Old Hopes & New Boots (Kelsea...

By UnnervedXD

1.1K 51 31

Y/N L/N is a 26 year old, small-time country musician from Tennessee, who's just trying to make it big doing... More

Obsession with Music
Crash Into me
At War With Myself
Risk Takin'
Dive Bar Romance
The Fair and Fallin' Hearts
Mornin' Afters
Deals and Divorces?!
Dates and Secrets
Layin' It All Out
First Ex/ First Single
Who to Trust...
Anger, Hurt, and Deceit

Mystery Woman and Record Labels?

73 3 6
By UnnervedXD

It's been a week since my steamy makeout session if you wanna consider it steamy. Miley ended up staying over that night and she snuck out before I woke up, which made me feel like it was a fever dream. But apparently, it wasn't because I woke up to a text message from her stating she had to "leave for a flight otherwise she would have stayed longer". I should've known nothing would have come of it, don't know why I expected something to, she's a massive celebrity, and I'm some wannabe music star and ranch hand.

But enough of last week... It's time to get up and get ready for the day. I look at my phone and realized all the notifications from Youtube. My song blew up over the week, I had more subscribers and a shit ton of views and comments... I shot up out of bed and tripped over my own blanket. "Ow! Way to go Y/N, injure yourself some more why don't you" I said out loud. Chance comes barreling into my room, "You okay Y/N? I heard a loud bang while in the guest room," He asked. "Yeah bud I'm alright, Just thought the floor needed a hug, it looked lonely.." I replied laughing. He held his hand out and helped me up, which I greatly appreciated. "What the hell happened?" He asked. "My song blew up Chance. Look!" I said as I basically threw him my phone as I stormed into my closet to find an outfit for the day.


  "Holy shit dude! Thats awesome! You really could do this whole music thing!" Chance exclaimed, handing me my phone back as I walked out of the closet. "Hey, you tryna go to this football game with me for my nephew?" Chance asked me. "Yeah, what school is he playing and remember Tyler is basically my nephew too. You know your sister loves me more than you." I said as I ran downstairs. I could hear Chance running after me, "Take that back Y/N! When I catch you I'll make you regret it!" I laughed and kept running out to the backyard, Sobek in tow and Chance behind him. "Can't take back facts, bro! You ain't ever gonna catch me!" I said as I backpedaled away from him, only to trip over one of Sobek's dog toys. Chance jumped on me, "Gotcha! Good job Sobek!" Sobek barked and ran around the yard. "Now Y/N take it back. Sarah loves me more, I'm the best younger brother!" "Okay okay, I take it back, Get off me asshole."

Chance and I finally got back inside, "He's playing some school in Knoxville.. Central High, I think." "Oh! He's playing the Bobcats? Hell yeah, I'll go, I haven't been to one of his games in a long ass time." "Sweet it's not until like 6 pm". "Have you written anything else lately?" Chance asked. "I have a chorus for a song but I'm not sure what to write around it..." I said throwing my water bottle away. "Maybe I could help... Wanna let me hear it?" He asked. "I don't know dude... I think it sounds like shit.." I said letting Sobek back into the house. "You said that about E and look how well that shit did!" He said raising his voice, clearly upset that I'm putting myself down. "Dude that was a full song this isn't the same shit!" I said getting defensive, I hate being yelled at even if it's not meant like that. I walked into my office/studio, and of course, Chance follows me in. "Come on Y/N, I will be 100% honest with you, If it sucks, ill tell you." He said, feeling bad that he raised his voice. "Fine only if it gets you off my ass." He cheers "Yes!".

I grabbed my favorite guitar off the wall and ensured it was in tune. "I'm thinking about calling this Slow Dance in a Parking Lot.." I said as I was tuning the guitar. "That's a long ass title Y/N..." He said. "I know but it fits with the chorus..." I stated. "You ready to hear it?" I asked. He nodded. I looked up and started to strum the few notes, that I had that went with the few words I had written...

(Play song up top...)

