Judgment Day- D.M

By Scarletavengerobxp4l

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๐˜‹๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ฆ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ 30, 2022 โœฐ๐—›๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ ๐—ถ๐˜€ ๐˜†๐—ผ๐˜‚๐—ฟ ๐˜„๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ป๐—ฒ๐—ฟ, ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ป๐—ฒ๐˜„! ๐—ฆ๐—บ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐—ธ๐—ฑ๐—ผ๐˜„๐—ป ๐—ช๐—ผ... More

Royal Rumble
J&M Jayne vs Dolin & Rousey
Friday Night SD
Gym encounters
Saturday House Show
Sunday House Show
Appearances with Demi
Meet & Greet
Meeting with HHH
Saturday Show
Sunday Show
Main Event
Valentine's Day
Sleeping In
Fly to Montrรฉal
SmackDown Before EC
Elimination Chamber
Rhea and Dom interview
The Bump
Dom, Madelyn & Rhea face to face
Ballsy Badass
Another Meeting
Day Off
The Greatest
Contract Signing
Hall Of Fame
Practice/Getting Ready
WrestleMania 39
Finish The Story
Mania Night 2
UK Tour House Show
Draft Picks
SmackDown in Puetro Rico
Hanging with Dom Dom
WWE Backlash
Judgment Night RAW
Rhea.R vs Dana.B
Madelyn.J vs Zoey.S
Dom Dom.M vs Xaiver.W
NXT Women's Round 1
Day off
House Show Day 1
House show day 2
RebelMare vs Emma & Nikki.C
Dom Dom vs Xaiver.W
Zoey Stark vs Xia Li
RebelMare vs Ballsy Baddies
Madelyn.J vs Zelina.V
What are you doing awake?
RebelMare vs Deville&Green
Night Of Champions
Monday Night RAW
First Contenders are...?
Couple vs Couple
The Bump
Day before Thursday
Friday Night Smackdown
Off Air Smackdown
RebelMare vs Katana&Kayden
Madelyn.J vs Trish.S
Last two weeks
The RAW before MITB
The Champions vs The Challengers
NXT Gold Rush week 2
Money in the Bank Part1

Switching Sides

971 20 1
By Scarletavengerobxp4l

Rhea: Because..the more things change, the more they stay the same-

"Been about three days and I'm coming back"

*Rhea and Dominik look over towards the iron as the crowd cheers when you walk out in ring attire and the Smackdown Women's Championship strapped around you waist. Reaching the ring, you slide onto the apron and take off the championship from your waist, raising it up high before stepping in the ring, wrapping the title back around your body as you grab a microphone and stand across from the two Judgment Day members*

You: You're a hundred precent right, Rhea. You did chose me. Not Bianca Belair, because you obviously have your reasons, but believe me when I say it..you didn't chose Bianca Belair, because you only want revenge! I'm the only person in all of WWE you want revenge on, Rhea! NXT: Wargames 2019 Dakota Kai betrayed you. you do get revenge on her? No! What about when Charlotte Flair beat you at Mania back in 2020? Didn't get revenge on her! You only want me, because I got a title before you? No, no, no, Rhea you got a title before Me! You're the first ever NXT UK Women's Champion, but yet that doesn't seem to a difference!

Rhea: Look Dom Dom! Madelyn is finally being smart, how cute!

You: If I'm being smart then that means..you're being dumb, because you have no idea what's coming for you at Mania, Ripley

Dominik: Madelyn. May I ask you a question?

You:...sure, go right ahead, Dominik

Dominik: Okay..do you think if it was the other way round, would you want revenge?

You: No. I wouldn't, actually what I would do is talk things out with Rhea and then I would work and work for my title opportunity

Dominik: alright....

Rhea: anyway-

"Welcome to the generation of Jade"

*You smile as Rhea looks annoyed to be interrupted by Cora as she walks out, also in ring gear and holding her bat behind her as you makes her way to the ring. She rolls in and stands next to you as Dom and Rhea just look at you both*

Cora: You ready to kick ass?

You: With you? Always

After Commercial break

*You and Cora standing side by side in the ring as Dominik and Rhea were watching from commentary. both of you had already taken off your extra pieces of gear that wasn't any good for the match*

"The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first the team of Cora Jade and the Smackdown Women's Champion, Madelyn Jayne!"

