Xiaolumi Fated Encounter II:...

By Otaku_AriaSnow

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Contains all of the Sumeru Saga Arc books from my Xiaolumi series: Edge of Dawn & Clair De Lune. All informat... More

Season 4: Edge of Dawn
Lumen de Alatus
More Innocent Days
Deity of Dendro
Caged Bird
Where A Tiger Fell
Ningguang's Wish
Xiao's Final Contract
Healing Adaptal Incense
Temple of Pervases
Old Tales
Unexpected Encounters
Sentient Domain of Chaos
Stare Into The Abyss
The Abyss Stares Back
This Is Not Your Fate
Can't Live Without You
The Name's Yelan, "Agent" Yelan
Wanna Make A Bet?
Tears of Joy
Follow The Rules Or Be Fools
The One Who Hurt Her
The Maple & The Bird
Invitation To Sandy Shores
Memories Turn Into Daydreams
Song Of The World
Power Of A Dreamer
Blood Of Valhalla
Chains Of Fenrir: Shatter!!
Fate's Familiar
The Withering
Dunyarzad The Runaway
The Desert Lion
Zhongli's Old Friend
The Dendro Shackle(Lemon Warning)
World Forget Me
Deja Vu
Live Without Regrets
The Yaksha King
Ratatoskr's Lil Mind Games
You Will Never Take Her!!
Hatred & Despair
Don't You Fret, My Dear
Jackal In The Field Of Reeds
The Missing Keepers
Stars of Deshret
"Take My Hand, Deshret."
Festival Feast of Spirits
A Squirrel of A Plan
The Single Truth
A Game of Hawk And Snake
Balladeer's Sin of Pride
The Eyes of Deshret
We Are The Voice of Nature
Peraḥ Ištar
Lord of The Skies
Ratatoskr's Wisdom
I Am Lord Of The Lost
Do Heavenly Birds Purr?
The Winds of Time Cometh Callin'
The Chronos Eclipse Disaster
War of Familars
Oh Beautiful, Dangerous Mocking Sun
O Welkin Moon, Your Siren Calleth
The Holy Ambrosia
Clair De Lune
A/N: Twins Intro & Important information
Season 5: Clair De Lune
Prologue: The Night Is My Domain
Beneath The Wisteria Comes Sweet Dreams
Nalini's New Friend
The Eyes of Izanagi
Fenrir's Fangs
To Those Who Pursue The Moon
The Truth The Moon Knows
History May Change But Fate Won't Bend
Reunions Brought By Thunderous Winds
Cor Contritum Quasi Cinis
A Mother's Wisdom
The Trial of Temperance
Of Birds And Rabbits
Family More Precious Then Gold
The Day You Were A Bride
The Temperance of Your Choice
Through The Eyes Of Khonsu
Liloupar's Contract
Sons & Daughters of Apep
The Prince And The Scholar[500 Follows]
The Garden Frozen In Time
House Alberich
Haze of Memories
Twisted Destiny
In Yin There Is Yang, In Yang There Is Yin
Father of The King
Ratatoskr's Promise
What If...
The King & His Sovereigns Lords
Rings of Kings
Gli Innamorati
Yaksha Legacy
Uncle Baizhu
The Samsara Life
The Millennial Lovers
Shining Blessing
The Veluriyam Mirage Invites You
With A Spark Joy & A Heart of Sunlight
The Moon Smiles Upon An Ocean's Swell
Daughters of Hydro Sovereign
An Ode To Dame De Lac

Ratatosk's Whispers

70 2 0
By Otaku_AriaSnow

He was in a clear state of shock and dismay from what Lumine could see. She didn't need the link in their soul bond to know this. Looking like a bird robbed of it's tree or a cat that had been kicked. But they couldn't stay here too long as they watched Xiao vent his frustrations at the waterfall by the statue of the dendro archon. He was soaked and feathers drenched by the time lumine sighed and waded into the water, feeling his sorrow. Slowly hugging him from behind as he thought back the urge to cry. Silence hung in the air as the yaksha began to take a shaky breath. She had warned him this could be a possibility so had the former geo archon.

"Xiao we need to move on to the city. From there we can check the other locations."she softly encouraged and reassured.

