Horror sans x Female Reader

By Wolfie-nighter

507 17 13

I got this idea form a dream You are half fox and half mouse you are small like a fox pup in the village o... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

154 2 8
By Wolfie-nighter


"I found two mouse one with a pink bow and pale Wight fur I looked at the other one and saw a charcoal black fur both them had big ears l  used my hypnotizing ability and made theses mouse Think where friends they hunted for me and gave me gifts all thinking we where surviving together but in the end I ate them  the last thing I told them isn't that what friends due they help each other right?they both agreed still under my control but once I ate the first mouse the one with the bow the other snapped out of his transe and was almost going to run away but it was too late I already got him and stored him ate whole its sad they never gotten too see there human or monster forms they where only 17 but I need to eat so there sacrifice wasn't in vain scene"

"there's not a lot too eat (sigh) looks like I need to wait for more food I wonder where thoses mouse where hiding it seems like they where both monster and human I'm guessing one of the monsters got a human and did a sin then ate them and feed them them to there mouseling must of done that cause there mate was dead or eaten"

Y/n pov-

"Today's the day or maybe tomorrow I know its coming soon and I'm soooo excited for the day I trun into my human form my mom is a wolf and my dad is a fox so they where surprised  I was smaller for a fox at 12 was this small so they went to the doctor and got a blood test and figured out I'm not only a fox but also have mouse blood which explains why I'm smaller"

(Here is your size and spices)

"But when our village figured out what I am many tried to get a taste some even tried to eat me which is why we  when i was 13 moved then and when I was 14 I could attend   the day of eve where each animal and me a  hybrid would go up to a great sage and transform into our human forms if you failed tho... it won't be fun and your parents have to watch that's  my mom and dad explained I'm still couriers tho of what happens 

(Reference Naruto and Symbiotic relationship between a white rabbit and a black panther comic)


Mom- you ready!! For your big day!? *you're mom said with excitement*

-ya!but I'm a little nervous

Dad-don't be you be fine! Sweetie 

-but I'm worried someone will find out and try to eat me

Mom-dont be its taboo to eat mouse, bear,fox,wolf and lion the rats and other animals don't have human forms and just never evolved so those and plants like grass and fruits are there for everyone to eat and there is even pure water there that has no side effects 


dad-yep where going to Canada 


(Time skip to eve)

"A fox with Wight fur and black paws come up to me and told me I'm too young to be here but then my parents said that I am of age and allowed he apologized and went to his parents then it started we arrived it seems at when dinning was almost over the fox that was rude to me went up with his parents and he got to watch as his parents did it then the sage came to him and told him it Was his time to try and gave his soul some magic so the process is faster this went on and then one of them catches your eye a wolf 

(these are the colors the main is just that color and the rest is black his eye is color is blue)

(This art is mine)

" sadly  she was alone and didn't have any parents so one of the wolves that came here just in case this happened stepped up and show how to Transform for her And now it was my turn to transform they call me up and my parents came right behind me I stop in front of the sage and turned to my parents and watched them slowly transform into a human I then turned to the sage and the sage did there thing but after 20 minutes nothing happened my parents looked at me with so many emotions fear,anger, dread and then settled on a sad look then the sage said"

Sage-ZON ... ZON (zo-nah)(code word for cursed one)

"Then two werewolves came in they where form a clan call arteneins"


"They grabbed me I wined and yowled I wanted to let go Im scared of what there going to do"

"After a while tho I was tired but I still struggled weakly tho then we neared a cave  and when we got in I regained my strength and used my claws anything but it is futile they were much stronger and then I felt weightlessness and wind on my then I couldn't see tho it is too dark and then I saw ground and I landed with a loud  Thud"

"When I awake I'm in a bed and what seems like a kids room?"

??-hello my dear child I'm torial care taker of the ruins can you speak by chance or transform?

(you shake your head no when she asked if you can transform but yes when she asked if you can speak)

"But as you focus you see a GOAT?"

(You jumped in surprise)

-what what are you!?

Torial-im a monster my dear 

-oh I have a question what animal do you transform into if that's not too personal

Torial-no no its not I don't mind showing you if you like

-wow I haven't seen anyone who can do that can you show me what other animals monsters can turn into?

Torial-share My child 



-Torial is there a book two?

Torial-yes but sadly I don't have it 

(Stomach noises)

-nay I have something to eat?

Torial- I'm sorry child but we don't have meat for you but we do have some veggies and fruits but you gotta promise to tell no one ok

- yes Ms torial 

(Gives her the veggies and fruits)

-think you

(Torial just nods) 

(Time skip to three months)

Torial-y/n we have a new vister 

-we do what!?

Torial-yea there of the fox species there a black and Wight fox 

-oh I think I know them (you see a human walk in)

???-yea you know me we met at the party right?... I'm nex 

(he said this in a sickly sweet tone)

-hi nex I'm y/n 

Nex-hi y/n hey torial I'm hungry are we okay to start dinner early 

Torial-ya let me go per pair and ill call you both in to help when the veggies and fruits are ready 



Nex-you know when I first met you I couldn't tell but now I can 

(he gets closer berring his fox teeth with a predatory grin)

Nex-your not only a fox but a mouse right?

(You back away then make a dash to the basement part of house)

Nex-Let .the .hunt. b.e.g.i.n 

(You run but you hit your head hard on something)

(You look up its a door)

Nex-oh y/n come on ill make it quick you won't even be able to scream I promise 

(nex said crazily)

(Stach at it trying to open it or hope someone would help)

(you thought no body came but then it swings open your met with a skeleton but you keep running for nex and stop when you think its clear but realized your lost)

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