The Stark curse

By abbyspector

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Cassidy was gifted with what she calls the Stark curse. She was a prize to be won because she is Tony Starks... More



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By abbyspector

Tony Starks Famous party

"Wanda, slow down and be quiet; it's three in the morning; we can't wake everyone up," Cassidy pleaded in a hushed tone, her voice tinged with concern. She tried her best to calm Wanda's excitement, knowing that their late-night escapade could have unintended consequences. But Wanda's enthusiasm was palpable, bubbling over with the prospect of their first party and the opportunity to dress up. "I'm sorry, I am just so excited. We get to go to our first party and dress up. Now come open the door and let's start planning!" Wanda's words rushed out in a flurry, barely contained in her eagerness. However, as Cassidy's hand wrapped around the doorknob, a sudden realization washed over her, freezing her in her tracks. What lay beyond that door was something she hadn't anticipated. Her mind raced, desperately searching for a way to explain the unexpected situation that awaited them. How could she possibly clarify why Wanda's brother, Pietro, was sleeping in Cassidy's bed? The weight of the unspoken truth hung heavy in the air, making it difficult to find the right words. As Cassidy turned to face Wanda, her mouth slightly open, she felt a mix of anxiety and guilt consume her.

But before she could utter a single word, Wanda cut in, her voice laced with a knowing tone. "Did you forget that I can read minds? You would have failed to explain why my brother is in your bed. Wait, are you and my brother dating?" The panic in Cassidy's eyes deepened, and she stammered, desperately attempting to clarify the situation. "NO! I mean, I don't know if it's a little confusing; he hasn't really asked officially." Feeling the weight of the situation, Wanda gently placed her hand on Cassidy's shoulder, offering reassurance. She tilted her head slightly, a small smile playing on her lips, conveying her understanding. "Well, maybe we should give him a little wake-up call." Cassidy looked at her, puzzled, until her eyes darted to Wanda's hand, realizing the intention.

Without hesitation, Wanda swung the door open and headed straight toward her sleeping brother. "PIETRO! Wake up and tell me why you haven't properly asked her yet." Using her powers, she swiftly removed the sheets from the bed, startling Pietro awake. Grogginess washed over him, and he rubbed his eyes, bewildered by the sudden commotion caused by his sister. Confusion etched on his face, Pietro glanced between Wanda and Cassidy, until his gaze settled on Cassidy's embarrassed yet slightly guilty expression. Slowly, he approached Wanda, keeping his back turned to Cassidy, and whispered in her ear, his voice barely audible. "You know why, and she can't know because she's not supposed to."

A flicker of comprehension danced in Wanda's eyes as she pieced together what had happened. The weight of the unspoken secret hung heavily between them, casting a shadow over the moment. Though confusion still lingered, Wanda recognized the need to protect Cassidy, even at the cost of sharing her brother's secret. As the realization settled over them, a mixture of emotions swirled in the air-a delicate dance of curiosity, empathy, and a shared desire to safeguard the fragile connection between Cassidy and Pietro. It was a moment that bound them tighter, strengthening their resolve to navigate the complexities of their intertwined lives, even as the truth remained hidden in the shadows.

Flashback (2013)

"So, what are we doing in Sokovia? They're not going to test the scepter on me, are they?" Cassidy glanced up at the tall man, a hint of humor in her expression. The weight of the situation didn't seem to fully settle on her, but she couldn't shake a growing unease. "No, we're here to discard some bodies that didn't survive the scepter," he responded, his gaze turning cold and stern as he looked down at her. His words sent a chill down her spine, and a flicker of fear danced in her eyes. She couldn't help but glance around her surroundings, taking in the sight of numerous body bags lining the aisle. A wave of nausea washed over her, a sensation she couldn't quite explain. It puzzled her, as she had witnessed death and caused it herself before. But something about this scene, the rows of lifeless forms, stirred a disquiet within her. Determined to suppress her uneasiness, Cassidy forced her gaze straight ahead, fixing her eyes on a point in the distance.

