Galaxies far from you MHA X B...

By CrestineIvenstine

104K 4.6K 2.4K

Quirkless, a word to describe those not born with power. This was the case for Izuku, being looked down upon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150

Chapter 118

347 29 18
By CrestineIvenstine

With Azrael

Azrael: How close are we to Adudu's ship

Valkyrie: A few lightyears north, we should be there in a few minutes

Azrael: We don't have time for a few minutes, can you give me the exact coordinates?

Valkyrie: I can, give me a minute.

Gopal: So, why are you so worried about Izumi? Wasn't she taught about space?

Azrael: Gopal, this isn't the time-

Fang: We can tell him, if you allow it, Captain...

Azrael: . . . Permission granted. 

Fang: *Nods* Izumi is from a different planet Gopal. One where Space Travel nor Space discoveries exist.

Gopal: Huh? Is that even possible? I mean look around, we are surrounded by space. How can a whole planet not know about space?

Ying: Haiyah, it's because her species have an ability called quirks and are more focused on them.

Gopal: Quirks? What's a quirk?

Yang: Quirks are like our powers but were genetically given to them from birth unlike us, we got our power from powerspheres.

Gopal: Ooh, like how Admiral Tarung suddenly gets mad during work but calm like a kitten during break time.

Ying: *Glasses fall off halfway* Er- yeah whatever you said.

Valkyrie: Got it, sending you the location now.

Azrael: Remember when we save her don't let her out of the box.

Gopal: Huh? Why not?

Valkyrie: Because we don't want her to know about space, if she did then she will realize that TAPOPS isn't just a normal agency.

Gopal: And why is that so bad-

Ying: We will explain when we finish this mission alright Gopal.

Yaya: Yeah, we still need to save Izumi.

Valkyrie: *Looks at the radar and smiles* Get ready, we have some backup with us too. 

With Boboiboy

Retak'ka: HAhaha, what's the matter boy? Can't use that power to fight me. *he swings a whip towards Boboiboy but he dodges* Figured, you wouldn't want to harm those allies of yours.

Boboiboy: *He looks over to see his leg and then to the crowded mess on a battlefield* "Tch, my leg isn't perfect and not to mention the other agents here. I have to think of something" *Dodges another attack but tumbles back a little*"If only, we can get somewhere far away from here-but Azzy isn't here anymore-Ochobot!!!"

Retak'ka: RAAH, Give it up boy. You will not win a second time.

Boboiboy: *Clicks a button on his watch* And you will not be taking them a second time.

Retak'ka: Heh, we will see about that-*A blue portal appears behind him* Huh?

Boboiboy: "Now"*He tackles Retak'ka into the portal and comes out in a lush green area*

Retak'ka: Heh, got you-*Boboiboy quickly teleports out of his grasp and onto the green grass away from him* Tch, *he looks at the portal to see it close* So you had your pesky powersphere to teleport us out, huh. Well, that will be your biggest mistake, brat. I have you all to myself now and nothing will stop me now.

Boboiboy: *Exhales* Well this is perfect for me as well. *Green leaves wrap around his injured leg* This means I can fight you without restraints. *Fighting pose*

Retak'ka: Heh, we will see how far your restraint goes, brat.

With Adudu

Adudu: Hahaha, look at all this cash we have now. MWAHAHAHA.

Probe: Huhuhu, but what do we do with the girl, Mister Boss.

Adudu: Heh, that is simple dear Probe. We will experiment on her and if she is powerful then we will turn her into a weapon. Just like Halilintar.

Probe: Uhuhu, so evil.

Adudu: Enough, we must prepare for the experiment-Ahk*Bang*

Probe: Huh, what is happening?

Computer: Mister Boss, a ship has entered our radar.

Adudu: A ship you say?

Computer: Yes mister boss, take a look. *A small ship is right in front of them*

Adudu: Heh, Computer, drive past them. 

Computer: But sir, the ship is blocking our way.

Adudu: Huh-Then blasts them into oblivion.

Computer: Yes Mister Boss, activating weapons. *The ship's weapons start to come out and started to shoot at the ship but a blue blur crashes into the weapons destroying them* Boss, the ship deployed a blast that destroyed our weapons.

