Wait, Let Me Write That Down...

By SomeTypicalMilk

2.6K 96 195

Y/n is the only boy who goes to Yuigaoka Girls' High School. That's because his parents were the previous own... More

Welcome, Y/n-san, To Yuigaoka Girls' High School. Please Enjoy Your Stay.
First Day On The Job, Please Be Patient!
They Won't Recognize Us?
We Still Have A Chance!

Operation Idol Recruitment Is A Go!

417 16 51
By SomeTypicalMilk

A/n: Welcome. Again. The threequel. This chapter will continue the story. You know what, I'm not the best with intros. With that in mind, let's begin.

Today Y/N woke up earlier than usual. Being a part of the journalism club, he's expected to be prepared to handle any morning editing. Today he's been asked to meet with the club's sponsor, Patchouli-sensei. Getting dressed, he's ready to make an excellent first impression. He walks by himself since Kanon and Chisato usually wake up later than he does on an average day.

Y/n: Let's see here.

Using the school's facility webpage, he looks for information on Patchouli and the library staff. 

Y/n: Eh?

But as it turns out, she doesn't have any information on her page. There's only info on the previous librarians. 

Y/n: So she's new. They probably hired her sometime after graduation. It looks like we'll both be learning. It's almost relieving. I hope sensei is down to earth. Though, I do wonder why she'd sponsor my club. It was probably out of kindness.

Approaching the gate a girl with red hair stands by the gate looking at her phone. She has long crimson hair and a bright smile. She laughs at something on her phone.

Y/n: "Good morning." Someone else is here already? I don't remember there being a gate inspector.

Girl: "Hm? Oh!"

She puts her phone away and walks over to Y/n.

Girl: "You must be the head of the journalism club."

Y/n: "And sole member. F/N L/n, nice to meet you."

Girl: "Likewise. My name is Koakuma. Patchouli-sensei told me to wait for you here."

Y/n: "Is Ren here?"

Girl: "She's with the Headmistress."

Y/n: "I see."

Koakuma: "Come on, don't just stand around. I've done enough of that today. It's pretty obvious you don't know where to go, so I'll show you around."

Y/n: Oi, isn't this girl kinda gal-ish? "Hai. Please lead the way."

He follows the carefree girl to the library. 

Koakuma: "Oi! Sensei, we're here!"

Patchouli: "I-In a second!"

The librarian steps out holding a large stack of books. She appears to be on the shorter side. 

Patchouli: "Sorry, we're reorganizing the library."

She sets the books down on her desk before sighing deeply. 

Patchouli: *She turns to face Y/n* "M-My name is Patchouli Knowledge. I'm the librarian here. I'm a new hire, though. We were supposed to have this done by yesterday, but due to my poor health, my work speed isn't incredible."

She points over to Koakuma who is sorting the books on her desk.

Patchouli: "I'm sure you've been introduced. Koakuma is the library assistant. She's also a first-year since the last assistant graduated."

Koakuma: "But don't let that worry you, I've been on library duty since kindergarten!"

She smiles with a certain pride that exudes arrogance.

Patchouli: "She really is capable. A great help."

She sits down with a slight sigh.

Y/n: "Patchouli-sensei, I have to ask. Why did agree to be our club sponsor." 

Patchouli: "As I said earlier, I'm not in the greatest health. I was born with asthma, I have anemia, and a vitamin A deficiency."

Y/n: "S-Sensei..."

Patchouli: "I've seen a doctor about it."

She looks over at the clock to her left.

Patchouli: "I also have an inhaler in my desk. It's always in the second drawer to the left. Speaking of..."

The time changes to eight.

Patchouli: *She grabs her inhaler* "Four times a day. On the dot when school starts."

She takes two long puffs of her inhaler before putting it away.

Patchouli: "Let me get to the point. We're both new and learning how things work around here. You need a sponsor and I need extra help around here. In return for sponsoring your club, helping you get a club room, and advertising, you'll help me."

Y/n: "So I'll have to become a library assistant?"

Koakuma: "Eh? That's news to me. Did you come up with that on the spot?"

Patchouli: "Suzumi-sensei already approved."

