𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡...

By DWeber02

30.5K 1.1K 512

"𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬." After four months, Huntress and the Winchesters are back at it again... More

𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐕
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐕


512 15 7
By DWeber02

Lawrence, Kansas. Stull Cemetery. The very beginning itself. A black crow flew over Lucifer's head as he waited for his brother. The wings fluttered behind him as he faced Michael. There was silence as the wind blew the scattered leaves below them as they stared at each other.

"It's good to see you, Michael."

"You too. It's been too long."

"Can you believe it's finally here?"

Michael stepped a little closer as he spoke his words, "No. Not really." He sighed deeply as he challenged his brother, "Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be." He looked softly at his brother as he spoke his words, "A part of me wishes we didn't have to do this."

"Yeah. Me too."

He furrowed his eyebrows as he walked closer, "Then why are we?"

"Oh, you know why. I have no choice, after what you did."

"What I did? What if it's not my fault?"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Think about it. Dad made everything. Which means He made me who I am. God wanted the Devil."


"So why? And why make us fight? I just can't figure out the point."

"What's your point?"

"We're going to kill each other. And for what? One of Dad's tests... and we don't even know the answer. We're brothers. Let's just walk off the chessboard as she wanted us to. Ariel never wanted us to fight-- can we at least put some respect on her?"

Michael looked off into the distance, considering his brother's words. Lucifer anticipated for him to take a side of him, but he didn't. He faced him, "I'm sorry. I-I can't do that. I'm a good son, and I have my orders."

"But you don't have to follow them."

"What, you think I'm gonna rebel? Now? I'm not like you."

"Please, Michael--"

"You know, you haven't changed a bit, little brother. Always blaming everybody but yourself. Always pulling her into our business. We were together. We were happy. But you betrayed me and her--all of us-- and you made our father leave."

"No one makes Dad do anything. He is doing this to us."

"You're a monster, Lucifer... and I have to kill you."

"If that's the way it's got to be... then I'd like to see you try."

Lucifer and Michael determinedly glared at each other as they all circled around the field.

There was a distant sound of the engine revving as the cassette tape slid into the radio. The volume turned up as Rock of Ages by Def Leppard was playing loudly. From a driveway, there was an Impala pulling into the cemetery while Lucifer and Michael stared at the car as it parked in front of them.

The door opened, revealing Dean Winchester. "Howdy, boys." They both stared at him while he smirked, "Sorry, am I interrupting something?"

He closed the door as he walked to Lucifer, "Hey. We need to talk."

Lucifer shared his eyes with Michael before he looked at Dean. He smiled ignorantly, "Dean. Even for you, this is a whole mountain of stupid."

"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Sam."

Michael spoke loudly, "You're no longer the vessel, Dean. You got no right to be here."

"Adam, if you in there somewhere, I am so sorry."

"Adam isn't home right now."

"Well, then you're next on my list, buttercup, but right now, we need five minutes with him."

Michael marched up to him, angrily. "You little maggot. You are no longer a part of this story!"

Michael got knocked over by the palm of the hand. His nose was dripping blood as his blue eyes opened up. Hearing the roar as the pink-and-orange light glows in front of Dean. Revealing Karina Leone. He threw back at the effect of the punch as she lifted her eyebrow as smirked.

"Hey!!" They all turned to see Castiel holding a bottle with a flaming torch. "Ass-butt!!"

He threw the bottle at him and he screamed as the flame shattered. Dean and Karina averted their faces from the fire in front of them. The fire enlightened his vessel as he burned alive until he disappeared in flames. Lucifer glared at Castiel who lowered his hand from his eyes.

They both turned to Castiel, confused by his line. Karina repeated with squinting eyes, "Ass-butt?"

He lifted his arms and his shoulders, panting helplessly. "He'll be back-- and upset-- but you both got your five minutes."

"Castiel." Angel looked at Lucifer who stared at him angrily, "Did you just Molotov my brother with holy fire?"

Angel backed away while Dean and Karina looked at him, scared. "Uh... no."

"No one dicks with Michael, but me."

He raised his fingers as he snapped. Castiel was bursting in the blood into bits and pieces. His flesh exploded while Bobby stood behind him with blood splattered on his face. Karina gasped lightly to see her Guardian Angel explode, she hated that her last words with him went poorly.

Dean looked over to Lucifer while Karina was looking at the flesh pieces, "Sammy, are you in there?"

Lucifer turned to Dean as he walked slowly to him, "You know... I tried to be nice... for Sammy's sake. But you... are such a pain..." He gripped his jacket while he glared at him, "... in my ass."

He tossed Dean against the windshield, crushing the window. "DEAN!!"

She came rushing toward him but she was slapped across her cheek. She got down on the grass aside from the car. A pink bruise began to show on her right cheek, she sat up looking at Lucifer who was standing above her. Her breathing shuddered in fear while she was backing away as he took each step toward her. Her back was against the bumper of the Impala.