Adudu: Hah, then do something. *Throws a metal cup at Computer*

Computer: Ouch, yes mister boss.

Adudu: Eish, do I have to do everything here?

Probe: Oh look, a new ship.

Adudu: Let me see-HAH?!?! *A larger ship approached from behind them*T-that ship, It's the Afterlife battleship!!!

Probe: HAH?!?! Why are they here?!?!

Adudu: We can't fight them, computer. Evasive maneuvers.  

Computer: Yes mister boss.

With Azrael

Azrael: Boggy inbound, do you read-

*A red and white figure with blue hair crawls on top of the ship with a TAPOPS pin on his uniform.*


Tamire: Heh, loud and clear captain. Got your message and I couldn't resist.

Valkyrie: Remember what we told you.

Tamire: I know, tell me when.

Azrael: On my signal. *The ship gets closer to Adudu's ship* Now.

Tamire: TigerBear Transformation. *He buried his claws into the ship and destroyed the wiring to the ship slowing it down*

Azrael: Val, you're up.

Valkyrie: Heh, on it. *A black portal appears and she jumps through it.* Everyone else will follow me into the ship.

Kokotiam: Yes sir.

With Tamire


Tamire: *Drops down into a room full of boxes* This must be the place-*hears sniffing* "This must be it" Hey, can you hear me?

Izumi: I-who are you?

Tamire: I'm a friend, Valkryie and Azrael asked me to help find you-

Izumi: R-really?

Tamire: Yes, unfortunately, I don't have any tools on me to break open this box but when we get back we can free you from this box.

Izumi: I-please, just... get me out of here.

Tamire: Right-*Bang*

Probe: Muehehe, I found the intruder, Mister Boss.

Adudu: Huh, is that Admiral Tarung?!

Tamire: Uuh-

Computer: Boss, he is much smaller than the renowned Admiral.

Adudu: Tch, whoever you are I will be destroyed, Probe.

Probe: Mode, MechaProbe.

Tamire: *Whispers* Just as I was told. Heh, *smiles and opens both his palms* I don't know much about you but-

Adudu: HAH? I and the infamous PowerSphere Hunter of All Time, ADUDU.

Tamire: *Deadpan* Yeah-no, doesn't right a bell. 

Adudu: I-Whatever, Probe attack.

Prode: Rocke-Oof. *The ship starts to shake*

Tamire: *Smiles*

Adudu: Computer, what is that?

Computer: Boss, Someone is breaking the exterior of the ship.

Adudu: Who is it?!

Computer: Boss, It's Captain Valkyrie.

Adudu & Probe: HAH?!?!

Tamire: Looks like it's my time to make my exit. *Slams his fist together* Sunomilion transformation. *His white fur turns green and he starts to grow a thick tail, his pupils turn green and his skin was tougher than most* Catch me if you can. *He suddenly disappears*

Prode: Huh, where did he go?

Adudu: Don't just stand there-

Computer: Boss, the girl is missing.

Adudu: What? That brat must have taken her. Find him, NOW!!!

The 2: Yes Mister Boss.

*heavy breathing*

Izumi: I-where-

Tamire: You will have to wait a little longer, this box is heavier than it looks. *Carries to box on his back while running through the halls* 

Izumi: I-I just want to get out of here.

Tamire: I know you do but-

Probe: There they are-Ouch. *A metal cup was thrown at him*

Adudu: Don't just stand there, get them.

Probe: Yes mister boss. Firing rockets.

Tamire: *Looks back to see the missiles* Great. *Places the box down before turning towards the missiles* Sonic whistle. *He whistles so loudly that the missiles were disrupted and fly into each other. He was about to take a breath before seeing Probe run towards him* Damn *he runs towards the box and picks it back up again* 

Adudu: Faster Probe, their getting away.

Probe: Yes mister boss.

Tamire: *breathes Heavily* "Where is the way out of this place? And where are Azzy and the rest of my backup?"