"And if we can't find them? What if they were destroyed too?"he whispered.

Slowly Lumine moved her hand to take his as she coaxed him gently to look at her. Only confidence and trust as she gave her star shattering smile. "Then we make a new one. We still have time, my sweet brave"

"Lumine's right so let's get to the city first and find Lesser Lord Kusanali as quickly as possible. Then you can relax for the rest of the year."agreed Paimon. The fairy admittedly had a valid point as well as Lumine.

"So which way is the city?"wondered Lumine.

"Don't look at me, I've never been to the sages' city. We tended to avoid humans if we could unless instructed by Lady Rukkhadevata."dismissed Xiao with a huff.

"Ru....Ruk...huh? Paimon's out of brain juice again."whimpered Paimon in confusion.

"Rukkhadevata. Xiao told me that's what they called the first dendro archon. You were asleep but Xiao told me a lot of things about the Greater Lord."hummed Lumine. "Anyways let's get going."

"Maybe we can ask somebody for directions? There was a village up ahead."offered Paimon, earning a frustrated 'tsk' from Xiao. To be fair the valley must have been the main camp before the humans came in and built on it, none the wiser. Leaving no trace behind or evidence of the shapeshifting nomadic race. Lumine looked over as Paimon spotted somebody walking by, seemingly ignoring them on purpose. "Wait a second there's somebody up ahead."pointed out Paimon. The person was definitely female in about her twenties it seemed and judging by her clothes she was a Sumerian local. "Perfect timing~!"

"I'll say she could give us directions."Lumine agreed. "Um excuse ma'am, we were wondering if you could help us?" The greenette gave no reply, just a small glance before continuing on her way. Xiao had seen this behavior before from passing scholars that were not aware of being watched by him when he was but a yearling, unable to fly.

"Huh did they not hear us? HEY! You over there! Could you give us some directions to Sumeru City?"called Paimon.

"Huh?"huffed the stranger before continuing on her way.

"Paimon stop."scolded Xiao.

""What's going on here? Was she ignoring us on purpose?""the fairy wondered.

"He's right, calm down Paimon, it's nothing to get worked up about...There's probably a reason she ignored us judging by Xiao's expression."Lumine turned her attention to her beloved partner beside her who had crossed his arms out of habit. "I'm right aren't I?"

"You are. That human is one of the scholars native here and if I'm right she's in the middle of that ritual."Xiao hummed thoughtfully. To his horror Paimon had begun to wander off to follow with Lumine giving chase. "Wait, don't go after her!" Xiao quickly followed after them. If that mortal woman was doing what he thought she was then there was no telling how Lumine's body would react with her unique constitution of the divine. But the girls had already con inside and Xiao had to cover his own nose the instant the scent hit him as he caught up to them.

"What should we do, should we try asking her for directions again?"wondered Paimon only to squeak as Xiao grabbed her ear roughly from behind with a free hand. His sharp hawk-like gaze spotted the incense burner instantly by the mediating scholar. "Eek!! Let go of Paimon's ear!"

"Shut it! We shouldn't be in here."Xiao hissed.

"She's busy anyways, we shouldn't bother her."sighed Lumine. Wait, why was her head starting to hurt and why was she starting to feel funny? It was like back when she was at the statue in Inazuma or was she already suffering a rebound of her seal? But it felt bizarre and almost numb. Her already sensitive nose picked up on the smell of incense burning as Xiao was scolding Paimon harshly. Paimon didn't seem affected by the incense at all but Xiao had his nose covered this entire time, desperate to not breathe it in. "ugh...Uh oh..."

"Lumine? Are you alright? You don't look so good."asked Paimon in worry.

"T-This smell...Something n-not right...!"groaned Lumine as she began to sway. It was beginning to become a struggle to see clearly as her heart pounded in her ears. Xiao's eyes grew wide in dismay as he realized.

"Wait, the smell is making you sick? Is your morning sickness acting up again? Cause Paimon doesn't feel anything."gasped the silver haired fairy in shock. Lumine seemed to be in a daze as she shot a warning and pleading look at Xiao. "Get me out of here."she thought, unable to speak. Xiao's surprise grew as he had actually heard Lumine's voice in his head this time as he bolted forward as she began to fall, catching her in his arms. Xiao wasting on time getting out of the cave, cradling her close. Poor Paimon in a panic as two figures raced towards them as darkness claimed her.

