De roraarrora

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Taehyung was a good man who loves his family more than anything who is a obedient puppy of his husband jung... Mai multe

1 . Introduction
just a 📢


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De roraarrora

The Black plain sky was ethreal though there is no moon .. even after looking this same sky for 34 years in his life span , this is the first time , it was glowing .. so beautifully without a cresent moon , the place was crowded , crowded like a archaic Chinese market .. , cheaper old fashioned handmade lamps of diffrent varieties.. cheaper paintings of unknown artists contains bigger meanings and lot more amazing yet beautiful items showcased for the clients in random small shops . Eventhough it was 2 in morning the crowded people's numbers were not lessened .. murmers, wispers bargainings , everything makes him go to the place where he started , as street theif , a pick pocketer. Today he have hand to embrace his own hand , but then he was alone .

" Tae it's beautiful here "

The almound brown came out from his nostalgia , finding the deep cute doe shinning eyes examining the place with amusement . The long hair and short curly bangs in his front that he got by a mistake hair cut by a unknown salon in Daegu , the man was the synonymous of ethreal. The simple blue jacket and a bit shaded Grey tshirt inside halfly tugged in front and a black baggy jeans , he looks like a baby girl and that he feels like to eat his delicious pink cheeks now , jimin was right .. he was looks like Dora the explorer with this hair cut .., this only piece of art was more than his belief , the doe eyed man was tightly locked his own hand on his hand , the limited edition shining expensive ring on the elder's ring finger really makes the almound brown eyes smile unknownly remembering how the cunning criminal attorney proposed him at evening twilight, though the proposal was a funny drama with a lot of excuses and a funny hair cut where jimin , who the attorney died hard laughing .. , he never gonna forget that beautifull moment in his life .

Jungkook looked aside finding the deep tiger eyes cleaving his soul with a admiration , lost in love and time , the attorney can't help but gulp the tightening squeeze in his chest , the sheer emotions absurd ofcourse , he was 33 now and why his heart was beating like a teenager , like some lighting crawling under his skin , and he can clearly feel how his facial hairs stand steady at the moment , giving him goosebumps... so this is called love . The man was a art with a abyss of dark meanings , he snitched his arroagant heart , his smooth hair locks was slightly moving in a rhythm of wind .. , the browm jacket and the white printed tshirt he wearing , and the black jeans, everything making him more young in his age , the couple dress only to makes the peoples know the pair was a lovable couple .

" Isn't nice, that lamp , I should buy one. " , the attorney let out while with a slight redness in his cheeks to change the dark deep brown gazess pumeting down to his face .. today he doesn't know why , taehyungs he hits diffrents.. like the man was dominating and he was submitting to his tiger , and he was overly shy .

" I will pay kookie ... take what ever you want . "

" But .. "

" Please let me just be a perfect lover today , I will buy you everything , what ever you ask babe ," taehyung said with admirable stern eyes towards the doe eyed man who can't help but melt .

The attorney nodded smiling , giving a short simple peck on the man's tan perfect cheeks .. he turn around instately to hide his dark deep red ears , why today is so diffrent . The attorney spotted a black one , looks ancient with archaic fashioned lamp , it didn't looks like usable but showcasable , though his heart was beating crazily.. he have to speak , the two man get a long hour train to get on this fucking amazing destination, for there first date , he can't let this day end without anything due to his shyness .

" I like this one ... "

" Okey , how much is this ?? "Taehyung asked to the old lady , who have cigarette on her hand , smocking like nothing but imperial expression on her eyes seeing the beautiful couples , " 16000 won , " the lady said while smoking directing at the face of two same sex couples . The young Attorneys can clearly see the dissatisfaction on taehyungs face hearing the price , it was really cheaper for jungkook but for taehyung, he doesn't know .

