By RiyaGitiphat08

29 6 9

Violence Love Sad Story More

Chapter 2


3 1 2
By RiyaGitiphat08

Bible: Love I want you to come with me
Apo: Where?
Bible: In my Condo
Apo: What? Why?
Bible: Oh Come on Love isn't it obvious I want to spend the night with you but it's okay if you're still not ready
I'm willing to wait
Apo: He feel guilty cause whenever bible want to do it I always find a reason to postponed it cause I'm afraid that if I give it to him he will leave me and what happen in the past between me and Bible still haunting me

Bible: Babe what are you thinking please tell me I'm not forcing you

Apo: I'm afraid
Bible: Afraid of what?
Apo; Afraid I still remember it
Bible:Babe I'm sorry for what have done to you I promise I won't do it again until you let me
Po do you think I will do it again to you is that why you're still trembling when I touch you?
Apo: No Babe please don't be mad at me I'm just insecure of myself I can't help but compare myself to your ex
They're more handsome than me and they also came from a rich family like you I'm sorry I can't trust myself I always told myself that I'm not enought to you that what if one day I will just give you shame cause you married a guy like me I didn't finish my study I'm just a vendor I hate this feeling I hate the feeling that oneday you will end our relationship cause you found someone that suitable for you and I don't know what will I do if that happened I'm scared Bib I don't want you to leave me he already leave me and I don't want you to leave me too that's why I'm working hard I'm saving money so I can go back to study so I would not bring shame on you
And the reason why I'm still not giving myself to you is your friend told me that once I gave it to you you will abandoned me and you will marry tawan cause you still love him at frist I didn't believe him cause I trust you
But when you saw me and tawan fighting you believe him over me you even push me on the pool and you carried him thinking I injured him I saw the look on your face you really worried about him that you forgot that I don't know how to swim I almost died that day thanks to Bass he save me I told myself that you didn't mean it that you will call me and say sorry to me that you didn't mean to push me but you didn't I found out that you stay in tawan condo
Taking care of him but I forget it pretend it didn't happen that's how much I love you even when it hurts that you believe him than me
Bible: Babe I don't know believe me I didn't push you babe
bible say while crying and thinking that he almost lost his Po and his not by his side when apo needed him
Bible: it's not true babe I don't love tawan anymore you are my everything now and I would do anything for you to stay by myside forever please forgive me

Apo: I already did just promise me you won't leave me ever
Bible: I promise I rather die than leave you
Apo: Let's go
Bible: Where?
Apo : To your condo I'm sleeping there tonight

And that night they did it

Bible: Morning love and kiss apo's lips
Apo: Morning What time is it?
Bible: 9:30 A.M sleep more I know your tired I'll prepared our breakfast
Apo: Shoot my parents and brothers might be worried about me I need to go home love
Bible: Don't worry love I already tell them that you spend the night with me

Mile P.O.V

Mile: Hia I want your Help
Build: Of course Anything for my baby brother what is it?
Mile handed the picture of ApoBible to build
Build: Whoo 2 handsome man this one is too pretty to be a man and damn who's this one he's my type
Mile: the pretty one is apo and that one is bible his fiancee
Build: Oh too bad his exactly my type
Mile: Oh come on Hia no one's gonna stop us for getting what we want
What we Want is What we Get that's our motto
Build: You're right so what zup with them? Did they messed with you?
Mile: I Like apo no I love Apo and I want him to be mine I want you to help me kidnapped him I can't let my bodyguard do that cause apo knows them
Build: I will help you My Brother cause I like this one he look fierce I will make him mine also
Mile: Thank you Hia love you
Build: Anything For you Love you too

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