistress Griffin ends
While the Trix look at each other and Icy says with a smirk "Well this is perfect we can kill two bird with one stone" and the other two smirk and hum in agreement.

•Griffins Office•
"Ladies this is absolutely evil... and I love it! Go and execute it and make Cloudtower proud to call you senior witches!"
The Trix bow and disappear to Alfea.
~Back to present time~

3rd Person P.O.V
So while the Trix sneak into Alfea, Scarlett goes into Stella's room just to see Bloom push past her and run into the hallways.
Scarlett goes to Bloom's room and ask Kiko what's she looking for and he makes a scissor motion. Scarlett just shakes her head with a sweat drop. 'She could have just ask ME' Scarlett thought.
Scarlett goes to walk back to her room but she senses something dark in the air that makes her freeze. She realizes 'WITCHES'

Scarlett's P.O.V
When I realized that the dark magic was from witches, I knew I need to figure out what they were doing. I remember a spell from Stella and I try use it now. "Show me where the feeling is from but keep me from being shown" and I feel a wosh. I open my eyes and I'm in one of Alfea's hallways. I hear some very familiar voices and I look and see the Trix stop at a treasure chest.
"This the treasure girls, it's has the Red Fountain crest. Stormy do your thing" Icy says.
"With pleasure" Stormy says and conjures lightning at the lock.
"Butterflies... Disgusting" Darcy says with disgust.
"Now ladies together" "Turn these eggs to snake-rats by goop and dirt to hatch to life at a fairy's touch" The Trix cast the spell but before I can do anything I hear Icy ask Darcy to another spell. I freeze and see Darcy say "Show us where she put it, show us the past of the object, and guide us to it" and I see Stella's ring appear. I start to run to the Winx and I know I will be late to the party.

I run in and find the girls the same time as Bloom. "Girls big problem. Big problem" I whisper while Bloom says "Trix" out of breathe.
"Okay both of you take a breathe and tell us what is going on" Flora says
"Trix... Curse... Snake-rats" Bloom wheezes out which cause the Winx to look at me.
"The Trix placed a curse on the eggs, the specialist are going to give out, to turn into snake-rats." I say in a calm but urgent tone.
"Let me consult my technology: Snake-rats..." Tecna goes to say but I interrupt to say "Girls the eggs are here! We need to do something now!"
"Girls together! Follow my lead" Stella gets us in a circle and we say "Turn them back to their original form and Let the curse be no more!" We repeat the spell twice before we stop to see the eggs hatch butterflies. The girls take a sigh of relief along with me. We see Prince Sky come to give Stella an egg, but Flora takes it and has a wonderful idea. She and Musa change the butterflies to something else and switch it with Stella's ring. Which Stella then put on her finger for the rest of the night.
"Okay now go get ready! Go!" Stella urges me since Bloom already left.

•Dorm Room•
I went to my room to put on my dress but then I see Bloom run after Stella's jewelry box. I try to tell her that her ring isn't in there but she doesn't listen. So I run after her and try to stop her or atleast not let her face the Trix alone.

3rd Person P.O.V
As Bloom runs for the box and tries to catch it, while Scarlett yells for her to stop. Bloom runs outside and catches the box but at that moment it's too late.
"Well look here ladies, she thinks she got the box" Icy says as she and the Trix walk out of the darkness.
Bloom backs away but Darcy stomps to ground and creates a mini canyon
"Can't get away that easily fairy or should we just call you Wingless-fairy" Darcy taunts.
"Let's see if we throw her if she will fly" Stormy yells while sending a tornado.
Bloom falls into the canyon but grabs a ledge. Scarlett was about to jump in, but Bloom transforms so she stays back. Bloom fights the Trix but then Icy freezes her wings, but as she falls Scarlett catches her.
"I got you Bloom. You're safe now." Scarlett says as she gently sits Bloom on a bush
"Sorry Trix But that jewelry box doesn't belong to you and I won't let you hurt my sister"
"Let me sisters, she can do nothing but create some flames. ICE SHARDS" Icy says
Scarlett thinks if the heat of her body leaving through her hands and into a beam. And when she opens her eyes she sees a line of flames going towards the ice shards.
"You won't win little girl. And you will end just like your sister." Icy taunts
"No I will not, I will not let you defeat me" Scarlett shouts and next thing she realizes is her body is changing. She starts to feel a change and feel more of a connection to something. She hears a faint voice calling her but She can't hear its words. When she opens her eyes she realizes that she is flying in her fairy form.

