By Anjali768

2.5K 157 5

It is said that there's no love , where there's no pain.❤️ So here's a love story of two different personalit... More

Is it love?
Part- 7
Part- 8
Part- 9
Part- 10
Part- 12 (Finale)


192 12 1
By Anjali768

After the wedding was over, Jimin left from there before RM, who was talking to his dad.
RM- "So Mr.Park....oh sorry I mean dad. You can join again from tomorrow. But don't you dare even thinking of betraying me again. Be grateful I gave you another chance,thanks to your son."
JM/Dad- "But in return you took his happiness away."
RM- "And who's fault was that, huh?"
Mr.Park looked down. "Anyways! I'm sending you to Busan to handle some matters. So be ready tomorrow."
JM/Dad - "Ok boss!!" He bowed.

On the other hand-

Jimin reached the Kim mansion which wasn't looking less than a palace. He was overwhelmed by the beauty of it but he knew that his misfortune is waiting inside. Ringing the doorbell, a maid opened the door with a smile.
"Welcome young master Jimin! Sir told us about you. Congratulations for your wedding."
JM- "Thanks!" He just gave a faint smile.
Maid- "Please come in. I'll show you your room." Jimin took his luggage and followed the maid, upstairs. She led him to a beautiful room. Inside it, the room was big, there were bookshelves consisting of a lot of books.
"Is this bedroom or a library?"

"This is our sir's room who is a big fan of books. He loves reading them."

"I see."

"You must be hungry. Shall I prepare dinner for you?"

"No thanks! I'm tired. Can I just go to sleep?"

The maid smiled. "Sure sir. Have a good night." She smiled and left from there.
Jimin took out some clothes from his suitcase and went to take a shower. When he came out, he lied down on bed, trying to sleep. He really was tired. A lot of thoughts were roaming in his mind.

Jimin POV-

So finally I became Kim Jimin from Park Jimin. Should I be happy that I'm now the husband of the richest and the dangerous Mafia RM? *Bitterly chuckled* Hmph! Only sluts can be happy with that.
Dad said that he's really cruel and heartless. I saw that with my own eyes. He made me his slave by marrying me. What will he do to me now? Will he use me for his lust? If so, then what can I do? I have to bear whatever he does to me, for the sake of my parents. Thinking like this, I drifted to sleep.
At midnight, I felt something cold touching my neck. When I realised that it was someone's hand, I got up in
fear and yanked the hand, only to see my husband, misfortune.
RM- "Why are you scared?"
JM- "What are you trying to do? Don't touch me." I said, backing away.
He smirked. "Why shouldn't I touch you? Since I'm your husband, don't you think I have the rights?"
I looked down. He's right. I'm his husband or should I say his slave. I have no right to stop him. He can do whatever he wants. I cursed my fate mentally. I nodded. The next moment he came closer and brought his hand forward to touch me. I just closed my eyes in fear. But what I felt was unexpected. H-he was pinching my cheeks? Huh? I looked at him with shocked eyes.
RM- "Your cheeks are so chubby and soft. I never touched any softest thing like that." He kept pinching my cheeks until he was satisfied. It's not like he was pinching them hard.
After a little while, he let go of my cheeks and yawned. "Sleep now. I'll do that after taking a shower." Saying that, he walked to the bathroom.
What the fuck was that? Anyways, I'm saved. Thank God! I didn't give it much thought and went to sleep.

In the morning, I woke up and saw him sleeping beside me. I stared at his sleeping figure. He looks so normal while sleeping but he turns into a devil when he opens his eyes. I'm glad that he didn't do anything last night. I freshened up and came downstairs to make breakfast.

I was talking to the maids as they were so friendly. Just then a deep voice came that made all of us flinch.
"Is breakfast ready?"
Turning around, we saw RM standing near the dining table with a cold face on. He was in his black suit. It would be a lie if I said that he wasn't looking attractive. The maids bowed to him.
"Yes sir! Breakfast is ready. Please sit. We'll serve you." He nodded and sat on the chair. The food was served to him. He took a bite and stared at maids.
"This taste is unusual. Who cooked breakfast today?" Didn't he like the food?
"S-sir! It's young master who cooked today." He looked at me coldly.
"Who told you to do that?"
"I...I did that out of habit. I'm sorry. If you didn't like the food, I can cook something else-"
"It's okay. The breakfast is fine. I just asked because the taste was different. You too come and eat." I sighed in relief and sat down in front of him. He finished his breakfast and was about to go when I stopped him.
"Please wait a moment."
"What is it? Speak fast. I'm getting late."
"C-can I go to college?"
"Did I say that you can't go? Don't bother me for smallest things. But you won't go without any bodyguard as my enemies might attack you. One more thing, you are not allowed to go anywhere except college. Understand?" He said coldly on which I nodded. Saying that he left.
Like I ever went anywhere after college. It's the same as before.
At least I'm allowed to continue my studies. The bodyguards dropped me to college. When I was coming out of the car, everyone was staring and gossiping about me. And why wouldn't they? I used to go to college by bus but now it's different. The eyes on me felt so uncomfortable but I ignored all of them and headed towards my class. Entering, a boy ran to me and hugged me tightly who wasn't other than my best friend Kim Taehyung.
"Chim! Are you okay? I heard what happened to you and your family from your mom."
"Tae! I'm ok."
"You call me your best friend then why the hell you didn't tell me anything?" He bursted on me.
"I'm really sorry Tae. I hid it from you because I didn't want to make you worry." I looked down when he sighed.
"Jimin! Promise me that you won't hide anything from me from now on if you think of me as your best friend."
"I promise Tae. I won't do that again but Will you forgive me now?"
"It's ok,Chim!" I smiled at him and he smiled back.
We sat on our seats when he said, "So how's that bastard treating you?"
"Till now, nothing bad has happened."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean things are going the way I never thought they would be."
"Chim! Can't you say simply? I can't understand."
"The people are behaving nicely to me at the mansion. The maids are friendly and also the guards address me by "Young Master". And last night RM -"
"What did he do to you?" He suddenly cut me off and widened his eyes.
"Calm down Tae! He didn't do anything. It's just last night he came to me while I was sleeping. I thought that he would do something wrong but what he did was beyond my thinking. You won't believe."
"What he did?"
"He...he pinched my cheeks." Tae looked at me in disbelief.
"WTF! Is that all?"
"After that we went to sleep. That's all."
"He's weird."
"I also think so. And when I asked him if I can go to college, he even agreed and sent his bodyguards with me for my safety."
"Why'd he behave nice? Mafias are never nice. Maybe he's just pretending. He'll show his true nature to you later. Be careful Chim!"
"Don't worry Tae! I'm prepared for whatever is gonna happen with me." I gave him a sad smile.
"Oh Chim!!" He sadly said and hugged me. I know he's sad that he can't do anything for his best friend, other than feeling sympathy. I patted his back indicating that I'm ok. But deep down I'm scared of what's going to happen next.

End of POV

A/N- "Don't worry Jimin! Everything will be fine. Trust me."
JM- "Like hell I'll trust you. An author is never be trusted."
A/N- "Well, you're actually right. 😂But your words pierced me deep inside😣🗡️"
JM- "Stop overreacting author." *Rolls eyes*
A/N- "You'll never understand how much I love you Jiminshi(⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠)"
JM- "I don't wanna know."
A/N - "Geez! Your words are harsh but I still love you my Chim! SARANGHAE!💜😂"
JM- "Ok ok! Enough drama! Now continue the story."
A/N- "As you wish my Chim!!"

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