Blue Lock ā•¼ā•¼ā•¼ š™‹š™š™Šš™‚š™š™€š™Žš™Ž

By M3ss1fan

82.8K 3.4K 8.7K

"š™ƒš™–š™«š™žš™£š™œ š™©š™¬š™¤ š™„š™§š™¤š™™š™žš™œš™žš™šš™Ø š™–š™Ø š™Øš™©š™šš™„-š™—š™§š™¤š™©š™š™šš™§š™Ø š™Øš™šš™©š™Ø š™©š™š™š š™—š™–š™§ š™š™žš™œš™ š™–š™Ø ļæ½... More

The Birth of a Third Prodigy
She wants to be a striker
Pretty Blue Eyes
Bachira's a Clown
A mindless slave to soccer
Just a bit of banter
Falling in Love...
The 'Bathroom Excuse'
Realization and longing
Whimpering and Moaning
Brother Issues
Two of a kind
Complete Chaos
Luck and Luna
Cruel Planning
Hiding secrets
Caught in 4k
Dancing with a Demon
Talking it out with Big-Brother
Stress and Solutions
Teetering Futures (U-20 pt.1)
Teetering Futures (U-20 pt.2)
Teetering Futures: U-20 The Finale
If you like Pina Coladas...
Sex, Emergencies, and Suitcases

A prodigy at work

2.4K 112 339
By M3ss1fan


Guys. I don't know how to feel right now.

Okay so during my game yesterday, some girl caught my attention mid game (she was on defense while I was sitting up on offense)

She was like, "Number fifteen."

And I was like, "Yeah?"

And then she goes, "I just wanted to say that you are so pretty, like drop dead gorgeous."


It almost made me not want to score against them and make the score any bigger. 😞

(Game ended 8-0 Mercy. I scored two.)


Language and Y/N being a badass girlboss (Shes just like me. Fr🤞)


Why isn't anyone saying anything?"

You looked around the team room with a raised brow upon noticing the odd silence.

Taking a step in from the doorway, you taped the ball at your feet to a side, before looking around for a response.

"Hello? I know you all can speak."

Suddenly, you heard a random pair of laughter coming from none other than Naruhaya and Immamura.

You frowned, "The hell's so funny?"

"The face you were making just now was hilarious!"

"You looked so pissed"

Rolling your eyes, you found an open spot next to Isagi and sat down, sending him a small smile as conversations around you began to commence.

You didn't really know why they had gotten so quiet once you entered the room, but to be honest, you didn't really care right now. Relaxing for the rest of the night was the only thing on your mind as of current.

Though, you did have a small hunch that had come to your mind just now...


The boy turned to you upon hearing his name from your mouth, "Yeah?"

Staring at him momentarily for any sign of nervousness, you noticed his pupils slightly dilated, as well as a quick swipe of his tongue to wet his noticeably dry lips.

"Is something on my face?" He spoke hesitantly, feeling his palms break out in a cold sweat.

"Did you...." You paused for a second, "Did you tell everyone about what we did?"

Isagi froze for a second, unsure of whether it would be wise to admit the truth to you. He didn't want another argument to break out, but at the same time, it would weigh on his conscience if he were to lie about it...

The boy already felt quite guilty as it is for his earlier actions in the bathroom...

"...I did...I'm sorry Y/N, I was just under pressure and-"

"Nah it's okay, don't worry about it." You sent him a warm smile, "I don't really care to be honest, it's not really detrimental, Y'know?"

Letting himself breathe, he sighed, smiling back at you, "Ah, you had me really nervous for a second."

"I could tell."

The two of you shared a laugh, before you stood, giving his shoulder a quick squeeze before heading off to the connected bedroom.

"I'm heading to bed, night guys." you waved

A chorus of good night wishes could be heard as you stepped into the dim room, letting the door slide shut behind you.

Settling down onto the bed, you lay on your back, pulling up the covers to your neck as you felt your body warm up comfortably under the thick fabric. You felt your eyes slowly drift shut, as your mind wandered once again, thinking back to everything that happened today.

It was crazy how much had occurred in such a short span of time, and things were surely going to get more hectic as your time at Blue Lock progressed...

Though, you couldn't help but miss Rin. It's only been three weeks, yet you felt as if it's been a decade.

I guess thats a side effect of constantly being around him back home.

You couldn't help but wonder if he missed you to...

Chances are he did. Maybe he missed you even more than you missed him, but, he would never ever admit that outloud. If asked about it, he would deny without hesitation.