"Five. Four. Three. Two. One!"

"And their opponents. The team of Katana Chance and Kayden Carter!"

*Katana and Kayden happily do their entrance before you and Katana start off the match. The bell rings and you and Katana lock up, but you quickly turned it around and gave her a "O'coner Roll & Pele Kick" she quickly stands back up, grabbing your hands and throws you into the ropes. rebounding off the ropes Katana gives you a "Hurricanerana" which instantly hurt your back as she goes for the pin with a kick out at 2. Chance makes the tag, but before Kayden could do anything you hit her with a "Crucifix Head Scissor" throwing her into your corner, making the tag to Cora following along with an "WheelBarrow Suplex" as Cora goes for the pin with you stepping out the ring and a kick out on 1*

You: You got this, Cora!

*Cora gets up while grabbing Kayden by her braids then just unleashing onto Carter. Katana gets in throwing Cora off of your tag partner, causing you to get slip in and perform a double "Back Stabber" on both opponents, Katana rolls out the ring and falls off the apron onto the floor with you following behind as Cora and Kayden go one on one*

Crowd Chant: Mads is gonna kill you! Mads is gonna kill you! Mads is gonna kill you! Mads is gonna kill you! Mads is gonna kill you! Mads is gonna kill you! Mads is gonna kill you! Mads is gonna kill you! Mads is gonna kill you!

*Katana slowly gets back up to your feet only to be met with you slamming her head down on the announce table multiple times before stopping due to Kayden going over the top rope with a "Crossbody" taking you down*

After another commercial

*Kayden hit you with an "Canadian Destroyer" slamming you down onto the ring canvas head first, both of you laying lifeless in the middle of the ring with both Katana Chance and Cora Jade on the apron hungry for the tag*

Cora: C'mon, Mads! Madelyn! Madelyn!

Crowd Chant: Madelyn! Madelyn! Madelyn! Madelyn! Madelyn! Madelyn! Madelyn! Madelyn! Madelyn! Madelyn! Madelyn! Madelyn! Madelyn! Madelyn! Madelyn!

*You slowly start crawling towards Cora as Kayden did the same with Katana. You and Carter making the hot-tag, both of you roll out as Cora gets the upper hand by knocking down Katana with multiple "" before giving her a "" You got back up to your feet, Cora notices and drags Katana over to the corner, tagging you in. Cora steps onto the apron holding her hand out, as you tag her back in*

Cora: Get up!

You: C'mon, Katana!

*You both linger slowly behind as Katana slowly stands up, stumbling while doing so but not for long as you and Cora perform "Knee Strike/Moonsault Combo" on her, locking the lights out of Chance. Cora goes the pin as you keep Kayden out the ring with an "dropkick" through the middle rope*


*Cora gets off of Katana as you hug Cora from behind before you both had your arms raised in victory by the ref while he also handed you title*

"Here are your winner. The team of Cora Jade and the Smackdown Women's Champion, Madelyn Jayne!"

*the ref gets out the ring, allowing and you and Cora to have your time with this win. Katana and Kayden get in the ring, all four of you women now looking at one another before Katana and Kayden hold out their hands. You and Cora shake their hands before you let the NXT females go backstage. Rhea and Dominik once again get back in the ring as Dominik tosses you a microphone*

Rhea: Impressive win over Katana Chance and Kayden Carter from NXT, Madelyn!

You: Thank you?

Rhea: But! where's Jacy? I mean why Cora Jade as your tag partner? What about your own flesh and blood?

Dominik: Rhea-

You: Actually, Rhea! you wanna know were Jacy Jayne is?! Jacy is stuck back in Orlando dealing with injury! and she can't fly back home, because of how bad it is, that's where Jacy is!

Dominik: I'm sorry to hear that, Mads. I hope Jacy recovers well

You: Thanks, Dom

Rhea: Dom! what the hell?

Dominik: What? I wish her sister well...

You: what's wrong, Rhea? Dom Dom isn't respecting you?

Rhea: Shut your mouth!

You:...Dom..you want to tell her..or should I?

Rhea: Tell me what?

