I'm The Princess's Twin?! (Lu...

By read_write_work

173K 6.9K 3.5K

"Who Made Me A Princess?" was a story which was for the Lovely Princess Athanasia. I loved as how she had gon... More

Author's Note.
1. What Kind Of Farce Is This?
2. Ara and Athy.
3. Claude de Alger Obelia.
4. The Boat Scene.
5. (Athanasia) I Love My Sister!
6. His Sleeping Face.
7. What A Spectacle!
8. You're Awake.
9. I Became An Aide For The Emperor.
10. Mr. White.
11. I'm Called What?!
13. My First Ride.
14. Recovering From Near Death Experience.
15. Overwhelmed.
16. The Deal.
17. Escorts.
18. Happy Birthday.
19. Debutante: Part 1.
20. Debutante: Part 2.
21. Into The Darkness.
Q & A
Q and A 0.2
22. Tea Party.
23. The Most Charming.
24. My Private Library.
25. Jeanette.
26. You're Cheesy.
27. Final Goodbye.
28. Is She Gone?
29. Roles Reversed?
30. The Forgotten One.
31. Place Where She Died.
32. War.
33. Birthday Celebration.
34. This Is My Ara!
35. A Swordsmaster.
36. A Festival?
37. Outing.
38. A Demon.
39. Don't Show Me Your Face!
40. Worry.
41. Who Did She Take After?
42. Reconciliation.
43. Pinky Promise.
44. Lucas?!
45. She's Dying!
46. Athelinda and Lucas.
47. Meeting the Alpheus Boy.
48. Creepy and Cheesy.
49. Premonition.
50. I Think I'll Die Soon.
51. Bring Her Back.
52. Ara's Memories.
53. I'm Sorry.
54. The Council Meeting.
55. What Next?
56. Manipulating Kindly.
57. Welcome Home, Jeanette.
58. Towards The Last Step Of The Plan.
59. Let's Get The Show Started.
60. Punishment And Praise.
61. My Cute Second Sister.
62. Everything Is Turning Good.
63. Final Showdown.
64. End of Final Act.
65. Back To The Tedious Office Work.
66. Ara's Guide On How To Be A LadyKiller.
67. Date.
68. Why Do You Like Me?
69. I Don't Need Anything Else!
70. I'm Happy!
71. Epilogue: Content.
Q & A
Bonus Chapter.
Bonus Chapter 2.

12. Holy Beasts and A Pretty Mage.

3.5K 158 56
By read_write_work

After having the tea and snacks time with Dad, I had thought I'd go and slack around for a bit but Athy dragged me to play with her.

"You're always working, Ara! Won't you play with me for some time?" She spoke making a pouty expression with puppy dog eyes, the similar one that she uses on Dad.

It was hard to say no when she made that face, "Fine."

"Yay!" She brightened up in an instant

"Let's play hide and seek, Felix you're the it!" She announced and held my hand.

"Let's hide, Ara!" She tugged at me as Felix turned around covering his eyes and started counting.

I looked at Athy's back and then at her small hand which held mine. I didn't know why but she was really acting like a 7 year old these days. It wasn't a bad thing, this child never got a good childhood or even the love of her family. I was the similar in that case but I still felt as if I should give her more happiness, as much as it was possible from me. I didn't want her happy smile to disappear, I didn't want the light from her eyes to dim.

I didn't even realise when this child who was my favorite character from a manhwa became so important me that my reality started revolving around her. I didn't even realise when I started seeing her as my real sister... and also Claude, I didn't think I'd ever see a day when I'd even think of as my Dad but now, the word Dad was automatically associated with Claude.

I smiled as Athy sorted through the bushes to find a good place to hide.

While looking she just suddenly stopped by the bushes and I stepped ahead and stopped to see what she was staring at.

My eyes went slightly wide as I saw the black dog and a white cat.

Wait, cat?! The black thing was Athy's mana beast but this white cat? Wait, it's not a cat.

"H-Hi?" Athy tried to get close to the pair but the black puppy seemed hesitant.

"Do you want some treats?" She stepped close and the puppy ran away.

The white beast stayed in place and stared at Athy who started running behind the puppy.

I and the baby beast stared at each other and I just knew, this thing was my mana beast.

"Come along." I said as I gestured it and it followed me.

I found Athy shouting and spotted Lucas who looked pretty annoyed. He was in his grown up form, in these two years he usually switched between his child form and adult form. I sighed with relief as finally these two met, just like how they did in the story.

"Not many people are allowed in here... What are you doing here?" Athy asked and I stood beside her with my beast hiding behind me.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not sleep around like a homeless beggar?" I asked as I crossed my arms at my chest.

"Oh, look who's here!" He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Eh? You two know each other?" Athy seemed confused.

"Quite well." Lucas said and then pulled up the terrified looking pup.

"I caught this." He said.

"Raven! Ah, is he yours?" Athy asked.

"You've never seen one of these?" He asked and then looked at me as if asking did I not tell her about it?

"Princesses!" I sighed as I heard Felix call us.

