I thought it was hot,so it's...

By Clownwh0rem

143K 698 306

A collection of different fandom X Reader smut! Unfortunately for people thayt wanna just read smut, every ch... More

Clowning around Chase X Reader
(Gotham)Edward Nygma X Reader part 1
Edward Nygma X Reader part 2
Laughing jack X reader
Eyeless Jack X Reader
Bob Velseb X Reader
The Hat man X Reader
Jason Voorhees X Reader
Brahms Heelshire X Reader

The Onceler X Reader

13.4K 90 39
By Clownwh0rem

Requested by one of my bestest friends Ella 🖤

Word Count -6541

"Hell" it is currently 5:00 in the morning, why are you up?, You're starting a new job. After many weeks of desperation you finally found a company that would hire you after getting fired from your last gig. It wasn't like you did anything bad, actually you were really good at your job but the company was getting ran out by another big contender. You worked at a small clothing store where the clothes were hand made. The nice lady working there was super great at knitting and specialized in scarfs but people stopped buying from her after some big corporate asshole moved there and started making things called "thneeds". Rightfully so Mrs.shepard sold her company to him, retireing and leaving you out of the job. You didn't want to work for the thneeds company but you needed to pay rent and get groceries so you opted out. You didn't even know if you could pay it on time. You were up so early because you needed to be there by 6:30 the Onceler was strict and you didn't wanna get on his bad side on your first day. Heard he worked everyone to the BONE and expected you to work every hour you were there, and his whole shtick wasn't economically safe neither. You groggily make your way to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. "Fucking prick,there's no way you need all of your employees to be working this early,greedy bastard" after contemplating your life for about 15 minutes you finally get out and get dressed, putting on tight fitted black slacks and a black button down with the company logo embroidered on it. "5:30 wonder if I have time for breakfast?" You go downstairs and searched your fridge, to your not shocked but still hurt avail you only found ramen noodles and some old orange juice. "Fuck I really didn't wanna work this job but the proof is in the god damn pudding!" . You cry as you defeatedly close your fridge and grab your coat "maybe they'll have donuts or something in the brake room". You lock your door and make your way outside,rushing so you wouldn't miss the bus. The bus ride was normal wasn't eventful what so ever, the smog in the sky still as thick and gray as ever, all of this for a tacky clothing item? You roll your eyes as you exit at your stop "think of the money" you chanted as you stared at the giant building before anxiously walking in. "Hi I'm a new employee" "Hmm?" Replied a ginger older woman in all purple working at the counter before taking a long drag out of a cigarette. "I'm a new employee?" "UGHHHhhhh name?" "Y/n? Y/n L/n?" "mhmm your right here,and on time I see,smart choice,go through the set of doors on the right then make a left,if you have any questions ask another employee,just don't bother me". And with that she kicked her feet up on the desk and opened a news paper. "...okkkk you should really be nicer to strangers" "?" "You must not know who I am seeing as your new so I'll let you in on a little advice. DONT fuck with me unless you don't want your job" she gave you a fake smile as she repropped her feet up and went back to reading her newspaper". You walked through the doors and made a left just as instructed. You were met with another set of doors but theese ones were huge and metal. You open them and enter into the warehouse "...omg?" it was HUGE in there it could fit multiple trucks and multiple trees and in the back it was kind of a garage situation where it opened revealing a plethora of beautiful trees,there were pink ones,yellow ones,red ones and even orange. And the smell was fantastic,the whole place smelled of butterfly milk. "Mm maybe there are some benefits to working here. You walked up to a guy working a forklift. "Hey! Does anyone have any specific jobs around here or is the goal to just help out in any field we can?" "Oi! Hi you must be the new recruit that the boss emailed me about" "yeah..." You nervously chuckled "I'm so excited to be hereee" you lied as you picked at your finger nails and and shifted your weight onto your other leg. "Haha, I feel you,the names Mickey and I can basically give you the run down, For first recruits, usually you go to the boss and you guys go over the technicals". He pointed up to a giant window that was right above the work space. It was kinda like an interrogation room except you could see what was going on through the glass. You followed the mans finger up into the sky. As soon as you looked up,you made eye contact with him...The Onceler. He looked down on you and smirked,turning on his heels and fading into the dark background of his office. You looked back down, "jeez I'm guessing he likes to keep a close eye on his workers huh?"