"W-Where am I?"

Lumine slowly and cautiously got to her feet at the sight of the strange area. Judging by the red sky this was during the Khaenri'ah Cataclysm. But the most impressive sight was the massive irminsul tree glowing brightly at the center of the canyon. By the flora and landscape she was still in Sumeru as she carefully made her way closer. What she hadn't counted on was the sounds of scared whimpers. Growing curious she went over to the bush carefully parting its branches to reveal what was hiding. Huddling together shaking like leaves were two tiny adeptus wolf pups with wings like a baby bird.

"Hey it's ok, are you scared? It's alright."she soothed trying to coax them out. She wasn't sure why but she felt this desire to ensure the tiny pups were safe and ok. One was pale with honey amber eyes with cat-like pupils and the other black as burning coal looking like it had stepped out of a fire due to its colors. Their ears perked at spotting her and on wobbly legs crawled over, nuzzling and licking her outstretched hand. Happy almost relieved whines and yips as their wispy tails wagged. Lumine giggling in delight as she ran her hands through soft baby down fur. Why did looking at these two puppies make her feel so delighted and protective? Whatever the reason she needed to investigate.

"See? Nothing to be scared of. The sky is scary right now but the tree is nothing to fear."she soothed, carefully scooping the two pups into her arms. The black pup was clearly restless and squirmy while the pale one was more nervous, yet curiosity shined in its eyes. But both pups relaxed in her arms with their ears perked and tails alert as they crossed across the massive tree root. "Aru?"

"That's an Irminsul tree. A big one to boot but...why are the Unknown Goddess's cubes flying around...?"she whispered. The ground began to rumble as the root gave way under her feet as a boulder broke the root. The pups let out a frightened yelp as they tried to hide deeper in Lumine's embrace, the tiny baby wings flapping out of instinctive fright. "It's ok, I won't drop you."she hissed, clutching them close as she expertly slid down and jumped off the falling debris to land on the tree root below. With care she set the pups down and they were quick to huddle close to her legs.

Lumine gave a small smile of reassurance down at the pups before continuing her advance towards the base of the tree, careful not to go too fast as the pups hurried after her. The pale pup stayed very close to her while the black one grew inquisitive, craning out its neck to sniff as it pawed at the wind. Lumine shielding her eyes as the wind picked up. The tiny black pup letting out a startled yelp as it blew it over but the tiny pale pup had grabbed its sibling by the tail as Lumine grabbed both pups. The glow grows more intense with the wind carrying a voice to whisper for ears alone, "...World...Forget me..." Then everything was swallowed in a blinding white light.

"...Are you sure it's not serious? Lumine's been out cold for two days now!"

"Shut it, annoying glutton chatterbox. You're turning a weasel thief den into a mountain again."

Ugh...She knew those voices alright. But her skull was pounding harder than that time she took Ei's signature attack. The first one was definitely Paimon's and the second was Xiao's judging by the tones used as everything slowly came into a dizzy focus. She could feel the worry mixed in with the annoyance directed at Paimon coming from Xiao. A third voice of a young lady in her teens soon piped up, "Xiao's right you can relax. Believe me when I say that Master is very knowledgeable and Xiao's own information helped a lot so if he says that she's going to be fine, then there's nothing to worry about." Slowly Lumine's sight went into much clearer focus as she noticed Xiao sitting beside her and a spirited greenette girl that reminded her a lot of Amber.

"She's awake."notified Xiao, the girls coming over as he slowly helped Lumine ot her sit up. The blonde was still slightly shaking her head with a groan.

"Oh, you're awake now? I'm glad."greeted the stranger with a warm smile.

"Oh thank goodness! Lumine, you're finally awake, you scared Paimon half to death!"cried Paimon in relief. But not without Xiao flicking her forehead with a deadpan look. "Next you'll listen when i say not to do something won't you?"he stated bluntly. The silver haired celestial fairy holding the bump on her forehead from the flick. Lumine and the stranger giggling at the sight. "Oooww....Ok Paimon will listen!"