Dominik: go ahead and tell her, beautiful

You: Rhea...let's just say that Dominik has realized what your doing to me is wrong..and you might wanna look behind you

*Rhea turns around, looking at the titantron as a video package that was filmed over the past few days of you and Dominik in the arena being close, holding hands the way he helps you in the ring. And the end of the video it shows you about to the leave until Dominik spun you around and kissed you on the cheek*

You: Looks like Dom Dom found a new "Mami" over the past few weeks, Ripley

*While Rhea was turn around, Dominik quietly step away and stood next to you with his arm thrown over your shoulder as you both smirk and whisper to each other until Rhea turns back around*

Rhea: Dom! What the hell?!

Dominik: Rhea, you started all of this. It's messed up and you're going to realize that sooner or later. Madelyn told me the whole story, she's tried to explain..But you never listen!

*Then the arena goes silent as Rhea slaps you with so much force, you fell back into Dominik who caught you as everyone watches Rhea leave the ring and starts walking away. You sneak out the ring, running around and hit with a "clothesline" as soon as she turned around*

Rhea: You bitch!

You: Come on, Ripley!

*Rhea stood up and you immendatly rammed her into the barricade, back first before then you both hit each other as officials run out, trying to separate you both. It one ref to push you back and two to hold Rhea, but then Ripley broke free. She runs towards you, pushing into the ring post hard*

Dominik: Rhea, stop this!

Rhea: She's the one who started this mess! she needs to finish it, Dom!

*With Dominik distracting Rhea, you took the chance and hit her with a "" but she countered and try to "riptide" you but Dom rush in and saved you from being destroyed. Rhea looks at Dominik like he's crazy as he keeps around arms secured around your waist*

Rhea: Fine! I see how it is...I'll see you both at the signing!

Dominik: You okay?

You: Just perfect...

*You roll into the ring, picking up your title and stand on the turnbuckle, taunting everyone as Rhea gets more mad but keeps on walking backwards while sending draggers towards you. Dominik next to you with his hand on your back as you step down. And everyone started screaming when Dominik pulled you in close and smashed his lips onto yours*


*You and Dominik had went back to your locker room, so could change before the leaving the stadium and head back to the hotel for the night. you ended up changing into a pair of sweatpants and a "Toxic Attraction" Shirt before walking out the bathroom, seeing Dominik on his phone*

You: Can I ask you something?

Dominik: Go head

You: so..Taylor down in Florida for the week and I'll be by myself down in LA..Not! Not saying I'm scared to be alone..but I was wondering if you wanted to..stay with me for the weekend?



Dominik: Yeah..C'mon...

*Dominik holds his free hands towards you while his other holds his bag. You grab your stuff before grabbing his hand as you both walk out the stadium, where half of the talent that was here today as they were outside either interacting with fans or heading back to the hotel. You guys walk over to the car, putting your stuff inside. Dominik driving and you in the passenger seat*

Dominik: You ready?

You: Always!

*You opened your phone before feeling Dominik's hand rest on your thigh, making you try so hard not to blush in front of him right now as he starts driving. You had been caught up on media on what WWE fans were saying about the whole storylines, you weren't pulled out of your thoughts until a car hook from the right of you, causing both you and Dom to look over and see Colby, Rebecca, Priscilla and Brianna in the car*

5 minutes later

*Now in your hotel room with Dominik, you fell onto the bed back first as you zoned out thinking Mania while looking up at the ceiling until Dominik laid his head on on your lap while he wrapped his arms around you*

Dominik: Pretty zoned out. What's on your mind?

You: WrestleMania. Just so much is happening for a 4-year long storyline

Dominik: I mean..long time feuds start to get boring if that's what you're trying to say, but now that you met me, it's way more fun!

You; Oh, shut up!

*Both of you start laughing as you playfully shove Dom off of you, who ends up falling onto the floor. Laughter filling up the room as you now stare down at Dominik, holding his hand. Dominik soon afterwards gets back on the bed, once again with his head on your lap and his arms wrapped around you as you two continue to talk about different things*

~Instagram posts~

@Paige_MadelynJ (reposted by @WWE)
Caption- @rhearipley_wwe may have had the upper hand tonight..but I'm still on top standing!

(You're Charlotte)

Caption- @rhearipley_wwe & @Paige_MadelynJ are on another level!

Caption- Tonight on #Smackdown #RheaRipley & #MadelynJayne step in the ring face to face!

Caption- @Paige_MadelynJ & @corajadewwe take on @katana_wwe & @kaydenwwe tonight!

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