" Tae ... I will.. "

" Ajumma , isn't it too much how about 14000 , " taehyung bargained to the lady who rolled her eyes seeing the young man who just shamelessly bargained like everyone . The lady shook his head , taehyung again bargained and the lady was stuborn as he'll didn't let go on her decision, even after 10 minutes the lady and taehyung stand in their own stands .. and jungkook who was embarrassed as hell .. he looked aside to find the shameless eyes on the squabble , but to his suprise all of them are doing the Same , bargaining over a cheaper thing to get it more cheaper , and it suprised him this how poor life goes , he didn't experienced it in his life eventhough he was goes through poverty once .. but looking at his lover he knows the man knows and experienced this place more than anyone .

" Baby .. here take this , do you want anything else ," taehyung asked to his husband who lost in the unknown beautiful crowded street . The attorney shook his head and looked at the lady who cursing taehyung like no tomorrow, looking at her sore face .. he knows his ex husband was on who lastly win the battle of bargains and it somehow makes him smile seeing the almound brown cute eye gazes examining the black lamp.. with a adorable pout .. how can he become hot and cute at the same time .

" Looks like you know this place well , darling "

" Yeah ... do you think I will get you to a unknown place for our first date kookie , this place is so special... , a special place which I love the most ..."

The attorney can feel the emotions running through the man's almound brown eyes , and he feels too , he feels the bond like a telepathy and somehow doe eyed have a slight feeling , this special place of taehyungs will soon become his special place too.. he walked down to the alley , the couple speaked a lot .. buys a lot , bargained, even sometimes jungkook joins taehyungs bargain battle too , laughed ... drink lot of soju while walking , and other korean traditional alcohol called Makgeolli, that thing was jungkooks first time trying but .. taehyung tried that a lot in his past and it too suprised jungkook a lot ...

" I thought you didn't drink babe. ," jungkook said surprisingly ,looking towards the man who was smocking a cheap brand like a pro

" I drink a lot when I was younger jungkookie ... , I smoked rarely too , I likes to explore every taste in this world that's why , cheaper brands but it was good you know , then I stopped not because I fed up with it , when I was adapted by appa .. he offer me lot of alcohol , but that branded expensive things only makes me gag .. , so I eventually stopped . "

" You looks damn sexy with this stick on your mouth .. darling . "

The calm environment changes with hot tension rolled around the couples when the attorney let out the sentence sensually while caressing the man's cheeks slowing yet erotically , the effects he have to the almound brown eyes .., he can clearly seen that impact on the man's beautifull parted lips and the gulping throat , jungkook take the cheap cigarette out of the man's lips , putting it own his lips without breaking the eye contact , he exract lot more smoke on his lungs , trapping in his chest .. taehyung eyes flipped seeing the seen , his ex husband was damn sexy with that cheap cigarette on between his two tatooed fingers , before he can gulp his desires down, the attorney pull him by his collar aggressively towards his face , after a second of admiring the tiger eyes and the box shaped Lips , jungkook attach his lips on the other , trapping the same smoke to others lungs , the bitter tastes of tabocco on taehyung's tongue and stink heated feeling on his lungs makes him more horny.. horny towards the attorney in front of him , the wet tougue lingered or roamed in his own tongue and each corner of mouth like a explorer makes himself dout him as a hedonist , the poor ex pickpockter knows the attorney feels the same too .

" I love you .. I love you lot .." , the attorney break the kiss with a string of saliva connecting the both , and slight bit smoke wavered in the air too. But taehyung didn't said that back .. , again the tightened pained feeling crowded his mind and heart that only makes his head down out of embarrassment. He thought atleast taehyung gonna let out the three amazing words today without hesitation..., he again break his heart today for the second time , he just want this man to say that three magical words , looking straight to his face..why it's so hard for him .. he didn't have to said this to him now , may be taehyung didn't loves him like before ... or the traumatic experiences he went through because of the attorney makes his heart nump , that the three magical words must become his traumas , jungkooks feels to tore himself apart for that reason .. he was unforgivable yet the man , this pure soul forgive him .. , isn't it enough ,..why he have to dreamed a lot , taehyung be with his side makes him happy , that's the only thing he need too, but his lost mind want that 'one I love you ' from that box shaped mouth .. just to make sure this kim Taehyung belongs to this jeon jungkook .