Chuckling silently to yourself, you allowed you mind to rest, as darkness soon flooded your vision.

Oh. But you didn't fall asleep of course.

Not that quickly...especially after the day you've had.

As soon as your eyes drifted shut, as if on command, memories of the earlier events began to flash in your mind.

You jolted up, covering your face with both of your hands as the blood rushed to your cheeks.

That was your first had managed to make out with him, as well as going a little bit further...

You remembered grabbing his hand and placing it on your-

" NOOOOOO." You flipped around and screamed into the pillow, kicking your feet like a child having a temper tantrum.

You cursed into the pillow, that thankfully muffled the excessive profanities leaving your mouth.

"I'm such an idiotttttt..." you whined, smushing your face into the soft material.

God why the hell did you say what you did...why did you moan?


You spent the next twenty minutes twisting and turning around, mentally wanting to leave Blue Lock and never come back, and quite literally on the verge of tears.

Exhaling sharply, you took a few deep, slow breaths, trying to calm yourself so you could get to sleep. (Also to try and keep even a little of your sanity)

Settling down once more, you started thinking about silly kittens to try and get your mind off what will now be known as 'the ordeal'.

It took a bit, but you finally managed to doze off.

Thank god.


"Does anybody know where my other shoe went?"

"...Is this it?" Chigiri asked, raising up a single cleat, with small pink flowers drawn onto the white stripes that adorned the shoe.

You smiled graciously, nodding as he tossed it to you, "Thanks Chigiri, I thought I left it back in the room for a second there..."

"It's no problem, but why did you draw on them?" he asked

You moved your leg to rest on top of the locker bench on which you sat, slipping the shoe on as you spoke, "The design was plain, plus I wanted to stand out."

"That's stupid, the way you play, you already do stand out."

Rolling your eyes playfully at his comment, you finished typing your cleats, before slipping your shingaurds into your socks, pulling them up to rest just below your knee.

You were just about to go searcing for a hairtie, before feeling a sudden, stinging impact on your forehead.

"OW! Hey, who the hell-"

You stopped yourself as you immediately found the giggling culprits from across the small locker room.

"Ha, Ha. Very funny guys."

Bachira and Naruhayas laughter only grew as you looked down to your lap and picked up the hairtie that had just been shot at you.

Sighing to yourself, you pinned your hair back into a ponytail, pulling out a few lose strands along the front and sides of your hairline.

Everyone was about ready to make their way to the feild, simply waiting or making small talk amongst eachother until the timer went out.

Slidding off the bench, you lowerd yourself onto the floor, "Bachira, come here n' stretch me out."

"Sure thing Y/N-chan~" he nudged naruhaya with a smirk as he made his way over to you.

"Damn Isagi, me personally...I wouldn't take that." the brunette chimmed, grinning mischeviously.

The blue eyed male frowned, "What?"

"Your really gonna let your girl get stretched out by Bachira? Right in front of you aswell."

Isagi frowned, "Screw off, you know she didn't mean it like that."

"How do you know she didn't mean it like that?"

"Yeah Isagi, how do you know I didn't mean it like that?" You said teasingly, overhearing the conversation.

Isagi gave you a look of unamusment, as Raichi scowled to your right, "You're a whore."

"Oh shut it Raichi, your just mad I pull more than you ever will."

"I get plenty of bitches. The only difference is I'm not a whore when I pull them."

"At least I'm not ugly."

"Says who?"

"Your mother after I fucke-"

"Alright guys, that's enough..." Kunigami said, interrupting your crude insult, "We're about to start heading onto the field."

You and Raichi glared at each other for a moment more, before you stuck out your tongue and broke eye contact, turning your attention back into Bachira. He gently pushed your leg forward as you stuck it into the air for him to hold.

Everyone waited for you to finish, simultaneously monitoring the timer on the TV screen displayed overhead.

"All teams, please finish getting ready within the next 20 seconds...the game will commence soon."

Upon hearing the VAR announcement, you gave Bachira a nod, signaling that you were good to go.

Placing two hands out for you, the perky male pulled you to your feet, giving your waist a quick squeeze before making his way to the door.

Turning to your left, you noticed Isagi standing stagnant. He was staring at the floor ahead of him, seemingly lost in his own world. You took a few steps over to him, and nudged him lightly with your shoulder, snapping him out of his daze.

"Don't go getting all nervous now Yoichi, we need you and your genius on the field."

