As the Queen Decrees (A Male...

By Grungeman

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(ART BY MonoriRogue ON DEVIANTART) Y/N L/N was sent out on a mission to the Australian Outback Wasteland, a l... More



278 9 0
By Grungeman

The roar of the crowd, the thrill of the fight. Win. Win. Win. Win. It's the greatest reward in this Wasteland.

I flip my journal closed as I don my helmet, my body bruised and cut from the previous battles. The Queen asked me to do a few fights for today, as there have been so few challengers due to my previous performances.

They pulled a few wasteland prisoners who attempted to raid the city. They were blood thirsty animals, as thin as they were from being imprisoned.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen of Junkertown... we have a few more fiends who tried to take out our great city, and my colleague here is gonna teach them a lesson!" The crowd began to roar.

"Please welcome the great warrior of Junkertown... the man who burns his foes in the holy hellfire of the wasteland... it's.... Y/N, the Flaming Blade of the Queen!" The crowd went wild as I walked out of the holding cell.

I saw the first prisoner emerge, his legs shaking wildly, that is, until he saw me. Then, something clicked in his brain. He grabbed his weapons and charged at me.

I tossed my buckler in the air, making sure to put on a show for the crowd. Just before I was tackled, I sidestepped and caught the shield, then clotheslined the fiend.

He went flying forward as the crowd roared and laughed, along with a few "ooo"s as they felt the pain too.

"What a move from our champion! Lets see what else he has in store~" The Queen said from her throne, with an almost flirty tone.

The crazed wastelander regained his feet, walked back up to me, making sure not to run this time.

I clashed my weapons together, changing them into a gladiator's scissor in my off hand and a trident in my main hand.

The prisoner tried to slam his crudely made club of scrap on my head. I sidestepped the attack and sliced a gash into his arm.

He wailed in pain as the crowd began to cheer once more. Growling... foaming at the mouth... this was an animal, who needed to be put down.

He charged again, and this time, I changed off hand to scutum, flipped him over my back launching him into the air, changing my trident to a spear, and flinging it straight into his chest in midair.

He landed as he was skewered into the ground, the crowd going absolutely crazy.

I regained my breath as I bowed to the Queen, as she threw down a lukewarm beer, to which I chugged. It was purely to please the crowd, back home a lukewarm beer is a cardinal sin.

I laughed to myself as I remembered old times, which was a delicacy, especially in this bloody arena.

Me, Reinhardt, Torbjörn, Brigitte... all huddled around table playing monopoly while the two old men argued and bantered while getting wildly drunk... while Brigitte and I laughed our heads off, living in the moment.

Brigitte and I would go to bed after we put the two big babies to sleep, and we would just hold each other. We were the only two people in the world at that point... oh my god, I haven't written home... I haven't, oh no... what do they think? Do they think I'm dead? What would they think of me now? Oh no... oh god... oh no...

"HEY, HEY YOU THERE, QUEEN!" A shrill yet familiar voice called out to the crowd. "HOW ABOUT YOU HAVE YOUR LITTLE GLADIATOR THERE FIGHT A REAL WARRIOR? NOT THESE SKINNY PRISONERS!" He laughed the most crazed, horrifying laugh I have ever heard.... And it wasn't the first time I had...

Two people jumped down into the arena... a skinny, hunched man with his hair charred, and a giant, horridly obese man with slightly bubbled and charred skin wearing a gas mask.

"Oh boy, Junkrat and Roadhog? You back for round 3?" The Queen called out, howling laughing into the arena as the crowd followed.

Wait, Junkrat and Roadhog? I thought it was Junkhog and Roadrat?

"Why yes, m'lady... and this time, we're gonna win!" He giggled as he did a hundred quick steps in quick succession.

I made eye contact with Dez, to which I nodded, and a sinister grin crept across her face. "Alright then.... But I think it's only fair that if the both of you get to fight him, then he should get a partner as well~!" The Queen laughed as she used her electro magnet to sun her axe as she grabbed her wasteland shotgun, her knife already attached to her left hip and as sharp as ever.

She jumped down, and standing next to me, she announced to the crowd, "Let the fight begin!" As she launched her knife at the two, the crowd roaring.

The blade nearly missed Junkrat, but plunged into Roadhog's charred skin. As the knife tore back out, he lurched forward.

Junkrat ran towards Dez as Roadhog got back up, throwing his hook at me and pulling me into him.

I was met with a gigantic punch from his monstrous fist, imprinting the "E F" from his rings that said "LEFT" into my face.

As Odessa knocked the Rat to the ground, she charged over to Roadhog and shot at him twice, the scrap bullets barely leaving a scratch on him.

Still dazed from the punch, I got up and steadied myself. Grabbing my fallen sword, I picked up the gladius and beat it on my scutum.

Getting slowly closer to the lumbering giant, his scrap shots and hooks would simply bounce off the massive shield as I looked behind it.

"Queen! Deal with giggles over there! I can take this one!" I said while getting pelted with scrap. "You sure? He seems to be whooping you there!" She laughed. "He just caught me off guard, I've got him!" I called out

She nodded and smiled, dashing off to the explosive menace.

Getting closer to the beast, I eventually got within sword range. I thrust my gladius at his stomach, stabbing deep within him. A roar escaped his gas mask as it puffed with fumes. Disgusting.

He wildly swung his hook at me, gripping my shield and flinging it far across the arena. I switched my gladius to a spear, grabbing the electric net that the queen had given me in my off hand.

I easily out maneuvered the giant, but I had to be careful when I attacked.

Your training will help you here - this is a fighter, not a sick animal.

I furrowed my brow as i remembered my father's teachings.

The big omnics can be tough, but with speed and precision, they can be trivialized.

I began to bob and weave Roadhog's punches, wild and untrained as they were.

I stabbed little pinpricks in the man's sides when I successfully dodged an attack. We both backed away, as Roadhog threw a hook at me. I sidestepped and threw my net at the hook.

Dragging the electric death trap back towards him, Roadhog began to be zapped with the power of the sun.

As he was stunned, I ran towards him and wrestled him to the ground with my spear around his neck, choking him enough to make him pass out.

As I looked over to the Queen, he had the creature begging for his life at her feet, held at shotgun point.

I walked over and pressed a foot down onto his back, hoisting my thumb into the air sideways. The crowd began to howl in cheer, holding their thumbs down in response.

The Queen looked at me, impressed with this new found showmanship.

I grabbed the my scutum shield and hoisted it into the air, when Junkrat stood back up, I slammed It down onto his skull.

The impact knocked him out instantly, making his nose bleed rapidly.

The crowd cheered and laughed, as the Queen too my hand and raised it into the air, presenting ourselves as the winners to the crowd...


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This story contains swearing and the pictures featured in this book don't belong to me. Also have fun reading. :)