Paranoia | Stiles Stilinski

By notdaisyloll

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βœ§πŸœΈβœ°βœ΅β˜†β™‘οΈŽ STILES STILINSKI /TEEN WOLF | SEASON TWO- SEASON SIX | Stiles stilinski x fem Started- 3/28/2022 Pu... More

i. omega
ii. shaped shifted
iii. ice pick
iv. abomination
v. venomous
vi. frenemy
vii. restraint
viii. raving
ix. party guessed
x. red door
xi. fury
xii. rage
xiii. battledfield
xiv. master plan
xv. tattoo
xvi. eloise
xvii. you and me
xviii. chaos raising
xix. firefiles
xx. unleashed
xxi. frayed
xxii. motel california
xxiii. currents
xxiv. the girl who knew to much
xxv. the overlooked
xxvi. alpha pact 'nd lunar eclipse
xxvii. transition
xxviii. hybrid
xxix. anchors
xxx. more bad than good
xxxi. galvanize
xxxii. illuminated
xxxiii. sliverfinger
xxxiv. riddled
xxxv. letharia vilpina
xxxvi. echo house
xxxvii. the fox and the wolf
xxxviii. de void
xxxix. insatiable
xli. the dark moon
xlii. 117
xliii. muted
xliv. the benefactor
xlv. I.E.D.
xlvi. orphaned
xlvii. weaponized
xlviii. time of death
xlix. perishable
l. monstrous
li. a promise to the dead
lii. smoke and mirrors
liii. creatures of the night
liv. parasomnia
lv. dreamcatchers
lvi. condition terminal
lvii. a novel approach
lviii. required reading
lix. strange frequencies
lx. ouroboros
lxi. lies of omission

xl. the divine move

467 13 2
By notdaisyloll

| 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖽𝗂𝗏𝗂𝗇𝖾 𝗆𝗈𝗏𝖾

Allison Argent was dead, she died knowing that her best friend was saved and alive. Her heart remained pure as she took her last breath, Scott took her in his arms and he was the last to be with her in her final moments, he didn't understand why it had to be her, he wished it was him instead.

After picking up Scott and Lydia from the police station, the three of them immediately headed off to Deaton's clinic after receiving some good news after Allison death, she managed to kill of of the Oni before the Oni took her life.

"Stiles and Kira said it was the Nemeton that kept it trapped." Scott said following Deaton to the back room.

"The problem is this isn't even a person you're fighting. It just looks like one." Deaton says glancing between them. "It's a spirit that's taken the shape of a human."

"The shape of my boyfriend." Hayley said with a slight nod.

"Someone caught it once." Lydia spoke softly. "Someone can do it again, right?"

"I don't know." Deaton sighs as he shrugs. "This thing was trapped a long time ago, before the Nemeton was cut down, it doesn't have the same power anymore."

"Is there anything that does?" Scott asked him.

"Possibly." Deaton says. "When the tress was whole, its wood was sometimes used to contain powerful objects. But those objects are very rare."

"Wait a second." Lydia stared off into space then turned back to Deaton. "Powerful objects? Like an Alpha's claws?"

"Which Alpha?" Deaton questions.

"Talia Hale." Hayley turned to her hearing the familiar name, she never knew about the woman just that she was her aunt. "Peter had them in his wooden box, with a triskele carved on the lid. What if it was made from the Nemeton?"

"It was." Deaton confirmed, Scott turned to him raising his eyebrows. "How to you know?"

"Because I made it."

Scott then took it upon himself to call Derek and ask him about the triskeles, The werewolf then said that he would meet up with them at the school and he would take the box with him.

Lydia blinked stumbling back but Scott grabbed her arm before she could hit the ground. "What's wrong?" Deaton asked her, seeing the dazed look on her face.

"Something's happening." Lydia utters worriedly. "I had this sudden rushing feeling, like we're running out of time." Hayley turned over to the door way to see Kira holding a weak Stiles.

"Yeah. Yeah, I kind of got that feeling, too."

Hayley grabbed onto Stiles quickly when they jumped out of his car, they had just arrived at the school in a hurry and were heading up to the main entrance where they hope to find Derek, Stiles slings his arm around her shoulder as they walked together.