However, what she saw there was no better, perhaps even worse than the sight of the deceased. It was a grim reminder of the twisted experiments and callous disregard for life that had brought them to this place. Soldat noticed the direction of her gaze, understanding the horror that filled her eyes. "They were the only ones that survived, their twins, but we aren't here for them. Strucker has plans for that. Come on, let's get started," Soldat explained, his voice devoid of any compassion or remorse. The weight of their mission hung heavy in the air, casting a dark cloud over their surroundings. Reluctantly, Cassidy tore her gaze away from the haunting scene, her mind plagued with questions and a sense of moral conflict. She followed Soldat, her steps heavy with a mixture of resignation and trepidation. In the depths of her being, she knew that she had become entangled in a web of darkness, forced to participate in acts that she couldn't fully comprehend or condone.

Pietro's heart pounded in his chest as he slammed against the glass, desperate to break free from his confinement. The world around him was a blur of cold steel and dim lights, a stark reminder of his entrapment. But then, as if in a surreal dream, he saw her-Cassidy, standing just a few feet away. Startled, he watched as she jumped in response to his impact against the glass, a small shriek escaping her lips. Their eyes met, and at that moment, time seemed to stand still. The fear in her eyes mirrored his own, resonating with a raw intensity that sent shivers down his spine. He could sense the pain in her gaze, an understanding that transcended words.

For a brief moment, the world outside their cells faded away, leaving only Pietro and Cassidy locked in a silent exchange of emotions. His racing heart calmed, captivated by her presence. In that instant, it felt as if they were the only two souls in the universe, bound by a shared experience of captivity and despair. Summoning her courage, Cassidy spoke, her voice trembling yet filled with genuine warmth. "Hi, my name is Cassidy. What is yours?" Her words cut through the fog of confusion that clouded his mind. Pietro, breathless and bewildered by her unexpected kindness, managed to respond, his voice hoarse and filled with uncertainty. "Pietro. My name is Pietro."

A small, sincere smile graced Cassidy's lips, and Pietro felt a flicker of hope ignited within him. It was a spark of connection, a lifeline in this abyss of darkness they both inhabited. At that moment, Pietro knew that he had found someone who understood, someone who saw beyond the hardened exterior he had crafted to survive. But their fleeting connection was short-lived, shattered by a sudden jolt of pain that reverberated through Cassidy's body. Pietro's gaze shifted to the figure of Soldat, their tormentor, a silent reminder of the watchful eyes that were always upon them. His heart filled with a mixture of anger and admiration as Cassidy turned to face Soldat, her eyes blazing with defiance.

As she walked away, Pietro's gaze lingered on her retreating figure, an unfamiliar surge of determination swelling within him. He understood that Cassidy's strength and resolve mirrored his own, and in that shared moment of connection, a newfound sense of purpose awakened within him. No longer alone, they would navigate the treacherous labyrinth of Hydra's web together, fighting for freedom and the chance to reclaim their stolen lives. With his eyes fixed on Cassidy, Pietro drew strength from her unwavering spirit. For in the midst of Hydra's cruelty, a glimmer of hope had emerged, and he was determined to protect it with every fiber of his being.

When Cassidy rejoined Soldat's side, she leaned in close, her voice a low growl, "You didn't have to bore a hole in my head just for saying hi." Soldat's lifeless gaze met hers as he replied, "Engaging with them isn't part of the plan. We have to complete the job before you land in trouble." Rolling her eyes, Cassidy begrudgingly obeyed his words. She loaded a few more lifeless bodies into the back of a truck before noticing that the twins were left unguarded. Intrigued, she walked back towards the boy. The two conversed briefly, even involving his sister. Suddenly, a thought pierced her mind, causing the room to fall silent. Fixing her gaze on the twins, Cassidy spoke up, "I know I shouldn't be talking to you, but I feel compelled to help somehow." The boy looked at her, a mixture of fear and concern in his eyes. He understood that she was about to do something reckless, yet knew that no matter what he said, it wouldn't dissuade her. With a determined expression, Cassidy declared, "Step back." She struck the glass, initially leaving no visible mark. Undeterred, she struck again, finally causing cracks to form. The noise drew the attention of soldiers and guards who rushed towards the cells. Upon arrival, they witnessed the young girl's valiant attempt to free the twins. They swarmed Cassidy, forcefully seizing each of her arms and pulling her away, leading her elsewhere. Pietro's eyes filled with sorrow as he witnessed her struggle against her captors, his gaze turning away as she disappeared from sight.