"Will you do the honours?" Lucas asked me as I casually went and sat beside him.

"You're seriously asking me to do that?" I cocked my brow at him and he rolled his eyes.


"Felix is coming." Athy said and Lucas snapped his fingers.

"Where on earth did they go?" Felix wondered aloud as he stood right in front of Athy his eyes unfocused on me and Lucas.

"Huh? Felix?" Athy looked confused.

Another snap.

"Ah! I forgot! I've only memorized ten Arlantian words. I should finish that before I see the Princesses." Felix hurried away and Athy turned to look at me and Lucas.

"Ara! Felix didn't see us!" Athy said and then looked at Lucas.

"What did you do just now? Are you a magician like Ara?" Athy quickly covered her mouth as she realized she just said I was a Mage too but I just sighed and Lucas snorted.

"She's at least five hundred years below me." He said and I tugged at his sleeve making him look down at me.

"Jerk." I said as flicked his forehead.

"Ugh. You little-" I glared at him and he glared right back.

"Uh... Don't fight please." Athy piped in using her cute voice and I turned away from Lucas.

"Can you do something else as well?" Athy asked Lucas.

"What? Something like this?" Lucas created bubbles making me frown.

Athy looked at the bubbles with stars in her eyes as she started popping them and my eyes widened.

I swung my hand and popped all the bubbles as Athy looked like she was out of breath.

"Oi, I had warned you to not use such cheap tricks with my sister." I glared at him itching to grab his throat while he glared back at me. He had said he'd kill me when we first met as well, but he couldn't do that.


Lucas finally sighed turning away, "I should have just killed you that day."

I heard Athy gasp as he said that but then he looked at Athy's mana beast. Mine was smart enough to stay away from Lucas.

"I guess, I'll have to suffice with you." He said and I used telekinesis to snatch Raven out of Lucas' hand.

"And who allowed you to do that?"

"You're becoming audacious day by day." He said and I crossed my arms at my chest.

"So, what are you going to do about it?"

Lucas smirked as he leaned close to me and placed his finger under my chin making me look into his eyes.

"You really think I won't get rid of you?"

"I'd like to see you try." I smirked and he scowled at me before something jumped on him from above.

"Argh!" He grunted as the tiny white beast landed down on the grass with perfect grace.

"You little!" He tried to grab my mana beast but it was fast enough to run away but not without scratching his hand.

I smirked as he glared at me, I simply shook my head and stepped close to him.

"Your temper always gets in your way, Lucas." I said as I took his large hand in my small ones.

"I can heal it myself." He said and I snorted.

"You're already running low on mana, and you'll use some to heal yourself? Fine, go ahead." I let go of his hand but he gripped mine making me cock my brow at him.

I didn't say anything as I simply healed the scratches on his wrist.

"Your beast scratched my neck as well." He complained and I nodded gesturing him to turn.

He turned around and moved his hair, I healed the scratches from his neck as well.

"Done." I said and he sat cross-legged facing me again.

"Is that the sister you talk so lovingly about?" He asked as he tilted his head to look at Athy.

"Yes," I said and then turned over my shoulder to look at Athy who stood there holding her Mana Beast.

"Athy, come over here." I said and she hesitantly walked over and stood close me.

"Athy meet Lucas, Lucas that's my younger sister Athanasia." I introduced them.

"Ara, how do you know him?"

"I found him sleeping around like you did today." I answered.

"Don't tell her I knew you from before you woke up." I used telepathy and he smirked at me.

"Yeah, right." He said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Also about the black magic, it's something that should stay between us."

"Then, is he your friend?"



I looked at Lucas who said no and then turned away.

"Let's leave." I said to Athy as I took a step away but Lucas quickly put his arm around me placing his face next to mine.

He chuckled lightly as he spoke, "Ah, you get offended so easily, Ara. I was just joking." He said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Y-You two seem really close." Athy said as she smiled nervously watching Lucas so easily holding me.

Lucas suddenly reached out and took a hold of Athy's cheeks as he leaned close and stared into her eyes.

"Interesting... she's somewhat like you... Not completely same, but similar."

He said smirking and I slapped his hand away from her.

"Don't touch her so casually." I scolded him and he laughed as he wrapped his other arm around me.

"You've brought me something interesting, Ara. I'd like to see more of your sister from now on." He said making Athy flinch.

"If he does something just beat him up." I told Athy.

"Anyways, since you don't know what that is I'll tell you." He said as he pointed at the pup in Athy's arms.

"That's a Holy Beast born from your magical power." He said.

"What's a Holy Beast?" Athy asked and Lucas looked at me with a small frown.

"Go ahead and explain." I said as I leaned back and sat down on his leg.

"Do I look like a chair to you?" He asked.

"Be happy, except for my father and my sister it's only you who gets to be this close with me."

"Oh, I'm so happy right now." He said sarcastically and I smirked before twiddling with the sleeve of his robe. I liked his outfit.

"Anyways... A Holy Beast is an essence of your magical power or Mana. When it gets fully grown, it absorbs itself back into you so that you may use its mana as you please."