He gave you a small smile, "I could say the same about you Y/N."

All players, please make your way to the fields. The game will begin in 120 seconds.

The lockerroom doors slid open, allowing your teammates access to the entrance hall. Everyone began walking through, two by two, with you and Isagi in the back of the line.

He was about to step forward before he was abruptly pulled back by his sleeve. Turning around, the male was met with a sudden peck to the lips.

"...for good luck."

He was caught slightly off guard by the motion, which explained the small heat that rose to his cheeks.

This didn't stop his next move, however.

You felt two hands latch themselves onto your waist, squeezing gently as he lowered his lips onto yours at a medium pace.

The kiss lasted a few more seconds than the one prior to that, but not too long so that any of your teammates in front would notice.

Pulling away, you felt your face warming up, not expecting that of all things from Isagi.

"...sorry about that, I couldn't help myself," he spoke softly, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

Regaining your proper train of thought, you sent him a grin, "Am I really that irresistible?"

The two of you began walking behind the team, keeping your voices low so as to not ruin the atmosphere.

"You already know the answer to that," he replied, sending a smirk back, causing you to let out a nasal laugh.

The bright lights of the field flooded your vision, as you stepped onto the pitch, growing more and more excited by the second.

On the opposite side, team V entered simultaneously, stepping on as if they owned the place.

"REO! NAGI!" You yelled, ignoring your teammate's confused stares as you jogged over to the two males.

"Y/N! What's up?" Reo greeted you, embracing you in a quick hug.

"Nothing much, even though we talked about it yesterday, I almost forgot we were playing you today."

He grinned, "I sure as hell didn't forget. I'm hoping this match is a good one, unlike the other teams we've played..."

"Make sure to have your expectations high Reo, I plan on going all out from the get-go."

He chuckled at your declaration, "I wish I could get Nagi as pumped as you are right now..."

You turned to the white-haired male, practically beaming, "C'mon Nagi, get hyped!"

"Nothing to be 'hyped''s just another game where I'm forced to run around and sweat."

" did you even get into Blue Lock with that attitude?"


You turned back to the violet-haired boy, "Did you pay Ego to get him in or something?"

"Nah, it was his own talent that got him here," he replied, showing no trace of sarcasm, "He may be a lazy bum, but he's a treasure."

You hummed, slightly intrigued as to what Nagi could be capable of. It must be good considering it outweighed his absurd laziness to get him into here, to begin with.

Turning on your heel, you made your way back over to your team, waving and wishing Reo and Negi both good luck.

Everyone was already in position, with Kuon now on the sideline instead of Naruhaya, acting as a substitute.

You were playing CAM (center attacking midfield) in a 4-3-2-1 formation.

-QUICK NOTE: I know a lot of you don't have proper soccer knowledge, so for future writing ease, I'm going partially implement/teach it to you early on here as best I can. You can also use google. -

Looking up at the timer, you watched as it counted down from 20, ticking electronically.

Everyone was either stretching, having strategy talks, or fidgeting around nervously. You, however, didn't fall under any of those categories.

You stood still, as if a statue, staring off into space as if you were analyzing something.

The thing on your mind currently was the fact that Ego hadn't come up on the screen and told you to get your ass off the field yet. You were still technically supposed to be on an injury leave according to Ego's strict instruction.

Maybe he found some goodness within his heart?

Yeah right. Funny joke Y/N.

As if on cue, the timer screen flashed black, turning back on to show Ego's sharp and oddly proportioned face.

"Jumpscare..." you muttered, heaving a sigh, for you already knew why he appeared.

Looking down on the field, he pushed up his glasses, not even bothering to wave this time, "Good day, diamonds in the rough. Your game will start soon, I simply have to take care of a rather persistent pest that thinks she can do whatever she wants."

You felt basically everyones gaze shift to you, as you rolled your eyes, "I'm literally fine. I don't get why I shouldn't be allowed to play."

"I've already explained the reason to you. You're a liability. Now get off the field."

"Please, just let me play for a little bit!" you practically begged, clasping your hands together, "I only need one more goal to get my phone back!"

Ego was silent for a moment, before letting an eerie, spine-chilling grin grow onto his face, "Alright. Fine."

Your eyes widened in surprise. You could hardly believe that you had convinced him so easily...I hadn't even pulled out the fake tears yet.

"Really!? You mean it?"

He crossed his legs and brought his hands together, "I do mean it.'s the catch..."