Gunshot entered through his back, he was unfaded. He turned around and saw Bobby holding a gun. He shot another bullet it targeted his chest. The hole was bleeding from outside he looked down before glaring at Bobby. He raised his hand and twisted, snapping the neck.

Dean and Karina screamed, "No!!" Bobby fell down on the ground, lifeless.


Lucifer grabbed Dean's legs, pulling him off the hood. He punched him across his mouth, causing him to bleed on the hand. Karina quickly stood up, rushing to him. Her hands were on his back as she looked down at the drip of blood. She stood up firmly as she looked him in the eyes.

Her arms held out from her back, protecting him. "Sam Winchester... are you in there?"

"Oh, he's in here, all right."

He punched her eye out, making her eye bleed. She almost fell, but a person behind her caught her. She grunted as she stood up. She held her hand out, "Stranger, come back to me."

"He's not coming back." Grabbing her hand, twisting it hard. Snapping as she fell down on the grass. "And he's gonna feel the snap of your bones." He raised his foot as he stomped on her leg, breaking. She screamed out in pain as her body was on the grass. "Every single one. Choose."


He kicked her in the gut, making her spit out the blood. Kicking her repeatedly until a hand was on his shoulder. He punched in the face, collapsing on the grass. Dean groaned loudly as the bruises appeared to him. Lucifer walked over to Karina and grabbed the jacket to pull him up.

Dean lay on the Impala, looking at Lucifer in brutal pain. "We're gonna take our time." The fists came across his face, side by side. Bleeding and bruising all over. She looked up while her eye and her mouth were bleeding. Her hand reached out, shaking as she pulled herself on the glass.

One by one, ignoring the torturous pain in her body. Another hand was holding her stomach her left hand was strong enough to feel her scars on the grass. Pulling and pulling while the punches continued on.

He put his hands on the jacket as his bruised-up green eyes looked at him, "Sam, it's okay. It's okay. We're here. We're here. We're not gonna leave you." Lucifer ignored him as he gave two more punches. His voice began to break as he was close to dying, "We're not gonna leave you."

His fist strengthened more as he raised it above him. Her hand landed on a boot, his boot. Holding on to him, then sunlight shines on the rims of the Impala. The reflection shined on the rims as the hazel eyes shifted through the window.

Showing a view of a green army man and... a throwing knife with carved K.L. in the ashtray.

Howling winds echoed as the smeared bloody fist kept gripping hard. The eyes focused on the ashtray, reminiscing the memories of when he was a kid. Two young brothers carving the initials on the rear tray of S.W. and D.W. along with an army man and legos. A very beginning itself.

With a voicemail... A voicemail where it all began five years ago. Three members joined together as one. Starting a journey for an adventure. Filled with happiness, smiles, laughter, joy, anger, sadness, tears, comforts, love, fearlessness, warmth, coolness, and humanity.

Huntress and the Winchesters...Dynamic Trio... Sam... Karina... and Dean... embraced.

"You're stronger than him. You're stronger than me. I believe in you, Sam Winchester. Fight it."

Howling winds stopped as the fist slowly unclenched. It let go as he let go of Dean who fell to the ground. Fell on the ground with Karina by his side. She looked up as she pulled herself up, looking at him terrified. He was breathing heavily as he looked down on them. Her eyes were teared up as she looked right through his hazel eyes. There was a spark she had been looking at for years. Her lips turned into a sad smile of relief. Dean lifted his head as they both looked at him.

"It's okay, guys. It's gonna be okay. I've got him."

Sam took out the Horsemen's rings and then tossed them on the ground. He recited the invitation as the grass rumbled, caving around the rings. The air was sucked into the hole, letting leaves circle around and the gravestones fell into the hole of black darkness.

Dean and Karina looked at him, seeing him standing firmly. Sam looked back at them as he nodded. Their eyes were filled up with tears to see him determined to fall as the wind blew.

"Sam!!" Their heads turned to see Michael standing across from him, "It's not gonna end this way!! Step back!!"

"You're gonna have to make me!!"

"I have to fight my brother, Sam!! Here and now!! It's my destiny!!"

Sam Winchester looked over to his family-- Dean Winchester and Karina Leone.

Their eyes looked at each other, longing. He closed his eyes as he lifted his arms. Breathing the fresh air he won't breathe anytime soon including the softened scent of lavender. Michael lunged at him to stop him from falling but Sam grabbed his arms. Pulling toward him.

They both fell together into the hole. Their mouths gasped as their eyes continued to look.

The sparks of light blinded from the hole. Their faces averted from the lightning. They both turned to the hole, seeing nothing but steaming rings on the grass. They breathed heavily as their tears began to shed... as they both lost their family. Leaning back against the Impala.


Dean Winchester kneed down on the grass, looking down at the rings. His tears were falling on the grass. Karina Leone was resting by the Impala, crying her heart out as she couldn't move.

