Cold Blood [ASOIAF]

By Lilithishere24

642 81 3

A grey stone head with fiery eyes, on a light green field A golden rose, on a green field Tyrells are only La... More

Cold Blood
Aesthetic 🪐🔮
Petal II. Mysterious Lord
Petal III. The Wedding
Petal IV. King's Landing
Petal V. Arryn's Death

Petal I. Highgarden

85 10 1
By Lilithishere24

Bianca POV

In 295 AC, In Westeros, The Reach, In Highgarden. I walk between the Roses' field alone, a week ago, I became fourteen years old.

My name is Bianca the only one with this name in Westeros because I'm different and love to treat as different.

My name means white maybe they called me Bianca for my white skin.

As the youngest child of the Tyrells. Surprise!! I'm the black sheep of the family.

Highgarden is a castle that serves as the seat of House Tyrell, the regional capital of the Reach, and the heat that chivalry in the Seven Kingdoms.

It lies on the Mander where the ocean road meets the rose road, making it an important crossroads.

Highgarden is located on a broad verdant hill overlooking the Mander. The castle is surrounded by three rings of white stone whose crenelated curtain walls increase in height.

Between the outer and middle walls is a crenelated labyrinth that serves to entertain as well as slow invaders.

The oldest towers, squat and square, date from the Age of Heroes. Newer towers are tall and slender, round fortifications dating from after the coming of the Andals.

The castle sept, which has rows of stained-glass windows honoring Garth Greenhand and the Seven, is matched only by the Great Sept of Baelor and the Starry Sept.

The castle's godswood contains three weirwoods known as the Three Singers.

The palatial keep is decorated with statues and colonnades. Also within Highgarden's walls are groves, fountains, and courtyards. The castle's structures are covered in ivy, grapes, and climbing roses.

Highgarden is filled with flowers, singers, pipers, fiddlers, and harpers. The stables have a fine selection of horseflesh, and there are pleasure boats to sail along the Mander.

There are fields of golden roses that stretch as far as the eye can see. Fruits grown nearby include melons, peaches, and fireplugs.

Margaery runs to me and almost we fall but I hold into her arms for our balance "What are doing you here?"

"I came to have flowers but I couldn't because they look better in the field"

Margaery nods "Mhmm, come on the lords and ladies will arrive anytime"

I walk with her "With the King's party"

"All of them coming" I sigh "You okay"

I put arm in arm with her "No, sister, I have a bad feelings since morning"

She pats her hand softly to assure me "Bianca, it's just in your head. Everything is good and what coming too"

I smile "I wish could be you, very open to life"

Margaery smiles at me not finding words to say she knows I'm not feeling good, after seeing the blood on my bed this morning as I flowered she didn't flower yet.

I know she's not scared but me, I'm scared to death not for that because what will come after that


In Highgarden I walk to Olenna's quarter as she asked to see me. I knock at the door and then come in with my perfect smile "Grandmother, How beautiful are you today"

Olenna chuckles to herself "Come, child"

Lady Olenna Tyrell neè Redwyne. The white-haired lady appears wrinkled and wizened. She has soft, spotted hands, with gaunt thin fingers.

Olenna smells of rosewater, but she also has an old woman's sour breath and toothless smile.

Olenna walks with a cane and claims to be near deaf, but both might be part of her feigning to be more frail than she actually is.

I run to her on the balcony after closing the door and sit at my knees by her chair and take her hand kissing it before she asks.

"How are you feeling today, Grandma!"

She smiles and puts her palm on my cheek "Good, How are you, little one?"

I nod "Good"

She raises my head by chin "Look at me Bianca, what happened today is not a thing to be ashamed of"

"I am not ashamed"

She in a sarcastic way "Your mother might have prepared you. Alerie must did something right in her life" I try not to laugh, gods they are like cat and rat "You flowered, my dear. Nothing more."

I smile "Mother told me, but I thought it would be different. I wake in a blood lake, I thought someone stabbed me or something, it was messy"

She tries to assure me "There is nothing to be afraid of, you have to be strong and that normal every month wait until you birth a child. You're a woman now."

I stare at her thinking no I'm not, I want to climb towers and run in the fields ride my horse or play with my friends and enjoy my life. Being a woman will damage everything.

Olenna asks me brings me out of my thoughts "Do you have any idea of what that means?"

"I'm fit to marry and bear children"

She smiles "A prospect that once delighted you, bringing little lords and ladies into the world"

I give her a fake smile "Of course, grandma"

"Let me give you advice" I nod "All men are fools if truth be told, but the ones in motley are more amusing than ones with crowns"

"I do not understand"

She smiles "One day you will" She pats my hand "Prepare your things"


"You will move to another chamber, you are grown up"

"But I want to be with Margaery"

"Bianca! I will not repeat my words"

I nod "Yes, grandma"

See first thing happens, I will separate from my sister.


I sit at the stairs feeling pain in my stomach drinking herbals.

Alerie Hightower walks checks on everything prepared for the feast and welcomes the king. She turns to the maids "We need plenty of candles for Lord Tyrion's chamber"

Alerie is tall, dignified, and handsome, with long silver hair. She is younger than her husband.

Loras walks after her "I'm told he drinks all night."

Loras is exceptionally handsome. His hair is a mass of lazy brown curls and ringlets which tumble over his eyes, which have been described as brown, liquid gold, big, and intelligent and lively.

Loras is beautiful and already a legend, and that half the girls in the Seven Kingdoms want to bed him and all the boys want to be him.

She turns to him "How much could he possibly drink? A man of his ... stature."

Loras shrugs not smiling at our mother's comment.

One of the maids says "We've brought up fifteen barrels of ale from the cellar."

