When Robins Appear (Book 3)

By tricia-joy

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Book Three in The Cottage Series. - Note: If you haven't already, please read Clay's Cottage (Book 1) and Foo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Two

471 29 7
By tricia-joy

"Nicholas?" I asked him, interrupting our comfortable silence as Ace pulled the buggy along the main road to the Valentine house.

"Hm?" he hummed, seemingly deep in thought himself.

"Do you think Mr. Valentine will be happy to hear of our engagement?"

He glanced over at me as though needing to visually see if I was being serious or not.

"Why would you believe he wouldn't be happy about it?"

I shrugged, not even sure I could explain it. It was just a feeling I had. "I dunno. I mean, it wasn't that long ago that he was pressuring you into marrying Isabella."

He laughed at my paranoia. "Darling, that was before we'd even met. He thought if I had a wife, I'd be a happier man, and his daughter just happened to be available. Besides, he realises now how Isabella feels about Robbie and the feelings I have for you."

He had a point, but I still wasn't convinced. "But... why does he seem so hesitant for Isabella and Robbie to marry? He wanted you to propose to Isabella as soon as possible."

Teddy was the usual piggy-in-the-middle, and Nicholas reached past him so he could take my hand. "I don't know, darling. There could be many reasons. Besides, it's really none of our business. Which is why I don't think Isabella asking you to talk to Mr. Valentine was appropriate."

"I understand her frustration. Sometimes things feel so right and the last thing you want is for people to disapprove. Like when I bought Clay's Cottage, for example. Anna and my parents thought I was crazy, but I knew deep down it was something I had to do."

"I'm glad they didn't talk you out of it," he said, smiling at me. "I'm glad you were able to save it."

I smiled back at him. "Me, too." If anyone else had bought the property, the cottage would have most likely been demolished, the family's belongings either thrown away, donated or sent to a museum. The Clay family name long forgotten.

"Would your parents have approved of our engagement?"

"Oh, I'm sure they would have. Maybe not so much on how quickly we got engaged, though. Anna would have." I smiled at the thought of her. "Oh man, she would be so stoked. And jealous. We would always try to predict who would get engaged first. I always thought it would be her. Especially lately, because she is in a pretty serious relationship right now... or... will be?"

I sighed. Thinking about my best friend always made me feel emotional. Nicholas sensed it.

"You miss her." It was a statement, not a question. He knew.

I swallowed hard, holding back tears. "When we were eight years old, we went through a phase where we would clip pillowcases to our hair and pretend they were veils. We would take turns being the bride, and it was then we made a promise to be each other's maid of honour when we got married for real. I can't believe she won't be standing there with me on the day." I glanced down at our joined hands and watched his thumb stroke the back of mine.

"I'm sorry," I heard Nicholas softly say.

"For what?" I asked him, lifting my head to make eye contact with him once more.

"For selfishly taking you away from your family."

"Nicholas, no." I turned in my seat to face him, wrapping both hands around his then placing it above my heart. "You didn't selfishly do anything. I made the choice to stay, remember? I chose you. Never feel guilty about the choice I made, all right?"

He hesitated, but finally nodded. "But if you ever want to go back... Please be honest with me. Tell me and I will understand. I won't hold you back."

It was my turn to nod, then I turned to face the front. "As much as I miss Anna, I am lucky to have made friends here. Friends I would be honoured to have by my side at my wedding."

"I, too, am grateful to have friends. I was thinking of asking Robbie to be my best man. Do you think he'd accept?"

"Oh, absolutely. Yes, I can guarantee he would be quite honoured by your request."

"Splendid," he said, staring out at the horizon and smiling to himself.

We spent the remaining ten minutes or so of the trip in comfortable silence; Nicholas' arm wrapped around my shoulder pulling me close, Teddy now curled in my lap so I could sit as close to Nicholas as possible. You could almost believe we were the only ones left in the world, until we pulled up in front of the Valentine house.

Isabella's three children were outside, kicking around a ball, laughing and squealing with joy. Then I instantly thought how wonderful it would be when the time came for Nicholas and I to watch our children kick around a ball, or chase Teddy, or hear their giggles fill the rooms of the current quiet cottage.

I couldn't help but look up at Nicholas before he unwrapped himself from me and smile, and he looked down at me, responding with a small chuckle.

"What's the smile for?" he asked, a little confused.

"Nothing," I replied. "Just thinking about stuff. Wonderful stuff."

