Xiaolumi Fated Encounter II:...

By Otaku_AriaSnow

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Contains all of the Sumeru Saga Arc books from my Xiaolumi series: Edge of Dawn & Clair De Lune. All informat... More

Season 4: Edge of Dawn
Lumen de Alatus
More Innocent Days
Deity of Dendro
Caged Bird
Where A Tiger Fell
Ningguang's Wish
Xiao's Final Contract
Healing Adaptal Incense
Old Tales
Unexpected Encounters
Sentient Domain of Chaos
Stare Into The Abyss
The Abyss Stares Back
This Is Not Your Fate
Can't Live Without You
The Name's Yelan, "Agent" Yelan
Wanna Make A Bet?
Tears of Joy
Follow The Rules Or Be Fools
The One Who Hurt Her
The Maple & The Bird
Invitation To Sandy Shores
Memories Turn Into Daydreams
Song Of The World
Power Of A Dreamer
Blood Of Valhalla
Chains Of Fenrir: Shatter!!
Ratatosk's Whispers
Fate's Familiar
The Withering
Dunyarzad The Runaway
The Desert Lion
Zhongli's Old Friend
The Dendro Shackle(Lemon Warning)
World Forget Me
Deja Vu
Live Without Regrets
The Yaksha King
Ratatoskr's Lil Mind Games
You Will Never Take Her!!
Hatred & Despair
Don't You Fret, My Dear
Jackal In The Field Of Reeds
The Missing Keepers
Stars of Deshret
"Take My Hand, Deshret."
Festival Feast of Spirits
A Squirrel of A Plan
The Single Truth
A Game of Hawk And Snake
Balladeer's Sin of Pride
The Eyes of Deshret
We Are The Voice of Nature
PeraαΈ₯ IΕ‘tar
Lord of The Skies
Ratatoskr's Wisdom
I Am Lord Of The Lost
Do Heavenly Birds Purr?
The Winds of Time Cometh Callin'
The Chronos Eclipse Disaster
War of Familars
Oh Beautiful, Dangerous Mocking Sun
O Welkin Moon, Your Siren Calleth
The Holy Ambrosia
Clair De Lune
A/N: Twins Intro & Important information
Season 5: Clair De Lune
Prologue: The Night Is My Domain
Beneath The Wisteria Comes Sweet Dreams
Nalini's New Friend
The Eyes of Izanagi
Fenrir's Fangs
To Those Who Pursue The Moon
The Truth The Moon Knows
History May Change But Fate Won't Bend
Reunions Brought By Thunderous Winds
Cor Contritum Quasi Cinis
A Mother's Wisdom
The Trial of Temperance
Of Birds And Rabbits
Family More Precious Then Gold
The Day You Were A Bride
The Temperance of Your Choice
Through The Eyes Of Khonsu
Liloupar's Contract
Sons & Daughters of Apep
The Prince And The Scholar[500 Follows]
The Garden Frozen In Time
House Alberich
Haze of Memories
Twisted Destiny
In Yin There Is Yang, In Yang There Is Yin
Father of The King
Ratatoskr's Promise
What If...
The King & His Sovereigns Lords
Rings of Kings
Gli Innamorati
Yaksha Legacy
Uncle Baizhu
The Samsara Life
The Millennial Lovers
Shining Blessing
The Veluriyam Mirage Invites You
With A Spark Joy & A Heart of Sunlight
The Moon Smiles Upon An Ocean's Swell
Daughters of Hydro Sovereign
An Ode To Dame De Lac

Temple of Pervases

84 3 0
By Otaku_AriaSnow

Some days were better than others for Lumine, this Xiao and Paimon both had noticed since they had discovered Lumine was in her early stage of pregnancy. But thanks to the medication and help from Xiao, she was finally starting to feel a lot better. For now her pregnancy was being kept secret as she didn't want a repeat of the chaos from the wedding. Only ones that she knew had been told were the adepti, Shenhe, Ningguang, Katheryne and of course Baizhu. Xiao had again become increasingly busy, something about preparing for their trip to Sumeru and another increase of evil spirits? She couldn't recall at the second. At the moment she was just finishing seeing Baizhu for her first exam.