( 7 hours ago ... )

" Fuck you bastard... is this what I tell you to buy , why can't you atleats do a small thing that I tell you properly .. fucking useless . "

Jungkook angryly yet aggressively thrown the beautifull box on the hard floor , where it wooden box broken halfly to view a beautifull diamond expensive ring stuck inside , more he see the pattern , and the green small stones randomly placed on the ring makes him more angry . He tell his assistant, a fucking midget known as his best friend , to buy a beautiful simple yet eliquet limited edition expensive platinum ring that he liked a lot , he even sent a pic , but the man comes with fucking heavy worked fancy diamond ring ... , the attorney eyes feels like kill the figure who sitting like nothing but with a bored expression .

" Common jungkook .. it was more Okey in my eyes , I like this one more than that simple thing it didn't even looks like expensive . "

" It's not your life you fucking idiot ... , its mine , I told you to buy that and you buy this shit , how can I propose him now .. I want to fucking propose him today , later it become Iam afraid he will leave me , you son of bitch . "

" Then propose him with this one .. it looks eliquent isn't , taehyung would love this iam sure .." , jungkook controlled his anger , he should blame himself , why fucking why he ordered this idiot to buy his favorite ring .. the jimin who didn't do anything to anyone , as selfish as himself, would do such a thing like this is understandable, he is the Fool here. If his son and taehyung didn't present outside the room , he must may kill this idiot and bury somewhere deep by now .

"And what about the hall i told you to booked and decorate ."

" Oh..fuck God kook , your being really clinche now , are you still living in this modern world , common just propose him simply..throw the ring on his face and propose him ..isn't it a hard thing to do , remember let your guard down or your leash loose around his neck , there is a high chances he will run away from you .. "

Sure there is always a friend for everyone ,who leads them in to a wrong way , here it is min jimin , the 2 month old pregnant man who can manipulate anyone , sometimes even jungkook wonders that short man was capable of manipulative power like some villains in fantasy animations . He can't loose his taehyung.. may be he did all in yesterday night because of his week self that doesn't mean he will be the same today . He can't loose the leash around the man's neck , how he wish to box that almound brown eyed man to somewhere that no one would dare to take him out from him , the attorney half heartley take the expensive diamond ring from the floor only to hear the happy cheerful voice from the short midget near him , he have to propose him today itself .. it not about ring, its about his life , and a fucking dead piece of thing can't measure his love for that man , it's not new right , it's always he dreamed one and get another one, it's always like this .

" Okey how about you get a makeover ... "




" Fuck jimin it's not a salon ..fuck i really don't want a makeover now "

Jungkook said with his straight face looking at the small salon which only contain a chair and a broken mirror

" Uff why are you such a straight laced arrogant bitch jungkook , it's a fucking inner village of deangu, looking other's this place was luxurious . "

The attorney huffed himself , he didn't get a good vibe today , everything happening around him was quiet contrary to his own predictions and the naggings and pulls of jimin makes his mind going crazy, not knowing what to do . if he wasnt a amateur in love , he will definitely kill jimin to putting uneccesary ideas in his head

" Fuck sake get over this shit ..faster I don't have time .."


The delicious smell of a smocky yet Waverly hot sausy chicken come in contact with the salivating tongue , only to melt in the spices of love his small little brother pour in his elder brother's favorite food . Even taehyung stay on kims residence for 6 months he didn't cook or complained , he was lost but finding him happy doing cooking and cheerfully talking makes his heart flutter , now he knows why taehyung forgive jungkook so easily , the man didn't want to hurt his heart by himself more, loving was so hard , as the pain of a lovers always reflected on other with the same impact , how cursed he is after finding his little brother happy , there another little brother of his drowning in a abyss of miseries .

