Across City Lines (Completed)

By saltwaterveins19

937 36 0

The rules are simple... 1. Complete as many tasks on the list as possible 2. Document all completed tasks (v... More

Chapter 1: Hottest Gossip in Town
Chapter 2: Football Anyone?
Chapter 3: Southern Men Are Never Gentleman
Chapter 4: Don't Be A Debbie Downer
Chapter 5: The Hunt Is On
Chapter 6: Dash Down Main Street
Chapter 7: Spa Day
Chapter 8: Serenade Me Baby
Chapter 9: Caution Tape My Heart
Chapter 11: Diamond Rings and Old Barstools
Chapter 12: Under a Blanket of Stars
Chapter 13: Firefighters? Yes Please ;)
Chapter 14: Grave Robbers?
Chapter 15: Business in the Front, Party in the Back
Chapter 16: Pumping Blood
Chapter 17: Food Fight!
Chapter 18: Lock Down
Chapter 19: Rainy Days
Chapter 20: Blues Clues
Authors Note

Chapter 10: Trashy yet Classy

26 2 0
By saltwaterveins19

Chapter 10: Trashy Yet Classy

Levi's P.O.V
Let's be frank, Oceane looked hot. She had on cowboy boots, cut off shorts and a white t-shirt that showed her midriff. I met her eyes and watched her smirk at me. "Like what you see." She let out a laugh, as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm guessing you're ready to leave then?" I said as I began walking towards the exit.

"Yeah, but it's only six. We need to find something to do for a couple of hours." Oceane fell into step with me.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked around. Every time we passed by a group of guys I watched them take a second look at Oceane. One group even whistled at her, but she didn't seem to even notice. I let out a low chuckle. Oceane turned and glared down at me.

"Levi, have you even listened to a damn word I have said?" I was so busy people watching I hadn't even realized Oceane had been talking.

"Sorry, but have you even realized the amount of guys who checked you out? I mean a group of them even whistled. I watched as her cheeks turned a deep shade of red. I opened the door for her and let out another laugh.

"I'm sorry, but I thought we were having a conversation. Now come on I want to show you something." Oceane said as she threw her car keys at me.

"Oh so now you want me to drive? What happened to it's my baby, no one drives it but me speech?" I smirked and Oceane rolled her eyes in response.

"Oh shut up, we need to get to this place by sunset now come on!"

I laughed and followed her to the car. Once we were settled, Oceane began giving directions. I realized we were heading out of town and to a more rural area.

"You're not going to kill me are you?" I looked over at Oceane as she smiled.

"Don't be stupid, keep your eyes on the road. Don't let me regret letting you drive."

"Where are we going then?" I asked turning my eye's back to the road.

"It's a surprise!" The car fell into a comfortable silence, with Oceane only speaking when to give directions. After thirty minutes Oceane finally said something.

"You never answered my question earlier by the way?"

"And what was that?" I asked. I couldn't remember her ever asking me a question.

"I asked how you knew where the police station was." She glanced over at me.

"Oh," I let out a laugh. "It's not some big mystery, we passed by it when we entered the town." I gave her a duh look.

"Right" Was all she said. "Turn right up here." We turned down a dirt road that had trees lined along it. We drove for another five minutes until suddenly the tree line ended.

"Pull over here." I did as Oceane asked. Before I could even put it into park Oceane had already jumped out.

"Jesus Oceane, hold on now!" I laughed as I watched her run up to a fence that started just as the tree line ended. As I passed the tree line my eyes opened in shock. I looked out and saw an open field with lush grass. In the back, you could see valleys as the sun was just starting to set. I watched as two horses began making their way over to Oceane. I didn't realize how much I had missed Texas until I was looking at something that reminded me of it. I continued making my way over to Oceane. As she heard me approach she looked over and smiled.

"Judging by the stupid grin on your face, I'm assuming you love it." She smirked at me.

All I could do was nodded my head as I stood beside her. It really bugged me that I had been so wrong about her. It bugged me more that it took me a day to figure it out. I looked over at her and smiled.

"I'm sorry, I had you all wrong." I watched as she turned to me and smiled.

"What did you think I was like? A self-centred, spoiled rich girl, who got everything given to her?" She let out this cute laugh and I couldn't help but laugh with her.

"In all honesty, yeah I actually did." She shook her head.

"You're a horrible judge of character, I hope you know that" She gave me a small shove and continued to look the view.

