love scenario || xo, kitty

GEMOfTheNight által

16.3K 527 95

━━━━━━━━━━━━ "she loved him too early, and he loved her too late." a LOVE SCENARIO where they choose between... Több

a love scenario where...
i. not for sale
ii. fine
iii. don't go
v. make it right
vi. she's the one
vii. someone's someone
viii. first love
ix. ready for love

iv. dandelions

1.1K 45 3
GEMOfTheNight által

a love scenario
where she felt weird
and he hid his feelings

"michinnom! jejeongsiniya?!" (crazy bastard! what is wrong with you?!)

jimin's furious voice startled dae and q, waking them up. they rushed out of their room towards minho's room and saw her yelling and swearing at minho, who looked bored and unbothered with the curses thrown at him.

q shook his head in annoyance. "no, no! not again! i'm not gonna waste my precious sleep again and again for this!" he complained and walked out of the room, but quickly returned and looked at jimin. "i almost forgot. you signed up as a new member of the outdoors club, first meeting is in a few days."

with that, he finally left the room letting dae deal with his childhood friends.

dae sighed heavily, being used to his friends' petty fights. "what is it this time?" he asked as he glanced between them.

jimin turned to him and angrily pointed at minho. "he told professor lee about kitty being in the guy's dorm, and she's left me alone with this person!" she complained.

minho rolled his eyes in annoyance. "someone had to speak up. you, dae and q would never, so i did. she doesn't belong here!" he argued.

"so do you!" she argued back.

"this is the guy's dorm! she's supposed to be in the girl's dorm! she belongs there!" minho reasoned out.

jimin scowled. "how selfless of you!" she yelled sarcastically and took a threatening step towards him. "the girl's dorm is full! kitty was given a room with a roommate with no sense of responsibility! i checked on her yesterday and it was just horrible! there were trash everywhere, a stain on the carpet that couldn't be removed, and all her roommate does is play on her computer! you are heartless!"

minho stared at her in disbelief. "me? heartless? she should be grateful, i let her stay her long!"

"she only stayed for two nights!"

"better than my original plan to leave her in the streets then!"


dae frowned in confusion as he gently placed a hand on jimin's shoulders to calm her down and looked at minho.

minho noticed where his hand was and scoffed in disbelief.

"minho, if you reported kitty, why didn't you report jimin as well?" dae asked.

realizing his point, jimin frowned deeply. she and dae exchanged curious glances and turned to look at minho.


"don't what us."

minho rolled his eyes in annoyance before glaring daggers at jimin. "yakgwa."

jimin furrowed her eyebrows in confusion before her eyes widened in horror, remembering how she ordered him around using her mom's favor against him at the cafeteria on the first day of school.


"don't oh me!" minho said, angrily as he took a threatening step towards jimin.

jimin stared fearfully at him and quickly hid behind dae. "help me!"

dae's eyes widened in surprise when he felt her clutching the back of his pajama top.

when he saw minho was reaching a hand towards her, he protectively raised a hand to stop him.

"that's enough, minho." he warned and glanced at jimin. "go get ready for class, jimin."

jimin smiled gratefully at him and turned to minho as she playfully stuck her tongue out before rushing out of the room.

minho stared at dae in disbelief. "what was that?"

dae looked away from him. "i was just making up for forgetting her sometimes." he said and walked out of the room, leaving a frowning minho.

"that's right, you did, but i didn't."


jimin was sleeping peacefully on her bed when it was suddenly shook violently, causing her to wake up at the wrong side of the bed and saw minho hovering over her.

"what now!?"

"you used my custom blend products, didn't you!?"

she scowled as she grabbed her pillow and threw it at him. "stop accusing me for everything! i have my own! you aren't the only korean in this room using them!" she yelled angrily and sat up from her bed. "i have more flawless skin than you, anyways!"

"are you two fighting again?"

"when will you two get along?"

her eyes widened in shock when she heard the familiar voices of her mom and dami, minho's mom.

she turned to see minho holding his phone with his hand and the other holding his empty face cream.


she rushed towards minho and snatched his phone from his hand before pushing him aside, making him fall onto his bed.


she ignored him and smiled happily at the two women she looked up to at the other end of the video call.

"are you two already at the set this early? have you both eaten?"

"we are, and yes, we did, sweetheart. you worry about us too much."