"Well here you are Lumine, your refill on your supplements."came the soft monotone voice of little Qiqi as she put the small envelope full of the medicine on the counter. Lumine offered a smile as she took it in hand before making it vanish in a ripple of stardust.

"Thanks Qiqi."Lumine thanked before offering a wave in goodbye.

"Later Qiqi~!"called Paimon before noticing Lumine start to leave. "Hey, wait for Paimon!"

Lumine happily hummed a tune as they went through the upper downtown area. There was the usual hustle and bustle as she passed the town hall and the commerce guild. She could see poor Xingqui getting chewed out again for his sloppy handwriting, Yanfei in a hurry as she handled whatever legal matter it was this time, and just soldiers and civilians going about their daily lives. As she continued she almost jumped at hearing Zhongli's sharp rebuke over at the funeral parlor. The girls glanced over before knowing why: Hu Tao got in trouble with the millileth again. But then the smell of fish being grilled over a hot fire caught her attention and was very enticing actually making her stomach rumble.

"Paimon heard that. Paimon's guessing you're hungry?"Paimon giggled.

"Now that I can actually keep food down, yeah, I am actually. I actually could really go for some grilled fish."Lumine admitted but then something seemed to dawn on her. "Hold on, what's the date?"

"May 17th, why?"Paimon wondered.

Lumine instantly began to smile as she hurried over the bridge and made a v-line straight for the grilled fish stall. Ordering quite a few of the fish skewers in fact, though Paimon wasn't sure why as she actually slapped the little fairy's hand for trying to reach the package of grilled fish. "Nah uh uh~! These are for Pervases."she scolded.

"Oh Paimon gets it now, you're going to leave an offering at his shrine."Lumine nodded with a smile taking a bite out of her own snack. So with an eager hop and skip they hurried away out of town straight down the path to Pervases's shrine. To Lumine's sadness the shrine was still in dire straits. But they had not expected to see the lone yaksha standing in front of the crumbling shrine, leaving some glaze lilies at the base of the statue of Pervases.

"Wait, isn't that Xiao? Why is he here?"grumbled Paimon.

"So it is,"Lumine quietly went up the mossy steps and walked over, leaving Paimon to continue her rant and tantrum. The fairy had been like that since finding out last night she wouldn't be allowed access to their mora. Mora that they needed for supplies and to make sure Lumine had whatever she would require. Carefully she took the small package of the grilled fish and set it down, on a plate before the statue, alerting Xiao.

"Lumine, what are you doing here? I thought you had to see Baizhu today."he inquired as she slowly stood up to offer a smile.

"I came to see Pervases....I'm assuming you came to see him too?"she asked, offering a smile. A pleased feeling his gentle hand moved her hair behind her ear before stroking her cheek. "He was your closest friend, wasn't he?"

"I was just passing through, nothing more. How are you feeling today and how did it go?"he inquired gently, bringing her into his arms.

"I'm doing fine and Baizhu said it's going smoothly now."she assured.

"And the baby too?"Lumine's smile only grew as she giggled offering a nod.

"The baby too."Lumine assured. The news earned a soft purr while Paimon as usual watched in disgust as the couple once again kissed. After their argument and making up, it seemed these two had only become closer. Actually, Lumine also noticed this as Xiao never remained away for long nor wandered far...Or as Paimon put it he seemed to be clingy. Lumine frowned as she moved away to look around, stopping at the dusty statue of the egret yaksha, resting her hand along its cold stone surface.

"What Paimon can't understand is there's a temple and a statue here too, so why hasn't anybody come here to maintain it?"the fairy wondered. Xiao, not far away, offered a sigh as he crossed his arms.

"It's sad, but perhaps this place has been forgotten."sighed Lumine, running her hand along the stone feathers.

"Oh no, please don't cry again, Lumine!"squeaked Paimon, seeing Lumine's swift change in demeanor. From what little she had heard from Xiao and from her own encounter with Pervases's spirit the yaksha had been a gentle and calm soul. It greatly saddened Lumine and with her emotions so unstable she could feel tears threatening to fall. But just as fast she felt a gauntlet gloved hand wipe away those threatening tears. Those same strong, kind hands soon held her close from behind. "Shh...it's alright, Pervases wouldn't want your tears."came his soft whisper in her ear. However a sudden cry caught the trio's attention.