I felt Lucas' eyes on me as he continued, "It is born when the owner has an overwhelming amount of mana. So, they never usually leave their owner..."

Athy's beast snuggled into her chest as it noticed Lucas' gaze, it was quite shy.

"Is it being shy?" Lucas asked and then looked at my Beast who was sitting at a bit distance watching us with only its tail waving gently.

"Both of your beasts are strange." He sighed.

"Does that mean like Ara I also have mana that could be like a Grand Sorcerer?" Athy asked sounding excited and I chuckled as she was really cute.

"Well, you do seem to have some potential." Lucas said making Athy even more happy.

"Yay, Ara. I could use mana like you then!"

"Sure, you can." I said with a smile.

"You're quite smitten for your sister I see." Lucas commented.


He snorted before leaning a little back making me lean against his chest. It's strange but I find him comfortable.

"Then if not for hers then I can eat your Holy Beast, right?"

"Only if you catch it without using mana." I challenged and he sighed.

"You do realize you're taking me too lightly."

"It's not my fault that you're a slacker, Lucas."

"Um... then that is yours Ara?" Athy asked as she pointed at my Holy Beast making it tilt its head to look at her.

"Honestly, I've never seen a cat as someone's beast."

"Look carefully, you idiot. It's a young white tiger." I scolded Lucas and he frowned.

"Even rarer. I think I should just go for-"

"In your dreams." I spoke up and he sighed before tightening his grip over me as he placed his chin over my shoulder.

"I can crush you like this, you know? And then I can..."

"Let go of my sister!" Athy shouted and I looked at her.

Lucas chuckled, "Your sister sat down on me, didn't you see?"

"Ara, get away from him!" Athy said and I sighed.

"You don't have to-"

I suddenly felt the sharp pain in my chest making me grit my teeth as I gripped the dress above my chest and Lucas looked at me.

"Ara! What did you do?!" Athy shouted.

"You idiot, I told you not to do it again. It'll kill you!" Lucas shouted.

Athy gasped and I could see my Holy Beast running for me.

I rose my hand stopping her and the cub.

Lucas quickly placed his hand over my chest and pulled out the black mana making me cough violently as I fell down on my knees.

"Stay... back." I wheezed looking at Athy and my Holy Beast.

"Ara..." I could see Athy close to tears and I breathed hard slowly getting back to normal.

"I swear I'll just let you die the next time you show up with that!" Lucas hissed as he plucked me from the ground and I smiled patting his chest. He might be a jerk but he did see me as a friend.

"Ara...?" Athy was starting to cry and I sighed.

"Can you erase this last bit of her memories for me, Lucas?" I whispered as he held me against his chest and he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Oi, brat come here." Lucas said and Athy flinched.

"Athy," I called her putting a bit strength in my voice and she quickly ran over to me.

I saw as Lucas placed his finger on Athy's forehead making her eyes go blank for a moment before pulling back.

"Ah, Ara. What's wrong?"

"I'm tired, I'm going to sleep." I spoke sounding my usual self as I leaned into Lucas' chest.

"E-Eh? On him?" She gasped and I sighed.

"I know him since two years, Athy. He may seem like a jerk but he's a good guy." I said.

"Was that an insult or a compliment?" Lucas asked.

"Anything that you like."

"Let's go back, you can sleep in our bed!" Athy said still keeping her distance from Lucas.

"Ah, I hate moving." I groaned, she knew sometimes I acted like a complete slacker when I was tired.

"I-I'll carry you, if you want." Athy said and I smiled as I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"Dad only says I'm lighter than you, that doesn't mean you can easily carry me around, Athy." I said as I slowly stood up from Lucas' arms.

I managed to recover some strength to walk back. I'll sleep once I get back.

"Let's go then." She said giving one cautious glance at Lucas.

I gestured my Holy Beast to come close, it obliged and I picked it up feeling the mana flow into my body. I felt energized again.

"Ara?" I turned to look at Lucas who was looking at me with a serious look.

"Don't keep it too close." He said and I nodded.

"I know." I said before I turned around and took a step close to him making him frown.

"This is for you," I said as I placed my hand on his head sending a bit of my mana. I ruffled his head slightly and then stepped back to see him shaking his head.

I smiled before I turned and started walking behind Athy.

"Oi?" I stopped as Lucas called me, he stood up.

"Don't die without my knowing." I snorted as he said that before I turned around and walked away.

"Wh-Why are you friends with such a person? Is he the one who taught you magic? How did you even find him?" Athy asked and I sighed gently petting the small head of the cub in my arms.

"Like I said, he's not a bad person. I found him in the woods sleeping, since that day I'd been meeting him frequently hoping he'd teach me properly but that jerk doesn't do anything for free. But still he had given me some tips of magic" I explained.

"He seemed scary."

"He can be."

"Has he ever hurt you?"

"He tried to, but never succeeded." I was honest with my answers.

Once we reached back I went straight to my sofa and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the softness.


Finally, Athy and Lucas met!

Tell me what you think of it.

Again, thanks to the first readers who voted and commented, it really means a lot.

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