"You did seem to be lost in a daydream for a while there. Anything I should know?"

I shook my head. "Just that I made the right choice, Nicholas. Staying here. Don't ever feel guilty that I stayed."

He responded with a nod, then kissed me on the top of my head.

Our moment was interrupted by Isabella hollering "Tilly!" from the doorway. We separated and watched as she enthusiastically bounded down the front stairs, her blonde ringlets bouncing up and down like her children's ball.

Speaking of her children; her loud, high-pitched greeting alerted them to us, and they ceased their game, eyes lighting up, not because they were excited to see Nicholas or myself, but excitement for one little fur ball that was tagging along with us.

Libby and Annie bolted towards us, abandoning poor little three-year-old Willie, who at first was unsure what had just happened, but decided to join his sisters after an encouraging "Come, Willie!" from Libby.

Nicholas and I were feeling a little overwhelmed by our welcoming committee, and Teddy was unsure who to say hello to first.

Isabella rushed to my side of the buggy and I stepped down, helping Teddy off of the buggy and placing him on the ground so he could greet all the humans. He circled the buggy several times and the kids chased him, laughing at their unsuccessful attempts to catch him.

In the corner of my eye, I noticed Robbie approaching us from the barn; his usual routine when we arrived to ask how long we will be staying and if we needed Ace to be stabled.

I felt Isabella's fingers wrap around my arm. "Father's in a wonderful mood today, Tilly," she said to me, eyebrows wiggling up and down. "Perhaps the perfect timing to make an announcement and speak to him about another matter?"

"Nicholas and I are here to announce our engagement," I replied, "but as for the other matter, we'll just have to wait and see."

"But Tilly-"

"Patience, Isabella," I interrupted in a firm tone. I had no idea if I was going to talk to Mr. Valentine about Isabella and Robbie's relationship or not. I certainly didn't want to get her hopes up.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I appreciate that you're even considering talking to him. Thank you."

"Matilda?" Nicholas called out to me, who was standing next to Robbie near by. "Are you ready to go inside?"

I responded with a nod, then turned back to Isabella. "Watch Teddy for me, please. And wish me luck."

"Good luck, good luck, good luck!" She was bouncing up and down on the spot as I passed her, and as I made my way to Nicholas, she skipped over to Robbie, taking his arm.

"Hey, Robbie," I said, giving a small wave.

He tipped his hat at me. "I believe congratulations are in order for you two. Isabella has informed me of your engagement."

I smiled, hooking my arm around my fiancé's. "Thank you, Robbie."

"I'm a lucky man, Robbie. Matilda and I are about to go inside and tell Mr. Valentine the news."

"Well, Isabella and I have kept the news to ourselves, so I'm sure Mr. Valentine will be pleasantly surprised."

"You're a good friend," Nicholas said.

"I was also informed by Isabella that she has asked you, Tilly, to talk to Mr. Valentine about our forthcoming engagement. As much as I can't wait to share the news with the world, I don't want you to feel pressured into discussing our business with him."

"Oh, Robbie, yes, I realise that. As much as I want to help you two, believe me, I won't be saying anything unless it feels right. And besides, I don't know how much sway I'll have in the matter, anyway."

"My thoughts exactly," Robbie said, nodding.

"If you'll excuse us, we best get on with it," Nicholas said, turning towards the front door with my arm still hooked around his.

"I feel so sorry for them," I whispered to Nicholas as we made our way towards the front door. "They've wasted so much time already. All they want to do is get married and start their new life together."

"They can, you know. They are both adults. All they have to do is elope."

"Ha. That's what I suggested to Isabella."

"But Isabella respects her father. She doesn't want to have a falling-out with him, so she does what he tells her to to keep the peace."

"Same with Robbie. He looks up to Mr. Valentine, thinks of him as a father. He sure wouldn't want to ruin the relationship they have, or the relationship Isabella has with her father."

"Why does Mr. Valentine have to be so damn stubborn," he grumbled to himself as he reached for the door and knocked firmly several times.

A moment later, the door flew open, no surprise to us to see Mrs. McCulloch on the other side.

"Mr. Clay!" she screeched in her usual cheery tone. "Always a pleasure to see you!" Then she noticed me. "Miss Fletcher! Oh, it's been a while! Have you been well, dear?"

I smiled politely at her. "Yes, very well, thank you."

