Jinn A Blk Qween Psychologica...

By BlkQween

390 98 40

đź’•In an intricately inscribed vintage bottle resides Cassie, a jinn reflecting on her centuries-long tenure o... More

Lot # 481
Shower Song
Pleased To Meet You
Unbreak My Heart
Dream a little dream
Soul less Seeds
Scarab Tattle Tale
On Golden Wings
Sphinx God
Friday The Thirteenth
Amanda's Discovery
Idle Threats
Amanda's Request
Sahara Visit
Bo Origin's
Three God's Speak
Cassie & Valor
Big Bo
Pier Partners
The Visit
Bo's Release
The Visit
Bloody Mess
Show Down Final Chapter

Party Day

12 3 1
By BlkQween

Chapter 11

The house was spotless the pool clean. Cassie walked through doing a once over before she worked her magic. She said an incantation spell to keep bugs and pests away. She read on the computer thingy what humans like to drink she hired a bartender for the beverages of thier choice and a DJ. She blew and a stage was set with third dynasty pharaoh gold his and hers chairs. She pulled them from under the sands. There were so many relics buried so deep under the sand the thing was she had to send them to anubis' heaven when done as was Egyptian law. Jinns could find artifacts much faster then the gods. Thoth's curse hiding trinkets from them his wrath for the war they had causing his death and the death of others. He was wicked but Cassie loved it. He would let them find the enchanted trinket and poof it would slip from them as soon as they touched it. He did this to some of the items not all but the Gods being frustrated often stopped looking.

These items were in the sahara dessert or in a curiosity shop hell cassie found one on the neck of a dead white woman they could ve anything or anywhere as Thoth has an odd sense of humor. Genies and Jinn were instructed to help them retrieve the items and return them to Anubis' heaven where he would return them to the rightful owner.

One of the chairs clearly belonged to Bastet while the other to Ra. By three p.m the house and yard was decked out with ancient Egyptian artifacts including lost scrolls and various jewels which Cassie locked in an enchanted curio case god help her if she had possession of thier items and lost them to thieves.

She had to shower and get herself ready her outfit was that of a genuine gin jewelry and all she even made sure her markings were showing which were tattoos and incantation written in ancient Egyptian. Valor had not seen those markings on her body as a Jin could make them visible or hide them depending on what they wanted to do.

But in this time she noticed a lot of humans had tattoos she could wear them and not be seen as odd but seen as cool now. However Cassie chose to keep them hidden be most times because there was a jinn on the loose that was attached to valor's old girlfriend. Until she found out what exactly this Jinn wanted she was going to keep herself hidden as much as possible.

Wearing the tattoos out drew jinn to her it was a smell an aura that was in the air letting them know who and what you are from Miles and Miles Away.

Cassie looked at herself in the mirror she looked like an authentic Genie hair jewelry arm and bicep cuffs with certain tattoos showing had nothing to do with her being Jinn. She made herself look as sexy as possible without being too revealing knowing Valor did not like that.

Her outfit was light blue and sheer but she covered her breast and her buttocks knowing if she were in Egypt her breasts and ass would be clearly seen in whatever she wore. Anubis made female genies and Jinn very sexy and attractive to the male eye forcing them to honor the wish bargaining faster to get the Jinn of there and on to her next Quest.

Valor walked in early from work he looked at the house shocked not recognizing it. Wow babe this is awesome he walked to the ancient Egyptian artifacts pulling his magnifying glass necklace staring at the carvings and markings he dropped it with along with his jaw.

Say It Ain't So woman he grinned as big as he was allowed these are real? 100% real and they have to go back to Anubis when we are done with them. The gods are very strict on artifacts being returned to them there have been punishments for Genies allowing theft of such precious items. If we pull them out the ground it is our responsibility to get them back to their rightful owners and if we don't well there are severe consequences.

I totally understand no one will attempt to steal anything tonight my love you are 100% safe what are these chairs for? One chair is for you and one chair is for me tonight we are Egyptian kings and queens and all the people that come are our Royal subjects. Valor laughed if you say so Cassie. I say so she snickered.

Hurry up upstairs Valor and get your shower so I can place your outfit on you for the night please. Yes ma'am as you wish. Valor disappeared upstairs to his shower while Cassie make sure to every single detail trying to make his first affair for the college to go perfectly.

Valor arrived downstairs Cassie said an incantation instantly he was transformed into ancient Egyptian garb all of it was 100% real from the closets of the Gods lost items that long forgotten about. She stared at them this outfit belonged to Thoth.

How do you know this Cassie? He asked staring at the golden items he wore with a double sword on his back and a crown on his head. Because Thoth never wore heavy items and he never wore the traditional hat of an Egyptian king. He saw this crown on the head of a foreign King and had our blacksmith forge this crown for him. Thoth is the only one that wore this type of crown and outfit notice the robe is short cut off at the knee like the Romans.

