Hera x reader

By m89098u

838 28 25

This is a girl x girl fanfic. You are Ezra's sister and a secret Jedi! Your lightsaber color is yellow. This... More

✨Info :D
Season 1 Episode: 2 Spark of Rebellion Part 2
Side chapter
Season 1 Episode: 3 Droids in Distress
Season 1 Episode: 4 Fighter Flight
Side chapter
Season 1 episode 5: Rise of the Old Masters
Side chapter

Season 1 episode 1 : Spark of Rebellion part 1

182 7 5
By m89098u

Y/n's P.O.V:

As I woke up I looked around and saw Ezra still asleep. I quietly got up and walked into the kitchen to start making breakfast. I started to make waffles. I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard some speak up behind me.

"Can you add chocolate chips in the mix please" I heard Ezra say from the door way.

"Well good morning to you too Ezra"

"I'm sorry good morning my dear sister can you please put chocolate chips in my wal-" I cut him off by throwing the salt shaker at him. He picked up the salt and handed it back to me as I started to put the batter in the maker. I watched as Ezra gave me a plate to but the waffles on and graphed out two more for us. He but everything else on the table and then left to take a shower before we went out for the day.

After we finished eating I went to go shower while Ezra brushed his teeth. Once I was done Ezra had already gotten the bike ready so we could head into town. I quickly brush my teeth , put my shoes on, and ran out the door.


Once we got into town I went to got get some more food for us to eat.

"But it always has a way of finding me" I heard Ezra say from behind me. I turned around and saw he hade an Impearl commutator.

"All officers to the main square. This is a code red emergency."


"What I thought it was good." I slapped my hand to my face. He walked over to the poor guy who had just gotten his fruit thrown on the ground.

"Stay on alert! Repeat, this is a code red." Ezra stole some of the mans fruit and we both ran up on the tops of the buildings. I zoned Ezra out as I watched them load up the creates on to the speeder. That's when I felt something in the Force but I pushed it away before I could tell what is was. Ezra stood up and started to stare at this man. Then out of know were a speeder exploded. Then I heard one of the officers tell the troopers to protect the creates by any means necessaire. Ezra ran to follow the tropers while I watched as the guy Ezra was starring at get in a speeder and head of to block the tropers. After the guy and this purple guy finished doing all the hard work I jumped down of the the speeder and started it up.

"Yo lets go" I yelled up to Ezra as they both stood there confused not knowing what to do.

Ezra jumped down and turned to the man and said, "Thanks for doing the heavy lifting" and we speed off.

"Uh oh"

"What now!?"

"Um their coming after us."

"Of course they are hold on tight" I said while speeding up. I felt him cling on to me for dear life. That's when all of the sudden some Mandalorian chick hoped on the back of the speeder. She sot of one of the crates and said something to Ezra.

The only part I cough was "Good luck!" I speed up trying to get back to our tower home before the other two cough up to us. Making sure not to hit people I swerved while Ezra screamed for people to get out of the way. We just made it on the bridge that lead us straight home but, luck was not on our side today cuz I hear Ezra yelp.

"What is it now" I yelled back to him.

"Well not only are their two randoms chasing us but now their are two troopers after us"

"Oh great. That's really great Ezra!" I said dodging a shot that came our way.

Just then a shot hit us sending me into the other lane. I started to move around so I didn't hit the other drivers driving the right way while we drove in the opposite direction. I looked next to me and saw the guy from earlier look at me. I looked right back at him and started to speed up some more. Ezra looked back to see what he was going to do while all I could focus on was getting us back home. When I looked back over I saw that he had dropped his crates to make him self faster them me and Ezra. All off the sudden he jumped over to our lane cutting us off. I Hit the breaks hard and stopped the speeder right before it hit him. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding while Ezra got him self together.

"Who are you!?" I asked just about ready to take his blaster and shote him.

"I'm the guy who was stealing that crate" He said in a matter-o-fact tone while pointing his thumb to him self.

"Hey, look we stole this stuff, whatever it is, fair and square" Ezra spoke up from behind me.

"And you made it pretty far. But I've got plans for that crate, so today is not your day."

"Mmm?" I said looking at Ezra.

He finished my thought saying "Day's not over." As I went around him are started speeding of home. I didn't hear what he said after that but then I hear a TIE fighter fly to us and start shooting at us. I looked back and saw that the bike had me distorted and he was coming someone. Not wanted to see who I speed up. Just then the TIE fighter came back around for us. The TIE fighter started shooting at us.

"Whatever's in these crates must really be worth it!" I heard Ezra shout looking back to me. Just then the TIE started to shoot at us.

"Better be worth it!" I shouted but before I could speed up again the TIE shot at us making the speeder explode. As me and Ezra fell to the ground I saw the TIE fighter leave. Or so I thought. It came back around both me and my brother just sat stood their staring at it. I didn't know what to think about my life ending right then and their. But then out of no where someone shot at the TIE fighter and exploded it. I turned around to see a ship hovering above the ground with the same guy from before sating in the larger door way. That same feeling came back to me threw the Force but stronger this time. I pushed it back again as the guy yelled to us.