The guards forcefully dragged Cassidy into a dimly lit room, bearing an eerie resemblance to a chamber of torment. They callously threw her into a chair, fastening the heavy restraints so tightly that they constricted her circulation. Cass fought against the restraints, desperately attempting to wriggle free, but her efforts were in vain. Her struggle abruptly halted as a man, who bore the unmistakable air of a commanding officer, entered the room. His piercing gaze fixed upon Cassidy as he uttered, "So, I hear you dared to liberate my star pupils. That simply won't do." He motioned towards the guards, who promptly received their orders to erase her. With a chilling exit, the man departed the room, leaving Cassidy at the mercy of her tormentors. The guards wasted no time, launching a merciless assault upon the defenseless girl. The room resounded with Cass's agonizing screams, each one bearing the weight of her unbearable pain. It felt as though each breath she drew might be her last. In a cruel twist, one guard seized her jaw, forcibly tilting her head upward, while the other cruelly affixed a metallic band around her skull. Cassidy's heart raced, the anticipation of what was to follow causing tears to well up in her eyes. She was on the precipice of losing every memory formed that day, with no hope of ever reclaiming them.

As the guards stepped back, preparing to administer the first wave of electric shock, Cassidy's primal instincts took over. She unleashed a gut-wrenching scream as the electricity surged through her skull, assaulting her senses. Wave after wave of excruciating shock coursed through her, each jolt tearing at her very being. After enduring three tormenting rounds, Cassidy gasped for breath, her confusion marring her gaze as she struggled to comprehend her surroundings. In the midst of the disorientation, Soldat entered the room, swiftly removing the equipment from her and lifting her frail body. Without a trace of emotion, he carried her away from the accursed facility and back to the safety of the Russian base. Cassidy would forever remain oblivious to the events of that fateful day, her encounter with Pietro, and the memories they had forged together lost to the depths of her mind, forever confined to oblivion.

(Back in Cassidy's room)

Wanda cast a sorrowful glance at her brother, silently assuring him that everything would be fine and that they had Cassidy's back. Pietro reciprocated with a subtle nod of acknowledgment. Turning away, he directed his gaze towards Cassidy. Her eyes evoked a sense of belonging and warmth within him, but he knew he couldn't afford to let his guard down. With a touch of sarcasm, he quipped, "Well, I suppose I'll retreat to my room and enjoy my beauty sleep, considering you ladies decided to engage in a midnight fashion show." Cassidy chuckled, watching him depart while playfully offering a gesture of defiance. Meanwhile, Wanda and Cassidy embarked on a quest to find the perfect dress. They turned on some music, allowing its rhythm to envelop the room as they delved into discussions, dances, and laughter. Their conversations meandered through various topics, including dresses that didn't quite embody the essence of Tony Stark's daughter. Eventually, after a few minutes of deliberation, they believed they had stumbled upon the ideal dress. Sinking onto the bed with a contented sigh, they engaged in heartfelt conversations about life and what awaited them at the upcoming evening party. As time ticked away, both succumbed to the embrace of slumber, their accomplishments and sense of fulfillment lulling them into a peaceful sleep.

Cassidy and Wanda were startled awake by loud banging on the door, Cass rubs her eyes and looks at her clock and was shocked it was one in the afternoon. She looks at Wanda rolls her eyes and lets out a small laugh as she gets up out of bed and opens the door, "Can I help you?" she says as looks up to see Bucky standing there, "Oh, Hey Bucky what's up?" "We are waiting on you guys so we can head to Stark Towers." Cassidy apologizes for keeping them waiting, assuring Bucky that she will meet them at the tower before the party begins. Bucky nods in understanding and walks away. Cassidy closes the door behind her and excitedly informs Wanda that they should get ready and get to the party. They share a lighthearted laugh about the amusing situation they found themselves in.

As Wanda starts to leave and the door begins to shut, Cassidy rushes into her bathroom, quickly starting the shower and multitasking by brushing her teeth and finding a towel while waiting for the water to warm up. Once the temperature is just right, she steps into the refreshing shower, taking a brisk yet invigorating cleanse. After drying herself off, Cassidy opts for comfortable attire, slipping into a pair of shorts, a cami, and sandals. She hurriedly returns to her bathroom to style her hair with a curling iron, ensuring her hair looks its best. With her hair complete, she moves on to her makeup, deciding on a simple yet elegant look. She adorns her eyes with winged eyeliner and false lashes, enhancing them with neutral-toned eyeshadow. A soft blush adds a touch of color to her cheeks, and she finishes the look with a coat of red lipstick, topped with a glossy finish.