Her brown eyes opened as she gasped lightly to see a figure standing over him. He looked up to see a blue-eyed Angel over his shoulder. "Cas, you're alive?"

"I'm better than that."

His fingers touched him on the forehead as his wounds were healed up. Dean stood up being awed to see his friend standing, "Cas, are you God?"

"That's a nice compliment... but no. Although, I do believe she brought me back. New and improved."

Castiel looked over to Karina who was giving him a longing look. "I'm sorry."

"No need to be sorry, Karina... I will always protect you." She smiled softly before he walked off to Bobby.

There were scattered leaves beside her. She turned her gaze, seeing Ariel walking up to her. Her golden eyes gave a huge spark of joy and blessing. She opened her jaw and breathed onto her. Her air enchanted all the wounds into being healed. Breathing her into a new life.

All of her pain dissolved as she moved her arm and her leg. She looked at Ariel who was smiling proudly. No need for any spoken words. She put her paw against her chest near her heart. It glowed into a pink-and-orange light. Pulling her paw out, leaving the shaped paw as it entered her soul.

Karina Leone looked at Ariel, realizing what she had done. She gave the summoning paw in case she ever needed her. That she will always come first... even before God Himself. She vanished.

She stood up as she walked to Dean who looked down on the rings in his hand. She laid her head on his shoulder as she looked down at the rings together. Thinking about Sam...

Endings are hard. Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There's always gonna be holes. And since it's the ending, it's all supposed to add up to something. I'm telling you, they're a raging pain in the ass.

On the road in the dark night, Castiel, Karina, and Dean were seated together in Impala. They were quiet as they all focused on the road. She asked the Angel, "What are you gonna do now?"

"Return to Heaven, I suppose."

They both turned their heads, shocked. She repeated, "Heaven?"

"With Michael in the Cage, I'm sure it's total anarchy up there."

"So, what, you're the new Sheriff in town?" asked Dean.

Castiel smirked slightly, "I like that. Yeah. I suppose I am."

"Wow. Ariel gives you a brand-new, shiny set of wings, and suddenly you're God's bitch again."

"I don't know what God wants. I don't know if He'll even return. It just... seems like the right thing to do."

"Well, if you do see Him, you tell Him I'm coming for Him next."

Castiel and Karina were surprised to hear coming from him, "You're angry."

"That's an understatement."

"He helped by letting Ariel help us." Dean scoffed, "Maybe even more than we realize."

"That's easy for you to say. She brought you back because Kay summoned her, okay? Yeah, sure, but what about Sam? What about us, huh? Where's our grand prize? All we got is my brother in a hole!!"

"You got what you asked for, Dean. No paradise, no Hell. Just more of the same. I mean it, Dean. What would you rather have? Peace or freedom?" Karina looked at him as he thought more.

His words can never be more true. He turned his head to speak more, but Castiel disappeared. He rolled his eyes as he focused on the road, "Well, you really sucked at goodbyes, you know that?"

She sighed deeply before his eyes shifted to her, "Kay? You got what you wanted, right?"

Her eyes drifted to him driving as she answered honestly. "No. Not really." She rested her head on his shoulder as she brightened up, "At least, I got you, dumbass." He chuckled softly.

This is the Dean, Karina, and Bobby will see of each other for a very long time. Just before Huntress left Impala from being on Eternity... she carved her initials on wood. And for the record, at this point next week, Bobby will be hunting a Rugaru outside of Dayton. But not Dean and Karina.

They both didn't want Cas to save them. Every part of them, every fiber they got wants to die or find a way to bring Sam back. But they aren't gonna do either... because they made a promise.

The front door opened, revealing a shadow of Karina Leone. Walking inside as she turned on the lights. Seeing her living room left where she was five years ago. She hung her black leather jacket on the coat rack before she walked to the kitchen. She boiled the pasta, not any pasta.

Fettuccine Alfredo.

Just like her father used to make for her Christmases and many years have gone by. After she settled in with her untied boots and pulled her ponytail out to rest her shoulders.

The fireplace burst up in flames, hearing the wood crack as it remained burning. She sat down on the wooden floor with a dish of pasta on her lap in front of the fireplace. Her brown eyes drowned in each flame, holding on to the fork and spoon. Sighing deeply while her eyes told a story.

She set down the plate on a table behind her, then grabbed her journal. She grabbed her pen and wrote it down in her handwriting as she wrote her story. Her story with Sam Winchester... and Dean Winchester. "From then on, I lived my life in solitude until my phone started ringing."

So, what's it all add up to? It's hard to say. But me, I'd say this was a test... for Sam, Karina, and Dean. And I think they did all right. Up against good, evil, Angels, Devils, destiny, and God Himself. They made their own choice... they chose family. And, well... isn't that kinda the whole point?

No doubt-- endings are hard. But then again... nothing ever really ends, does it?

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