With Valkyrie

Valkyrie: *Dodges a laser* Tch, so annoying. *She flies upwards to get out of the laser range, once she is behind she shot the lasers destroying them but more lasers appear out of the ship* Ergh, how many weapons does this ship have-*Idea* weapons. *Facepalm* I'm so stupid. *She extends her hand and the weapons on the ship suddenly disappeared* Finally-*Boom* huh? *She sees a small explosion from one of the windows of the ship* Scrap, Tami can't hold himself for long, what is Azzy doing in there. *Watches Tamire and Probe appear near the window* 

With Tamire

Tamire: *Took a turn to be greeted with a dead end* Great, just great.

Izumi: Huh-what happ-

Probe: Mwehehe, we have finally got you now.

Tamire: *Places the box behind him and prepares to protect Izumi* 

Adudu: Enough with your games, how about we make a proposal? You give us that box and we will let you go-

Tamire: As if I would take that offer. 

Adudu: Tch, fine. Have it your way. Probe.

Tamire: *Transforms into ArmoDalia, his white fur turns into brown scale-like armor with added arm protection on his arms and legs.*

Probe: Hyah.*He fires rockets at him but Tamire suddenly changes into a white and blue feathered creature* Huh-*wind suddenly appeared and blows at the rockets making them hit each other* 

Adudu: Probe again.

Tamire: *With his hands out in front of him*"What did I just do?"

Probe: One more time. *He fires the rockets at him but suddenly a dark portal swallows up to rockets before the portal dissipates* Huh? Where did the Rockets go?

Right here.

Probe: *Turns around to find his rockets being fired at him* WAAAAHH-*BOOM* 

Tamire: Finally, what took you so long?

Adudu: *He looked behind him to see a familiar figure* C-captain A-Azrael.

Azrael: Sorry, took a little detour.

Adudu: I-I-P-probe, Let's get out of here!!

Probe: Ergh, yes mister boss-huh? *Dark strings wrap around Probe*

Azrael: You're not joining anywhere but to jail.

Adudu: Tch, *brings out his staff* Take this. *He brings his staff and slams it down on Azrael but a small blackhole appeared in between his staff and Azrael breaking his staff* Uuh. *Looks at the broken staff*

Azrael: *Slowly turns his head towards Adudu*

Adudu: Uuuh-Probe, FIRE.

Probe: Firing rockets. *he fired rockets in random directions, unfortunately, one of them hit the window sucking up the air from the ship and dragging everything out into space.*

Adudu: PROBE, YOU IDIOT!!! *He clung onto Probe*


Tamire: Ergh, *He holds onto the wall while holding the box with Izumi in. He looks over to Azrael who doesn't seem to be affected by the gaping hole in the ship* Captain, we should get out of here.

Azrael: *Before he could respond he notices the lock on the box was broken* Mire, the box!

Tamire: Huh-*Before he could do anything the box door suddenly opens and Izumi slowly adjusted to the bright light*

The 2: Oh no.

Izumi: I-what-*before she could do anything the pull from the open hole in the ship starts to drag her towards the darkness of space* Wha-

Tamire: Xhenoxic transformation. *His skin turned from a hard-scaled armor to a brown fur-like body, and he grew an extra set of arms and two extra sets of eyes*Web shot. *He shot a web at Izumi's arm as he clung to the wall like a spider* Ergh.

Izumi: *She slowly look what she thought was below her and was nothing but the dark abyss of the stars* W-what i-is this?!

Probe & Adudu: WAAAAHH. *The pull dragged them into space but before Azrael could save them Probe transformed into a spaceship and saved Adudu*

Adudu: *Breathes heavily* G-good job Probe, now let's get out of here.

Probe: Yes mister boss. *They flew away from their broken *

Azrael: Tch-*hears screaming* Huh?

Tamire: The web broke!