"Where am I? My head's all hazy and there's this bitter taste in my mouth..."rasped Lumine as she rubbed her eyes.

"We're in the village we saw from the distance, Grandharva Ville you called it?"Xiao inquired looking over at their new friend.

"Yep~! As you said, this is Grandharva Ville. It was built by the scholars from the city as a safe place to rest in the rainforest. Now it's mainly used by the Forest rangers as a base of operations."The greenette then turned a bit solemn. "...X-Xiao told me this area used to belong to his tribe, is that true?"

"It's true. But I don't believe we met. I'm Lumine."Lumine introduced with a smile.

"I-I'm sorry, we didn't know the yakshas made their home here."Xiao sighing as he gave a soft shake of his head.

"Your generation isn't to blame and my tribe hasn't been back in over 2,020 years."he assured. That seemed to lift the girl's spirits but Xiao could still sense the dark malice of a god lingering, slithering beneath the surface of this young human caged in some kind of seal. But there was also the faint smell of sickness coming from her; it was a mystery to him.

"Anyways I'm Collei, a Trainee Forest Ranger. My Master and I found you passed out in your husband's arms while out on patrol. Xiao informed us what happened so we brought you all here."greeted Collei.

Lumine offered a delighted smile as she slowly got to her feet. "Well then I believe I owe you and this master of your's a thank you."

"Oh, n-no thanks is necessary Lumine, really. I didn't do anything worth your thanks, really."Collei by now was blushing fifty shades of pyro archon red in her embarrassment, not used to the gratitude. "How are you feeling by the way? Any discomfort?"

"Other than a splitting headache I'm fine. And this really bitter taste in my mouth."sighed Lumine.

"That would be the herbal medicine that Master made."Collei giggled. "He gave you some while you were unconscious with a bit of help from Xiao. Oh before I forget, Master mentioned you should take more once you wake up." Collie then went over to the shelves and reached up for the bottle containing the medicine that had been set aside. Only to end up losing her grip and the bottle falling to the ground spilling its contents. "Woah oops!!"

"Collei, are you alright?"Lumine wondered in worry.

The sound had alerted a young canine beastkin male with straight black hair and bushy tail with a mossy green hue as he sighed, turning his attention to the young trainee. "...Collei what's the matter? Were you trying to retrieve the medicine again? You know I already told you to be very careful with these..." As Lumine slowly stepped into view she got a better look at the young beastkin. Tinges of dendro green in his hair's front bangs and a ranger's uniform with a flower broach. "Alright I'll get it for you once I finish up here."

"Uh, I'm sorry Master Tighnari..."apologized Collei in embarrassment.

Lumine raises her brow at Collei and Xiao for confirmation. Xiao gave a soft nod as he spoke, "That's Tighnari and the leader of the rangers here. He's the one that treated you as well for the incense you breathed in."

"So...h-he knows?"squeaked Lumine instantly growing flustered.

"Know about what exactly?"Collei wondered.

"One of the reasons we're here in Sumeru is because of my mate's condition,"Xiao informed. "But that is my mate's choice to tell you or not."

"I-it's fine Xiao. Collei I'll tell you once my head stops pounding, deal?"Collei gave an understanding nod.

"Deal~!"agreed Collei as Tighnari came in. Tighnari coming over to the couple with a swish of his tail and greeting of a small smile. "So how are you feeling? Doing any better?"Tighnari asked as he examined her. Lumine was surprised that Xiao was letting this man near her and no aggression or anything of the like could be seen in his posture. "That's unlike him. What did this beastkin do to earn his trust?"she thought curiously as she let him complete the exam.

"Better but my head still hurts to be honest with you."informed Lumine. "You must be Tighnari, Collie and Xiao were telling me about you."

"Xiao and I already informed Paimon about why you fell unconscious earlier. So let me explain to you as well."Tighnari began. "It's common practice for Sumeru scholars of certain Darshan to dedicate themselves to training and meditation while in isolation, particularly nearby forests. Favorite spots include ravines and even that forest cave. While mediating they tend to burn a special incense known as Spirit Borneol to help calm their minds as they enter a state of deep rumination."