Loras gives our mother a look "Perhaps we'll find out."

Alerie smiles and turns to the maids "Okay, you can go" she approaches me "You okay, little one?"

I give her a fake smile "Perfect"

She smiles and heads to another passage and Loras joins me and sits.

"They staring at you, right"

I nod "Do not ask, I swear it's like I became a queen"

Loras chuckles "Do not give them your attention, they will forget by tomorrow"

I smile and he wraps his hand around my shoulder as I rest my head on his shoulder "I had no idea why they told everyone"

"Perhaps you will find a man" I give him a dirty look "I will find one, you find a woman" I laugh "See, laugh is good" he kisses my cheek "I like your laugh around"


In the garden, The royal procession approaches Winterfell. Guards see them from his perch high atop a castle wall.

I walk Westinghouse my green new gown towards my eldest brother Willas.

Willas is crippled, with a bad leg. He is intelligent, studious, educated, and kind, and is renowned for breeding the finest hawks, hounds, and horses in the Seven Kingdoms.

He sometimes hawks with an eagle. Willas is mild and courtly, fond of reading books and looking at the stars.

The eagle rests on my brother's arm, Willas turns to me "Bianca"

I smile "Willas" I run my finger at the eagle to cuddle it "Hey you" to my brother "I saw the king! He's got hundreds of people!"

He gives me a look "You were climbing" I look around "Someone sees you"

I smirk "Of course not but he's coming right now! Down our road!"

"Okay, let's walk together" he let the eagle fly and we put arm in arm "You read the book I gave you"

I smile "Yes, it's amazing"

He gives me a look "You finished it"

I smile "I couldn't sleep, it was exciting talking about the other, dead cold people it's like dreams impossible"

"But it's real and for that North always prepared and House Stark word Winter is coming for that day when they back"

"You think they will be back, they didn't show as I read for thousands of years"

"I read a prophecy, they will and will bring with them the long night"

"If we lived to this day, gods be good to us"

He smiles "If we lived"


At the far end of the yard, The King's party approaches with our family beside him.

Olenna, Mace, Alerie, Wills, Grlan, Leonette, Loras, Margaery and I are here standing in a line.

Mace is a handsome and once-powerful-looking man who has since turned fat. He has curly brown hair and cuts his beard, which has white and grey specks in it, into a triangular shape. He is often red-faced.

Garlan is similar in appearance to Loras Tyrell, but he is taller, more broadly built, and has a beard. Garlan is five years older than Loras. He is an exceptionally skilled swordsman, preferring to train against three or four swordsmen, so as to better prepare himself for actual battle, but his lack of interest in gaining glory makes him less famous than Loras.

Garlan's wife Leonette is dainty and bright-eyed. She plays the high harp and taught me.

In rides Joffrey, follow the Hound. Joffrey Baratheon (10), the crown prince, is tall for his age, and haughty. Beside him:

Sandor Clegane (32), "The Hound," Joffrey's bodyguard. Terrible burn scars cover half his face.

More riders with banners. Joffrey rides up, Margaery and I share a look then look at him. He smugly child.

The coach carrying Cersei lumbers in, followed by her brother Ser Jaime Lannister. Ser Jaime rides through the gate and into the courtyard late and he removes his helm.

A tall, handsome man, with curled hair the color of beaten gold. He has flashing cat-green eyes and a smile that cuts like a knife.

I smirk under my brother's gods, he looks like a prince, Margaery shares a smile look. He is exactly like stories.

The king didn't come. As the king's party dismounts, an ornate wheelhouse pulls into their midst.

Queen Cersei Baratheon emerges with her two younger children Myrcella (7) and Tommen (6).

Cersei is a strikingly beautiful woman, with curly golden hair, emerald green eyes, fair skin, and a slender, graceful figure.

All kneel. Cersei approaches us smiling in a pure formality. We stand.

Mace kneels to kiss her ring "My queen."

Alerie kneels too "My queen."

Cersei with her perfect smile "I have to apologize to the king, he is so busy ruling the seven kingdoms, he couldn't accept the invitation"

Mace smiles "We are glad to have a king like him, The reach is yours, your grace"

I stare at my father, gods how he is a liar, father was supportive of Aerys Targaryen.

My parents and grandma leads the host while I stay behind them. Gods almost all of them liars hate each other, I don't wanna be in the same place with them.

I head outside the gate no one will notice my absence, all the lords of houses are inside and will be busy.

I walk alone lost in thoughts, should I take my horse or not, just walk in the roses field and I will back.

I knock into someone who is also lost in thoughts. We stare into each other eyes for a moment.

These grey eyes so dark they almost seem black, they charmed me. I know in my heart today I flowered just for him.

If this young lord searched for a wife, I would do anything to be his.

We talk at the same time.

"I am so sorry, my lady. I did not see you coming, I was lost thoughts"

I shake my head with a warm smile "No, it's my fault I was just lost in thoughts"

We stopped and I smile nervously so does he.

I say "So I guess no one fault we were lost" he nods respectively his eyes so sad "You will attend the feast"

He nods "Yes, could you lead me to the castle, it's my first time here and I was behind Lord Stark if that does not bother you"

I smile "Of course not" I point at the gate "This way, follow me"

He follows me looking around as I watch him a young lord looks solemn and guarded. So quiet and very polite looking down.

"You liked the Reach?"

"Very elegant as your appearance, my lady"

I put my hand on my heart "Oh thank you"

We arrive at the castle gate and I see someone calls at him "Jon come here"

He smiles sadly "If you excuse me"

I nod "Sure" he walks off and I smile, Jon what a beautiful name that fits him.

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