Feeling a surge of excitement, Cassidy rushes to grab her chosen dress and a matching pair of heels. She clasps the bracelet Tony gave her around her wrist and takes one last admiring look in the mirror. It's at this moment that she sees her true self reflected back-a young woman unburdened by her troubled past, no longer defined by her traumatic experiences. A genuine smile graces her face as she feels the weight of her past lifted off her shoulders.

Taking a deep breath, Cassidy steps out of the bathroom, embracing her newfound confidence and sense of self. She heads down to Wanda's room, eager to begin their journey to the tower. Banging on the door, she lets Wanda know that she's ready. Wanda opens the door, looking stunning in a red and black dress, Wanda chuckles playfully looking at Cassidy's outfit, her own transformation not going unnoticed. Cassidy rolls her eyes and says teasingly, "Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want. But we better get going before they start getting antsy." Wanda calmly tells her "We'll be fine. Hopefully, they've left a car for us to drive."

Cassidy's heart flutters with anticipation. This is her first party, even if it's hosted by her father. They arrive at the garage and are greeted by three cars. Cassidy points excitedly at the red Audi R8. "Let's take that one!" Wanda shrugs and gets into the driver's side. They settle into the car and embark on their journey to the tower, playing music and getting in the party spirit. Upon arriving, they join the lively gathering in the top-floor lounge area. As the elevator doors open, heads turn momentarily, then conversations resume. Wanda heads over to chat with Clint and Nat, while Cassidy seeks out her father for directions to a changing area. He informs her of a bathroom upstairs, and she nods appreciatively before making her way to the stairs. Navigating through the party, Cassidy searches for the elusive bathroom until she spots Bucky exiting a room.

Cassidy with a hint of frustration in her voice asks, "Hey, did you just come out of a bathroom? Tony mentioned there was one up here, but I can't seem to find it." Bucky looks at her with amusement, finding her struggles endearing. "Yeah, I did. It's free for you to use." Cassidy thanks Bucky and enters the room, locking the door behind her. She takes a moment to gather herself, inhaling deeply and then proceeds to slip into her chosen dress and heels. As she catches her reflection in the mirror one last time, she sees a transformed woman staring back-no longer a weapon for Hydra, no longer a puppet for others to control, and no longer defined by past trauma. She is now her authentic self, shining brightly with a newfound sense of liberation and self-assurance. Cassidy takes another deep breath, releasing any remaining tension. Stepping out of the bathroom, ready to embrace the party as a new person.

At the top of the grand staircase, Cassidy stood in all her resplendent glory, adorned in a shimmering silver dress that clung to her every curve. The room fell silent as all eyes turned upward, captivated by her ethereal presence. Gasps of astonishment escaped the lips of onlookers, their faces awash with awe and admiration. Pietro's heart skipped a beat as his gaze locked onto Cassidy, his breath catching in his throat. He had seen her endure the darkest depths of despair, her spirit tested and tormented, but in this moment, she radiated a breathtaking beauty that transcended the confines of their shared captivity. The sight of her took his breath away, leaving him spellbound.

Her silver dress accentuated her figure, casting an otherworldly glow upon her. The soft fabric flowed gracefully with each step, echoing the elegance of her movement. Every delicate detail seemed to harmonize, mirroring the strength and resilience that lay beneath her outward appearance. Pietro couldn't tear his eyes away from Cassidy, for in her he saw not just a girl of remarkable beauty, but a symbol of hope and unwavering determination. She embodied a light in the midst of darkness, her mere presence illuminating the hearts of those around her.

As the shock settled upon the faces of the crowd, Pietro found himself drawn to Cassidy in a way he had never experienced before. Her beauty was not simply superficial; it resonated from deep within her, a reflection of her indomitable spirit. At that moment, he realized that he was not just captivated by her physical appearance, but by the strength and resilience that radiated from her very essence.