Your smile disappeared upon hearing him say there was a catch. Judging by his creepy ass smile, it was sure to be something annoying.

"...I'll give you just five minutes to play on the field. During the course of those five minutes, if you don't manage to score...then you get locked off immediately."

Your monotone expression stayed the same, as you met his gaze, "Your being rather generous with those five minutes."

"Oh? How so?"

"All I need is one."

You could hear some whispers from the other team, as well as some from your team at your bold declaration.

Ego let out a small hum, "Five minutes on the clock. Try not to disappoint Y/N Itoshi."

With that, Ego disappeared off the screen, turning it back onto the game timer, with the newly found time addition below the main game time.

A rather cute-looking cartoon of you appeared under the Game time, with your own small timer next to it, set at five minutes.

"Right. Kunigami, play the ball back to me." you spoke to the tall ginger who was the acting striker as of now.

He raised a brow, "Are you sure?"


The game will begin in 5...4...3...2...1.

A loud animatronic whistle went off, signaling the start of the game.

Kunigami hit a speedy, well paced pass back to you, to which you received graciously, standing still for a moment to analyze the field ahead of you.

They must be centered around Reo, considering the 4-2-1-3 formation, with Reo acting as their lone attacking midfielder. On the right wing was that Zantetsu guy.

You had seen only one clip of team V playing, and in that clip, Zantetsu had been the one to score, utilizing his immense speed.

But, he shouldn't be an issue.

You were used to playing against speed like his.

Sae at his top speed was sure to be just as quick as him. Though he may not have the acceleration that Zantetsu does, it's still a decent comparison.

Countless hours scrimmaging with Sae when he came back to visit Japan was sure to really pay off here.

You and him would go out at night, and join in on any street scrimmages at the side alley fields. It was a great way for him to get his practice in while away from Madrid, as well as a great way for you to improve and spend some quality time with your step-brother.

You and him would always end up playing against each other, purposely splitting up on teams to compete.

Street soccer was full of quick, skillful players. Some of which had the skill to go semi-pro if not pro. It made you wonder why they were there, using up their talent instead of pursuing a career in soccer...

It was on those street fields that you honed your skills, quickly learning any and every trick that you saw performed in front of your eyes.

Within no time, you had become a favorite there.

Sae had as well, but not as much as you due to his uncaring and blunt attitude. (This didn't favor well with the other footballers)

You, however, were rather polite and charismatic. Always playing with a smile on your face, simply because you loved the game. This reflected in the way you played and still does at times.

Sae partially envied your creativity, seeing you always attempt new things as you played.

He would always practice and practice new moves for weeks on end before actually using them in a match. You, however, hardly ever practiced. Instead, you tried them out during games rather than before.

This wasn't the issue though, the thing that kind of irked him was how when you performed new moves for the first time during matches, they almost always succeeded. You hardly made any errors, and when you did, you simply laughed it off.

Your other brother could never see himself being as reckless as you, yet he was jealous of that recklessness all at the same time.

You had always been like that, and even now, that part of you still hasn't changed.

Standing here on the perfectly trimmed blue lock field, you couldn't help but feel at peace. On the field is where you felt as if you could do anything. On the field is where you saw your future, written as clear as crystal. On the field is where you thrived, and found parts of yourself that you never know you had.

But most of all, on the field, is where you could forget about all your troubles, and focus intently on one, imparticular goal.

And in this case, that one goal...was to win.

Win and win and win and win. For the sake of proving your father wrong. To make him apologize. make him love you.

Furrowing your brows, you mentally began charting a course forward.

Reo had his sights set firmly on you, for he right off the bat that you had no intention of passing.

Exhaling sharply, you suddenly took off with the ball, accelerating sharply so as to catch the two opposing team members off guard.

One of them took an immediate step towards you, attempting to get you off balance.

You swiftly halted the ball, doing a swift roulette turn around him, before cutting it right in between the both of them, leaving you to dribble into the open space.

Bachira let out a whistle, seeing you move about like a professional.

Dribbling was a passion of his, but you may have him beat. Not because the moves you did were better...but because you did them with such speed and precision, it would catch anybody off guard.

Closing in on the middle of their hall, you looked up and locked eyes with Reo, who wore a confident smile on his face.

You returned the look, now accelerating towards him.

Feinting to the right, you pulled in back before performing a quick step-over to which he lunged at.

Big mistake.

This was the perfect opportunity.

Rolling the ball across your body, you tapped the ball through his legs as if you were threading a needle, and quickly moved around him to retrieve the ball from the other side.