Azrael: *He sees Izumi about to fall into the depths of space*

Izumi: *She closes her eyes to lessen the pain she might feel but suddenly she felt a strong grip on her hand. As she looked up from her supposed lonely death and saw Azrael holding onto her hand with his left hand and bringing her up into the ship*


Gravity field

Izumi: *The force from the suction of space stopped and she got a better look at her surroundings. She saw the great deep void of space, filled with stars and rocks. If she squinted for a few seconds she might have seen a planet in the distance but she looks around to see the ship she was on and saw technologies that she has never seen before. She noticed that Shade's friends were there as well but her focus was on the newcomer that came and saved her. The newcomer changed from his transformation to a red-colored boy with blue stripes, he seemed to be wearing a kind of uniform she would assume is from TAPOPS and an ear cuff on one of his ears*

Yaya: Are you guys alright?

Azrael: We're fine.

Tamire: Yeah, wished you told me the exit to this place.

Azrael: This place is new to me as well, I have never been on his ship before.

Ying: Yeah, we should have gone with you Tamire. We have been on his ship before.

Fang: Even if we did we still got lost, looks like he made some improvements to this place.

Gopal: So, what about her?

Everyone: *Looks to Izumi who still seems out of it*

Azrael: We don't have much choice now, I will talk to the commander about this situation.


Everyone: *Looks towards the window to see Valkyrie outside*

Izumi: *Jawdrop*

Valkyrie: *Sees Izumi's expression* Whoops, bad time? *Comms*

Azrael: Can't really say at this point-

Valkyrie: Well, we better hurry up Azzy. I just got word that Boboiboy is fighting Retak'ka on planet Zehro.

Everyone but Izumi: HAH?!?!

Ying: That noseless monkey is still alive?

Fang: We have to go, this ship might explode at any moment.

Azrael: Right, everyone to the ship.

Everyone except Izumi: Right.

With Boboiboy

Boboiboy: AAAH. *He slides back from the force of Retak'ka*

Retak'ka: Hehe, looks like that poison is kicking in.

Boboiboy: *Tries to calm his breathing* That still won't be enough Retak'ka.

Retak'ka: Heh, as expected. *He holds up a powersphere* Trapbot.

Boboiboy: *He quickly dodges but metal chains start to fly towards him* Tch-*he quickly blocks Retak'ka's attack while dodging the metal chains*

Retak'ka: You have impressed me, boy. I didn't think you can handle all this.

Boboiboy: *Exhales* D-dont think... you will get the elements... again...

Retak'ka: Oh, I will boy. *The chains shoot up from the ground*

Boboiboy: *He tries to run but the floor suddenly sparked with electricity shocking him for the chains to tie him up* AAAAHHH. *He falls on the floor still being electrocuted by the traps*

Retak'ka: HAHAHA, finally I have you in my grasp.

Boboiboy: Er, Y-you d-dont have y-your g-gamma d-drain. Y-you can-t t-take the e-elements.

Retak'ka: Not yet, but once I get my hand on that powersphere of yours then it's all over for you.

Boboiboy: Y-you w-won't-AAAAAAAHH.

Retak'ka: That powersphere of yours will, once it finds out that you're in my possession.

Boboiboy: Ergh. *His eyes glow green*

Retak'ka: Oh, still able to use your powers-

Boboiboy: Not me. *His appearance changed to a white and green outfit*

Retak'ka: Ergh. *The energy that was pouring out of Boboiboy pushed Retak'ka back a little* Still have a little fight in you-*Deadly green eyes staring at him coldly* So, this is your tier three-

Rimba: Rimba vines. *Vines start to grow and break the chains around him, as more vines appear they seem to be digging into the ground*

Retak'ka: *He looks around to see the green life starting to wither* Hahaha, so you're finally using it. Elemental drain.

Rimba: Who said Ori is using Elemental drain?

Retak'ka: Huh?

Rimba: You hurt me and my brothers for far too long. *He summons a Rimba rotan* It's time you faced our wrath.

Retak'ka: Heh, so the elements have guts now. How cute.

Rimba: You better make your final prayers. *A golden ring appears below him showing 6 emblems on the ground* Because you aren't fighting Ori anymore. *6 people emerge from the ring all sharply staring at Retak'ka* You are fighting the elements you have abused for all those years.

Retak'ka: *What he sees is seven Boboiboy's but he knew that these were the elements he held before* So your splitting, heh, Your powers are much weaker at that state. Do you think that will defeat me?

