love scenario || xo, kitty

By GEMOfTheNight

16.4K 537 95

━━━━━━━━━━━━ "she loved him too early, and he loved her too late." a LOVE SCENARIO where they choose between... More

a love scenario where...
i. not for sale
ii. fine
iii. don't go
iv. dandelions
v. make it right
vii. someone's someone
viii. first love
ix. ready for love

vi. she's the one

1.1K 51 8
By GEMOfTheNight

a love scenario where
she was confused
and he was losing

that night, jimin woke up to drink some water when she suddenly heard minho screaming.

she rushed inside his room and saw him sitting on his bed as he panted heavily.

"hey, are you okay?" she asked, worriedly.

minho looked up at her and his eyes widen in shock. "you!"

she flinched in surprise. "me?"

minho quickly got up from his bed and stood in front of her. he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

she gasped softly and gulped nervously. she felt her heart racing inside her chest. worse, the weird feeling came back again.

the two gazed at each other's eyes with their faces only inches away.

minho placed his forehead against hers and felt his heart racing inside his chest.

he knew it was wrong. if only it wasn't for his dream, he wouldn't let his emotions show.


her voice brought him back to reality and what he had to do.

he sighed heavily and pulled away. "mianhae." (i'm sorry.)

as he turned away, jimin glared at him.

'you should be, for making me feel this way.'


jimin was silent the entire time q complained about kitty who kept on repeating her problems in life to them, about dae, yuri, her half-brother, and her necklace, before they forced her to come to minho's madness party to forget her problems for a moment and have fun.

"what's wrong with you today?"

she flinched in surprise and looked at q, who furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "nothing. just not in the mood." she said and sighed heavily.

q raised an eyebrow as he forced her to sit on a bench overlooking the school field. "you should be in the mood, because we're going to minho's madness party. i can't wait to see what you will be wearing." he said, excitedly.

"the event of the year, of course. the thing is, i'm not going." she told q, who stared at her in shock.

"hold up, you're not going? why? you're a celebrity, you're used to going to parties, such as this. it's like a responsibility."

she shrugged. "i don't want anymore drama than i'm already in, and i'm getting confused."

q looked confused for a moment before realization dawned on him. "drama? oh no, what happened?" he asked, worriedly and gently grabbed her hands with his. "you can tell me."

she told q everything. from the weird feeling she felt whenever she was minho and their truce, to her kdrama moments with him and dae.

'oh god! it's all about minho!'

q stared at her in astonishment. "wow! girl, you are in one hell of a love triangle with your childhood friends." he said and laughed in amusement.

"i am not in love minho, i'm in love with dae!" she protested and sighed heavily. "we're not inside a kdrama for our friendship to turn into a love triangle."

"alright, you have these weird but romantic kdrama moments with your childhood friends, who may or may not be in love with you and vice versa, but the question is. what does your heart tell you?"

jimin frowned, not knowing the answer to the question.

all she knew she has been in love with dae for as long as she can remember.

just when she decided to hide her feelings, they had a moment, returning a spark of hope in her heart.

as for minho, they have been at it with each other since they were little. they would have fought with the most petty reasons.

there were moments where they truly cared for each other, but it would disappear into another fight.

then, they had a truce on chuseok. that decision was probably the best decision in their friendship.

however, she just had to ruin it for dae.

she was confused with her own feelings.

q smiled knowingly at her blossoming love life. "okay, don't answer that yet, because tonight we're gonna go out into the great big world, and be the version that everyone knows. the jimin kwon!"

she looked at him in amusement. "the jimin kwon who?"

"who will find her perfect match, by her matchmaker."

jimin and q turned, and saw kitty grinning happily at them.


"tonight, jimin kwon will find the perfect match for her, with the help of her dear friends!"


as soon as jimin walked out of minho's car that he lent her, multiple bright flashes from cameras blinded her, reporters bombarded her with questions, and fans excitedly greeted her and cheered for her.

she was dressed in a dark blue incision short dress, her aura radiating allure and elegance.

it was the moment that she felt she was appearing as kwon jimin, the nation's little sister, after announcing she was taking a break and continue her studies.

"miss kwon, over here!"

"jimin kwon, how's your stay at kiss?"

"your mother, sang yeji was a student at kiss too, was she the reason you enrolled at the same school?"