"Wonderful! Well, let's not stand out here like garden statues. Come in! Come in!" She spun on her heels so fast, her apron twirled around her wide waist. Nicholas and I stepped inside, and I realised this was the first time I'd set foot inside the house since I'd snuck out the night of the charity ball. I glanced over into the living room and my heart skipped a beat when I saw the painting of Clay's Cottage hanging proudly above the fireplace. But the more I stared, I realised it wasn't the same painting as the painting in Clay's Cottage. Something about it was different.

"Remember I told you I promised to paint Mr. Valentine an exact replica?" Nicholas whispered to me, noticing my stare, and I nodded. "I couldn't bring myself to make it exactly the same. I made the composition slightly different and changed some colours. Our painting is... special, and I didn't want the two to get mixed up. I just told him my paintings are all unique so I couldn't paint two the same."

"It's still beautiful. I won't be touching it, though."

Nicholas chuckled softly at my comment.

"Mr. Valentine is in the sitting room," Mrs. McCulloch announced as we followed her through the foyer. "I will return with tea and biscuits."

She veered to the left, marching determinedly through the hallway to the kitchen, while we turned right into the sitting room. Sure enough, there was Mr. Valentine, sitting in his favourite chair reading the newspaper.

His eyes flicked up when he saw movement and brought the paper to his lap when he realised who we were.

"Mr. Clay, Miss Fletcher! What a wonderful surprise. I was beginning to think you were never going to visit," he said, closing the newspaper and placing it onto the table.

"We had every intention on visiting sooner-"

"You have also missed several weeks of church," he interrupted Nicholas in a disappointed, fatherly tone. "I do hope you weren't ill."

He plucked his spectacles from his face, allowing Nicholas to respond. "No-no, I am well. We both are, in fact. I just needed some time... after my father's funeral and all. And I've been painting and... well, you know how difficult it can be to pull me away sometimes."

"It's true. He becomes a zombie," I added, forgetting for a moment who I was talking to.

Mr. Valentine raised an eyebrow at me. "I beg your pardon?"

"Uh, nevermind." I folded my arms across my chest, feeling like an idiot.

Mr. Valentine returned his attention to Nicholas. "I'm pleased you have been busy with your painting, but I'm sure you could have pulled yourself away for an hour or so for church."

"Yes, of course, sir. I will be there this Sunday, I promise."

Then he turned to me. "How about you, Miss Fletcher? Will I see you there on Sunday?"

Damn. I was hoping if I stood still long enough I would blend into the furniture and he would forget I was even there. My eyes widened. "Me?"

"Mm-hm. I assume you've decided to stay in town a little longer?" His eyes flicked over to Nicholas then back to me. He was well aware that Nicholas and I were courting.

"Yes, actually, I've decided to stay in town permanently."

He clasped his hands together and grinned. "Well, that's wonderful news. You're practically part of the family now, anyway. It would be a shame if you had moved back to Hobart Town."

"Speaking of..." Nicholas chimed in, seizing the opportunity to announce our news. He wrapped an arm around my waist, whether out of habit or to emphasise the fact, I wasn't sure, but it felt strange showing signs of affection in front of Mr. Valentine. "Matilda and I have some more wonderful news for you."

"Oh?" he said, intrigued, leaning forward in his chair. "Well, let's hear it."

"Perhaps we should wait for Mrs. Valentine..."

"She's visiting her sister in Campbell Town for a few days. Carry on."

"Three weeks ago I asked Matilda for her hand in marriage and I am pleased to say she accepted."

"How wonderful!" He rose from his chair and came to us, first shaking Nicholas' hand, then embracing me in a brief hug. "That truly is wonderful news. You both deserve all the happiness in the world."

"Thank you, sir. I can assure you I am the happiest and luckiest man in the world."

"Hearing you say that, Nicholas, warms my heart. Seeing you in such pain all these years... all I ever wanted was for you to be happy. And then Miss Fletcher came into your life... and it was like a miracle. My prayers were finally answered."

I felt Nicholas' hand squeeze my waist. "She is a miracle." He looked at me and his eyes were filled with pure joy. Such a change from when I first met him.

"Okay, that's enough," I said, laughing a little to fight off tears. "You men are going to make me cry."

"It's quite all right, Miss Fletcher. I'm feeling a little teary-eyed myself," Mr. Valentine admitted, dabbing the corner of one eye with a knuckle. "So you'll obviously move into Clay's Cottage after you two are married, but I'm curious to know whom you are staying with currently, Miss Fletcher?"