Koakuma: *Her eyes dull* "I'm being replaced? Just like that?"

Patchouli: "No. You'll need to teach him how everything works."

Y/n: "That's if I join, right?"

Patchouli: "You would deny this sick woman, who's going out of her way to help you, the support she needs to continue running the library?"

Y/n: "I-" Well now I can't say no. It's not like I was going to say no. "What does this job entail?"

Patchouli: "Helping out at the library when called. At the end of the day, you can do your club work here. We both win."

Y/n: "Hai, I'll accept."

Patchouli: "Welcome aboard, Y/n-san."

After agreeing to work with Patchouli, he heads to class. Day two is never anything exciting. But today is the first official learning day. As boring as it is, class goes by quickly. At least until lunch.

Kanon: "Y/n-kun, over here."

Y/n: "Hai."

He sits at the desk in front of Kanon.

Kanon: "Where were you this morning?"

Y/n: "Meeting the sponsor for my club."

Kanon: "Oh? Who is it?"

Y/n: "Patchouli-sensei, the librarian.

Kanon: "Congragulations, Y/n-kun!"

Keke: "You're a part of the journalism club?"

Y/n: "Thank you, and yes. I'm the only member, though. But I will recruit someone today! I'm excited to start club duties today." Though, I should've started them yesterday.

Keke: "It looks like we're both starting a club, then."

Y/n: "As club founders with no members, we'll have to do our best to recruit as many people as we can. It's almost like a competition. Journalism or school idol." 

Keke: "Rivals? Aren't you supposed to be helping me? You wouldn't break a promise that easily, would you?"

Y/n: "I'm going to help while doing some interviewing. I'll ask their opinions on an idol club. If they have a positive opinion, I'll see let them know about the idol club."

Keke: "Hmm. That is a good idea. We can spread out more that way."

Kanon: "The flyers should be done by the time school's out. Meet us near the entrance.

Keke: "I'll hand you a few of the flyers I made. Try and really sell it to them."

Y/n: "Don't worry, you can count on me."

Keke: "Operation Idol Agency is a go!" *She opens her bento* "After classes are over for the day."

Y/n: "Nice idea."

With a plan set in motion, they anxiously wait for school to end for the day. Once the dismissal bell rings, the three are on there and swiftly head to their designated location. Keke and Kanon go to collect their handouts, and Y/n heads to the library.

Ren: "Alright, since we were interrupted yesterday, let's begin today."

Y/n: "Hai."

Ren: "Interview the students and ask them how they feel about our current club selections. Let them know they can make suggestions for future clubs."

Y/n: "Got it."

Ren: "When you're done, you can go home and write your report."

She checks something off her clipboard before waving goodbye.

Koakuma: "Man, she sure is cold, huh?"

Y/n: "No, she's just busy. She's doing her best the ensure the school is being run efficiently. We're good friends, really. But yesterday I got caught up in something, so I wasn't able to perform my tasks properly as the club founder."

Patchouli: "I understand that. Tasks are meant to be followed to the letter."

Y/n: "Exactly."

He takes out a pen and notebook. 

Y/n: "This time, I won't get distracted."

He's more determined than ever to complete his first official school interview. Exiting the library, he meets up with the others near the entrance.

Keke: "Alright, here's the plan. Kanon-san will try and recruit specific people. I'll try and ask groups of people. Y/n, you can ask about people's opinions about school idols. If any one of us can recruit just one person, then we were successful."

They all nod and go their separate ways. The first person Y/n interviews is a group of three.

Y/n: "Hello, my name is Y/n. I'm from the journalism club. Today we're interviewing people for their opinions on our club selections. May I ask your opinions?"

Student 1: "I like all the sports options. My Middle school only had softball."

Student 2: "Mine only offered basketball." *She closes her eyes* "I think they're fine, but what I want to do isn't shown."

Y/n: "I see. Well, our school is looking to create more clubs. So if you had to recommend one, what would it be?"

Student 2: "Martial arts."

Y/n: "Hmm. I heard that one is getting popular among schools nearby. I think they started a Judo club at a school not too far from here."

Student 3: "I'm not good at sports, so what about a gaming club?"