"Yeah, I'm starting to realize that" I laughed and looked at her. I saw something flash in her eyes but it was gone a second later. I had seen that same look flash in her eyes throughout the day, even the one night I saw her sitting outside.

"So who took you here?" I couldn't help but ask. There's no way she just happened upon this place.

I saw her let out a big breath and realized maybe it wasn't the right thing to ask. "Look sorry, you don't have to talk about it," I smiled down at her. She looked up and shook her head. She turned back to face the view.

"It's fine, my mom took me here before she died." I didn't say a word. She waited a minute then continued.

"She died from Cancer five years ago. She had stage 4 lung cancer. In her last months, she used to take me to a lot of different places with these amazing views. I always asked her why but she would never really tell me. She would just sh me and tell me to forget the world for a minute." I watched a small smile form to her lips.

"I think now that I'm older I realize why she did it. She wanted me to always have a place I could go and remember her by. Remember the way she smiled and laughed."

"I bet she was an amazing woman," I smiled and Oceane smiled back. Silence fell upon us as we watched the sunset.

"You were right you know," I said and Oceane looked at me with a confused expression.

"Someone did hurt me," I smiled at her and when she didn't say anything I continued.

"I had been dating Melina for two years. Then my parents told me we were moving, and Melina decided it would be best to end things, you know not drag things out. One week later she was seeing my best friend and teammate." I let out a small laugh.

"At first, I was pissed, but then I realized how much of a bitch she was. I mean she put Regina George to shame. I couldn't believe I never realized what a stuck up bitch she was. Anyway, I think that's why I judged you so harshly at first." Oceane was silent for a long time before she finally spoke.

"She's an idiot." Was all she said and honestly, I was glad. She looked up at me and smiled. Her smile was infectious and I couldn't help but break into a smile as well.

"Got that right," I said with a cheeky grin.

"So how many times have you watched Mean Girls?" She snickered. I shoved her.

"I have a younger sister!" I tried to defend myself but it was no use Oceane was laughing and was beginning to call who I assumed was Liz. I shook my head and began walking to the car.

"Hey wait up!" Oceane called from behind me. I turned and smirked at her.

"Paybacks a bitch!" I yelled and quickly raced to the car. I started the Jeep and drove off as I watched Oceane race after the car.


Oceane's P.O.V

After 10 minutes of Levi making me chase after the car, he finally let me in. Then he wouldn't stop laughing, so I had to drive. He spent most of the drive to the bar laughing. I finally had enough and slammed on the brakes so fast he smacked his fat head on the dashboard. Needless to say, he shut up after that.

Now we were standing in line to get into a country bar, as per Levi's request. "God, how long have we been waiting?" I asked Levi as he tapped away on his phone.

I rolled my eyes and waited for his response. "From when you asked me two minutes ago, 10 minutes." He looked up from his phone smirking.

"It feels like we have been waiting an hour," I whined. Levi rolled his eyes in response and continued typing on his phone. I leaned over his shoulder to see what he was doing. I burst out laughing.

"Are you seriously playing Candy Crush?" Levi gave me a death glare.

"Don't judge me! I see you playing that Kim K game all the time." It was my turn to give him a death glare.

"Whatever." I huffed out. I looked to see that we were next in line. I nudged Levi so he would be paying full attention. I was praying my fake I.D worked. Liz and I had got them last year on a whim because we wanted to see our favorite band that was playing in a local bar. I haven't used it since, and definitely not for a club.

As we walked up to the bouncer I felt my heart rate go up. I handed my I.D to the bouncer. I tried to appear bored like I had done this all the time.

The bouncer hands them back to us and I think were in the clear. "Get out of here kids! Better luck next time." We turned and walked away.

"This is just great, were going to lose big time." I shook my head and turned to Levi, but he wasn't there. "Levi?" I looked around and still couldn't find him.

"Wave! Over here." I followed the voice and found Levi peaking out from an alley beside the bar. Seriously this was no time for games. I walked over to him ready to yell at him. He grabbed my arm and quickly pulled me into the ally.

"Damn it, Levi, if that bruises." I rubbed my wrist and gave him a death glare.

"Sh, come on. I found a way in." I rolled my eyes and followed. There's no way he found a way into the bar. He led me to an opening closed off by a fence. Through the fence, I could see a door.

"Levi this isn't a way in! If anything it's just a dead end. That door is probably locked" I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"It's worth a shot! Come on, I will give you a boost up onto the fence." Levi dropped to his knees and cupped his hands. I rolled my eyes. He really needs to stop watching movies. There was no way he was going to be able to boost me over the fence like that. Besides, how will he even get himself up.