Amidst the hushed whispers and wide-eyed gazes, Pietro's heart swelled with a mixture of admiration and longing he couldn't quite put into words. He yearned to know more about the girl who had captured not only his attention but his heart as well. The beauty that graced Cassidy's form was undeniable, but it was her spirit and the depth of her character that truly enthralled him. As their eyes met across the room, a knowing smile danced upon Cassidy's lips, as if she too recognized the unspoken connection that had blossomed between them. In the midst of a lively gathering, the music swirled through the air, beckoning Cassidy to surrender to its seductive rhythm. As the enchanting melodies weaved their way into her soul, she found herself effortlessly gliding across the dance floor, her body becoming an extension of the music itself. Graceful and poised, Cassidy's movements painted a portrait of beauty in motion, captivating all who beheld her.

Pietro stood at the edge of the dance floor, his heart swelling with admiration for the captivating sight before him. Unable to resist the allure of Cassidy's dance, he took a step forward, his voice carrying a gentle request. "Cassidy, may I have this dance?" A smile bloomed on Cassidy's lips as she met Pietro's gaze, her eyes sparkling with delight. With a nod, she gracefully extended her hand toward him, inviting him into her world of rhythm and harmony. Pietro accepted, their fingers intertwining, and together, they melted into a seamless dance. In that moment, time seemed to slow down as they moved in perfect synchrony, their steps guided by an unspoken connection. Their bodies swayed with the music, creating an intimate space where the world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them in a tender embrace. As they twirled and swirled, the dance became a language of its own, expressing emotions too profound for words. In each movement, they shared stolen glances, their eyes speaking volumes of affection and admiration. With every dip and turn, their hearts harmonized, creating a symphony of love that echoed through their very beings.

In that shared dance, Pietro and Cassidy discovered a new depth of connection, a sweet and intimate language that bound them together. It was a moment of pure enchantment, etching a memory in their souls that would forever be treasured. As the music faded into a gentle refrain, they lingered in each other's arms, basking in the warmth of their embrace. With a quick glance toward each other, Pietro and Cassidy decided it was time to escape the clamor and find a moment of respite from the crowd. As they discreetly slipped away, leaving the chatter and excitement behind, anticipation mingled with nervousness in their hearts.

As Pietro and Cassidy sought solace and intimacy, they found themselves inside a dimly lit bedroom. The air crackled with anticipation, their hearts beating in sync, echoing the desire that simmered between them. In the privacy of this sacred space, their connection would deepen, and unspoken truths would be unveiled. Their eyes locked, communicating a shared longing that words could not capture. Pietro took a tentative step forward, closing the distance between them, and Cassidy's breath hitched in response. The room seemed to shrink, leaving only their magnetic presence and the electricity that pulsed through the air. With a voice laced with raw honesty, Pietro spoke, his words a fervent confession. "Cassidy, being near you consumes me. Your presence ignites a fire within my soul, a fire that burns with an intensity I've never known. You have bewitched me with your spirit, your grace, and the depth of your character."

He reached out, gently tracing the outline of her face with trembling fingertips. "In your eyes, I see a reflection of a future filled with love and endless possibilities. And as I stand before you now, I want to share every part of myself with you, to explore the depths of passion and intimacy that lie within our hearts." Cassidy's lips parted, her eyes brimming with a mix of longing and anticipation. "Pietro," she whispered, her voice barely audible, "I've yearned for this moment, for the chance to unravel the desires that have burned within me since our first encounter. With you, I feel alive, seen, and cherished in a way I never thought possible." Their gazes locked in an unbreakable bond, a silent agreement passing between them. The world outside ceased to exist as they leaned closer, their lips mere inches apart. Time stood still, their hearts pounding in syncopation, until finally, their longing became too overpowering to resist.

Their lips met in a passionate kiss, a fusion of desire and tenderness. At that moment, the boundaries between them dissolved, leaving only the intoxicating dance of their intertwining souls. Their bodies pressed against each other, seeking solace and closeness, their shared hunger filling the room with undeniable energy. As their kiss deepened, a symphony of emotions swelled within them, rendering them breathless. It was a kiss that spoke of promises and unspoken vows, a union that transcended the physical realm. In that embrace, they found solace, passion, and a connection that defied explanation.

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