"Help! Help me!"

"Huh? Did you hear that just now?"wondered Paimon.

"There."Xiao's sharp gaze soon spotted what seemed to be a civilian and a couple of hillichurls, "Somebody's calling for help."

"We should hurry and go help."Lumine moved to dash forward and summon her sword but only for Xiao to block her, the look in his eyes firm. "Xiao?"

"Don't confront them and keep your distance. I'll handle this."Xiao swiftly vanished in a dark mist, not leaving any room for argument.

"But — Ok, fine..."she sighed with a pout. Forced to watch as Xiao handled the matter rather swiftly. As much as she hated it Xiao had a point, as terrible as he was sometimes voicing it. He was just looking out for her and this unborn child's safety. "My body's too unstable right now, Xiao's right...one false move or jolt could seriously harm me and the baby..."she thought with a defeated sigh crossing her arms.

"You can come over here now, Lumine."Lumine looked over down the path where Xiao stood in front of the lone man. Neat short ebony black hair and the usual Liyuelite style clothing in shades of black and green with bits of tans and browns. The man's surprise at seeing Lumine as she carefully approached.

"...Y-Your the the esteemed Lady Lumine, the illuminated bride and the traveler!"he grinned in greeting, being mindful not to make any sudden movements that would distress Xiao beside him. He then offered a smile in greeting, "...What are the odds that it would be you both? We meet again."


"You know us?"

Lumine's gaze turned to the noh mask at his belt and instantly she realized who this man was. Turning her honey amber eyes to Xiao, who gave a soft nod in confirmation that this was indeed "Starsnatcher" from last year. Instantly Lumine began to glare hands on her hips. "It's you!"she hissed. "You're the damn con artist that caused all that trouble for my husband last year!"

"What!? I-I...Please don't bring that up Lady Traveler, not in front of the adeptus..."pleaded the man.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?"Paimon huffed.

"I'm Wang Ping'an."Wang introduced nervously.

"Aka the fool that played with fire and Lumine beat black and blue for it."sighed Xiao.

"Oooh!! Paimon remembers now, wait, that was you!? You caused so much trouble and made Xiao work over time because of it!"snapped Paimon at realizing the man's identity.

"I put that behind me. But I was very surprised to learn the Vigilant Yaksha had taken a bride, but to think it was you. That I am not surprised about, you two seem to compliment each other."Wang said in a mix of embarrassment and shame, rubbing the back of his head. "I actually came down here to leave an offering at the temple of the yaksha, Pervases. But...not long after entering the mountains, I was set upon by those hillichurls...Thank you for saving me!"

"Why are you here then? You weren't going to do something to Pervases's shrine were you!?"demanded Paimon. Her accusation seemed to disgust and shock Wang at the very notion of vandalism.

"N-No! That would be sacrilege, I wouldn't dream of it!"Wang countered. "No, I came here cause I wanted to restore the temple."

"Well, as long as you're not causing trouble...What do you think Xiao should we bring him to Pervases's shrine?"Lumine wondered, turning her attention to her yaksha partner. The surprise but also a smile at the news that finally this shrine would be fixed and restored. He didn't show it but Lumine could feel surprise but also delight from Xiao. "I'm happy for him, Liyue will never forget the yakshas and adepti."she thought in sincere joy for her beloved yaksha.

"Hmph, matters little to me as long as his promise is being kept."Xiao bluntly stated. Though he didn't say it nor show it he was glad his tribe hadn't been forgotten. However that fierce pull to stay close to Lumine had only gone up with Wang being here, it made him very uncomfortable. Something they noticed as Xiao on purpose got between Wang and Lumine as they went up the stairs to access the damages of the temple.

Wang had out of respect picked up those silent warnings from Xiao, so kept a respectful amount of space from the blonde. Being raised on and obsessed with tales of the adepti and yakshas in particular, Wang smiled watching the couple's interactions. "What a lucky girl she is. He's not once left her side this entire time, and I can only think of two reasons why going off the old books. Either it's now breeding season or it's the other option....Oh well, not my place to pry."Wang thought as he took notes of what supplies he'd need. This huge restoration project was coming out of his own pocket after all.