"Yeah he's a bit of a controll freak,he wants EVERYTHING to go according to how he plans it. He's not that bad once you get past the egotistical, money hungry,monster part of him he's a pretty chill dude. Well what do I know maybe im just too used to him hahaha I have worked here for 3 years PLUS going to middle AND highschool with em "
"daaaamn dude that's a lot of time around all this gunk and smoke and a lot of time to know a guy"
"mhmm I guess part of me believes he will change for the better and stop putting our environment to hell if I can just change his mind, or, anyone of that matter but...i guess I'm not too good at my job".
He sadly chuckled as he put the forklift in drive.
"Alright y/ n go up there and see him,when your done,come back to me and I'll put you to work in your respective place"
"Sounds fun".
You sarcastically reply as you make your way to the stairs leading to his office. The walk to his office was about 5 minutes,not including the stairs.
"Jesus another reason to hate this materialistic asshole"
you let out a big exhale as you finally reach the top of the stairs where a red door with a golden name plack in the center of it met you.
"The Onceler"
was carved finely in the gold. You open the door and immediately start to feel your stomache drop, mostly because there were a long hallway with red carpet leading you to his office meaning more walking but secondly something just felt really off. You began your walk once again to his office, this time the walk wasnt so long so you had less time in between to meet your demise. Lost in your panicking you didn't realize you were already there.
"How bad can he possibly be?"
You rationalize with your self before knocking on his door 3 time. You wait a little before hearing a very chipper "come in!"
You open the door to see...no one? The fuck?. You head inside leaving the door open just in case you needed to make your great escape. "Hello?", You question out wondering where the bastard was. You look around the office in adoration, you knew the office was big but you didn't know it was THIS big. There were pictures of those beautiful trees you seen outside on the walls, about 4 amps stacked on top of eachother in the corner, posters of rock groups he listened to,a display of electric guitars taking up a whole wall and a circle desk sat right in the middle of the room with a model of a town built on it called "thneedville". "Beautiful aren't they?" You hear a voice come from the center of the room. You quickly lock your gaze onto the red velvet chair behind the desk. It slowly turns around revealing...him. "Mr.Onceler?" You question, straightening your posture and twiddling your thumbs. "that's my name hon don't wear it out" smirked the man in green as he set down one of his many guitars he owned. "She's my favorite" "?" "The guitar" "she was one of the first things I bought once I started profiting from this company" "beautiful long neck,glossy red coat,gold finishings...I love shiny things y/n...are you shiny?" "...I don't know sir,you tell me?". After waiting for a moment he slowly rose out of his chair. You didn't expect him to be this tall or...attractive? Usually theese type of men were short, bald, and usually bought expensive things to make up for the thing they were lacking in the front. But... he wasn't so different, he just wasn't ugly. He were about 6'2, had black shaggy hair that reached to his neck, he wore a black top hat to cover most of it, a green knee length overcoat to match the green gloves he wore, black slacks with green details on them,a gold pants chain to pull in the gold detailing on his over coat and blue clout goggles. He slowly and briskly walked over to you,his shoes making a thud sound every step he took before he stopped directly in front of you. He towered over your body,but you still tried to look up to make eye contact with him which you couldn't do,due to his eyes being sheltered by the blue sunglasses "Umm i-" before you could say anything you were cut off by his gloved hands being placed on your hips as he lowered his upper half to meet your eyes. "Hmm" he got down on his knees and started to touch your thighs Looking up to keepeye contact. He flashed a smile at you "mm shiny indeed",you immediately became hot with embarrassment. "What the fuck!?" You exclaim before pushing him back and creating distance between yourselves. "FUCK! I should've known you were like this, your not any different from all the rest of the weird, misogynistic CEOs, I don't know why I was thinking you'd be different just because you weren't bald and short and smelt weird. should've got someone else to come up here with me" "...HAHAHA" the green man fell backwards on his ass laughing. "Usually I put women in the workrooms to do the knitting and the men outside to do all of the physical labor but, we're low on physical workers and, you kid, you've got some bronze on you plus you're strong! and the physical workers get paid more". You look at him