Nicholas and I froze. We just assumed he knew I was staying at the cottage. But, of course, Mr. Valentine would deem that inappropriate.

"I, uh..." I stopped, having no idea what to say.

Nicholas stood tall and confidently replied, "She's staying with me."

But Mr. Valentine didn't seem surprised at all. "Hm. I thought as much. I appreciate your honesty, but I would like to offer your old room back here, Miss Fletcher."

Again, I was at a loss for words.

"She's fine staying with me, Mr. Valentine," Nicholas replied for me.

"Absolutely not. I insist she move back here until you two are married." Nicholas tried to protest, but the man continued. "You two are already the talk of the town, with everything that happened with Constable Doyle. Do you really want the town to be gossiping about you living with a woman before marriage? And this affects me, too. You are like a son to me, Nicholas. If people knew I allowed it, it could ruin my good name."

"She's not just a woman, Henry. She is my fiancée."

"Exactly my point. Your fiancée, not wife. Meaning you two are not yet married."

"Henry, you can't-"

"It's all right, Nicholas," I finally said, touching him on his arm. "He's right. We don't want to be the talk of the town again, do we? I'm tired of hiding away, avoiding whispers and stares."

"But-" he whispered to me.

"It's all right," I whispered back.

But it wasn't all right. Not even close. I hated the thought of moving out of Clay's Cottage - our home - even if it was only temporary. I wanted to fall asleep and wake up next to Nicholas every day. I wanted to watch him paint on the verandah and smell the stink of oil paints as it wafted through the cottage. I wanted to curl up beside him on the sofa with Teddy by our feet.

But what I didn't want was to come between Nicholas and Mr. Valentine. Nicholas needs him in his life. If they had a falling out because of me, I would never forgive myself. I suddenly realised I was in a similar situation as Robbie.

Nicholas bent his head closer to me. "Are you sure about this?"

"Mm-hm," I replied, somewhat convincing. "Maybe this will work out for the best. At least I won't be a constant distraction when you paint, and I could go back to being a governess for the children liked we talked about yesterday."

"Oh, Miss Fletcher," Mr. Valentine said, overhearing our conversation, "I'm sorry, but we had to hire a new governess for the children. You were gone for several months. You understand, right? We had to do what was best for the children."

I nodded, a little disappointed. Well, that's just great, I thought. Stuck here without Nicholas and nothing to keep me occupied. "I understand. Would you allow me to stay one more night at the cottage and return tomorrow with my belongings?"

"Of course. That will allow Mrs. McCulloch time to freshen up your old room."

"My old room? You didn't give it to the new governess?"

He chuckled, lowering his head as though a little embarrassed. "No, I actually couldn't bring myself to do that. Ever since you stayed in it, I always think of it as your room now. I suppose I was secretly hoping that one day you would return to occupy it."

Bloody hell. How could the old man be so infuriatingly stubborn and sweet at the same time? It was hard to stay mad at him. "Wow. You are a very forgiving person, sir. You kept my room even after I left unexpectedly at the charity ball, stole the cottage painting right off your wall, and stole your horse and the Hoggs' buggy. And disappeared for a few months after that."

"All in the past, dear. Let's not speak of it again. Good things await us in the future, which means we need to celebrate. I'll go tell Mrs. McCulloch to forget the tea and fetch us my best bottle of claret from the cellar."

We watched him leave the room and when we were sure he was out of hearing range, Nicholas turned to me and said, "You don't have to do this, Matilda. I don't care what people say about us. Clay's Cottage is our home. I don't want you to leave your home."

"In my time, I wouldn't have to. But here is different and I respect that. I don't want to come between you and Mr. Valentine."

He reached behind my shoulders and pulled me into his chest. "You are a wonderful human being, Matilda Fletcher."

I giggled, wrapping my arms around his warm body. "So you keep telling me."

"I'm going to miss you."

"I'm only half an hour away. It could be worse. I could be a hundred and fifty years away."

He squeezed me tighter at the thought. "God, you're right. I shouldn't complain. We'll visit each other, of course."

"Of course we will. And it's not like we'll die if we don't see each other every minute of the day."

"No, of course we won't die." We were silent for a moment, content in our embrace, not caring if anyone walked in on us. "Matilda?"

"Hm?" I hummed into his chest, eyes closed, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

"You want to get married as soon as possible, correct?"

"Oh, absolutely."

"Thank the Lord."

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