"Just because you transformed doesn't mean anything your just a weak, pathetic fairy" Icy yells while throwing ice towards Scarlett.
But Scarlett yells "No I am not and I will never be weaker than YOU" "TORNADO OF FLAMES!"
Scarlett unconsciously called her flames to create a tornado and defeat Icy and they retreat. The Winx saw this tornado all the way from where they were running and Headmistress Faragonda felt an awakening in the universe.

Scarlett's P.O.V
Once I realize the Trix were gone, I fly down and meet the Winx.
"Yes but very tiring. Are you okay Bloom?" I ask and she just nods her head.
"Okay now go get ready you two it's time to enjoy the gala" Flora says while pushing us towards the school.
I agree and start to walk faster back to the dorm.

•Door Room•
Once I made it to the dorm, I went in my room to already see my dress and shoes on my bed and Octavius getting my jewelry out and set on my makeup desk.
"Octavius I Love you" I say while giving him kisses. He just pushes me to the bathroom to get my hair done and get ready. I finish after 10mins and do a twirl for Octavius.

"Octavius??" He nods his head and pushes me out of the room. I head down to the ballroom and get ready to dance the night away

As I get closer to the ballroom I see Bloom walk in and I know I'm the last one to the party. I walk in and everyone freezes when they see me. I look around and see my friends dead center so I walk towards them while the fairies and specialist part way for me. I get to my friends and they circle around me to block me from view and it's like a spell was over and everyone resumed dancing.
"What was that girls everyone just froze?" I ask
"Well yeah it's cause you look absolutely Gorgeous" Stella praises.
"You do look fabulous Scarlett" Musa adds.
"Well thank you girls but what else have I missed?" I ask
"Nothing much Sky asked Stella to dance, Brandon just asked Bloom to dance after looking for her, and Musa sang for us" Tecna lists off.
"Oh good I didn't miss much" I say in relief
"Oh But a Mr. Tall, Dark Prince has not been seen in this ballroom but I know that now the you're here he will turn up" Stella teases and Flora giggles.
"Oh Stella" I say with a blush.
We break away and start to dance and have fun, but I wanted some fresh air so I went out onto a balcony above the ballroom. I could hear a faint melody of the music but the sounds of Nature over powered it and the light of the moon brought relaxation over me.
"Now why is ma reine all by herself on this beautiful night " I turn around and Eros illuminated by the moonlight. I am speechless.

"Now Ma reine you know I would never leave you alone on this lovely moonlit night" Eros says as he walks towards me "Now may I have this dance" He lifts up my chin. I still have no words and I know I am a blushing mess until he leans towards my lips and hovers over them to says "Ma reine you are the most gorgeous person I have ever met and I will give you all you desire and more. Just as long as you let me love you. Let me praise the ground you walk on and kiss the feet of a strong woman. Let me give you what you deserve and more. Will you my Queen, my love, my life?" He pulls his lips away from mine and looks into my eyes.
~Mint Green meets Gold~
"I...I do not know. We just met..." I stutter
"Yes and you may take all the time you need but please let me stay by your side while you do it. I will never do more than you will let me. Please Ma Reine." He says with such a venerable look.
All I could say was "Yes Eros."
"Then Ma reine let me lead you in our first of many dances together."
A slow song came on and we danced the night away untill the gala was over. He kissed my hand goodbye and left me with an egg. It was a red egg instead of yellow one. He told me to open it when I got to my room so I went to my dorm and into my room. I changed into my pajamas, sat on the bed and opened the egg.

Butterflies flew out and only a piece of jewelry remained with a note.

"For you are the Goddess of my heart that I go on my knees for. You hold my soul in your hands and you may do what you wish. From the day I meet you my heart and soul were yours. Ma Reine, amore, âme, vie et déesse no words can describe your greatness but these will do for now.
Forever yours Eros"

I closed the note and let Octavius put it in my desk. I pick up the necklace and put it on. It hangs right below my other necklace and right next to my heart. I feel warmth from it and a certain connection that I only felt with my other necklace. I feel that I must never take it off for it will always protect me. I think no further and get in bed with the warmth of my necklaces and the sense of protection in the air. With this I knew no one would harm me through the night.

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