" Kookie said Jin hyung was widely active on social media now , I feels sorry for namjoon hyung "

" Yep , he was with yeonjun and soobin "

"Yeonjun ??" The almound brown eyes asked with a frown not knowing what his adopted brother doing with soobin and jin .

" You didn't know bear?? , yeonjun was soobin's husband and jin hyung was soobin's cousin . "

Taehyung nodded while slightly smiling , he can't forget that 14 years adorable boy of his brother , who ruin his life like a broken pieces .. though he do everything , he didn't know how to hate him , he himself considered that boy as his own blood brother , hearing the boy married makes him wonder , is he really become that much mature to get married , he is still a big baby in his eyes who hated his adopted hyung at first and then after loved him the most , he wish it was a brotherly love then the future outcomes not be this much complicated .

" Taehyungaahh.. I brought your thing you asked , the cat featured man said while munching the hot sausy chicken in his mouth with a chopstick "

" Real.. ", taehyung halted on his sentence hearing the loud laugh which emanated outside the house , the brothers frown and come outside the one room apartment house, only to see the short attorney laughing like no tomorrow where the doe eyed man stand with red eyes which anytime .. gonna kill the short male , biting his lips , with new hair cut , he looks cute .. really cute in that new haircut , it feels like aggressive criminal lawyer just turn in to a cute baby girl , and taehyungs mind gone crazy with his heart beating as a extent that would come out anytime .

" Ommo .. hahaha ha..Dora the explorer, jungkookie going cou..hah court in this hair cut .. imagining it , only makes me laugh a lot haha... "

Jung kook closed his eyes out of anger and irritation , looking at suga ..who stand like not knowing what fun was going with his infamy blank face and done expression, looking straight to the laughing figure ... what that much fun in it that makes his husband laughing like a maniac, he didn't really understand.

" If you want your unborn child's safety ,make his mouth shut hyung , or he will die in my hands .."

" Are you scaring me .. "

The attorney bite his lips seeing the done face of yoongi , why this man didn't give a fuck , he looked at his ex husband who was standing lost , and the insecurities started to hit his system , he have to propose this man and everything he do, it's endup in stupid .. , jungkook take his steps towards taehyung without carying about the midget who crying and laughing at the same time ,' lunatic ', he murmered inside his tongue , and take taehyungs hand , walked to their bed room .., he closed door with a imperile expression but realizing he was alone with taehyungs hit diffrent , he feels his confidence just vanish all of sudden , and the loud laughing sound of jimin only makes the situation worst.

" Jungkook .. you look good , don't be insecure you really .. "

" I love you taehyung "

The 34 year old man instately go backwards with a fear evident in his face , seeing the the arrogant jungkook on his knees with a expensive fancy diamond ring .. , the elder gulped hardly at the sceanario, is he still being delusional or what , did he really seeing jungkook on knees .. who didn't kneel in front of anyone , the man who thought kneeling was something shamefull, now kneeling in front of him pointing a ring towards him like clinche drama .

" jungkook what are you doing baby , Stand up , your knees will hurt ."

" I love you tae .. marry me please ..marry me , be my fiancee .. , we already have a child and being boyfriends or lovers would only be a time wastage .. I want to get married with you .. "

" I love you .."

The elder didn't utter any word , and jungkook thought he was hessistant .., may be the man's love will lessened afters facing the cruelty he did , but the elder man was beyond happy to utter any word's .. he have to save this three magical words for tonight ..he can't let out to jungkook ..being week , he have to make everything special .., and each minutes passing and the younger feel to rip him apart as the past already dominated his mind ..and only melody resonated that room was the loud laugh of the short male outside .