"Close your legs, Reo, it's not a good look on you."

He clicked his tongue, as he frowned, "Shit, she got me. Triple team her guys!"

You let out a silent laugh, advancing forward.

Three players came from every side, now surrounding you in an almost triangle-like position.

The circumstances were just right...

Not giving them a moment to think, you stepped in front of the ball, pulling it up to your ankle with your left foot, before popping it over your head, as well as those of the defenders.

A perfect rainbow.

Your signature move, naturally.

There you had it, a clear break to the box.

Well...almost clear.
Stepping up his pace, you noticed an incoming figure approaching from the right.

He was fast, with long strides that only accelerated the more he ran.

This was no problem though.

Fast players are rather easy to counter, even an amateur could do it.

You proceeded forward, keeping track of him incoming through your peripheral vision.

Suddenly, you felt a strong pressure against your right arm, as he went to take a step in front of you all whilst stealing the ball.

But he failed.

Pulling in backward, you left him to tumble over forward, for he was moving at such a quick pace, that suddenly stopping was not an option.

You dribbled your way into the box, seeing the keeper coming right at you.

With a small smile, you waited until he was just about two feet away, before chipping the ball over his head.

Everyone on the field watched in awe, as the ball rolled daintily into the goal.

Side Note: Chipping the ball -for those who don't know- is when you place your foot under the ball, and flick up upwards into the air. So put into simpler terms, it's just scooping the ball up. Depending on how much force you put into the chip, it can go really far, or short. So it's adjustable for any situation. And in Y/n's situation, she just chipped it over the poor GK's (Goalkeepers) head

You looked up at the screen, seeing your time now at 4:11, as it still continued counting down.

"Zantetsu! You dumbass!" Reo yelled at his teammate with a frown.

The male placed his glasses back on his head, glaring at the latter, "She got past you too! With a nutmeg 'nontherest"

"It's 'nonetheless'" Nagi corrected standing there as if he couldn't be bothered.

"That's some serious skill you've got there..." Bachira breathed out, jogging over and slinging an arm around your neck.

You and he made your way back to your half with the rest of the team.

Chigiri narrowed his eyes, "Just how the hell did you manage to do that by yourself?"

"Your incredible Y/N!" Isagi exclaimed, eyes lighting up with pure admiration

An onslaught of compliments and praise came your way from your teammates, as you received a multitude of pats on the back or hair ruffles.

A fifteen-second countdown began on the big screen, signaling the time until the next kickoff.

"You can definitely tell she's related to Sae Itoshi..." one of the members from team Z spoke, with a sigh

Another one nodded, "It's totally not fair"

You frowned, overhearing what they were saying.

It's always, 'Sae Itoshis sister that' or 'Sae Itoshis sister this'.

I mean, don't get it wrong, you loved Sae, naturally. But, the constant comparisons got annoying at times.

It was frustrating how no one would ever acknowledge you for being you.

Glancing up at the clock, you saw your time as it continued ticking down, with about three minutes and fifteen seconds left to go.

Team V began upon the whistles loud blare.

They passed it back, and began connecting passes along their back line, utilizing Reo as an outlet in the middle.

"Kunigami and Isagi pressure their back line! I'll mark up on Reo" you yelled, finding a certain sense of authority within yourself, "Defense, push up a bit to catch them offsides if they try to play a long ball!"

No one argued, obeying your command as if they were part of an army.

They knew you were somewhat of a tactician from the things you said at halftime, and so far none of what you've said since your time here at blue lock had been incorrect or flawed in any way, so, your team now partially relied on your words without hesitation.

You jogged with a quick pace over to Reo, standing about two feet away from the male so you could react to any balls that were to come his way, all whilst containing him, which would prevent him from making any sudden moves around you.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance upon noticing your presence on him.

"Persistent now are we?"

You grinned, "Obviously. I plan on getting a hat trick before my time runs out."

He returned the grin, though his was more agitated than anything, "Make sure not to get too ahead of yourself Ms. Prodigy."

Suddenly, a ball came fizzing along the ground directly at Reo.

He approached it quickly, bracing himself for your contact on his back.

But it never came...

He quickly scanned behind himself, noticing you 're no longer there.

"What the he-"

In that split second in which he decided to look away from the ball at his feet, you had swiftly stolen it from his possession, instantly turning around and taking the space in front of you.

Reo clenched his teeth, pivoting quickly and running back to try and recover the stolen ball.