"you're mom is right, little jimin. you should be worried more about your room mishap. this is her fault, by the way."

"i did nothing, eonnie!"

"who filled up their own daughter's last name with hers? i trust minho and dae to look after her, but they aren't little anymore, yeji."

she was about to reply when she heard the director calling for the two women.

"you two better go, let's talk next time."

"okay. kisses!"

"take care, both you and little minho, sweetheart."

she forced out a smile as she ended the call, and as soon as she did, her smile disappeared. "busy as ever."

she looked down at minho's phone and saw his wallpaper.

it was a shadow of a boy and a girl.

she glanced at minho and saw he was sitting on his bed with his head down.

she knew what he was feeling right now, because she was feeling the same thing he was.

"you and i both. they're always busy, aren't they? anyways, cute wallpaper."

minho flinched in surprise and looked up to see jimin facing the screen of his phone towards him and saw his phone wallpaper.


jimin rolled her eyes in annoyance. "i wasn't being sarcastic. i meant it." she said and looked at his wallpaper again. "it is cute. taking a picture with the girl you, shockingly, like."

minho frowned in confusion. "how did you know it's me and with a girl i like? it could be anyone."

jimin sat beside him and handed his phone back. "the thin body and big head is a dead give away." she said as he glared at her in annoyance. "anyways, knowing you for years, you may be a playboy, but you're not the one to secretly take a picture of your shadow with a girl. if you're interested with a girl, you would ask for a picture with her straight away with the use of your face and sweet words. if you sincerely like a girl, you would do this. you must be shy around her, and i would never thought that you would be."

minho hummed quietly in agreement, knowing she was right about what she said.

"how unfortunate for her." jimin said and chuckled lightly. "you must really like this girl."

minho gazed at her. "i do."

for the first time in their complicated friendship, he opened up a part of him to her.


just as jimin walked out of the dorm, minho walked out of their room and saw her leaving.

"where is she going dressed like that early this morning?"

he frowned in confusion and saw q walked out of his own room dressed like jimin was.

"okay, so i'm off to the hike, i'll just catch you later." q said and quickly walked towards the door.

"q, wait!" minho said, loudly and rushed over to him. "is jimini also going to this hike?"

q nodded with a confused look on his face. "yeah, she's part of the club. why?"

"is dae also coming?"

q nodded. "and, kitty."

"i don't care about the pen pal, but i'm coming too, bro."


the outdoors club of kiss gathered around the field as jimin stood beside madison miller, a friend of hers.

she knew her because of her dad. she was the daughter of one of his business partners, miller hospitality.

"all right, people! welcome to kiss's outdoors club. first rule of outdoors club, please talk about outdoors club, that would be very helpful, because we did lose a few members this summer."

the long haired boy beside madison leaned closer to her and jimin. "lyme disease."

jimin and madison exchange glances and nodded in understanding.

"all right, let's get started with some stretches."

jimin sighed softly and glanced beside her to see kitty eagerly looking around. she frowned in confusion and walked over to her.

"are you looking for dae?"

kitty flinched in surprise and turned to her. "yeah, have you seen him?"

"he's coming, don't worry." she assured her and smiled when she saw the boy they were talking about approaching the group. "and, here he is now."

she smiled and walked back to madison as dae and kitty looked at each other. she smiled sadly and looked away as she started to stretch.

a part of her will always be heartbroken every time she saw them together, but there was also a part of her that was hoping that they could fix their relationship and see dae smile happily again.

she turned around and her eyes widened in shock when she saw yuri standing between the two.

she knew she wasn't a nature and outdoor type of girl, so she was confused why she was there.

she was even more confused when she heard her telling dae that it was minho who told her they were all there.

she sighed heavily at the drama she forced herself into. she continued to stretch, but when she turned around, she saw minho approaching her in a stylish blue outfit that wasn't meant for hiking.

"all right, who's ready to go on a hike?"

"obviously not you! what the hell are you doing here?" she whispered angrily.

minho smirked smugly and leaned closer to her. "your mom's favor, remember?" he whispered back and looked at dae, who was staring at him in confusion. "can't i hang out with my best friends?"

jimin crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "you hate this type of activity. it ruins your precious skin, remember?" she said, sarcastically.

she shook her head in disbelief as she walked away, seeing madison was approaching minho.

she glanced at dae, kitty and, lastly at yuri, who looked at her and smiled. she smiled back and continued to stretch, ignoring the person making his way towards her.