dazed. "Is that what you were doing?" You question,heat creeping back up to your face, embarrassed onece again. "You could've just asked to touch me idiot!" You yell before running out of the door down the long hallway and down the stairs."SUCH a fucking LOSER!" You made your way back down to the main floor of the warehouse searching for Mickey. "Hey! So what did the boss say?" "He...he said I'm quiet strong so he's sending me to do physical labor" "really? Great I have a new friend! Plus,now I know not to mess with you HAHA man I wonder how st...are you alright mate? Your face is all...warm? And weird...oi I've got it,he felt you up didn't he" "!. How did you know?!?" "He does that to all of his physical workers,but usually its just put your arms out,he feels our arms,spread your legs he checks our quads, then he sends us on our mary way. What did he do to you? I swear he didn't mean anything by it, promise!". You stand there in a daze before snapping back "yeah,I'm just sensitive to touch I guess,and it didnt help that he wasnt ugly" "!" "I didn't mean it like that!" You slap your hands over your mouth. "Ohhh now something's are adding up" Mickey said with a shit eating grin on his face. "Y'know your right,he's not half bad,well,not better then me! But y'know I'm not gonna shit on the guys" mickey said while flexing "shut up!". You playfully punch him in the arm before asking his what your supposed to do. "There are a bunch of tree tops in the corner over there,start harvesting the fluff off them and separate them into different bags depending on the color" "got it". You pick up a roll of garbage bags and start to get to work. The feeling of the fluff between your fingers were something you've never felt before,it was almost therapeutic,They smelled like vanilla milk shake too. You could huff these trees forEVER,but you had a job to do. As you sat there you started to think about Mr.Onceler "how did he think he could touch me like that?!? Let alone without my permission??" You started to rip the fluff out of the trees aggressively pretending it was his dumb hair. You sat there for about 2 and a half hours before you got done with 5 trees "Wow he wasn't kidding,you sure are efficient" said a voice to the right of you. "Thanks,it's hot as balls in here so I guess that's my motivation haha- who are you?" You asked as you eyed the stranger. "Oh, The names chet,i'm an employee here just like you,I just happen to be the brother of ol boss man upstairs" he kicked over a bag of fluff that you had just picked. "Mm so your a dickhead like your brother too?" "Aww he got to you before I did? Boohoo". You got up to walk away from nightmare dufus before an exact clone of him blocked you in. "Ooh Brett well arnt you on time" "you've met the new physical worker?" "Yeah she's a peach! *SLAP*" Chett gave your ass a nice slap as they both laughed at your shocked face. "YOU DICKHEAD, DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!" You raised your hand to punch the shit out of one of them but you were saved by the saving grace of Mickey. "Can I help you two?" Growled mickey as he stepped in between the three of you. "We're just having fun with the new toy,problem?" "Yes,multiple,now if you wanna keep that hand of yours,keep it to yourself. And talk to her nice,like you'd do your mom,before I use my hands to do something you wouldn't like neither" "!" "We're clear?" "...Crystal,however Micky boy,best believe the boss WILL hear about this,interfere again and you wont have to worry about defending peach here, because you wont be here,and I don't think your wife and kiddies will appreciate that". After their exchange bevus and butthead retreated to wherever the fuck they came from. You slump down the wall and take a deep breathe "those twats are The Oncelers brothers,when he started the whole thneed thing,they were nowhere to be seen,but once they noticed his thneeds were getting clout and a it was a product worth investing in,they sped down here to dick ride and mooch off of em" "thanks Mickey". Mickey fell backwards into the previously picked fluff and let out and exhausted laugh "no problem,those dicks are always giving new arrivals hard times, plus,what do I look like letting my new best friend get picked on?". You smile and plop down next to him for a couple of minutes before helping Mickey up and walking to the cafeteria. Everyday you would have a lunch break at 1:30 it lasted to 1:50. "Y'know seeing as this asshole makes us get here so early I expected the lunch break to be 2 seconds and then BACK TO WORK" you mocked to Mickey as you both finished going through the line and on your way to a table. You guys sit at a table that was out of the way,you def didn't want any attention on yourself. "Man this food has to be illegal" gagged Mickey as he picked at the grey slop on his tray. "DID IT JUST MOVE?!?" you dramatically exclaimed as you grabbed the sides of your face in disbelief. Your laughs were cut short as a finger came out of