"How do you suppose you're going to get yourself over the fence after you boost me?" I waited for a response.

"Oceane, I can obviously climb this fence. You, on the other hand, cannot. You're like what 5'2?" He started to laugh and I gave him a death stare.

"I'm 5'4, jerk." I turned my head away looking back at the street.

"Oceane, come on this is our only option at the moment." I turned my head back to Levi who was pouting. He looked too cute to resist. I scolded myself for referring anything that Levi did as cute. He kept staring at me with that stupid pout. I finally caved and put my foot on his cupped hands.

"Levi, I swear if I break any bones you will be looking after me." I stated and Levi just nodded in response.

Standing on Levi's hand was enough for me to see over the fence. Before I could tell him not to push up, it was too late. He used all his force when he pushed up causing me to flip right over the fence. Call this lucky or unlucky, but I fell into an open dumpster which saved me from splitting my head on the pavement. Unfortunately, I now smelt like a dumpster.

"Levi!" I screamed as he sat perched on top of the fence.

"Ugh, now I'm going to smell like a walking dumpster."

"Oh, this is rich. Hold on let me get a photo." Levi began laughing uncontrollably as I just stared up at him. Levi was laughing so hard he lost his balance and fell on top of me. Thank you karma.

I began laughing and locked eyes with Levi, which made me instantly stop laughing. Honestly, if this were a movie, this would be the scene where the love interest share that moment where there about to kiss. It could have been until Levi farted.

"Ew Levi!" I shoved him off me.

"Oh come on it's not like you can smell it through all this trash." He stated and hopped out of the dumpster.

"Actually, it smells worse than the garbage." I said as I looked down at the drop.

"I'm going to ignore that. Now just jump down I will catch you." He gave me a smile. I took a deep breath and prayed he would catch me. I jumped down and clamped my eyes shut waiting for my bones to crush. Luckily it never came and I opened my eyes to see Levi's hazel eyes staring back.

"Told you I would catch you, darling." I stared up at his intense stare. I shivered as he placed me down. Every time he called me darling I felt my brain turn to mush. All I could do was nod my head and make my way to the door.

I walked up and jiggled the door handle. Just as I thought the door was locked. I turned to Levi and gave him an I told you so look.

"I now smell like garbage for no reason." I said as Levi shoved past me and bent down towards the lock.

"Do you have a bobby pin?" Levi looked up at me. Seriously, this guy must be crazy.

"Levi, this is reality, not a movie. A bobby pin or credit card will not work." Levi ignored what I said and continued to hold out his hand. I opened my purse and pulled out a bobby pin. I handed it over and watched as he turned his back getting to work.

He was completely blocking my view, making me unable to see how he was planning on picking the lock. I waited patiently as he worked away. Suddenly I heard a click and watched as Levi opened the door.

"How exactly did you do that?" I asked in awe. I had to give him credit, maybe all those movies did teach him something.

He started laughing and I stared at him like he had gone completely nuts. How was my question funny? I stared at him until he pulled himself together.

"It was unlocked the whole time wave." He deadpanned. I just stared at him completely dumbfounded. I tried the lock there was no way.

"You have to push the door opened instead of pull." He smirked at me. I punched him in the shoulder with all my force. My dad taught me 2 months ago how to punch incase I got into a scary situation. I never thought I would be thankful for my dads paranoia but I am now.

"Ow, who taught you how punch like that?" Levi asked as he rubbed his shoulder. I snickered as I watched him in pain.

"My dad, I can't believe you wasted time just to screw with me." I scolded him.

"Alright, I'm sorry just don't punch me ever again. You make me feel like a wuss." I rolled my eyes and walked through the door. I waited for Levi to follow me as I turned to walk down a long hallway. I followed the sound of the pumping base to a door at the end of the hallway.

Once I knew Levi was right behind me I opened it a crack to make sure there wasn't security behind it. I looked to see it lend out to the stage where I assumed live bands played. I scooped out a way to the dance floor and prayed no one would notice us.

Levi followed close behind as I made a dash to the curtain that I lead to the dance floor. I slide through the curtain and was thrusted into a sea of dancing people. I looked around the bar. It was exactly how I pictured it would be. 

Country music blared as people dance and gridded on each other. The bar was centred at the back with people trying to get the bartender's attention. I kept scanning the room until my eyes locked on the two people I never thought I would see here. My heart dropped to my stomach and I was sure I was about to lose my lunch. 

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