"this will be an interesting hike."

"whatever is going to happen to this hike, remember that this is your doing, minhoe."


"you guys are making great time! let's keep up the pace people!"

jimin sighed heavily as she slowly followed behind dae and yuri, with kitty beside her, and minho and madison behind them.

she chuckled lightly when yuri suddenly shrieked in horror, shouting there were worms inside her clothes.

"we're in nature! embrace it!"

seeing dae was alone with yuri too busy trying to get the worms from her clothes, she gently pushed kitty towards him.

she smiled happily when the two started talking, but kitty suddenly tripped and dae caught her in his arms.

"that is so cliché. we aren't in a kdrama."

she glanced beside her and saw minho staring at their friends with a disgusted look on his face. "you're just jealous it hasn't happened to you yet, your kdrama moment." she retorted.

minho rolled his eyes in annoyance. "actually, i'm glad i hadn't. dae would've just let your friend fall."

"you are heartless and cold, you know that?" she said in disbelief.

minho smiled sarcastically. "takes one to know one." he retorted.

"i am not!" she argued back.

"just make sure to stick together!"

jimin looked ahead and saw kitty and yuri racing each other towards the top. "that looks fun!" she said, happily and ran after them.

minho stared at her in disbelief. "what the hell?!"

madison stood beside him and smiled at jimin's retreating figure. "aren't you gonna follow her?" she asked.

minho groaned in annoyance and was about to run after her when someone rushed past him and noticed it was dae, making him frown.


jimin ran past yuri and quickly caught up with kitty at the top of the mountain. she looked at what kitty was looking at and her eyes widened in awe at the wonderful view of seoul.

"it's beautiful, isn't it?" she asked kitty.

"it does, i'm glad we're here."

she heard groaning and turned to see yuri. she quickly helped her up the stairs towards where kitty was standing.

"i wonder if my mom ever stood here." kitty said and glanced at her. "she loved hiking. she used to take my sisters all the time. at least, that's what they told me."

"i think she did." she told her.

"my mom would take me to the department store and forget me there. she'd send a nanny back to get me." yuri told them.

she smiled sadly, realizing her friends weren't as lucky as her with her mom, but still experienced the same pain they were feeling.

she was thankful her mom was doing her best to be there for her, but she missed the times she and her dad were together with her as a family and acted as one, it has been years since they did.

"before i was seven, my parents and i used to spend time together as a normal family, and they were always there every time i needed them, but now, they're always gone, just not days or months, sometimes it's years. we only get to spend a few weeks in a year. they spend more time with work than with their only daughter."

the three girls glanced at each other and smiled in mutual understanding.

"you know that our moms knew each other at kiss? the three of them?" jimin added and glanced at the two surprised girls beside her. "they were all friends. i found a picture of them at the library."

kitty looked surprised for a moment before smiling in disbelief. "crazy, right?"

"yeah, crazy." yuri agreed as she glanced at them.

the three girls heard footsteps and turned to see dae behind them.

jimin noticed the awkward tension in the air and didn't want to be in the middle of it. "i will be right back! have fun without me!" she said and ran away.

"jimin, wait!"

she ignored dae calling her and continued running down the stairs.

she suddenly tripped with her own foot and fell forward. she tightly closed her eyes and waited for the pain to come.


however, instead of anticipating the pain of the impact as she rolled down the mountain, she felt warm arms catching her falling body and steadied her to the ground.

she opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was minho's furious and worried face hovering over hers.

"michosso?!" (are you crazy!?)

her eyes widened at his sudden outburst. it wasn't the typical anger he would show when they were fighting, it was more of worry.

she was confused at his reaction to her almost falling to her death. it would make sense if it was dae or q, but it was minho, the boy she fought all the time with the simplest thing.

despite that, there was a weird emotion she was feeling inside her chest that she couldn't find the exact words to describe.

it was just weird, and confusing.

"jimin! are you good?"

she quickly pushed minho away and fixed herself before smiling at q, who hurried over to her with a worried look on his face.

"yes, i'm good!"