" You don't like the ring .. it's because of that fucking jimin .. he brought a diffrent one I ordered , we can change darling.. "

" Okey put it on me .. but please stand your knees will hurt babe . "

The attorney nodded sliding the ring on the man's finger , but pouring a hidden lone tear , his heart hurts .. taehyung nor said he will marry nor said I love you .. it hurts him , but he wiped it off before taehyung would see . He can't let his week side to be out in front of taehyung that easily . If he didn't accept then he will try later .. he will tried to capture the heart of the man he love till he melted in dust .

" Would you like to go out with me a date as our first date .. "

" Mm yeah ..I will "

" Dont have to be early .., its only take 1 and half hour to get there .. we should get the last train . "

" We can take the car .."

" No I want you to come with me in train .. late-night local train would be available at 11 , I will pick you in 10 is it Okey... "

Jungkook nodded at the brightly smiling figure .. .may be taehyung would like know him more , fuck no he have fucking 10 years of knowledge, there is nothing that the man wouldn't know about the attorney .. then why would he have go for a date .. why can't he agree for marriage , is his love vanished after this 10 years , may be witnessing the cruel nature's of him, even telling his child to say a dirty lie makes the love turn in to hate or something . Jungkook closed his eyes to shut down the demon in his mind , his mind was playing tricks in his heart .. and he didn't know what to do , love was so confusing ..

Like yesterday , today also the sky was pure black not even a star to lighten the dark , but it was beutiful, may be dark clouds hiding the moon for another down pour like yesterday night .. , remembering yesterday night , it still give him chills in his spine , the attorney take his branded expensive lip gloss of his and applied lightly on his lips and spredded it with each lips by contacting together while making a ppba sound , while looking at the small mirror on the wall , he likes strawberry.. which really makes him calm, just like taehyung's scent, yoomin was gone to seoul a while ago , making jungkook alone inside the house , taehyung take hoonie to felix , and the little boy was so happy playing with the that deep voiced grown man .

" You ready .. "

The attorney turn around finding his ex husband in simple jacket and jeans , they wear same like a couple dress and it's purely coincidence. But taehyung hits diffrent he looks more handsome that the younger's voice stuck Deep down in his throat .. the elder man really didn't forget to make him starstruck each and everytime .

" Y..yep look handsome .. "

" You beautifull ," taehyung said while smiling and bitting lips out of shy , heart racing and crowded anxietied that started roam around his mind , is he again having an epilepsy.. but he didn't have a painfull palpitation and anxieties like before .. it like he having good anxieties and pleasurable palpitation, he really developing his week heart in to a new a pleasurable palpitating heart

" Can we go now , it's already 10: 30 .. "

The duo come to the station after the attorney parking his luxurious car on the parking lounge, jungkook's mind stopped working when the warm hand slid inside the palm of his and tightly locking it , taehyungs big slender fingers between his long tatooed fingers was so perfect to each other , that's there started his shy journey .. the blood started stream towards his face whenever the elder man do anything , he can't control anything at the same time like he was drowing in that man's warmness. After waiting for another 30 minutes inside the vacant station, the last train slowly approached towards the couple ,who smiled at each other out of happiness and exitement . The train was almost vacant.. about only 5 or 8 passengers randomly sitting on corners , some of them where sleeping and some of them were in their phone . Taehyung and jungkook sitted in a vacant two sit , together to each other , jungkook on the window side where taehyung on his other side , the cold wind gives goosebumps to the new lovers .. , jungkook doesn't really get in trains often, the last time was when he was in college, that was also booked not like this , the lovely peacefull silent mixed with the night views outside .., was only thing roamed around the duo , that the attorney can't help but put his head on the elder man's shoulder and close his eyes and feel the coldness ..he dont want to sleep .. cause he can't miss even a minute with this man .. , slowly after jungkook can feel the slight touch in his own crown , he smiled slighy knowing taehyung also put his head on top of his head .... they really looks like cute roamtic couples now ..

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