Slow dance with you

Spinning you around by the Walmart sign

And moving our feet over the painted white lines

Getting close to you

Making the most of whatever we got

Even if it's just a slow dance in a parking lot

I stopped and continued to look up at the ceiling, dreading his reaction to my lyrics. "Y/N what is with the sappy love songs? Are you seeing someone and not telling me?!" He asked. I laughed, "That's what you got from that Chance, that I'm dating someone?" He shook his head, "No it's a good chorus and I definitely have some ideas... Wait are you?!" "No Chance I'm not dating anyone, remember I told you I was done with relationships..." I said. He stared at me to make sure I wasn't lying. "Okay." He said. "So these ideas you have dude? Wanna tell'em to me or wanna write them down?" "Lemme write down the two verses I got... see if you like'em." I looked at the clock and it was 2:00 pm, God I hope this doesn't take forever

The next few hours we spent in my studio, It's now 4:30 PM, bouncing ideas off of each other. I will say, writing with some help is very nice. "Okay, I think we got a full song!" Chance said. "Well lemme play it and if it's as good as I think maybe we can do a lil music video or some, maybe your sister can play my love interest..." I said with a smirk on my face, knowing it would get a reaction out of him. "Hell no she will not! Maybe that bartender at the bar we went to can be your love interest. Leave my sister alone Y/N." I laughed, "I'll ask her tonight at the football game, she is grown ya know." "Whatever Y/N, lemme hear it." Chance said while rolling his eyes. "Alright let's see if these last few hours were worth it.."

Lights go down, wheels go around

I'm taking you home

Hoping for a slow song to come on the radio now

I'm not ready to shut it down

The way the dashboard glow

Is hitting your eyes making me lose everything on my mind

And the only thing I wanna do is find a spot

Stop this car and throw it in park and just

Slow dance with you

Spinning you around by the Walmart sign

And moving our feet over the painted white lines

Getting close to you

Making the most of whatever we got

Even if it's just a slow dance in a parking lot

Half song gone, one door open, across the lot

A rent-a-cop's rolling a security car

And its yellow lights spinning and flashing in time

To the radio singing

A little Garth Brooks

You start humming the last verse to "She's Every Woman"

And I don't care what song comes next

I'm falling right here, don't wanna safety net in a

Slow dance with you

Spinning you around by the Walmart sign

And moving our feet over the painted white lines

Getting close to you

Making the most of whatever we got

Even if it's just a slow dance in a parking lot

And get close to you

Making the most of whatever we got, even if its just

A slow dance with you

Spinning you around by the Walmart sign

And moving our feet over the painted white lines

Getting close to you

Making the most of whatever we got

Even if it's just a slow dance in a parking lot

Chance shot up out of his chair, "That's a fucking hit right there!" "I think you might be right there bud. That felt so good to play and sing. Hell, I'd play that live."I said. Chance shot me a look, a look I knew I was gonna regret what I just said... "Chance no. Don't even say what your thinking! I know that mischievous look when I see it." I said walking out of the studio, going to feed Sobek. "Y/N, you said it, not me. I just happen to know a bar by Central High, that is doing live music tonight after the game. You could get noticed! Come on!" Chance shouted as he jumped onto my couch. "Plus this time you would expect it! Unlike last time..." 

I placed Sobek's food on the ground, "I should kill you for that by the way, your lucky my mom loves you like her own son..." I looked up at the clock, It read 5:30 PM, "Hey we should get going, the game starts soon.." I stated as I grabbed my truck keys and my guitar in the case. "Why are you taking your guitar? I thought you didn't want to do it?" Chance asked following me out to the truck.

We climbed into the truck and backed out of the driveway. "I knew you wouldn't leave me alone about it unless I did it. So I'm gonna do it" I said focused on the road. As we were halfway there, my phone dinged, I was that random phone number again, I wish I knew who it was. Before I could grab it, Chance beat me to it. "Dude seriously? Give me my damn phone." I said with my hand out and eyes on the road. "No your driving, I'll answer them for you, ya know like your own secretary." I rolled my eyes. "What is taking so long?!" I asked at a red light... "Holy shit! Y/N! Dude!" Chance yells as I pull into the parking lot next to his sister's Red Subaru WRX. "What dude! Why are you yelling?!" I said. "Just look!" He said handing me my phone and getting out of the truck... When I saw what was exchanged in the texts, I was speechless.

"Dude! A record label?!" I said as I got out of the truck. "Wait I only posted one video, Isn't that a little weird? Doesn't it take months or years to get noticed?" I asked Chance. "Dude I don't know, I've never done the music thing. This is all crazy to me." Chance said. "Hey Sarah, how are you darlin?" I asked her as I gave her a hug.


"I'm good Y/N, The kids are driving me nuts. You need to come around more, Tyler misses his Uncle." She said hugging me back and leading the way to the stadium. "Told you she loves me more Chance!" I yelled as I ran up to catch up to her. "Y/N! What did I say? Leave my sister alone!" Chance yelled back chasing after me. I used Sarah as a shield, "Tell'em Sarah. Tell'em the truth. You don't have to lie anymore to protect his sensitive side." I said laughing. "Y/N leave Chance alone, I'll have to hear him complain the whole game," Sarah said, laughing. "Okay... I guess I'll leave him alone. For now.." I stated as I paid for all 3 of our tickets.