"You want a ride?" He yelled to me and my brother. I didn't trust him but then I saw how many TIEs were coming this way. He spoke up again.

"You two, have a better option? Come on!" He yelled at us while holding out his hand. Ezra ran to him while I ran back for the crate.

"Leave the crate, you'll never make it!" I heard him say but, I didn't care so long has Ezra was safe on board everything was ok in my book. I ran faster as the TIEs starting shooting at me. I used a little bit of the Force to get me and the crate in the air and on to the ship.

"Whoa." I heard both boys say as I got myself on the ship with the crate. Ezra ran to me helping me slide the crate on board the ship while the other guy just stood there. The door shut behind me and Ezra as I felt the ship lift higher in the air.

Ezra was on one keen while I sat down with one leg stretched out and other one to my chest with my head low. I looking up and saw the guy standing looking at me and my brother, the purple one leaning on our crate and the Mando standing with her arms crossed over her chest. The purple one and Ezra stared talk about something. While the guy walked over the me and helped me up of the ground. I said a quick thanks to him before starting to look around the part of the ship that I could see. I saw my brother face to face with the other guy and hear the brown haired one say.

"It's not who's first. It's about who's last." He said pulling them apart while I went and stood behind my brother. He told the purple one to watch us while he went up the ladder. I looked around and found a crate in the conner and walked over to it. Mando girl was watching me the whole time I climbed up on top of them and lade down. It wasn't comfy but it was nice to lay down after all the action. All of the sudden the ship rocked sending me flying into the latter with a loud clang.

"Y/n!" I heard Ezra shout while running over to me. It was all to much with Ezra asking if I was ok to the fighting and being on someone else's ship. I started to go black I could see the purple guy start to run to my brother looking like he was going to kill him. I couldn't move. I tried to get up. To stop him. Use the Force to push him away from Ezra. But I couldn't. He graphed my brother and threw him in a closet. He then looked to me. The Mando girl helped me to the couch. I heard her telling me to stay there. The last thing I remember seeing was guy from before come down the latter. He looked over to me and then I blacked out.


I felt something poking me. I thought it was Ezra.

"Leave me along Ezra I dreaming about a hot girl right now." They kept poking me. Turned to face who was poking me and I saw a droid.

"Oh sorry I thought you were my brother", I said looking at the little orange droid " So what's your name?" I aske him. 'My names chopper and and why are you in MY seat' he said very mad at the fact I was in his spot.

"Sorry" I said as I stood up and started to walk away. I heard him say 'That's right walk away' I laughed at the way he said it and climbed up the ladder to see what the rest of the ship looked like. When I got all the way up I saw a green Twi'lek sitting in the pilots seat. I could see the blue streaks of hyper space as I walk up to the window.

"Um hello who are you?" She asked me as I turned to look at her. Oh. No. She was really petty. I couldn't even think I just started at her looking at how the blue light made her skin look. They way she sat in the chair.

"Hello? You going to stare at me all day or are you going to tell me who you are?" She said in a tone that came of rude but you understood why. You were a stranger standing in her ship. Just before you could even open I mouth I saw the purple guy walk in with your bother has the ship dropped out of hyper space. The three of the talked when the other two came in.

"Were not going back to the capital jobs not finished yet." said the brown hair one. They all walked out except for you and the Twi'lek. She looked at me again but then before she could ask who you were again you left and went back down the latter. Once you got down I stood against a wall. My breathing became heavy and my vision blurred. A door opened showing someone i never thought I'd see again.

"Master?" I whispered. He was standing their next to R2 and Ahsoka. Then Ahsoka and R2 disappeared while my master changed. He turned into Darth Vader.

"No. No. NO!" I shouted as he walked closer to me slowly. I back into the wall more if that was even possible and slip down it while screaming not and sobbing. Then he spoke up.

"Yes my old padawan. This is who I am now. I am not really their but in your mind. Please think about joining the dark side." He said in a robot voice. I looked up at him.

"If this is what you have really become then I will do what you would have want me to do in the past for you", I said while my voice was cracking and as I was standing up again "I will turn you back to the light."

"You will try." That was all he said. I closed my eye's when I opened them again I saw the droid form before looking at me wired before saying ' That other kid went out their with the other if you really want to know.' I looked back at him.

"Thanks", I said heading of the ship but right before I got off I turned back and saw Chopper sitting there "Hey Chopper! I you could can you keep what you saw to between me and you? That would be great. Alright well, I'm going to find my brother see ya Chopper!" I yelled running of the ship. I found my brother and the other people. As I walked over the him I heard a rodaina say something to him.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." He said while walking away with some food in his hand.

