His Everything

By Sanchi0008

8.4K 724 92

Hey everyone I'm back!!. with an amazing story inspired by my most favorite book. I'm so sorry for vanishing... More

Character sketch
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 9

305 33 5
By Sanchi0008


Abhishek seemed to calm down and this time he was frowning, "why wouldn't I?" he asked.

I didn't know what to tell him. I didn't want him thinking that I don't trust him well I don't really but after Siddharth didn't correct what Molly said I don't really know what to think. Should I tell him what I found out or should I continue to play dumb? But I wouldn't be acting dumb if it wasn't true.

"I-i don't know" I looked down at the table, I sounded defeated almost like I just gave up. I sound weak. I was, no I am weak. No shut up brain.

It was quite for a couple of seconds until I heard the chair in front of me screech back. He was leaving at least that's what I thought.

Abhishek ended up coming over to my side and kneeled down. I was confused about what he was doing.

"Avi, look at me," Abhishek pleaded. I looked over at him, he looks so conflicted like he didn't know what to do, "why would you ask me that?" I looked down not wanting to answer.

"Avneet," he said I looked up at him, "please tell me why and be honest. I won't get mad," he said.

"M-Molly told me I was a game, a b-bet," I said hesitantly.

"What kind of bet?" he asked frowning, now I was confused its either he was a really good actor or he has no idea what I'm getting at. I really need to stop myself from judging them maybe they aren't doing that.

"I-I don't know, s-she didn't s-say b-but S-siddharth was there" I stuttered. I hate when I stutter it just showed how weak I really am. Yet for some reasons, I can't control it.

Abhishek's eyes widened and he had a small smile on his face, "did you misunderstand what Sid said?" Abhishek asked softly.

I frowned, "h-he didn't say anything," I said.

Abhishek's eyes seemed to grow angry and I quickly tried to explain, "I-i mean I wouldn't explain either. I know I'm an embarrassment and he didn't want to be seen with me I mean come on who wouldn't, I'm weak, ugly, fat and a waste of-"

"Whoa, whoa calm down Avi hold on," Abhishek said cutting off my rant.

Before he could say anything else the bell rang for next period. Abhishek sighed, "I'll walk you to your next class," he said standing up.

I frowned at him, "y-you don't have-"

"I want to plus you never did answer my question," Abhishek said walking me out of the library.

Why is he so persistent on knowing who gave me busted lip?

"Listen Avneet, you're like a little sister to me, I don't want anyone bugging you, it's not right, "Abhishek said.

I nodded feeling overwhelmed, "okay b-but only if you want to," I said not wanting to be a bother to him.

"Of course I do I mean come on you got the full package with you sis," I giggled and he smiled down at me.

As we continued to my class to my class Abhishek would tell me jokes making me giggle the whole time, it was nice to laugh. I haven't in a while.

When we pulled up to my class Abhishek made sure to tell me to wait for him to take me to my next class. I agreed but only because he wanted to. I said goodbye and I headed into the classroom.

I took my usual seat in the back and started to do some work we be doing in class. Halfway through it, someone sat down next to me making me jump. I didn't look because I had a hunch on who it was.

I tried my best to ignore him but I felt his stare on me. Through the rest of the class, it was starting to bother me.

"Why weren't you in the cafeteria?"  he asked while I was in the middle of the worksheet.

I jumped not expecting him to talk to me but I didn't say anything nor do I give him any indication that I wanted to continue with whatever conversation he was trying to have.

He had the chance to explain and yet he didn't. He has the chance even to explain now but he only asked about why I wasn't in the cafeteria.

After I didn't respond to him for a minute or just two he just sighed and didn't say anything after that. I was kinda disappointed that he gave up on trying to get me talk to him.

I sighed, "I was in the library," I whispered. I kinda hoped he didn't hear me but I know he did.

"Why?" he asked. Why did he want to know in the first place?

I didn't know what to say. I mean I could tell him the truth that I was hiding from the cheerleaders, football players and him. But I didn't want to tell him that. I didn't want him to know that he hurt me.

I shouldn't really jump to the conclusion like that I have been since it came up, but if what Molly said was true then wouldn't he want to hurt me like wasn't that the goal?

Before I could say anything the bell rang and so, I didn't answer and started to pack up my stuff, apparently, Siddharth had other plans.

When I tried to get up to leave Siddharth stood in front of me blocking my path, "Avneet why were you in the library," his voice was soft, gentle.

My anxiety was starting up, I didn't look up at him, I looked at his chest. "S-Siddharth please move," I said looking at his chest.

But soon he gripped my chin and lifted my head up so I was looking into his eyes. I was shocked when I noticed how concerned he looked, but that concern changed to anger real fast.

The grip he had on my chin tightened a little bit but it never hurt me, "who the fuck did that to you," he asked through clenched teeth.

Now I was definitely confused, "w-why do you care?" my lip was still throbbing my head was starting to hurt and I was just tired of it all. I wanted answers even if they were bad ones.

Siddharth's stance seemed to change, his eyes weren't soft they were cold, "I just do, but I shouldn't," he said walking out of the classroom leaving me frozen in place.

I just do, but I shouldn't

What does that mean?

So that's all for today
Bye guys...

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