You looked over your shoulder, noticing his long incoming strides.

Increasing your pace ever so slightly, you kept on your pursuit forward, waiting until he had caught up to your left side.

Then, you pulled it back, halting his momentum, and leaving his legs wide open.

Tapping it through them mercilessly, you laughed, "That's the second time Reo! C'mon, do better!."

He was now pissed beyond all reason, but at the same time, he was exceptionally impressed.

The boy found it hard to believe that someone at your level had been lurking around Japan all this time.

That type of talent that you had belonged on a high level that couldn't be found within the confines of Island country on which they dwelled.

The funny thing weren't even putting in full effort.

You seemed to be having fun, dribbling without a care in the world, and essentially toying with the team that had known nothing but victory for the past two weeks.

What a monster you were...

You found yourself at the top of the box, making a motion with your hand that Isagi very clearly understood.

You played the ball firmly between two defenders, into an open pocket of space directly in front of the goal.

Isagi quickly ran around the left defender, getting to the perfectly set up through ball, and placing it directly in the opposite corner of the goal.

Smiling widely, you jumped up on his shoulders, as he barely caught you.

"Nice run Yoichi!"

"Thanks, that was a fantastic ball you played."

Giggling, you ruffled his hair, hopping off of his shoulders and beginning your run back to your half.

Taking this time, you glanced at your timer, and saw that only forty-five seconds remained.

There wouldn't be any time for a goal, considering it the Team V's you started thinking about what you could do in those 45 seconds...

Maybe, you'd be able to pull off a long distance shot if you got the ball.

Rin had taught you the basics of long distance shots, though yours didn't quite have as high of a success rate as his.

If you had to put it into numbers...The successfulness of Rin's long distance shots would be at 90%, and yours would be at 75%.

Still, trying never hurt anyone.

You watched as Isagi and Chigiri put an intense pressure on their left side, causing a sloppy ball to emerge from there, to which you got to easily.

Glancing up, you locked onto the goal.

At your current position, you had to have been at least 25 meters out.

Feinting a quick step over, you distanced yourself from the oncoming defender, before exhaling sharply, and hitting the ball towards the bottom.

It was an utterly perfect knuckleball.

NOTE: A knuckle ball is when you kick the ball in a way that it has no kind of spin whatsoever on it, which often leads to an unpredictable and wild trajectory. One of my favorite types of shots!

You honestly didn't expect it to be that good, considering knuckle balls weren't your forte...but somehow, you managed to hit the ball in the perfect spot.

Everyone watched as the keeper went to punch the ball out, but failed to do so, as the trajectory of the ball changed abruptly. It shifted to the right, and tipped off of his fist into the back of the net.

Rin would be proud.

You clenched your hand and raised your arm up onto the air with a joyful laugh, "YES!"

Suddenly, a loud alarm went off, signaling the end of your timer.

"What a shot!"

"There's no way you're actually real."

"She's real all right, Isagi would know for sure~"

"Hey! Quit it already!"

You gave everyone hugs and high fives, looking up at the large screen as it changed to an (ugly) view of Ego.

"Times up Y/N. Get off the feild."

"What happened to hello? How are you?" You rolled your eyes at him, "Maybe even a good job."

He just stared for a moment, clearly unamused, "Quit being an attention whore and get off the feild."

You faked an insulted expression, gasping loudly as you began your walk, "How rude. Corporate will be hearing about this."

"Yeah. Sure."

A few members on the field let out a chuckle at this, watching as he disappeared off the screen, switching it back to the normal game timer.

You turned briefly and waved "I'm going to shower and take a nap. You all better win!"

"Yes ma'am!" Bachira exclaimed, giving you a friendly wave back.

Turning back around, you made your way down the long, dark hall and into the locker rooms, smiling from ear to ear for some reason.

Oh! And before you forget...

Turning around, you looked at the locker room tv screen.

"Ego!!! I know you can see me!"

You waited a few seconds in silence, about to yell his name once again, but stopping as you saw the screen flicker on.

"What the hell do you want? I'm trying to watch the game."

You smiled, "I'm cashing in my goal points to get my phone back, Sae definitely misses me. Please have it ready for when I decide to drop by later."





Im debating wether to get a boyfriend or not...

I kind of want one for the summer.


Word Count: 5424
Date published: 05/27/23

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" Someone like you, who is beloved even on the moon.. couldn't understand what it feels like to be lonely. " - ā† Blue lock x Male! reader ā† In which...