Student 1: "I'd join that."

Student 2: "I'd be on board with either of those."

Y/n: "Those are both surprisingly common clubs." *He nods* "I'll make sure to mention these." Right, I need to ask about the idol club. "Next question. Lately, there's been talk of school idols. I was wondering if I could get your opinions on them."

Student 2: "Isn't there a billboard for them near the main square?"

Student 3: "I think so."

Student 1: "They're pretty cool. But I could never dance on a stage in front of people."

Student 2/3: "Yeah."

Y/n: "You like them, but could never be like them."

Student 3: "Too scary. I'd rather stay inside and watch them."

Student 1: "Agreed."

Y/n: "I see. Thank you for your cooperation."

He bows before looking for other students. He's able to find two music program students who agree to an interview.

Y/n: "As a member of the journalism club, it's my job to ask around the school and help them make improvements. First of all, how are you two liking it in the music program?"

Music Program Student 1: "It's as fun as I imagined."

Music Program Student 2: "It's what I hoped for."

Y/n: "I'm a member of general studies myself. Now, have you noticed anything in general that could use improvement?"

Music Program Student 2: "Nothing that I can think of."

Music Program Student 1: "It's wishful thinking, but I'd love it if school started later."

Y/n: "Eight is too early?"

Music Program Student 1: "I wouldn't mind if school started at ten."

Music Program Student 2: "T-That's far too late."

Y/n: "Agreed, but that's her opinion. Have you two looked at the club sheet?"

The two students nod.

Y/n: "If you had to add any club, which would you like to see?"

Music Program Student 1: "While I'm not too interested in clubs, a science club would be nice."

Y/n: "For general sciences or is there a specific type?"

Music Program Student 1: "In general."

Music Program Student 2: "I haven't thought about it. Maybe a light music club? But I'm content being without a club."

Music Program Student 1: "Same here. I could do with or without."

Y/n: "I see. Thank you for your cooperation. Just one more question. There have been talks of a school idol club. What do you think of school idols."

Music Program Student 1: "There really cool! But I wouldn't want to be one."

Music Program Student 2: "Yeah! I watched a group perform the other day. They were amazing! But it's too much work for me. I like them, but I'm not interested in becoming one."

Music Program Student 1: "If there was a school idol club, I'd cheer them on."

Y/n: "I see. Thank you, your feedback is always welcome."

After interviewing a few more students, he meets back up with Keke and Kanon.

Keke: "I see... I had no luck, either."

Y/n: "The main consensus is that an idol club isn't welcomed, but no one wants to join it."

Kanon: "We haven't spoken to everyone. And there may be girls in the music course that are interested!"

Keke: "But..." *She looks at Kanon* From Y/n's report, there isn't any. She's trying so hard to run from her true feelings. All of this so she can free up her conscience. 

Kanon: "Hm?"

Keke: "No..."

Y/n: "From the few students I've interviewed in the music course..."

They spot the totally unimportant but named girl from the other day. I think her name was Heanna Sumire? Seeing this random student, Kanon goes runs over to her.

Kanon: "Excuse me!"

Sumire: "What is it?"

Kanon: "You're Heanna Sumire, from my class, right? This is a little sudden, but are you interested in school idols? If you'd like..."

Sumire: *She glances at Kanon* "Who do you think I am?!"

Kanon lets out a small squeak from Sumire's sharp words. Sumire continues on her way.

Keke: "I'm sorry."

Kanon: "Ah, don't worry."

They both duck noticing Ren. But Ren, noticing Y/n, walks closer. Luckily, since she's on the other side of the railing, she doesn't notice the others.

Ren: "Have you interviewed a lot of people today?"

Y/n: "Lots. I should have more than enough to submit a decently sized report."

Ren: "Good. I'm glad you're taking this seriously. I think you're club has a lot of potential. If you keep working hard to spread the word, I know you'll find someone interested!"

Y/n: "Thanks, Ren-chan."

Ren: "Mm."

She waves before continuing her walk to who knows where.

Kanon: "Hazuki-san..."

Keke: "She's keeping watch."

Kanon: "There are a lot of people here who like music, so I thought we would be fine, but..."

