I'm Still Here

By OneArtsyGamer03

46.8K 2.3K 414

OneArtsyGamer03 here, lovelies... This is a republishing of 'I'm Still Here.' Wattpad deleted my account, so... More

The Troublemaker
The Warning
The Map for Treasure Planet
RLS Legacy
Set Sails and Brawl
A Mutiny in the Making
I'm Still Here
Super Nova
Bonus Chapter: Silver Saving (Y/N)
The Truth is Revealed
Showdown on the Legacy
The Portal To A Thousand Worlds
The Escape
Rattle the Stars


1.1K 71 4
By OneArtsyGamer03



(Y/N)'s P.O.V

We all gasp and behold the sight before us.

The whole crew began to cheer and race toward the golden heaven while Jim, Ben, Silver and I remain back.

"The loot of a thousand worlds..." Silver breathes out, looking around in awe.

There was well over a couple million gold coins and other gems, along with some solid gold knick knacks. .

"We are going to need a bigger boat!" A crew member yells in glee, all the pirates digging into the treasure.

Silver walks forward a few paces, forgetting about the four of us.

"This is... All seeming very familiar," Ben mumbles, tapping his chin.

I glance to the left and notice an old run-down pirate ship with some gold on it and nudge Jim.

Jim looks over and looks back at Silver, who was completely oblivious to us at the moment.

"I can't remember why..." Ben continues, but Jim ignores him.

"Ben, come on," Jim whispers, knocking Ben towards the ship. Morph quietly coos and rests on my shoulder as we make our way to the boat. "We're getting out of here... And we're not leaving empty-handed."

I slide after Jim as Ben stammers, "but--but Jimmy! (Y/N)!"


Third Person P.O.V

The two ignore Ben and continue onward, while Silver falls to his knees on the treasure.

He slowly scoops some of the treasure into his hands, close to tears as he lets the gold coins and gems slip through his fingers.

"A lifetime of searching... And at long last..." Silver looks at the treasure in his hands and grins, "I can touch it."


"You know what's strange?" Ben asks as Jim hoists (Y/N) onto the ship, climbing on himself after. "I can't tell you two how frustrating this us, (Y/N), Jimmy." Jim leans over to help Ben as he continues. "Cause there's something just--" Jim pulls Ben up, "it's nagging at the back of my mind!"

Ben dramatically shrieks and flops onto the deck on his stomach, making (Y/N) snicker and shake her head with amusement.

(Y/N) turns before letting out a startled yelps, making Jim look over at her and he gasps, seeing what she exclaimed at. Sitting a few feet from them on a throne like seat was the skeleton of none other than Captain Flint.

"Captain Flint..." Jim breathes out, staring at the large alien skeleton with wide eye as (Y/N) grimaces at the sight, her nose scrunching a bit.

"In the flesh!" Ben pauses, "well... S-sort of. Except for skin.. Organs... Or anything that--that--that resembles flesh that's not there."

Jim walks up to Flint curiously as Ben continues to ramble to (Y/N), who stares at him with a polite smile as she listens.

"And yet it's so odd, you know?" (Y/N) nods to show she was listening as Ben continues, "I remember there was something horrible that Flint didn't want anyone to know..."

Jim looked down to the clench fist of Flint and his eyes widen at the sight of an object clenched in the first.

"But I--I just can't remember what it was!"

(Y/N) frowns a bit at this, her brows furrowed lightly with concern.

Jim yanks Flint's hand apart, grabbing the copper object and looking over it before looking back at the exposed part of Ben's head.

"Oh! A mind is a terrible thing to lose!" Ben dramatically wept, making (Y/N) pat his shoulder in comfort.

"Ben... I think I just found your mind!" Jim grins, walking forward and grabbing Ben.

(Y/N) steps next to Jim, watching in fascination.

"Hold still," (Y/N) sternly tells Ben, grasping his shoulder as Jim grabs the back of his head.

"Aah! (Y/N)! Your hand is very, very cold--" Ben jolts as his wires attach to the small copper piece on their own, attaching back into place. His head spins as his voice morphs, "woah!" Flashes of numbers and other things flow through his eyes before he blinks, shutting his eyes.

When he reopens them they were a light shade of baby blue, and his speech was improved.