"are you sure? in the outdoors club, the only thing we take more seriously than endurance is safety, especially when it involves the nation's little sister, kwon jimin! you, of all people!"

jimin chuckled at q in amusement, clearly unaware of the eyes that were gazing at her from her saviour.


jimin sighed in relief as she wrapped her towel around her body and walked out of the showers.

however as soon as she looked up, her eyes met minho's shocked ones.

the two stared at each other in silence before she glanced down and realized she was naked with only a towel as clothing.

she looked up again and her eyes widen in horror, seeing minho still staring at her. she didn't know what to do and turned around, screaming at the top of her lungs.

"jimin!? are you okay?!"

she turned and saw dae rushing inside the room with a worried look on his face.

however, as soon as his eyes met hers and looked down at the towel around her body, he turned bright red.

she stared at him in disbelief and screamed again as she grabbed the closest thing she could take a hold of and threw it angrily at the two boys gawking at her.

"byeontae!" (pervert!)


jimin's hands trembled as she sat beside florian as he and q with some of their friends watched a historical movie which her and minho's mom were in.

she couldn't watch the movie properly as her mind drifted to what happened with her, minho and dae at the showers earlier.

she cringed every time she would remember. she was only saved when q rushed in and dragged the two boys away from the bathroom.

she heard the door open and saw minho walking out of their room with a bandaged head she was responsible for.

"hey, my mom is in this. she played the king's second daughter. also sang yeji---"

minho noticed her and his eyes widened before looking away, hiding the redness of his cheeks when he remembered what happened earlier.

"wanna join us?" florian asked.

minho nodded and walked over to the couch that jimin, q and florian were occupying.

"scotch over."

jimin's eyes widened in shock as he sat comfortably beside her and slung an arm behind her. she gulped nervously and tried to focused on the television.

however, throughout the entire movie, she sat frozen in her seat and flinched every time minho made the slightest movement.

she swore she could feel her heart racing inside her chest.

she tried to tune him out every single time he pointed out what would happen in the scenes.

"oh, hey, look! it's my mom and her best friend, sang yeji, who played the king's third daughter."

"oh wow! dude, they're gorgeous."

jimin's awkwardness beside minho vanished when she saw her mom on the television screen. she looked beautiful as she was today.

"i know. thank god i got her bone structure."

jimin rolled her eyes sarcastically. "right, the only thing you got from her is her looks. it's sad you didn't get her personality. yours totally suck." she whispered.

she turned to him and her heart almost stopped when she realized the couch they were sitting on was supposed to be occupied by only three people since it was small.

however, since minho forced himself to sit beside her, their bodies were pressed against each other and their faces were now only inches away.

she noticed minho's eyes traced the shape of her face, and it sent shivers down to her spine.

the weird feeling she had back at the hike returned, causing her to look away from him.

minho also looked away from her and continued to watch the movie. "see that guy? total douchebag in real life. he tried hitting on jimini's mom." he told everyone.

florian glanced at him in confusion. "jimini? who's jimini?"

jimin raised her hand as florian and the others looked at her. "here. that's me, my silly nickname." she said.

florian chuckled in amusement. "i think it's cute." he said, making her smile.

minho narrowed his eyes at him. "yeah, don't think about calling her that, it's cursed." he warned.

jimin rolled her eyes in annoyance and continued to watch the movie.

"my mom cannot wait to stab him to death in the finale." minho said, earning groans from the others.

"spoiler alert!"

jimin glanced at q and saw how annoyed he was. she sighed sadly, knowing minho ruined the entire night for him to be close to florian.

"great. now we know how it ends." florian said as he glanced at q and stood up. "i should be studying in the library right now, anyway. my parents can be pretty hard about grades. thank you for the show."

jimin and q watched him walk away before looking at each other and glaring daggers at minho, who looked as if he did nothing wrong.


"don't what us! you ruined it!"

"what did i do?!"

jimin smacked his arm and he winched in pain. her eyes widened in surprise when she noticed florian walking back inside the room and looked at q.


she quickly covered minho's mouth, preventing him from ruining the moment, and glanced between q and florian.

"maybe just me and you next time?"

her eyes widened and grinned happily as q nodded happily. she waited for florian to leave and removed her hand from minho's mouth.

"oh my god!"

she turned to q, who looked back at her. "oh my god!"

she squealed loudly and embraced her friend tightly.