nowhere and landed in your mashed potatoes "mm gravy" teased Brett as he sucked the liquid off his finger and stuck his tongue out at you earning a chuckle from Chett. He yanks your pony tail before going to go sit down with his brother. "Fucking hate those guys-" mid insult something was said over the intercom "Can Y/n please go to Mr.Oncelers office...NOW" the phone was slammed down and the cafeteria went back to being noisy again. You look over at Brett and Chett's table almost right on que they started snickering and flipping you guys off. "Hey Mickey you mind watching my food? Don't want those dickheads to starve me" "with my life" and with that you left the cafeteria and made your way back to the warehouse. You endured yet another 5 minute walk,up the swirly stairs, and to the wooden door. You took a minute to gain your composure before knocking "god,the bastard at the very least should give us an elevator" *knock* *knock* *knock* "Come inn~". You enter the door and are once again greeted by the back of the velvet chair. "Y'know it's rude to have your back towards someone while there trying to talk" "good thing I wasn't in the chair". He said as he exited a room you assumed was the bathroom rolling his sleeves back down, you could see his veins bulging out of his arm for a split second. "Mm, well?, What did you wanna see me for?" "Right, you're a little shit starter arnt you?" He asked as he flopped down in the chair and intertwined his fingers on the desk. "If me defending myself is me being a shit starter then so be it" you stated squinting your eyes and cocking your eyebrows. "Oh not at all, Thing 1 and thing 2 told me you and Mickey threatened them today. I never really like them, there only here for my money and they act like i dont already know that, plus they always had a habit of beating down on me since we were kids" "so? Broken relationship with your family just like everyone else, what's your point?" it's just people usually don't say anything to them because they're unfortunately related to me but you...you've got balls" he purred placing his chin between his hands. Your face gets hot as you look away. "??? Why are you always looking away from me, do you not have a soul or something?, like a vampire, I like vampires, y'know the eyes are the window to the soul-" "YES! YES I DO! I just don't wanna meet face to face with a materialistic scumbag who ruins our environments!, has no concerns for his employees" "uh-huh". The Onceler rises from his chair once again and makes his way over to you. "A-And you clearly don-dont provide the right substance for u-us to keep working the ridiculous hours you assign" "mhmm, anything else" he says as he stood right over you,craning his neck down so your eyes met,your lips almost touching, he grabs your chin and tilts it up before quietly saying in your ear "you clearly have so much to talk with me about, I do to, come back later after work hours,maybe we can...talk about this more? And please be a little nicer to me, how bad could I possibly be?, I really care about making my...employees comfortable..." "Really?" your lips grazing one another's,you let out a shaky breathe before the door came slamming open and a lady in purple high heals, a matching boa and biiig blonde hair came waltzing through. Behind her came a short man who was graying, he looked to be in his 40's. His facial hair solidified his age, he wore a top hat a suit jacket that matched and grey slacks. You and The Onceler ripped apart from eachother in shock, quickly trying to busy yourselves to make the mood not obvious. He pulled his hat over his face and you started fiddling with the hem of your shirt. "Oncey bear can you buy me a- oh! Didn't know you already had company over" said the lady with the freakishly big hair. "Sorry mom,didn't know you guys were gonna come to the office,what can I do for you?" "...young lady your pants are too tight" "excuse me?" "I mean if you like them that way then it's your own choice,but, people are gonna stare and you and your gonna come across as a whore" "dude WHAT? listen you fuc-" "oooh k that's enough girls, y/n I'll speak with you again later please leave" he softly smiled at you. You glare at his mom mockingly letting out a "nice to meet you maam" before curtsying and slamming the door shut. You stormed back to the warehouse and into the bathroom locking the door and sitting on the bathroom floor. A tear slipped down your face as you contemplated the day you've been having. You've been groped,bullied, and now slut shamed for wearing pants!, the only good thing about it was The Onceler no matter how much you hated to admit it. Before you could get too into your thoughts you heard a knock at the door. "Oi mate,you doing ok?" "Hey Mikey!...no Mikey" "What happened?" "Mr.Oncelers mom called me a whore...I don't understand " "Yeah she's always been a bitch the second she got here so I don't doubt you. Other than that...what did he talk to you about?" You could practically