The Raven | Lesso x Fem.Reader

By Nwptun

3.3K 159 14

One of the most feared villians is the Raven, so it suprised Lady Lesso when the all mighty Raven broke into... More



382 16 1
By Nwptun

Yeah, who said that

Lesso PoV:

The day was over and I walked without stopping upstairs into my room. Y/n sat there and was reading a book, looking at me with a short smile.

"Everything alright?" I asked, taking off my coat and placing it in my closet.

"Yes. You have some nice guards."

"Who, Enzo? Yes, he's the best one I have, thats whys he's my personal guard." She nodded and looked back in my book.

I sat down on the bed and took off my shoes, then my tie, before slowly opening my suit top. Even when I was with my back turned to her, I felt how she secretly scanned my movements.

I just smirked to myself and took it off, getting a red blouse out of the closet and putting it on.

"You know, looking is not that nice without permission." There it was again, that blush on her face. She looked over the book at me and played it off.

"I didnt look."

"Your face tells me otherwise Darling, you blushed." That just made her blush even more and I chuckled.

"That doesnt mean anything." I nodded and walked around the armchair she was sitting on, looking at the pages she was reading.

"Good choice, thats one of my favourites." She looked up at me and I starred down at her.

Without another word, I disapperead into the bathroom and washed my face to relax a bit. There it was again, all the flirting and jokes, how did she manage to pull that out off me?

I looked over at her and got lost in my thoughts again. What was she doing to me? Whatever it was, it was something that was against our nature. Still I didnt want to stop it, it made me feel some kind of way.

When I came back out of the bathroom, there was a knock on the door.

"Who's there?"

"Its me, Enzo. You forgot your cane, so I thought I might bring it to you." I turned my head to my coat and yes, I really forgot my cane. How did I walk that far without tripping?

"Bring it in." The door opened and the big wolf came inside, handing me my cane.

"Your excused." With that, he left again and I placed my cane to my coat.

"Why do you have that cane?" I didnt turn back to her, I just sat down on the bed and looked at the floor.

"An injury, dont assume I'm less dangerous now, or less good in bed." She bit her lip and I chuckled.

"Dont worry, I take you serious, with or without injury." Y/n stood up and came closer to the bed, laying down besides me.

I looked at her and she did the same. Someone could say what he wanted but there was a tension between us.

"Uhm, my, my bandages." She said and sat up. I shook my head and did the same as her. Did she notice that too?

"Y-yeah, let me just get the stuff." What just happened? I wasnt really with myself, so I flinched when Y/n touched my arm carefully.

"You seemed lost, because you kept starring at the drawer for the past five minutes." I looked at the drawer and then back at her.

"Yeah, I, uhm. Nevermind, sit down and take off your shirt."

"Cant wait to touch me, hm?" I blushed and took her new bandages.

"Dont worry, one day you will be begging me to touch you." What the fuck is happening? What is this? Why am I saying this? I starred into her eyes, before carefully changing her bandages.

"How do you feel with walking?" I changed the topic, hoping to get away from this situation.

"Its okay, hurts after some time but not that bad." I nodded and threw the old bandages away.

"I want you to get on a walk with me tomorrow. I want to see how stable you are." She looked at me and I scratched my neck, still worked up from everything that happened.

"If you want that, then we will do it." With a nod, I sat down at my desk and started to do some school work.

Y/n PoV:

There was something, I just couldnt quiet tell what. She seemed nice and I liked her, which isnt really happening a lot.

She sat on her desk, while I sat her on the bed, my shirt in my hands, thinking about the past few minutes. Whatever that was, I hoped it wouldt ruin my chances of getting her as a friend.

My look wandered up to her red curls and a smile apperead on my face. She was someone that made me feel safe, I just didnt know why.

"What do you want to eat?" She asked me, getting me back out of my thoughts.


"What do you want to eat?" I looked up at her and rubbed my eyes.

"Something with meat, or so? I dont know." I carefully put on my shirt and saw her still looking down at me.

"Are you alright? You seem a bit away." With a nod, I stood up, my leg giving in so that I fell into her arms. I have to admit, she smelled amazing and her curls were so soft on my face, it was hipnotizing.

"Woah, your sure your okay?" She helped me sit back down and I nodded, missing her so close to me.

"Its probably just some more sleep that I need. Will you wake me when the food is done?"

"Yeah, of course. Lay down and sleep some more, your body needs it." I laid down and tried to pull the blanket over me, but a wave of tiredness held me up. Leonora carefully took the blanket and pulled it over me, tucking some hair behind my ear.

"Sleep now Darling, I'm here when you need anything." With a yawn, I closed my eyes and slept in.

Lesso PoV:

She looked cute when she was sleeping. I walked to the door and called for Enzo, before I told him to get us both a steak with some potatos and a side dish.

I sat back down on my table and continued to do my work, which didnt seem to come to an end. When I finally heared the knock on the door, I stood up and was more then happy to see Enzo with our food.

He placed it on my desk and left the room again, closing the door behind him. I wanted to wake Y/n, but I stopped when I saw her sleeping face.

What were we? Friends? I looked at her and sat down on the bed acrefully, looking that I wouldnt wake her up.

And when not, would we become friends? Or would she just leave, the second shes healthy again? I placed my hand carefully ontop of hers, feeling the softness of her skin. Something in me just wanted to keep her with me.

"Your done touching me Lesso?" With an emberrased look on my face, I looked at her. She started to laugh and carefully sat up, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"You should have seen your face Lesso, it was just way to good for that moment." I started to laugh now too, feeling calm in her presence.

"I just wanted to wake you, the food is here." She nodded and I gave her the plate with her food.

"Uhhh, looks good."

"I always make the right choices, I know whats good." She smirked at me and started to eat, me doing the same. I almost chocked on  my steak when I heard her moan, my face turning slight red.

"How do they manage to get it that good?"

"Magic Darling, magic." I looked at her and smiled, satisfied with her response to the food.

"If every meal is so good you wont ever get rid of me."

"Who said that I wanted to get rid of you." We both shared a look, before I got back to eating.

"Yeah, who said that." She mumbled and for the rest of the meal, we kept quiet, just enjoying the presence of the other.

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