"here, miss jimin!"

she smiled and waved to her fans, and posed for the cameras while ignoring the questions thrown at her by the reporters.

with two famous parents like sang yeji and kwon soohyuk, she grew up in the spotlight and aced it as if it was just walking.

unbeknownst to her, minho and dae were standing nearby with the same expression on their faces.

admiration for their celebrity childhood friend.

before the two boys noticed her, they were deep in their conversation when dae was the first to notice the excited crowd and saw jimin coming in.

minho saw his friend's attention was taken away and turned around to see jimin posing in front of the cameras.

he gawked in awe at how beautiful she looked and ignored the same look dae has.

he was not competing with the guy who jimin was in love with.

it was an obvious losing game.

flashes of cameras continued to follow jimin as she walked inside the venue with a small smile and a little wave.

she turned and saw minho walking towards her with a gaze that made her nervous.

the same gaze that was making her feel the weird feeling again.

however, before minho could get near her, she was grabbed by both arms and dragged away.

"well, don't you look gorgeous!"

"no, no boy drama for you."

"absolutely, no minho allowed!"

she glanced between kitty, q and florian, who were the ones that were dragging her towards the bar.

she glanced back at the host of the party and saw the way he was looking at her, making her heart race inside her chest and bringing back the weird feeling once again

all she could do was smile warmly at him.

the four friends ordered mocktails for the sole reason they were all underage and it wasn't allowed.

however, florian was french and secretly took out a hip flask inside his blazer and poured alcohol in their drinks.

she watched as q and florian flirted with each other, while kitty tried to find someone to get her mind off of dae.

as much as she didn't want to, she had to do the same.

she needed to take her mind off of her confusing love life, including two of the most important boys in her life.

the first guy was giving her mixed signals, and the second guy was making her question her feelings for the first one.

she sighed softly as she walked away towards the outdoor balcony and was met with a cool yet chilly autumn breeze.

there were a few party goers hanging out at the balcony who greeted her and she smiled at them in return.

she walked over to the railings and took in the beautiful sight of the night life in seoul, the colored bright lights, the loud music and the starry night sky.


she flinched in surprise when she heard a familiar voice calling her and turned around to see dae standing behind her.

she smiled happily and beckoned him over. "it's stuffy inside, isn't it?" she asked.

dae smiled shyly and nodded. "yeah, and i'm not really used to these kinds of parties."

she smiled in amusement. "with yuri as your pretend girlfriend, you should be." she told him.

dae sighed heavily in relief. "what's important is, i'm glad you're not avoiding me." he said.

"and, why would i avoid you?" she asked, feigning confusion.

'because, i'm in love with you and i'm hiding my feelings. at the same time, it's hard because you're giving me mixed signals?' she thought and sighed quietly.

dae closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "kitty's avoiding me, with q." he told her.

she smiled in amusement, knowing it was the same thing they were doing to minho for her sake.

every time he was about to approach her, kitty and q would glare at him and dragged her away as far from him as possible.

"you know how awkward it is for exes to see each other, and in your case with kitty, you both live under the same roof. you can't blame her, especially with feelings still attached." she said and leaned her back on the railings. "the only solution for this drama, is the truth from you and yuri. you both started it and you both can end it."

dae looked at her and smiled sadly. "you're right, as usual."

"however, it's not any of my business because this whole thing doesn't involve me, just you, kitty and yuri, but i'm here for you if you ever need me, and i'll try my best to help."

dae smiled happily at what she said and pulled her into a tight embrace. "thank you, jimin. i'm really glad you're here." he said, sincerely.

her eyes widen in shock at his actions as she slowly wrapped her arms around him and embraced him back. "you're welcome, what friends are for?" she said and quickly pulled away, not wanting him to hear how her heart was beating so loudly inside her chest.

"you look beautiful, by the way." dae said and gazed warmly at her. "you always are."

'mixed signals, again!' she thought with her heart not cooperating with q and kitty's plan to find her perfect match by the end of the night, when it was yearning for the one she has feelings for standing in front of her.

she smiled shyly and placed a few loose strands of her hair behind her ear. "thanks, dae."

"there you are!"

she and dae turned in surprise and saw yuri approaching them.

"yuri." she greeted her friend.

yuri wrapped an arm around her shoulders and looked at dae. "i need her, so i'm kidnapping her for a moment. you can talk to her later." she told him and dragged jimin inside.

eunice and minhee appeared behind them as they stood in the middle of the dancefloor with the other party goers moving aside for them.

the two girls looked at each other and started dancing to the beat of the song that was loudly playing.

not a moment after, the crowd got even bigger when they noticed the two famous girls were dancing and cheered excitedly.

jimin's eyes caught dae sitting by himself and it didn't go unnoticed by yuri, who looked at her as realization dawned on her and leaned closer to her ear.