hear his smirk thought the door. "Fuck off Mickey" you chuckle and open the door before jumping mickey into a hug. He hoist you onto his back and walk you back to the warehouse. "He did ask me to meet him again after work,I dont think I am tho" "oh? Why not?" "I don't think anything good is gonna come from me actually going" "? Don't you like him?" "WHAT? saying someone is attractive does not mean I LIKE him" "sure but I can tell he thinks your attractive too,I'd take advantage of that" "mm plotting on your friend aren't you" "absolutely not,but if I couldn't make him change his ways, maybe a thick skinned punk like you can". You put your head on top of Mickey's and smile as he hauls you back to the warehouse. Back to work. For the remaining hours of labor you half mindedly did your tasks as the other half of your brain thought about what Mr.Onceler wanted to see you again for. You clearly didn't like him, and the last 2 discussion you guys had you yelled at him. What if he called you back to fire you? "Fuck" what a shame, you were finally getting used to his dumb,stupid, not ugly face. "I guess he's not so bad looking, and his hair kinda reminds me of the trufala trees...his gloves compliment his sick coat...his hands...are HUGE, I really wanna know how'd they feel gliding across my tongue fingering my slutty mouth to feed my needy oral fixation trying to keep me quiet- FUCK there's no way I'm actually starting to like that corporate dick head. You started yelling at yourself in your brain until the intercom cut you off "ok fuckwads you don't gotta go home but you can't stay here it's 8:00, you BETTER be here at the same time tommorow" "jeez someone should really fire that lady, the only reasons she's still here is because she's Mr.Oncelers aunt" "really mm that explains why she was so rude to me earlier haha" "welp we're off,do you need a ride home?" "I think I'm gonna go see what Mr.Onceler wants" "alright, the buses won't be running by the time you guys are done,I'll come back around to getcha" "cool...what do you mean "when you guys are done" "it's up to the interpreter haha". Mickey left leaving you to walk to the Oncelers office. It felt like you got there faster then usual and you couldn't even remember half of the trip. Once again you were met by the gold plated door. *Knock* *knock* *knock* "come inn~". You walk in already to be met with the tall green man. "Hello" "hey?" Before you could even process anything you were met with a pair of lips crashing into yours rendering you speechless. "Mm!" You hastily kissed back taking your hands and running them through his jet black hair. "Ngh~" you moan into his mouth allowing his long tongue to slip its way through your lips. Your tongues fought for dominance over each other's mouth, a fight you soon lost as he began to run his hands down your body earning soft yelps. Distracted by his soft yet rough lips you didn't notice his gloved hand sneaking up and being placed on your neck. You gasp as you were forcefully pushed against the door, momentarily stopping the session. "Fuck I've been wanting to do this since I've laid eyes on you" "why didn't you, pussy?". The tall man lifted you up and wrapped your legs around his slender waste. "Eager aren't you?" Smirking he leaned forward and began sucking and nipping at your neck leaving hickeys all over, targeting a specific spot he noticed won you over. "NghHh Fuck~!" "Your such a slut~ you must wanna get caught with all that noise your making" The Onceler took his other gloved hand and placed it over your mewling mouth as he started rubbing his clothed hard dick into your clothed drenched pussy dry humping into utter bliss. "You like that?" He asked thrusting into you harder "hm, can't hear you,guess you want me to go harder then?" *THRUST* *THRUST* *THRUST* he suddenly stopped leaving you confused. "Open" he demanded as he moved his hand down to your chin tilting it up. You obediently follow his instructions. "Bite" you bit the tip of his gloved finger staring into his eyes. He slowly began pulling his hand back taking his glove off, once it was off you opened your mouth allowing it to drop to the ground sticking your tongue out. "Good girlll" He took his newly ungloved hand and began rubbing circles on your tongue before shoving his slender digits down your slutty throat. "Mmm" your eyes began to water as you gagged on his fingers "jeez you can't take my fingers? Wonder what'll happen when you have to take my cock pretty girl?" He slipped his fingers out of your mouth while letting you go with his other hand,dropping you to the ground. You weren't done yet. He began unbuttoning you, slipping his lubed up fingers down your pants and onto your clit. Immediately pleasure surged through your body. "Oh? Looks like I found a fun spot!" "FUCK please more more more" "what's the magic word?" "Please sir, don't stop!" "Good girl" rubbing circles around your clit he kissed you once again greedily sucking on your tongue, the sound of