Crystal: So you don't know, do you? *A bright sun shone behind him* This planet is an artificial planet.

Beliung: A planet we created.

Voltra: Do you know what that means?

Nova: You're not going to survive.

Blizzard: A planet filled with our own powers.

Gamma: Means we have all the energy we need to defeat you.

Retak'ka: Heh, so you're the elements that I possessed. I will crush you and take you back to your rightful owner. Me.

In the ship

Azrael: *Quickly runs to the control panel and types in the coordinates*

Valkyrie: How far are we from Planet Zehro?

Azrael: A couple of lightyears away. *Presses a button but it's not a problem to get there*

Tamire: What about Adudu and Probe? They got away.

Valkyrie: They're not important, what's important is that we got Izumi and get to  Boboiboy's location asap.

Izumi: *Slowly looks around the ship to see the exact scenery she saw the first time she traveled to their home* I-so, we are in space. He he, we really are in space.

Gopal: Uhm, is she bro-Ouch.

Fang: *Hits him on the head* That's enough from you.

Yaya: We should go help out the commander, you three can go and help Boboiboy.

Valkyrie: Are you sure? I don't think there is anything left for you to help with.

Ying: As much as we want to help, he needs you more.

Azrael: . . . Well, you can't leave unless I give you an exit.

Kokotiam: . . . *Facepalm*/oh yeah.

Valkyrie: Azzy, I'll drive. You make a portal for us to get there quickly.

Azrael: Right. *Extends his arms out* Dark portal *A portal appears in front of them*

Valkyrie: Everyone, buckle up.

Everyone: *Quickly finds a seat*

Valkyrie: *Pushes the lever forward, the ship suddenly went into hyperdrive and quickly stops at a half-destroyed planet* This is-

Azrael: Not good.

Yaya: *Gasp*

Tamire: We have to go down and help him-

Valkyrie: You guys can't.

Fang: What? Why not?

Azrael: Val is right, you guys can't but we can. This place is too dangerous now even for you, not to mention we still have to keep an eye on Izumi.

Valkyrie: I'll help him out first, maybe we can-*BOOM*

Everyone: *Looks out the window to see what was left of the planet, ice, plants, and rocks shattered the dark skies with remains of the planet*

Tamire: I-t-this can't be right, right?

Valkyrie: Boboiboy. . . 

Azrael: no *He quickly types on the keyboard* it's not over yet.

Fang & Ying: *Quickly take a console each and starts typing as well.*

Yaya: T-this can't be it, right?

Valkyrie: No-he would have 3 minutes!! TAMI, With me!!!

Tamire: *Nods* Yes captain. *They start running out of the ship and into the dark abyss*

Izumi: *Stood frozen as she had just seen something she could have never imagined*"W-what just happened"

With Valkyrie & Tamire

Valkyrie: *Exhales* Boboiboy?!?!

Tamire: Berus, come out.

Valkyrie: Boboiboy? BOBOIBOY?!?!

Tamire: Playtime is over, please come out.

Valkyrie: Come on, he has to be somewhere here.

Tamire: How long do we have?

Valkyrie: A minute and a half if we're lucky longer.

Tamire: I hope he can hold on-* A bright light hits his eyes, and he looks over to see a giant ball of ice with some vines sticking out* THERE. *He quickly flies towards the giant ball*

Valkyrie: Tami, wait. *Quickly flies after him*

Tamire: *Breathes rapidly* Berus? Are you in there? *Starts to knock hard at the ice ball*

Valkyrie: *He quickly glosses over the giant ball of ice to find any signs of life*

Tamire: Hey, is anyone in there?

*groaning can be heard*

The 2: *Gasp* Boboiboy?!

Valkyrie: *Shocked but quickly looks at her watch* Ten seconds. *Places a hand on her ear* Azzy, Dark Portal, NOW. *They were quickly encased in shadow before they reappear in the ship dropping the ball of ice*

Azrael: Is that-

Valkyrie: *Summons a sword* HYAAAA, *Clash* WAAA. *She quickly dodges the shrapnel from her sword which flew into the wall behind her* Uuh. *She looks at the broken sword in her hand*

Yaya: Gravity punch-ouch. *The punched the ice but she was launched back*

Tamire: Flamebird Breath. *The ice barely melted* Maybe a few more tries?