"oh my god! you like him, don't you? that's why you got involved in this drama in the first place, not because you care about him as a friend."

her eyes widened in horror as she turned to yuri. "what? no!" she lied.

yuri chuckled in amusement. "well, you know about me and juliana, it's fine."

she shook her head. "no, he and kitty---"

"broke up. as for us, you know it's all pretend. so, what's the problem?" yuri asked in confusion.

she sighed softly. "kitty's one of my dear friends, and i want them to work things out if it's not too late." she said, sadly.

yuri frowned. "even though how selfless that sounds, you do realize you're only hurting yourself?"

her eyes widened slightly, remembering the same words minho told her that she was only hurting herself by helping dae and kitty.

"they're my friends, yuri." she said and looked away sadly.

yuri crossed her arms as she glanced at dae and saw he was looking at the girl beside her.

she smiled in amusement and looked back at her friend.

"well, you're my friend and i want you to be happy!" yuri said, loudly and pushed her towards dae.

as she stumbled forward, she saw a worried dae quickly getting up to his feet and rush towards her before wrapping his arms securely around her to prevent herself from falling and hurting herself in the process.

"jimin gwaenchana?" (are you okay?)

she chuckled awkwardly and nodded to him. she turned to yuri and glared at her, while her friend looked proud of what she had done.

she rolled her eyes in annoyance and looked back at dae, who was staring worriedly at her with his arms still wrapped around her.

"you can let go, dae."

dae's worry turned to embarrassment as he realized he was still embracing her, and quickly backed away.


she chuckled in amusement. "dance with me!" she said and grabbed his hand.


she grinned happily and dragged him towards yuri, eunice and minhee. "let's dance, and have fun!" she said and started dancing. "come on, dae heon kim!"

dae laughed happily as he started dancing and doing some hip hop moves, making her eyes widened in awe.

"woah! how are you so good? when did you learn those moves?"

she noticed dae's smile never left his face as they danced. she stopped dancing and stared at him in confusion.

"why are you smiling so much?" she asked, curiously.

dae stopped dancing as well and gazed at her. "joahae." (i like you.)

her eyes widened in shock and felt her heart racing inside her chest at his confession.


her and dae's face turned red in embarrassment.

yuri shook her head in disbelief at her pretend boyfriend's sudden confession. "what was that?" she muttered and stood beside her friend. "what he meant was, he's thankful that you helped him have fun, right dae?"

dae noticed the meaningful look she was giving him and nodded. "yeah, and taking my mind off of things." he added.

yuri glanced at jimin and saw the flicker of sadness in her eyes. 'sorry, jimin, that's not the way it was supposed to turn out.'


jimin was drinking her a virgin strawberry daiquiri, which obviously wasn't virgin because it was laced by florian with alcohol as she watched kitty and yuri defended one another from one of their male schoolmates, who insulted yuri and tried to flirt with kitty after what he did.

she stared at the two in amusement when she realized their was this obvious tension going on between them.

"welcome to the stage, yuri!"

she cheered loudly along with everyone as her friend went up the stage towards the dj booth and started doing what she does best.

she approached kitty and they danced along with yuri's remix as she kept drowning mocktails laced with alcohol one after another.

her eyes caught sight of the girl beside her and noticed she has stopped dancing and was gazing at yuri with a look she was all too familiar with.

it was the same look she has when looking at dae.

her eyes widened in shock. 'kitty likes yuri! that's not what i expected.'

her mind was fuzzy, her vision was blurry and her movements were getting sluggish.

she was having too much fun and didn't realize that kitty was gone and was replaced by, probably, the most angelic looking guy she, her drunk self, has ever seen.

"kwon jimin, right? i'm lee dongmin. neomu yeppeoyo." (you're really pretty.)

she smiled cutely at him as she stared at him. he was tall with a small face, double eyelid eyes, high cheek bones, slim nose bridge and plump lips.

"jal saenggyeosseoyo." (you are handsome.)

she gazed dreamily at him and didn't noticed someone appeared beside her.

"yah! kwon jimin!"

bringing back to her senses, she gasped in shock and closed her eyes when she realized she was staring stupidly at the guy in front of her who she doesn't even know.

as she felt an arm wrapped tightly around her waist, her heart instantly started racing inside her chest and opened her eyes.

she looked up and squinted, trying to recognize who was standing beside her.

when her vision became clearer, she saw it was minho and he was livid with jealousy.

at that moment, despite her fuzzy mind, she was certain the weird feeling she always felt was because of him.

"poom jul nyo." (she's taken.)

she gasped softly as he forced her to face him and pulled her closer to his chest.

he gently cupped his free hand at the side of her face before doing the last thing she expected him to do.

he kissed her.

she felt all the alcohol she drank kicking in as she looped her arms around his neck and tangled her fingers through his hair, and did the last thing she expected herself to do.

she kissed him back.

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