"Scott, hold on." Stiles spoke just before the alpha could open the door. "I know what you're all thinking, that if this works it might kill me, too." Hayley squeezed his hand. "—But even if it does, you have to go through with it. Stick with the plan, okay?"

"The plan is to save you." Scott said firmly. "That's the plan I'm going with." And with that he pushed the double doors open and they walked in, though it wasn't what they picture, there was snow everywhere, like a froze land, Stiles drops his arm from around her as the doors closed.

"Oh, this is definitely not part of the plan." Stiles says cocking his head, Hayley observed the area around them, the setting felt familiar but she wasn't quite sure from were, her eyes shift away over to the doors seeing the Nogitsune limping around until it turned to them and started walking towards them.

Kira brought out her sword in an instant. "Like I promised, Stiles." The Nogitsune spoke harshly. "We're going to kill all of them. One by one!" A Oni appeared right before Kira going to strike with his sword but she blocked it with her own.

The five of them went to move away from the Nogitsune and the Oni though they didn't get to lucky when the rest of the Oni appeared from behind around them. "What the hell is this? Where are we?" Scott asked the man with his mouth being the only thing they could see.

"Between life and death." The Nogitsune said.

"Bardo." Lydia says.

"But there are not peaceful deities here, Lydia." Nogitsune shook a finger. "You're dying, Stiles. And now everyone you care about is dying, too." He inched closer.

"What? What do you mean?" Stiles asked, keeping himself close to Hayley.

"I've captured almost all of the Territories the board, Stiles." The Nogitsune mentions, then they remembered the chess board in Stiles' bedroom. "The hospital, the sheriff's station, and now the animal clinic." Hayley grabbed Stiles' arm hearing the Nogitsune words.

"Do you know the ritual of seppuku, Stiles." The Nogitsune began limping slowly around.

"No, and I don't want to." Stiles shook his head grasping Hayley' waist pressing her closer to his, noticing the Nogitsune coming closer to them.

"When a samurai disembowels himself with his own sword to maintain his honor but that's not the cut that kills him." Nogitsune whispered as if he said it louder he wouldn't have been heard. "The middling stroke is made by his kaishakunin who beheads the samurai with his own katana."

He shakily reach out with his hand and points to the alpha. "Scott... Scott is your kaishakunin. I'm going to make your best friend kill you, Stiles and you're going to let him." Hayley glanced over her boyfriend's shoulder to Scott.

"Because just like you, they're all going to die. Everyone touched by an Oni's blade." The Nogitsune appeared closer than before. "Unless Scott kills you first."

"Why?" Stiles whispers lowly but softly. "Why are you doing this?" Hayley grabbed Stiles' waist, trying to get him to look away.

"To win the game." The Nogitsune said and the Oni brought out their weapons swinging them around causing the five friends to huddle closer together, Hayley gave Lydia a nod passing her boyfriend into her arms when she stood by Scott ready to attack at any given moment.

The Oni took over and began to attack, Hayley being the only one to heal a lot faster fought two against herself, she kicked one in the chest while dodging the sword of the other, making her stumble back against Kira and Scott.

"How is this happening? How are we in this place?" Scott asked them hurriedly.

"You're asking me?" Kira scoffs. "A month ago, I'd never even touched a sword."

"Less talking guys!" Hayley says kicking a Oni across the face, stepping back from fighting the Oni. She grunt her teeth when she stumbled back flashing her yellows eyes. "Hayley!"

Kira's nervous voice echoed through the hybrids ears, she turned quickly seeing that Kira's sword wasn't anywhere near her, she was outnumbered. Scott spun his heel as his hands tried to hold back the Oni. "Stiles, no!"

Hayley turned immediately, Stiles stood there holding Kira' sword pointed to his chest, getting ready to stab himself. "Stiles!"

"What if it saves you? What it it saves all of you?" Stiles tells them with shaking trembling hands.

"What if it's just another trick?" Lydia says eyeing the sword.

"No more tricks, Lydia." The Nogitsune says lowly and the Oni stopped moving. "End it, Scott. Let your friend fall on his own sword, do it for him what he cannot do for himself. Do it, Scott! Be his kaishakunin. Give up the game."

