Into the world of HxH Reader...

By IzzyTime2

26 2 8

Y/n was one of the Children born into The Rose family she had one younger sibling Aswell as a twin sister her... More

Hunters Exam!?

New world, New life

6 1 3
By IzzyTime2

Isabel's P.O.V:

After the world went dark again, I was awoken by a bright light shining in my eyes. My body felt like it had been used as a punching bag or something, I also had a headache. I looked down at myself and saw I looked small, smaller than I was before at least. I looked up and saw a river in front of me, I walked up to it and looked in the water and saw my reflection, I looked like I was 5 or 6. I turned back around and saw Y/n sitting on the grass also looking around the place we woke up in.  

We woke up in a forest with a river in front of us, the trees are incredibly tall compared to us. I walk over to one of the trees and try to figure out what type of tree it is. I examine it for a while but, I can't figure out what kind of tree it is. I pout and walk over to Y/n "Do you have any idea where we are?" I ask as I stand in front of her. "No." She says as she shakes her head, "Though the scenery looks a bit familiar..." She looks around the area.

I tilt my head and look around as well, "Huh, Weird..." I say as I look back at her, "We should probably look for a city o something before it gets dark outside..." I say. Y/n looks at me and nods "Yea. You're right." She says and sighs. "Which way do we go, though?" She says and tilts her head. "Hmmm... Maybe we should just go a random direction?" I say and shrug. Y/n looks around a bit more before nodding "Ok, I guess that'll have to do." She says.

Me and Y/n walk a random way hoping to find a city or something. As we walk, we see different types of flowers all around. We walk for what felt like hours until we see a city that has a lot of people walking all around. Some are carrying boxes full of fish, fruits, vegetables and some other stuff. Y/n grabs my hand and drags me with her through the city, our feet make quiet patting sounds as we make our way through the city we entered. We kept our distance from the people as we walk around the city.

We walk around the city while holding hands for a while before we find a nice-looking lady and walk up to her. 'Umm, E-Excuse me?" Y/n says as we approach the lady. The lady looks down at us "Yes?" The lady answers, I gulp and stand next to Y/n. "Do you know what this city is called?" I ask the lady, The tilts her head "Yes, this is whale island." She answers with a smile. "Are you two not from here?" She asks, Y/n nods and says "Yea, we uhm, don't exactly know how... but we woke up in the forest a while ago with no memory of how we got there, or why we were there..." Y/n fiddles with my hand since we were holding hands.

The lady's eyes widen and her eyes crease in what looks like worry. The lady crouches down in front of us, "Are you two feeling, ok?" She asks. We nod and hold each other's hands tighter. The lady sighs and rests her chin in the palm of her hand as she thinks. The lady suddenly perks up after a moment of her thinking, "Why don't you two come stay with me." She asks and tilts her head, "If that's alright with you two of course." She says with a small smile. 

Me and Y/n exchange a look and think for a minute before deciding. "Ok..." we say in unison. The lady beams and carefully grabs our free hands. "Perfect! Follow me, I'll show you, my home." She says as she leads us to her home. She leads us all the way to her house, the house looks like a mansion, it has at least four levels and there's a huge flower garden circling it. Me and Y/n admire the area and the house in awe. The lady chuckles and leads us to the front door and opens the door. We bounce in place as we enter the Manor, "Do you live here!?" I ask her and look at her. The lady tilts her head and looks at me, "Kind of. I work here, but the people who employed me let all the workers live in a building a few miles behind the Manor." The lady answers while smiling.

Me and Y/n and look at each other and then look back at her. "Then... why are we here?" We ask, "I need to get you two employed here at the mansion so you two can stay here." The lady says. "You two are ok with working here, right?" The lady asks. "Yes." We answer, "Then all we have to do is get you two employed!" She says as she leads us to a study and stops in front of the door. She turns to us and says "Now, wait out here. I'll be back in a minute." She knocks on the door and walks in.

Me and Y/n wait for her outside the door. After a few minutes she comes back out, smiling. "The mistress says you can work here as cleaner girls." She pauses for a minute. "She also said she wants to talk to you really quick." She says. Me and Y/n think for a minute before answering "Ok."  The lady smiles and steps to the side so we enter the study. We push open the doors and walk in, we look around the study before our eyes landed on the Lady sitting at the desk, who I assume is the Mistress of the house.

The Mistress has long, black, wavy hair. She's wearing a long black and red dress and seems to pretty tall. She looks intimidating but gives off this really calming vibe. The Mistress looks up as we enter the room. She smiles at us and beckons us closer. We walk closer and stand in front of her desk. "Welcome children." The Mistress says as soon as we're right in front of her desk. "To the Black wood Manor, My name is Ardella Blackwood. But please address me as Mistress, or Miss Ardella." She says with her elbows propped on the desk, her hands clasped together, and her head tilted to the side. 

We bow, "It's nice meeting you Miss Ardella. Thank you for allowing for us to work and stay here." We say. Miss Ardella chuckles "Please, rise." She says while smiling. We rise back up and look at her. "What are your names?" She asks, "My name is Isabel." I answer, "And my name is Y/n." Y/n Answers after me. Miss Ardella smiles, "Well, Isabel and Y/n I look forward to having you work here at the Manor. Now, please head to your rooms. The Lady who took you here shall show you to them." Miss Ardella says. "Yes Miss Ardella." We bow and then leave the study and walk over to the Lady who took us here.

The lady sees us and smiles, "Follow me, I'll show you to your rooms." She leads us to our rooms and then leaves since she has to go to her own room. Me and Y/n enter our room and look around. It has two beds in the corners of the room across from each other. There is a window in the middle of the beds that has light shining through it. I walk over to the bed in the right corner and look at the sheets and comforter covering the bed. Both the beds have white sheets, white pillows, and white blankets. I see another door that connects to another room. I walk over to the door and walk in. The door connects to a bathroom. There is a tub, soap, and towels. 

I lean out of the bathroom, "I found a bathroom, I'm going to take a bath really quick." I say to Y/n. Y/n looks over at me and says "Ok. But I'm taking one after you.". I nod and lean back in the bathroom and close the door, I fill the tub with hot water. I take off the dress I woke up in and then remove my underwear. I climb into the tub, sit down and get my hair wet. I grab a bottle of shampoo and put some in my hair and rub it in, I see a bottle of conditioner and grab it and put some at the ends of my hair and rub it in. 

I put both the bottles back and then grab a bottle of body wash and use it. I dunk myself down into the water to wash off the body wash. I then start rinsing my hair out after I rinse my body off. I climb out of the tub and dry myself off with a towel after I finish rinsing my hair. I dry my hair and then wrap the towel around my body and exit the bathroom, When I exit the bathroom Y/n goes in to start her bath. I walk over to dresser and look in it and grab out a clean pair of underwear, and nightgown. 

I put on the underwear and the Nightgown and then I put the Towel in the laundry basket. I walk over to the bed on the right and hop on it. I lay down and cover myself with a blanket and allow myself to drift off to sleep.

A/n: Hello! Sorry for not updating for a few months. My Laptop broke and I couldn't type out any chapters. I recently got a new one, so now I'm gonna be able to type out more. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a wonderful rest of you day/night!

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