Thoth had a sexy pair of calves she grinned Valor cleared his throat bringing her out of lustful thought. That's why you are wearing it because your legs as sexy Valor kissing his cheek. Umm he grinned. Guests began to arrive Cassie had waiters working and people at the door ushering them to the pool area where the artifacts were set up, there she could keep an eye on them.

Valor's colleagues were given permission to approach the pharaoh's throne while Cassie held a baby white tiger in her lap which she would gift to the new Sphinx God hearing on the wind he had a hankering for exotic animals. The tiger was sleep in her arms Valor's co workers were enamored by the whimsical set up the food and drink were to die for. Cassie had a glass sheet over the pool replacing the water with salt sea water baby piranha swam wildly.

Cassie had a note by the pool the pharaoh's would fill a pond with them and feed enemies of Egypt into the pit an unknown fact to humans today. Cassie sat to attention when Amber was escorted in with a Jinn on her arm. Cassie and her father locked eyes both eyes flinting gold to let them know they were in the presence of their own kind.

Cassie tapped Valor her anger growing. He leaned over whispering relax my love holding her hand. Cassie was in the presence of a Jinn she didn't know if he was evil but the smell of dying Egyptian magic wreaked from his pores Cassie calmed her anger sniffing truth out the air. She grinned when the truth hit her as to why his magic was dead.

Valor hello.. as Amber and her father who was dressed in authentic Jinn attire approached the thrones. What are you doing here Amber? I heard about the party and decided to stop over since you refused to see me.

Cassie sat up a purple fog cloud rolled through the house escaping into the yard everyone was frozen including Amber. That's better the Jinn stepped out from behind his half breed daughter staring at Cassie. What do you want? Me? Nothing but my daughter wants her man back. He is my master he opened the bottle I can't go until he makes wishes you know this. Cassie looked at his various Jewelry she memorized it because none of it was Egyptian.

When he releases me when can try and get Valor back but the man is angry and his heart is closed to her. Your daughter is a concubine a slut as they say one who is unsatisfied with one man this lead to her demise. Not all men want a woman of this type. Watch your tongue Jinn least it leave your head.

Who intends to do that? You? This half breed bitch? Cassie stood tall and brazen your magic is weak and dying tell me Jinn where is your bottle? Ambers Dad grew angry lost to me young Jinn. I may be a young but you and I both know I am way stronger than you and this beast of our kind. I suggest you tell her to steer clear of me.

Your tongue speaks strong Egyptian words under the full moon on this night Jinn. Words I intend on backing with action old Jinn. My name is Bo. Cassie sat back picking up the tiger she clapped party chatter rolled on the air the party commencing. Bo smiled as a sassy Cassie knowing all she said was correct.

Hello Valor we never met my name is Bomani but my friends call me Bo. Bomani the Egyptian word for warrior. Yes Amber did not explain your love for ancient Egypt. Im sure there is a lot she has not said about me sir. Well this is some party the artifacts are beautiful I haven't seen them before are they on loan from a museum Valor? Yes they are.

Bo pushed out his hand Cassie placed an invisible protection spell on Valor so Bo could not entrance him to love his daughter. Bo stared at Cassie when he shook Valor's hand. Enjoy the party sir. I sure will and thanks for allowing us in without a proper in invite. Amanda kissed at Valor Cassie wanted to pitch her into the pool but restrained herself.

The night went well and the party was a hit. Cassie kept her thoughts on Bo all night that jewelry it seeped in her soul something was up with it but what? Cassie helped Valor bid his guests goodnight they closed the door on the last guest. The couple fell back on the couch as staff cleaned around them.

Valor? Yes bae? How can I look for jewelry in the computer thingy? To buy? No jewelry pre owned. Oh like vintage Cassie? So to speak Valor yes. Do you have a picture? Yes in my head. Haha baby you gotta get that in the computer he opened his phone going to Google. He lay the phone in her palm put it in that box a image showed in the search box. Okay Valor said taking the phone.

A Locket Cassie? Umm hum. Wow. What Valor? He handed her the phone staring. Cassie read the article staring at Valor Fuck she blurted out looking down.

May 8th 1976

Sarah Karl was found strangled in the sleepy town of New England. Pictured here is the last time she was seen since the case has gone cold. The police are seeking any witness that may help.

Valor fell asleep in bed Cassie used his phone to check the rest of the jewels she saw Bo wearing all of them came from women who had been strangled going back to the early 1800's. There were over 10,000 documented cold case strangulation's. Cassie put her hands on her head feeling sick when she saw the photo of one of the women.

It was her last master murdered. Cassie realized she was dealing with a stone cold Egyptian Jinn serial killer and humans were nothing to him but lamb to slaughter.

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