Stiles hands tighten around the handle of the sword, none of them could do anything but to stand back and watch him make a decision, Stiles stared down at the at the reflection of the sword and looked back, noticing a text book, a students desk.

"You have no moves left."

Stiles brought down the sword and said. "I do." Before he tossed the sword back to its owner. "A divine move." The Nogitsune snarled at his words. Hayley didn't get a chance to react when Stiles pulled her back into his arms.

"Stop fighting them." Stiles says to the Scott and Kira. "It's an illusion. You have to stop fighting them, it looks real and it feels real but Scott, you gotta trust me, it's an illusion."

Scott turned to the Nogitsune with red eyes, four Oni appeared from the sides a way of protecting their leader. Scott walked down the middle earning a slash to his stomach and another, Kira followed his lead along with Lydia both of them getting stabs by the swords but they trusted Stiles to keep following Scott.

Hayley held Stiles when they stepped forward, she winched at the sting on her lower back. Stiles grunt his teeth and tightened his hold on Hayley's body, they were coming to the end with Scott throwing himself onto the Nogitsune and through the doors, they were back inside the school hallway.

"We're okay." Scott says softly. "We're—" His sentence was never finished when he was shoved against the lockers, Kira turned around to come to face with Void, he smirks and smack her across the face. Hayley and Stiles stumbled back when Void slammed Lydia' head against the wall watching her crumpled to the ground.

The couple held onto each other, never once thinking about letting go as they stumbled back on their feet. Void cocked his head turning to face them. "This was my game. You think you can beat me at my game?"

They stepped back as he came closer. "Divine move. Divine move. You think you have any moves at all? You can kill the Oni. But me?" Void chuckles dryly following after their steps. "Me? I'm a thousand years old! You can't kill me!"

"But we can change you." Hayley blurted out and they stopped in their tracks, Void paused tilting his head as he looked over to her. "What?"

"You forgot about the scroll." Stiles says weakly, he was barely holding on. "The shugendo scroll." Hayley cocked her head.

Void stared down at them suddenly growing stiff and suddenly feeling weak. "Change the host." He whispered quietly.

"You can't be a fox and a wolf." Stiles shook his head. Scott came up from behind and bites down on Void' arm earning a loud painful scream. Scott pulled away and a sword stuck out from Void' stomach, they circled around him and watched a single fly come out from his mouth.

Isaac came in time and captured the fly inside the box. Void jerked around until he broke like stone and landed on the ground turning into nothing but dust.

Scott stared at his two best friend, when suddenly Stiles became woozy and he collapsed to the ground. Scott removed his jacket and placed it beneath Stiles' head, they waited and waited until he woke which was only a couple minutes.

Stiles eyes widen as he scanned around at the faces hovering above him, Hayley held his hand throughout the whole time. "Oh god, I fainted, didn't I?" Stiles questions. Scott smiles and nods, glad to have his best friend back.

"We're alive. We all alive?" Stiles asked, Hayley suddenly remembering everything that had happened. "Yeah, we're okay." Scott nods answering for him.

Lydia stood up staring at the doors that lead to the outside, that's when she took off running, Hayley somehow felt like something had happen and ran right after her, when they got outside, there was Aiden bleeding out with Derek holding him upright.

"Oh my..." Lydia cupped her mouth.

Hayley vamped speeds down to where they were and instantly bit down her wrist. She knew that d didn't have the chance to save Allison but this was her second chance to saving his life. "Aiden, here, drink, it's okay."

Derek stepped back with Chris Argent confused on what was happening, Aiden weakly looked up at her as his mouth made contact with her bloody wrist, he forced himself to take it until Hayley drew back her wrist.

Aiden gasped staring up at the ceiling when Hayley laid him down. Ethan reached over noticing the stab on his stomach was healing.

"You— you saved him." Ethan utters pulling down his brothers shirt. "Hayley, thank you, thank you." He threw himself down onto his brother.

"You're welcome." Hayley mumbles wiping her wrist down her pants and stood up. Lydia came around touching Hayley's shoulder before kneeling down to check on Aiden.

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