Y/n: "Finding idols is tough."

They look around for another hour before grouping up one last time. 

Keke *She sighs while holding the flyers tightly* "There doesn't seem to be anyone..."

Kanon: "Shall we go around the other classes tomorrow? There has to be someone interested!"

Keke: "Kanon-san..."

Kanon: "We all go the same way home, right? Let's go together!"

She walks ahead of the group.

Keke: She can't keep hiding! "Kanon-san!"

Kanon: Ah, damn. 

She slowly turns back.

Keke: "Do you... Do you really not want to try it? Being a school idol?!"

Kanon: "Eh?"

Keke: "I've been struggling with whether to ask because I didn't want to trouble you... But I... Really... I really want to be a school idol with you!"

Kanon: "Like I said, that's... I told you yesterday, I can't sing. If I can't sing with you, then I'd just be a nuisance."

Keke: *She looks over to Y/n* "Help?"

 Y/n: I guess I shouldn't stand by. "Kanon. You love singing! I can cheer someone on with all of my heart if they love what they do! I'd love to watch someone like that perform!"

Kanon: "I can't!"

Keke: "Please!"

Kanon: "I'm telling you, I can't!"

Keke: *She grabs hold "That's not true!"

Kanon: "It is!"

When she quickly retracted her hands, she had knocked over Keke's flyers. They fall on the floor and slide onto the pavement.

Kanon: "I-I'm sorry!" *She turns around* "I'll just let you down! When the time comes, I can't sing! Everyone around us will be let down. And most of the time, I let myself down! I've had enough of that!

Keke: "I'll cheer you on. Y/n-san will cheer you on. We promise you that we won't give up on you! We'll stand by you until the day you can sing! So won't you give it a try? Won't you try one more time, with me and Y/n-san supporting you?"

Kanon puts on her headphones and tunes out the world as she starts walking home. The wind picks up some of the flyers and whisks them away. Kanon goes through the gate and doesn't look back.

Keke: *She squats down and starts picking up her flyers*"Y/n-san, it's okay to go with her. You're a guy. I know you have no interest in school idols."

Y/n: "Even if I don't want to be a school idol..."

He bends down with her and begins picking up flyers.

Y/n: "I still want to help you become one. I believe in sticking closely by anyone with a dream and the will to achieve it. I believe in you. You have the determination to keep chasing your dream. I promise to stay by you and do anything I can to help you achieve your idol dream. My dream is to help others achieve theirs. Trust me, your hard work will pay off."

Keke: *She blushes* T-That sounds more like a declaration between lovers. B-But... It's nice to hear. Even if he doesn't mean it like that. If he keeps talking like that, I'll end up falling for him more. "Thank you, Y/n-kun." *She smiles brilliantly* "I'll definitely keep following my dream!"

As if fate smiled upon Keke, after they've picked up their flyers, they see Kanon running toward them. She stops in front of her friends exhausted. 

Keke: "Kanon-san..."

Kanon: "I've thought the same thing ever since I was young. I love singing. I want to keep singing. If I keep singing, I can fly as far as I want. These dark worries, and these messy feelings... I'll turn them all into strength to face forward. I want to keep singing forever! I really do... Love singing!"

Keke: "We're glad to have you on board, Kanon-san."

And so, their lives as school idols began. Even with two members and a producer, they have the basics down. As they go down the street, something strange happens. Kanon begins singing. But this time, she's unknowingly able to sing in front of a crowd. She had her eyes closed the entire time, but when she opens them, she finds herself facing a crowd.

Keke: "That was amazing!"

Y/n: "I never thought I'd see the day..." That's one small step for Kanon.

A/n: That's all for now! To be honest, I wish Kanon's first time singing wasn't so skimmed over. The problem is she carries that momentum and quickly uses it to begin practicing once more. So for our sake, let's say her singing in front of people knowingly is her real next step. Either way, thank you for reading. How was it? Did you like the new introductions? Characters, plots, scenes? All of it combined helps this story stay unique and fresh. If you have any feedback, feel free to say something. Otherwise, that's all for now, Reader-san. -Kishimino-Sensei.

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