sloppy kisses echoed throughout the room. Panting like a dog you were almost crying from the pleasure until *KNOCK* *KNOCK* *KNOCK*. He freezes as you both stare at eachother frozen in total shock. He snatches his hands out of your pants and the both of you jet to his desk he grabs your arm and shoves you under the desk. He sits in his red chain motioning for you to be quiet before scooting his chair up to the the desk. "Come in!" The door opened and you see multiple pairs of feet enter the room, you assumed it was his mom,dad,brothers and aunt. "You ok oncey?" His mother asked ."y'know from out there it almost sounded like...Moaning in here, but, then we remembered it's you!" "HAHAHAH". His family all laughed at his mothers mean rude remark . "Yknow it probably WAS moaning, he was watching porn and fapping to it cause no real women would ever touch em AHAHAHA". You looked up at the Onceler, his left hand gripping his thigh in frustration. You grab his hand, removing it from his leg as you kissed the back of his knuckle and held it, he takes it back and puts it on your head and sighs. You smile and place your head on his lap until you felt something hard poke the top of your head. You look up and see you had made contact with his dick and began to grin. "Anyways Oncey we've been all wanting to chat with you about our pay" "your pay?" *Gulp* you unzipped his pants, he looked down at you with a worried expression, mouthing no as you unbuttoned your shirt exposing your tits. You winked at him and stuck your tongue out as you popped the head of his dick in your mouth earning a grunt. "...are you sure you're ok? Do you want some water?" "Y-yeah I'm good i-i just had to clear my throat" "ok? Anyways,we feel we've been doing work and arnt getting paid the same amount as our labor". His mom said looking at the others for approval, they shook there head in agreeance. You swirled your tongue around his tip before going all the way down taking his full length down your throat. "MhMmm~...I mean MOM uh, your barely even here, you AND dad. Aunt Grizelda, all you do is sit in the front and be rude to the workers the second they get here. And you two assholes don't work at ALL and harass my employees as they do there jobs, what am I paying you for?" . "We're family" replied his aunt. "You should want us to live up to life's highest quality" "ok ok ok,even if I were going to raise your salary,who said I got the money? I just got a new employee" The Onceler bucks his hips into the back of your throat emphasizing "New employee". "So I have ANOTHER person to pay" "well fire her? Noone likes her anyways,she threatened my sweet babys" she hugged Brett and looked at The Onceler with puppy eyes. "She yelled at me earlier just over a little criticism, she's a nuisance". The Onceler looked down at you to be met with a cocked eyebrow. "I'll show him" you take his cock out of your mouth and spit on it "Yy-N!" his eyes rolled back as slobber dribbled out the side of his mouth,his eyebrows knitting in pure bliss "yes her,or whatever her name is ugh" "NgHhhH~" "Oncey you shouldn't stay here this late at night if you're sick, especially in the winter" "i-im fine ma I promise". You began pumping your hand up and down his cock, sucking on the tip, milking him for all he's got. you could feel his legs begin to shake under the table. You stop pumping and place his cock between your tits. jerking him off between your boobs you look up to see his face,it was so funny watching him try to keep his composure. "Guys guys I'm fine, I'll think about it ok? Just leave for now" "well ok, but only because your sick, but you BETTER fire that girl" you watch all of them file out and the door click. The red chair was suddenly pushed out and the Onceler stood up. He picked you up and slammed you down onto the desk. "Mm you think your funny playing those little tricks you were doing? " "Oh not at all sir, but i do like to think I have a good sense of humor~" you say reaching down, running your hand up his shaft. "Mmm~ oh yeah?" He bends down and begins sucking on your already hard nipples, kneading the other with a free hand "NgGhhHh". He bites down on the right before moving on to the left doing the same as he just did. Standing up he takes his cock and lines it up with your sopping cunt "you think this is funny?" He slides his cock into your needy pussy slowly earning a slue of whines "mmm your such a tease". He grips your hair back and starts to plow into you "fuck your so tight, such a good slut for me hmm?" "Mm you should feel honored ,jesus keep fucking into me" "magic word? "Please sir~". He pushed you back onto the desk and places one of your legs onto his shoulder fucking into you deeper. "God baby your so tight,I just wanna breed your little cunt,your gonna get me in trou-ble~" He dug his nails into your hips slamming you against his big length" "AGHH!" you screamed out in pleasure as your leg struggled to stay up on his shoulder. He slowed down making you look