Azrael: Let me try. Black hole. *He makes a tiny black hole the size of his finger and traces a giant circle in the ice ball before the ice layer falls off* Ergh. *He sees another layer of vines as the layer of ice falls off*

Valkyrie: Ok, *holding a flame thrower* We got it this time.

Tamire: Yeah * They blast the vine barrier with fire to reveal one more layer made out of crystal* There's more?!

Valkyrie: For the love of the stars!!!

Azrael: *As the smoke clears they can see inside the barrier clearly to see seven Boboiboys inside.* Ha, Crystal. *Knocks at the crystal barrier* CRYSTAL!!!

Crystal: *He slowly opens his eyes*

Valkyrie: HA, he's waking up. CRYSTAL.

Crystal: Wha-Ergh. *He clutches his left arm, with his right eye open he sees all the other elements fainted from the explosion* "D-did we do it?"

Tamire: Crystal, open the barrier.

Kokotiam: BOBOIBOY!!!

Crystal: *He looks up to see the multiple blurry figures knocking at the barrier, as his mind is still fuzzy he can't hear them properly* Wha-

Valkyrie: Can he not hear us?

Azrael: He might be still disoriented from that explosion.

Crystal: *As his vision starts to get clearer he can start to understand some words* o-open?

Valkyrie: He is regaining consciousness.

Ying: Yeah but for how long. 

Azrael: CRYSTAL.

Crystal: *He starts to see a very worried Azrael, with Valkyrie who is trying to seem hopeful, and his friends who were just as worried as Azrael* "Ori, needs them" *He shakily brings his hand up and shakily makes a circle in the air opening a small hole for them to enter before he himself blacks out once more*

Azrael: He did it-Guys? *he enters the crystal dome to check on all the elements inside*

Valkyrie: Ying, set a course to LAKSAR station.

Ying: Right. *She runs to the control panel and sets a course to the station*

Yaya: Azrael, how are they?

Azrael: ... Alive, unconscious but alright.

Fang: Can you force them to merge back?

Azrael: N-no, only Boboiboy can do that but... *He looks at the elements*

Tamire: Why are they not merged back?

Azrael: That is what I want to know too.

Gopal: Maybe he's too tired.

Everyone but Izumi: *Deadpans at him*

Gopal: What?!

Valkyrie: Even if he is tired he would have merged back no matter what.

Ying: Captain, the ship is on course to LAKSAR station

Valkyrie: Thank you, Ying.

Ying: No problem.

Azrael: This is a disaster.

Tamire: No kidding, if I heard it correctly you guys just came from a fight right?

Valkyrie: Yes, while I am alright. Azzy's arm isn't fully healed.

Azrael: It's functional but what can we do?

Yaya: Should we bring them to a safer place?

Valkyrie: Your right. I can't imagine how much pain they are in right now.

Fang: We can handle the elements, you two have to figure out what to do with Izumi over there. 

Azrael: *Looks over to Izumi* Right. Thank you-

Ying: Don't mention it Shade. We are friends after all.

Yaya: That is right. We will help you however we can.

Fang: *Nods*

Gopal: I-ugh-

Fang: You are not getting away with doing nothing. *Starts to drag Gopal to the medical room*

Gopal: WAH, but my Amma's curry.

Yaya: We will see you around LAKSAR station alright?

Ying: Yup, with this incident, there is a high chance that we get to be in the same station again.

Valkyrie: *Giggles* We will see about that one, Ying.

Ying: Here's to hoping. Come on Yaya.

Yaya: *Nods* Gravity lift. *She lifts up the unconscious elements and brings them out of the room*

Izumi: I-what is LAKSAR station?

Valkyrie: LAKSAR station is where we work, just like TAPOPS we go around the place saving all those we can.

Izumi: A-and why are we going there?

Azrael: Because you've seen too much.

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