"finally! q, i told you opposites attract. you never know what will happen."


jimin and q listened carefully at kitty inside q's room. kitty told them everything that happened after their hike earlier that morning, especially the information she got from the hospital that led to their chemistry professor, alex finnerty.

"he could totally be my half-brother."

jimin and q exchange confused glances. "okay, what?"

"the facts add up!" kitty told them.

"kitty, there's a lot of koreans who have the same birthday and have been adopted by australians. it could be anyone." jimin said as she stood up and grabbed her hand. "broaden your mind, think outside the box. the world is big, not just inside kiss."

q nodded in agreement. "i agree. this could just be a huge coincidence." he added.

kitty frowned. "but, why else would he be at kiss? he's also probably looking for answers. answers we can find together as brother and sister." she said, happily.

jimin glanced at q and sighed softly as she cupped her face with her hands. "kitty, sweetie, i'm all for you doing this detective job with your long lost half-brother, but we need to be sure. it's dangerous these days." she said.

q nodded in agreement. "jimin's right, i think you need a little bit more evidence. you'll be dropping a lot of information on him."

"including the fact that his birth mom, your mom as well, is not here anymore." jimin added.

kitty nodded sadly. "yeah, you both may be right, but i just get a feeling that my mom kept that bracelet for a reason. i think she wanted to find the baby one day."

jimin embraced her tightly. "if so, we'll find out the truth together." she assured her.

the three turned around when they heard the knock on the door and saw minho and dae.

"we need to show you something." dae said as he looked at kitty.

jimin, kitty and q glanced at each other in confusion as minho crossed his arms and looked at jimin with relief.

"i am so glad i made you stay, or else i'll be thrown into jail by your parents and all of your fans."


jimin, kitty and q stared in horror at the laptop screen, where it showed kitty sleeping in her dorm.

"my roommate put me on some weird website as i was sleeping, my god!"

jimin quickly wrapped her arms around kitty and embraced her tightly. "this is horrible! i'm suing your roommate!" she said, angrily.

"i don't see the appeal." minho said as he frowned.

jimin glared at him. "because you, yourself, don't have it. takes one to know one." she retorted and looked at kitty. "no offense. i love you."

minho scowled at her as q laughed in amusement, while dae angrily closed the laptop screen.

"kitty, you should move. you can't live with that girl anymore."

jimin nodded in agreement. "dae's right, this is an invasion of privacy! you're moving whether you like it or not, kitty." she added.

"i agree with jimin and dae, this is kind of sketchy."

"i tried to move. there are no other rooms."

"uh, how about a hotel? my driver could take you right now." minho suggested.

jimin glared at him. "how helpful of you. you just want to get rid of her as soon as possible." she accused.

minho shrugged, knowing she was right.

"can't afford that for the entire semester." kitty said.

"i'm sure dae can hook you up with a discount at han hotels." minho suggested again and looked at dae.

jimin glared at him and smacked his arm. "not now."

minho winched in pain and frowned at her. "just trying to help." he told her.

"not helping." she told him.

dae looked at her. "your dad has a hotel here at seoul, right? couldn't you help her?" he asked.

jimin smiled sadly and shook her head. "if i could, i wouldn't be rooming with you guys. our hotel is being renovated when dad merged with miller hospitality." she said and sighed heavily before realization dawned on her. "wait!"

surprised, kitty and the three boys turned to her.

"she should live here again!"

minho frowned. "with who? dae?" he asked.


jimin, dae and kitty glanced at each other in surprise, realizing they were the only ones who protested with minho.

minho frowned as his eyes met jimin's.

jimin looked away from him and turned to kitty. "listen, it's like the first day of school all over again, except, i don't need to bunk with minhoe. kitty and i can sleep in one room, while the three of you figure out who sleeps with who---"

minho laughed in amusement. "that sounded so wrong coming from you." he teased.

jimin scowled at him. "you're just dirty minded, you always are."

q ignored their bickering as he looked at dae and kitty. "jimin's right." he said.

jimin smiled at him before looking at dae and kitty. "however, the question is, with you two broken up, is it okay to be roommates and live under the same roof?"

her eyes met minho's and saw the uncertainty in them. she knew what was on his mind, if she was going to be alright.

she had to be alright.

she has to try until she finally decided to stop liking dae, or continue to hide her feelings she has for him.

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