"The elders in my tribe would often burn it and the younglings are always instructed to stay away while a member of the tribe was close to coming of age. On mortals and gods it has a different effect so I was told. Lumine you remember the Courtship Rite, yes?"Lumine nodded at his words. "I used incense similar to Spirit Borneol."

Lumine began to understand instantly as her gaze turned to Paimon, "Paimon you idiot! Xiao said not to follow her but had to rush in!!! Oww..."Lumine swiftly flinched as her hand flew to her head. Paimon gawked at her outburst as Xiao eased Lumine to sit back on the bed.

"Easy now, Lumi."soothed Xiao. "I agree what she did was stupid and rash but you also shouldn't have chased her into the cave."

"Sorry..."she groaned.

"Your husband's right. Most people don't suffer any kind of reaction to that particular incense but it's advised children and pregnant mothers not go near it. However to a very select few it can have profound effects on one's cognition, which you experienced first hand. Do you understand?"Tighnari explained as he got the medicine ready.

"Yeah I understand."Lumine rasped. She knew far too well how sensitive she was to high concentration to the elements such as the balethunder or sheercold. But now as she sat here with Xiao's comforting hand on her back she felt like her sensitivity had increased. It was weird as she tested with her elemental sight and it was like staring at a much brighter living photo as she saw the elemental energies and more in a 360 radius. The dusk bird busily eating fruit, a large leopard lazily snoozing on a cliff, and in the water below huge crocodile-like creatures that made her mentally flinch. "No wonder he didn't want me near the water..."she thought. 

Carefully she explained everything that had happened from her account from her experience including what she saw when she had passed out. Xiao's eyes grew wide while Tighnari's turned serious as he dismissed it as just a hallucination. Xiao knew better though due to knowing what his mate was. Tighnari sending Collei off to inform the other rangers that their guests would be taking this hut for a few days. Confused as to why, Tighnari brought out a ball containing herbs used to make the incense making Xiao cover his nose as Lumine grew pale and unsteady as he eased her to lie down. But there was one thing Tighnari had gotten right: Lumine's mental state was not recovered from the events of the Chasm.

"Woah, are you ok, Lumine?"squeaked Paimon.


"Put that away now, Tighnari."hissed Xiao. "You're gonna get me affected too."

"Oh uh sorry, Chief Xiao."assured Tighnari as he swiftly put the herbs away. "Anyways Lumine, you were experiencing the similar sensation as you did before just now like when you passed out, aren't you?"

"Hnn...y-yes..."she whimpered.

"So even though your condition is stable as of now, if I was to let you leave even with your husband here to accompany you, it's highly likely you would pass out again and wouldn't be so lucky. The rainforest is home to many fierce predators and hazardous zones that should not be taken lightly. For now I suggest you get some rest and continue taking your medicine and avoid wandering off on your own, at least until you stop being symptomatic."advised, or rather ordered Tighnari. The ranger soon gave her the next dose of medicine before leaving as the sun began to set. But tonight there was a slither of a moon in the sky as Lumine snuggled up to Xiao. Silence hung in the air as he lay there with Lumine's head comfortably in the crook of his neck.

"You saw them didn't you?"he whispered as Paimon snored away nearby.

Lumine sleepily nodded, as she could feel her body getting used to the broken seal on the dendro element. It wasn't as bad but she could still feel that damn migraine as she felt his hand gently petting her hair. "It wasn't the only thing I saw...there were two tiny wolf pups with wings. Xiao one of them had your green eyes you had during the courtship rite. The other had mine. It's so hazy but they felt familiar to me...."Lumine's voice trailed off as she gave into slumber, snuggling close to his bare scarred chest. Safe here in his arms where she belonged and felt safest. Xiao's eyes gleaming in the darkness. 

Had it been the instincts of their children that she had met there in that dream vision? It was the only explanation to him. For now he would worry later as he permitted himself to fall into a light slumber. Unaware of the giggle on the soft breeze as a golden light left something to appear at their bedside. A glass ball rimmed in gold containing something shimmering softly inside as golden white light particles vanished. A gift left behind by the divine. Lumine eased into deeper slumber along with Xiao at the soft melody on that same breeze before it vanished.

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