up at him in confusion. "On your knees, on the desk" you do as your told in confusion, out of the blue he pushes a stack of paper off the desk sending his paperwork everywhere. He hops on the desk and positions you on all 4's. "oh my GOD-" without Warning he slam all of himself into you quickly picking up the pace. "AughH shit, sir your filling me all up" "really? I can go deeper~". He pushed your back farther down,your stomache on the cold desk,your ass up in the air. *PLAP* *PLAP* *PLAP* the sound of him driving into your g spot and dirty moans echo throughout the giant room. You felt him twitch inside of you, you could tell he were gonna cum soon. you start to bounce your hips into him,your rhythms sinking together as he start to desperately grip at your waist. He leans over, still thrusting into your sopping pussy, and let's out a string of desperate moans "Mm fuck Y/n I'm gonna cum" You feel his hands on your neck,pulling you into him until finally your insides became hotter with all of his thick cum, your back arches as you moan from the sudden temperature change. He pulls out of you getting off of the desk shortly after, you sit down on the desk and turn around to face him. "Well Mickey's coming to pick me up so I outta get going" "?...who said we were done, Mickey's gonna have to wait,I didn't hear you cum did I?" He questioned getting down on his knees and parting your legs. Once again your on your back "I really don't wanna keep him waiting, I'm new and I should really try to keep all the friends I got- NghHhhH~. He cuts you off entering two fingers inside of your aching cunt,curling them, he immediately finds the spot that drives you crazy,like a wolf sniffing out it's prey. Already in bliss he started to suck on your clit,swirling his tongue around the pearl. Mid moan your phone rang, you reached out to grab it and press deny but The Onceler swiped it first and pressed answer putting it on speaker handing it to you. "hello?" "Yeah h-hey mikey~" "mate, are you ready to leave? It's been an hour and a half already" "umm yeah I'm read- UgHh" you look down at the Onceler seeing he's already looking at you,refusing to break eye contact as he started to target your g spot/clit again. He mouthed the words "I love watching your face contort because of me~" "you alright over there mate?" "Yeah I'm fine! Just feeling a bit under the weather,I'm gonna need a little bit of time,ok? I'm still here with Mr.Onceler". You said gripping his hair and pulling his head back "say hi Mr.Onceler!" "Hey Mickey~" "Hi boss! Welp I'll be out here jamming  till your ready, just come out to the employee parking lot when your done. Byeeeee" "byeeeeeee *CLICK* " you throw your phone to the side and plop your head back. "Fuuuuuck your such an dick" "well now you know how it feels!" He says pouting. "Idiot,I liked it better when you weren't talking" "then let me get back to eating~" he grins before re entering his fingers. "Y'know I heard about a trick" he said turning around and entering a drawer next to his desk. "They say licking the person who your eating's name into there cunt makes them squirt~. I know I asked you if you were shiny y/n but are you a squirter?". He started looking at the sheet before going to work ever so slowly, edging you to hell. " - - - -!" "You got through first name but before he could even attempt to do your last name you tightened your legs around his face gushing all over his tongue,nose, and chin". He got up pulling you towards him before sticking his tongue down your throat. "Mmm you taste wonderful baby~". He smiled at you making your heart flutter. You pushed his face and looked away once again "Shut up!" You softly push him in the forehead before hopping off the desk and grabbing your clothes. "Come see me again tommorow" he sat down on his chair, shirt still unbuttoned, belt still undone, face with a smirk plastered on it. "I can't promise" "we'll see" he said before seductively waving at you as you exited the door. You jet down to the employees parking lot being led to Mickey's car by the Ghost blasting from his car. You enter the passenger seat letting out a heaving sigh. "FINALLY I can leave" you told him your address and he pulled off turning his music down. You guys drove in silence for 5 minutes before Mickey said anything "I know what you guys were doing". You look over at him nervously "what are you talking about,we were talking about ways to better the company hehe". "Y/n I'm not stupid. FIRST of all why would he be talking to a physical worker on how to better HIS company. NUMBER TWO that window above our work area is big as shit mate, he DID NOT close them tight enough " Mickey started busting out laughing as you sunk into the passenger seat "y'know maybe you could be the one to change him after all!" Mickey chuckled before he turned the music back up,you covered your face with your hands,satanic rock blasting as you rode down the freeway.

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