"I- I didn't do anything" I heard Ezra mumble looking to the Mando as she was happily giving food to someone. I watched him walk away.

"Ezra!" I yelled running after him. I felt the Twi'lek look over to me running after my brother but then look back fast. I found him sitting on some rocks.

"Hey you ok?" I asked him. He shook his head "no". I sighed and sat down next to him.

"What's wrong?"

"Just- The way that guy said thank you to me. I didn't even do anything to get them the food. All I wanted was to go back home with you and our guns and I didn't care about any one else. But now-", He looked up to me and then the sky "Now I want to do something so that the guy can say thank you to me and I can really take credit for it." I looked over too him and he turned to look at me. As I looked in to his eyes I could see was on the verge of tears.

"Oh Ezra", That was all I said as I pulled him into a hug. We broke apart and I felt the same thing in the Force. Ezra looked back at the ship but then back to the town. I felt the pull again and this time Ezra got up and walk into the ship. I fallowed behind him just to make sure that he didn't end up going some were he shouldn't and get shot. We both walk thought the ship when he stopped in font of a door. He opened it to show some ones bedroom. I walked away not wanting to see how that would turn out. I walked back down the hall that's when I heard some say something to Ezra.

"Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarefuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuull. You'll cut your arm off ." I turned and say the brown haired man, Twi'lek, and Chopper talking to my brother I wand over to see what Ezra was holding and when I looked I almost passed out. Ezra had a light saber in his hands. What!!!

'Nah let him use it. I think it would be funny to see him cut of his own arm' I walked over to Chopper hitting him lightly. Before he could do anything I went over the Ezra. He gave me the lightsaber and went back to talk with the brown haired man. That's when I swung the lightsaber in around like I always did. It was so much more fun them I could remember. I felt someone tap my shoulder and it was the brown haired man.

"Can I have that back?" He asked me in an angered tone.

"Uh oh ya sorry!" I said not wanting to be a problem I left leaving my brother there. I walked back into the room with the couch and sat down. I saw my brother go over and talk with the Mando girl while put my head down on the table. The purple guy came in with Chopper and him and the Mando girl left.

'Why did you hit me before'

"Maybe because you said it would be funny if my brother cut is arm of with a lightsaber!"

'It would have been thou...'

"No it wouldn't have. Wait were is my brother."

'I don't know you tell me'

"You were told to watch us both"

'Alright I'll go find him'

"Not by your self your just going to end up killing him" I watched ha Chopper flew past me and into the common area were the crew was talking about something they all turned to look at Chopper when he asked about my brother.

'It's her fault he's gone'

"No it's not you were spoused to watch him" I snaped back at him. Me and Chopper kept putting the blame back on each other. In the middle of our little argument we heard a thumb. We all looked over to were the little place the purple guy threw my brother in before. The brown hair man opened it up as my brother fell out. The purple guy went on to say it was Choppers fault while Chopper just told him to beat my brother up.

"How about we don't beat my brother up hu Chopper?"

'Nah beat him up' I slapped my hand to my face.

"Can we please get ride of him both of them!" The purple guy yelled.

"No. We can't The they know too much." Says the Mando girl while all of them went to hold the big guy back. I walk over to my brother.

"You good Ez?"

"Ya my head just hurts. You doing ok?"

"I'm doing great"

"We don't have time to take them home anyway. We need to move now" the Twi'lek said helping my brother up while I stood up.

"I'll keep an eye on them" She said as we walked of with my brother. I followed behind her and looking over to me once she was done talk to her crew.

She stopped before going up the latter," I'm going to keep a very close eye on you love." She whispered in my ear while putting her arm around my waist pulling me closer to her. She then pulled away in the blink of an eye are climbed up the latter. I stood there as red as the one of the twin suns on Tatooine.


I sat behind her while my brother and her talked. I tuned them out and just looked at the bule light and the way it looked on her. She look so beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes of her. They way she got along with Ezra was just prefect. We dropped out of hyper space. I looked at the prison were we where heading.

"Imperial Transport 651, this is Starbird, coming in now." She said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"State your business"
"Bounty. We captured an additional Wookiee prisoner and have transfer orders to place him with you." I was ready to get on the com and help her out with convenienceing them if anything went wrong.
"We have no such orders"
"That's fine. We already got paid by Governor Tarkin. If you don't want the oversized monong, I'll jettison here. Let you explain to your superiors why the Empire has one less slave." We waited for a second before the man cam back on the coms.
"Permission to dock. Bay 1." As she docked I went back into my own little world. Ready to go home again. I loved being in space but it brought back to many memories for my liking. A Star Destroyer came out of hyper space. Ezra got up and went to go tell the others it was a trap while I stayed in case the Twi'lek needed any help.

So that's the first episode. The outfit in the chapter before is what you were all the time. I hope if you read this you liked it all right byeee! ✨✨👋👋👋👋😊😊😊😊✨✨

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