We made our way to the bleachers by the stadium. "Why is it so packed, I don't remember it being like this when Chance and I played football.." I asked Sarah. "Some celebrity is supposed to be here, I don't know who but apparently they are alumni at Central.." She said looking up at me. "Oh okay. Makes sense. Wonder if I ever heard of em..." The national anthem played as we all stood with either our hand or hat over our heart, Small town, same old traditions. The national anthem ended and out came the teams. Once Tyler was found his mom went nuts. "That's my baby! Go Tyler! Go #18!" Sarah screamed. I saw Tyler shake his head, clearly embarrassed. "Go Tyler! Get me a touchdown!" I yelled just as loud as his mom. He ran over to the fence, I jumped the guardrail of the bleachers to get to the fence "Uncle Y/N! I didn't know you were coming!" He yelled. "Absolutely I gotta support my nephew! I'll see you after the game kiddo! Get me a touchdown or two!" I said as I tapped his helmet. "You got it Y/N!" he yelled as he ran to the huddle.

As I turned around to climb the guardrail, Only civilized people use stairs, I bumped into a young blonde woman, probably about my age, she was wearing big sunglasses and Bobcats hat. "Oh my, I'm so sorry are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah I'm okay, just got on the wrong side of the field and having a hard time getting through the crowd." She said. "Would you like my help? I'll get you through these rowdy kids." I asked. "No I don't wanna be a pest, I'll get there, eventually." She said. "Oh come on, I would feel really bad if I read "Pretty woman trampled at a Highschool football game" Let me help you out darlin'," I said as I held out my hand. "Okay, I guess," she said as she took my hand.

I started leading us through the crowd, "Excuse me, Comin through!" I shouted and people started to move out of our way. "You alright back there darlin'?" I asked her. "Yeah, thank you again, sir." She said. "Ooo don't sir me that makes me feel old," I said as I pulled her up by my side and put my arm over her shoulder, so we didn't have to shout at each other. " My name is Y/N, what's your—" "Excuse me! Coming behind y'all!" I shouted as someone almost backed into us. "Sorry bout that, What's your name ma'am," I asked. "Oh, it's ma'am now huh? Earlier it was Darlin'. But my name is Kelsea. I really appreciate your help Y/N. Your mama must be proud." She said.

"Oh my bad Darlin', just didn't wanna make you uncomfortable, you don't know me from Adam," I stated as we made our way halfway to the Bobcats' bleachers. "Makes sense, I appreciate the kindness you've shown me Y/N, but why is it so packed anyway?" She asked. "According to my best friend's sister, there's a celebrity here that's alumni of Central High, that's here. It's usually not this packed." I said. "Do you know who the celebrity is?" She asked. "Nope not a damn clue, why do you?" I asked looking at her. Kelsea got really quiet and avoided eye contact. "So what brings you to the game?" She asked avoiding my question. Weird... "My nephew plays for Knoxville High, He's number 18, I was talking to him at the fence before I bumped into you," I said choosing not to address the earlier avoidance. "Oh, yall are our rivals. I used to go to Central High." She said.

I looked up and realized we were on the other side of the stadium and noticed two big security guards trying to blend in, "Well I guess this is where we part ways Darlin'," I said taking my arm off her shoulder and looking down at her. "I guess so Y/N, thanks for your help again, I appreciate it." She said. "Hey there's a bar not too far from here, I'll be singing there tonight, if you wanna stop in, would be great to see you again," I said. "I might take you up on that Y/N," She said. "Enjoy your game darlin', see you tonight," I shouted as she made her way up the bleachers. I made my way back to our side of the field and watched the game.

When the game ended, my nephew had scored 4 touchdowns but sadly they lost by 7 points in the 4th quarter. "I hate that we lost!" Tyler said. "It's okay kiddo, you'll get them next time," I said with my arm around him, looking to see if I could find Kelsea in the crowd. "Who are you looking so hard for Y/N?" Chance asked. "This woman I helped to her bleachers after almost knocking her over, her name is Kelsea, I invited her to the bar we are going to tonight and told her I was gonna be singing," I said. "Well, maybe she'll show up," Sarah said. "I hope so," I said as we approached my truck and Sarah's car. We hugged goodbye and got into our respective vehicles. "To the bar!" Chance shouted and we made our way to the bar.

I hope she shows up... There's something familiar about her, I just can't figure it out yet...

Long chapter for going MIA for awhile...

Work is chaotic.

Wonder who this Kelsea woman is... hmm?

Will she show up?

Thanks for sticking with me.. Much Love -G

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