Lumine meanwhile had taken to relaxing under the nearby sandbearer tree, watching closely as she munched away on a few of her grilled fish skewers left. Xiao simply lounging in the upper branches of the tree. Lumine did look worn out right now as he stole a few careful glances below him. "I better take her back."he thought, noticing the growing crowd as it seemed the Qixing was now getting involved too with the restoration. Carefully he hopped down and looked down at the girls.

"Shall we go back? The restoration will take a few days to finish."he asked, offering his hand. Lumine was more than happy to take it as he helped her to her feet and she offered a tired smile.

"Yeah, let's go back. I really just would like to go lie down for a bit and relax."she admitted. With understanding in his eyes he was quick to pull her close and whisk her away in a dark mist. only to reappear back at Wanshu Inn this time in his private wing. Stopping at the barrier Lumine turned to Paimon as Xiao walked right through it, vanishing into the other side. "Paimon can you do me a favor and go stay with Xiangling for tonight?"

"Let Paimon guess, you want some alone time with Xiao right?"Lumine nodded. "Fine...But you owe Paimon a sticky honey roast."

"I know, Paimon and I thank you for it."smiled Lumine apologetically. But she did feel grateful to her small friend as the fairy returned the smile before vanishing in a flash of starlight. Honestly Lumine just wanted time alone with Xiao, something she hadn't had in awhile since returning to Liyue and the insanity of Enkanomiya. So with a smile she went through the barrier and straight for Xiao's room. But one part of her remained anxious but a bit excited about what tomorrow would hold but also what the restored shrine would look like.

No sooner did Lumine close the door did she feel unwell, the stress from today having caught up with her. Stumbling for a moment but Xiao was fast to steady her before guiding her over to a corner of the room where a pile of pillows were. Lumine more than relieved to flop down on the soft, plush pillow pile. Lumine had learned this corner was where he sometimes just liked to relax. "Probably because he was used to a nomadic lifestyle."she thought with a sigh covering her eyes with her arm. She could feel her stomach getting angry at her again for the first time in days.

Xiao knowing what was going on pulled out the incense burner and got it going, setting it back on the table and activating the switch to get it burning. He would need to go acquire more of the special oils this adeptus incense burner used. Quietly he went over to the bed and grabbed the plush throw blanket that belonged to Lumine. Soft and fuzzy to the touch with little stars and rabbit pattern designs. Along with the toy kitsune Gorou had given her before going over to join Lumine, putting the blanket over her with care as he sat down beside her.

"Easy now, just breathe and relax."he soothed, placing the stuffed fox beside her. Lumine took a slow shaking breath as she rolled over to reach and grabbed the stuffed fox, cuddling it close. Even with the medicine and supplements Baizhu did up for her she still on occasion had these moments her nausea hit without warning. But breathing the scent of the special adeptus incense was helping. She looked up as she watched him set his gauntlets and shoulder guard aside along with his sleeve, revealing his heavily scarred wrists, hands, and arm. Scars she now knew were from much darker times. His strong but gentle hand came to stroke her scarred back as he made himself comfortable.

"That's it, just relax."he hummed. Continuing to just rub her back with one hand and propping up his head in the other. No words spoken for none needed to be said right now as they enjoyed the tender serenity of this moment.

"Xiao?"Lumine asked after a while of silence.

"What is it, Lumen?"he wondered.

"I'm gonna be honest, the baby isn't the only thing troubling me. Remember during our trip in Inazuma for the Irodori Festival?"Lumine asked, slowly rolling over so she could face him. Her husband's curious eyes turned more sharp and solemn.

"Hmn...You're concerned about what Ayato said and for that wandering samurai, aren't you?"Lumine nodded at his words offering a frustrated 'tsk' as a result. No doubt Lumine was remembering the events in the factory as at that moment both of them felt each others' concern and anger. That day had been the first time in centuries Xiao had not only used his wings but his true self. That day Lumine had lost a friend, letting rage and grief drive her, clouding her judgment. That horrible day they had met the Balladeer of the Fatui Harbingers and Lumine was badly poisoned as a result. Both of them had their own bone to pick with that particular harbinger.

