The Mystery of the untold Sou...

By LeahEdwards7

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Mia and her brother died in there house around midnight there parents killed them but it was a mystery on... More

chapter one waring there are panic attacks
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 6

chapter 3

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By LeahEdwards7

The siblings walked through the deserted streets, scanning the area for any signs of danger. They had no idea where they were going, but they knew they had to find somewhere safe to hide.

Just as they were about to give up hope, they stumbled upon an abandoned warehouse. Its windows were boarded up, and its doors were padlocked, but it seemed like the perfect place to lay low.

“This should do it,” Mia said, pointing to the warehouse.

Damon and Nicholas nodded in agreement, and they broke the padlock, forcing the doors open. As they entered, they found themselves in a dusty room, surrounded by old machinery and piles of boxes.

“This place is perfect,” Nicholas said, closing the doors behind them.

The siblings set to work making the warehouse their own. They pushed the boxes up against the walls, creating makeshift beds and tables. Damon fired up one of the rusted machines, using his powers to fix it.

As the night wore on, they began to relax, feeling more secure in their newfound hideout. They spent hours talking and planning. They knew that they had to find a way to take out their parents once and for all.

But just as they were about to go to sleep, they heard a loud noise coming from outside. They looked out of one of the boarded-up windows and saw a group of men, dressed in all black, heading for the warehouse.

“The henchmen,” Damon said, his eyes widening in fear.

“We have to run,” Mia said, trying to make a run for the door.

But it was too late. The men had already arrived at the warehouse, and they were banging on the doors, trying to get in.

“We have to fight,” Nicholas said, his eyes glowing with power.

The siblings stood together, backs against the wall, as the doors flew open and the men burst into the warehouse. But this time, the siblings were ready for them. They unleashed their powers, fighting back with all their might.

As the battle waged on, the siblings began to realize that this was not just about revenge. This was about survival. Their parents had created a monster, one that was more powerful than they ever thought possible. But they were not going down without a fight.

With their powers combined, the siblings began to take out the henchmen one by one. The warehouse shook with the force of their attacks, but they did not stop until they had defeated every last one.

Breathless and exhausted, the siblings huddled together, realizing that they had just taken down the very forces that their parents had sent to kill them. They had won this battle, but they knew that the war was far from over.

To be continued…

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