'THE ONE ' For Her

By oshiagrawal16

1.2K 122 20

The story of two different people!! His life is simple, Her life is complicated like a web, He has family who... More

1.At office
3.Abhimanyu Singhania
4.The Issue
Cast 1 🤞
cast 2 🤞
5. Queen of Her story
6. Bond
9. Team meet
10.You are so mean.
11.You okay?
Aesthetic board
13.she don't give a fuck
14.Bhumi Pujan

12.May I

52 5 2
By oshiagrawal16

I hope that you guess are really enjoying the story and if you are than please give feed back

No, pressure but it just gave a motivation to a poor writer

Okay okay, no intrepution

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Her daze is broken as a sting pain caused at her foot, groaning in pain  she tried to move from the position when she release that abhimanyu's hold on her is loosen a bit

He makes a comfartable distance between them as he realized there position.

"You Okay" he asked her again

As she moves backward her body again engulf in the coldness of herself she even don't know she missed the warmness of his body, looking at him and then her foot,

she gave him a small nod in  response

"Sir, team is waiting for you two" his manager inform

"We are coming in five" abhimanyu replied in behalf of both as he knows she need some minutes to be better

She tried to move forward her nerve stretch a bit causing more pain to her foot, her soft groan is heard by him

His eyes are only fixed at her only,
" You sit down, I'm calling a doctor" he said, showing her a chair

" No, mr Singhania I'm good, let's continue the meeting" she said trying to walk ahead slowly

"Miss Malhotra your injured, it's will be good if you see the doctor"

" I'm okay, it's not something I can't bear" she said, in a not-so sweet voice, she hate when give people give  instructions to her

Moving a little closed to her, he replied
"Rumi, let me help you please"
she noticed his distraught eyes looking at her with out most care and not to forget a giddy feeling at pit of her stomach when her name rolled down from his lips

Clearing her throat she again nooded her head twitching her left ear

"Good" he replied under her breath amazed by her actions

She was making her way to the closeby chair, trying to walk slowly
Seeing her struggling to walk he walks close to her

" may I" he said, streching his hand for her to hold

Her first instinct is to say no, but eyes moves to his eyes that brown orbs of him who staring at her with out most sincerely it's like the sun is melting the glacier in front of it yet slowly

Giving her hand in his hand she hold it very lightly to not behave like a creep

" Hold it tightly, otherwise you will fell" he chuckled softly, seeing her hold on him, it's like she is touching something fragile the moment she touch it will break

With a shivering hand, she hold his hand properly

" what a great start of the day" she groaned to herself, as embarssment is all over her face and not to forget the heat crawling at her neck

They both moved to the teen shed where chairs are kept, placing a chair in front of her abhimanyu make her sit on it and another chair across her

" Miss Malhotra, try to keep your leg on this you will feel better" he said moving a little away from her

" It's ok mr Singhania, it's not paining that much I'm ok" Rumi replied to him honestly

" Here take this" Aryan called to him

Aryan passed the bottle water to abhimanyu which he messaged him to bring urgently

" Water" taking the water bottle  from Aryan, he passed it to Rumi

She takes the water bottle from him with a small thank you  and gulped it down

" You feeling better" Aryan asked Rumi

She nods her head with a small smile not in the term of any conversation because of her pain

After couple of minutes doctor arrived
at the site

" Please remove your footwears " the doctor instructed her

She try to remove her boot with the other foot but she failed to do it as more pain occurs her

" If you don't mind, I can help you with it" abhimanyu said moving towards her, because at present only Aryan, doctor and he is present with her

"Are you sure" she said nervously, looking at him to find any discomfort

" More than sure"

As he bends down to his knees and very slowly removed her boots ,
Her eyes are trained at him only, it's so awkward for her but deep down the respect she has for him has increased the site consist of so many workers yet this person show no, discomfort or shame in him

An acute pain occur her,and in response she clutched his shoulders tightly , she bit back her inner cheeks to stop her moan

" I'm sorry" abhimanyu said

" No, no it's fine" she replied quickly looking at his guilty face

Taking his own time, he slowly removed her boot and kept her leg on the chair

" Well, don't worry ms Malhotra, there is small strain on your leg, will suggesting some pain ointments and crep bandage to you,"

" How much time it will take"she asked

"2-3 days are enough for recovery"

" Have a speedy recovery, taking your leave" the doctor said

They all nodded there heads in response


Rumi pov:

Currently I'm at my room, trying to sleep but like every twilight this night is going in my thoughts and a false try of sleep

But today's day was different, the more somber is about I think it will be the more in pain it gone
First that call, shattering me again in my past and then my injury.

" Both physically and mentally my life is fucked" looking to my windows to find
any traces of something white there but all I got is dark, stormy sky

" 2-3 days in bed, means 72 hours of no work, no office, no meetings" I said to no one in particular obviously

As, I was thinking of all this there is a man which  crossed my mind, again;

He helped me but why ofcourse as some wise says humanity exists but this much for a mere CEO who is just his partner in business

'how this calm and patience arises in him like why the fuck those smile on his lips and those orbs  indicate that everything is fine it will be because he is there'

Stopping my thought in mid, I walked
To my balcony today's day may gone in vain but I know mr Malhotra has already arranged a interrogation session with me tomorrow

'Why are you so clumsy, such a careless girl are you, you don't deserve to be a CEO of this big company and what not'

Tomorrow's day will be a fantastic day for my mental health.

(Her pov end)


The singhania's are at there dining hall doing  dinner, it's feel nice to do dinner together because every family member has there own ' you all know what happened today' version of there

Mostly the silent spectators are abhimanyu and randhir else everyone is indulge in talk

" Dad as discussed with bhai, I'm joining that company from the next week" Trisha said,excitedly looking at his parents

" You have already said it thousands time ms enthu-cutlet" Krish replied giving her a fake eye roll

" So , why are listening to me mr gossip queen" Trisha said as she shoved the fork in his right arm lightly giving him a glare

"Aahh, you are a serial killer' he said groaning and moving his chair away from her rubbing his arm

" Shh, silent eat quietly" there mom interrupt giving a hard stare to twins

Once the room become silent randhir asked abhimanyu" what happen to the site today, you were about to tell me"

" Ohh that, actually ms Malhotra get injured today, she is fine but her leg needs rest for some day" he replied

" Poor girl, but it's good that she will recover fast" randhir speaks out

He nooded in affirmation

" Trisha I must say you should meet her"
Randhir said to Trisha suddenly

" Meet who papa"

" Rumi Malhotra, at such a young age that girl is taking care of such a big company, she is an incredible girl with  level headed attitude it's impressive to watch" randhir completed, remembering there the first time he met her probably the only time

" Well he is right Trisha, she is so different" abhimanyu said unfazed by her

So, finally Singhania mansion and the members has heard her name

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Till the very next time.....


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