He blinks slowly, shaking his head as he turns to the two. "You know, uh, Jimmy, (Y/N). I was just thinking..."

Jim and (Y/N) smile at each other as Ben pauses, his eyes widening as he gasps dramatically.

"It's all flooding back!! My memories! Right up until Flint pulled my memory circuits so I could never tell anyone about his booby trap!" He cackles happily.

As soon as the words leave Ben's mouth, a bright light flashes through the area.

"Sp-Speaking of which..."


Down below, Silver and his crew watched as the tall metal walls start to explode, the area coming to life.


(Y/N) and Jim look at the explosions in fear as Ben continues to quickly speak, his words laced with urgency.

"Flint wanted to make sure that nobody could ever steal his treasure so he rigged the whole planet to blow higher than a Kalepsian kite!!" Ben explains quickly in one breath, screeching at the end of his sentence.

A large pole from the ceiling falls directly into the treasure, splitting the ground open and revealing lava. A large blaster beam started to slice through the planet, prompting some of the crew to flee.

"Run, (Y/N) and Jimmy! Run for your lives!" Ben shrieks, shaking Jim frantically.

"You and (Y/N) go back and help the Captain and Doc!" Jim shouts, making (Y/N) sputter and cross her arms, raising a brow.

"If I'm not there in 5 minutes, leave without me!" Jim shouts, running and sliding under the control panel of the ship hoping to hot wire it.

"I don't think so, James Pleiades Hawkins! I am staying whether you like it or not." (Y/N) firmly states, making Jim look at her sigh concern.


"Didn't you say I was to never leave your sight again?" (Y/N) uses his words against him with a smug smile as Jim sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"That I did," Jim sighs again, going back to the panel as (Y/N) kneels next to him, hoping she can help him somehow.

"I am not leaving my two buddies!" Ben shouts in agreement, dragging Jim's boot to reveal him.

Jim and (Y/N) both narrow their eyes at Ben, Jim holding two sparking wires together while (Y/N) holds a wrench she found.

"... Unless they look at me like that." Ben nervously laughs before releasing his foot, running away. "Bye, Jim! Bye, (Y/N)!"


Down below treasure pools into the lava as the laser beam cuts open more of the ground, making Silver shout in desperation.

"No! No! Oh, no! Oh, no!" He tries to frantically scoop at the treasure to no avail.

Two pirates try to get a chest out of the path, but both fall to their deaths into the lava.

Silver's ear twitches as he notices the rest of the crew fleeing outside the portal.

"Come back here, ya Blighters!" He yells in anger, throwing treasure at them with a snarl.

He hears an engine sputtering and notices the large pirate ship with treasure on it, making him zoom his cyborg eye onto the deck.

He watches (Y/N) press in some buttons along the panel of the ship while Jim does the same, making Silver smirk.


Amelia narrows her eyes as the planet rumbles, but Delbert ignores it, looking down in defeat.

"All my life I've dreamed of an adventure like this..." Amelia's ears perk as Delbert speaks, his voice disheartened, "I'm just sorry I couldn't have been more helpful to you."

Amelia softly smiles and shakes her head, "oh, don't be daft. You've been very helpful. Truly."

Delbert sighs in frustration at himself, "I feel like such a useless weakling!" He throws his hands to his forehead in despair and pauses, looking at his now free wrists. "With... Abnormally thin wrists."

Amelia raises a brow in question while Delbert swings his arms back behind him, pretending he was still bound as he reaches back.

"Excuse me, brutish pirate!" Delbert calls to their large guard, making him belch and turn to him. "Yes, you. I have a question." Amelia looks back at Delbert in confusion as he continues.

"Is it that your body is too massive for your teeny-tiny head, or is your head too teeny-tiny for your big fat body?"

Delbert flinches as the large brute approaches him in a rage, "I pummel you good!"

He grabs Delbert's collar, not noticing Delbert swiped his pistol.

"Yes! I'm sure you will. But before you do I have one more question?" Delbert smirks as he aims the gun to the alien's belly, making the alien freeze.

"Is this yours?"


(Y/N) grunts as she lightly hits the panel, "come on!" She growls as the engine sputters.

It seems to work after her punch, and the engine roars to life, making her beam widely as Jim looks over.

"Quite the mechanic, darling!" Jim laughs, making (Y/N) bow dramatically.