"I'm concerned about Scaramouche. He left Inazuma for here on the mainland....B-but where would he go? Sumeru?"Lumine pondered, beginning to tremble. She could still remember that mad look of that unknown harbinger in the shadows. The way he looked at her that autumn night was not of a sane man. He looked at her like she was some lab rat or target practice to be quite frank. "I'm scared....I am admittedly scared..."she thought, clutching the stuffed fox tighter. So she had been caught slightly by surprise when she felt a strong arm wrap around her, his hand coming to rest on her stomach as she looked up. "Alatus?"

"The damn fatui won't lay a hand on you or our little one."he assured as he detected the salty scent of her tears. He had felt her fear, something Lumine rarely ever got scared. Was it because she was recalling the events that had almost killed her that night? Was it due to Scaramouche? He was not sure as he held his frightened and ailing mate close. That night he had almost lost everything, which made his blood boil in fury. "Whoever tried to kill her that day will reap what they sow."he thought in disgust. He knew one thing if he ever saw that person or the Balladeer he would not be able to restrain himself easily, if at all.

"I'm not about to roll over and let them either."Lumine agreed, squirming a bit until she could reach up and kiss him. A kiss that had startled him but he happily returned. "I hate it but, I'll have to rely on you a lot more than we're used to for the next eight months."

"It won't be easy, you've always been able to look out for yourself. But what I said back there at the temple, I meant it. Your body is unstable right now and given how you fight, even the slightest wrong move could seriously hurt you both."Xiao frowned, stroking her cheek.

"I know and you were right. But there will be situations when you can't reach me fast enough or we get seperated, especially once we reach Sumeru."Lumine reminded. From Xiao's expression she could see he understood and agreed with her words and logic.

"I wouldn't dream of leaving you defenseless in your condition. But say...hypothetically, you did find yourself in such a scenario where I couldn't reach you or come to your side fast enough....Then yes, by all means fight like all of the Abyss is on your tail."he agreed. Slowly he sat up, his hand going to fiddle with the marriage bracelet snug around his wrist just out of habit. Lumine slowly does the same only to shimmy over into his lap, both content just to hold each other this way.

"There's another reason you're telling me to fight only if I have no option right now isn't there?"Lumine whispered, sensing his worry. Slowly he nodded carefully, tightening his grip around her waist. "You can tell me, Xiao...Actually, it's better that you do now rather then later."

"I told you before that there's a high mortality rate for mothers and children in my race. But have you ever wondered why?"Lumine could only stare looking concerned and confused as she locked eyes with him. "It's because when a new yaksha is about to be born it's as if all the demons set their sights on ensuring that child dies before it can be born."

"Wait so that means!?"Lumine now realizing the gravity of his distress back then as she protectively clutched her belly. "Like hell those monsters are hurting our daughter!!" Her words actually made Xiao just gawk as she puffed out her cheeks in anger.

"Daughter?"he echoed, choking back a chuckle of amusement. "I just told you that you're soon going to be a monster attractant and your talking genders!?" Lumine never ceased to amuse and surprise him. Any normal person would be scared shitless but once again his mate reminded him she was no normal person but a daughter of a primordial goddess. Which in kind made her the grandchild of the Primordial One.

"Yes, something tells me it'll be a girl. I bet she'd be super cute and have your hair and cute little wings."Lumine giggled, smiling brightly. A glint of mischief in her eyes, practically glowing with excitement at the thought. A little girl that looked a lot like her father thought was enough to make her giddy with glee.

"Lumine, we don't know for sure yet if it's a boy or girl. We won't know until this child's born in January."he pointed out.

"Hm...Call it a woman's intuition~!"she hummed.

Eight months seems so far away but Lumine seemed so adamant about their unborn child possibly being a girl. If this turned out true this meant the first female yaksha born in an extremely long time. But for reasons unknown Xiao's own intuition was pointing to the possibilities it might be a boy. Though he honestly could care less what gender his child would be. Why worry over something they would not discover until next year? It made no logical sense. All he wanted was Lumine and this unborn child to be safe and healthy and that was all that mattered.

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