"I live to please!" She jokes back, and Morph coos happily.

"We are so out of here, guys!" Jim cheers as he steers the ship, (Y/N) smiling widely as Morph flies around the pair.

"Ah! Jimbo, Lassie!" A voice calls, making Jim and (Y/N) freeze.

They both turn and see Silver hoist himself onto their boat, the man dusting himself of.

"Aren't you two the sixth and seventh wonders of the universe?" Silver laughs in a friendly manner, approaching them.

Jim pushes (Y/N) behind him and quickly draws a blade off the ground, pointing it at Silver.

"Get. Back!" Jim snarls at Silver dangerously, and Silver stops inches away from the blade aimed at his stomach.

(Y/N) watches with wide eyes behind Jim, Jim's breathing a bit heavy as he remains between her and silver with the sword raised.

Silver looks down at the ground for a moment, slowly looking up with a dark look.

"I like you, lad, Lassie. But I've come too far..." Silver advances on the two, making Jim back up and hit the wheel, (Y/N) to the left of him. "To let you two stand between me and me treasure."

(Y/N) glances up with alarm when she notices a laser approaching, her eyes widening as she grips Jim's arm and gasps.

"Jim! The blaster--" She was too late, cut off by a blast shooting through the ship.

The trio yell out as they are thrown from the ship from the shockwave. Silver managed to grab the side of the ship to steady himself, Jim and (Y/N) not so lucky. Jim slips and leaps off the ledge and onto the other wall, grabbing a pattern sticking out from it as he breathes heavily.

He steadies himself and glances back, gasping as (Y/N) loses her own grip and slips off the side of the ship with a yell. He quickly reaches out, grabbing (Y/N)'s wrist just in time as she fell past him. He gripped the ledge painfully tight while holding onto (Y/N)'s hand as hard as he could as she looked for a way to pull herself up.


Silver gripped the boat and gasped when a beam started to cut into the ship.

"Oh, no, you don't!" He growls, yanking the boat out if the beams way with his lion and cyborg strength.

He pulls the ship closer to him and manages to stand upright.

Morph flies over to him and chatters frantically, making Silver open his eyes and look at him.

"What?" He looks to where Morph was pointing and his cyborg eye zooms in on a struggling Jim before shifting down to (Y/N).

His eye shifts up to their locked hands, and he notices her grip slipping from his.

"Lassie! Jimbo!" Silver gasps, switching his cyborg arm to a expandable claw and making his way to the two.


"Jim! I-I'm slipping!" (Y/N) frantically shouts, making Jim grip her hand tighter as his knuckles turn white as he holds onto the wall.

"I won't let you fall," Jim firmly declares, shaking his head as he grits his teeth with effort.

"Jim, you have to let me go or we'll both die!" (Y/N) yells with tears in her eyes.

She didn't want to die, this is true. But she didn't want Jim to die because she held onto him.

"I am not letting you go, (Y/N) (L/N)!" Jim growls out, adjusting his grip on the ledge.

"Lassie, reach for me, now!" A voice calls, making Jim and (Y/N) look back at Silver.

Her eyes widen in surprise when she sees Silver leaning out as far as he could over the edge, his hand outstretched and his other cyborg one grasping the ship. (Y/N) strains her free hand to grab Silver's paw, but she can't reach him.

"I... I can't!" She shouts and her hand slips out of Jim's, making him yell her name in terror.

She manages to grab his foot and Jim jolts, struggling to hold himself on the ledge as he looks down at her and the lava with wide eyes.

Silver looks between his three treasures, (Y/N), Jim, and the boat and he lets out a groan of defeat, knowing what he had to do.

"Oh! Blast me for a fool!" Silver growls to himself, letting the ship go and racing to the ledge.

Silver catches (Y/N) just as she loses her grip on Jim's foot, swiftly pulling her up before catching Jim as he falls as well and tugging him up.

(Y/N) helps the two as best as she can onto the platform, and all three pant heavily.

She slumps down and hugs Jim, who hugs her back just as tight if not tighter.

They pull away and smile in relief, but that relief was short-lived as the ship Silver let go of explodes.


Another chapter ayyy

We are close to the end! T-T

Only about... I would say 3 or 4 parts left! *sobs*

Goodbye, Lovelies! ❤💙

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