Ghost Boy (Hanako x Male!Rea...

By Glitchy_1987

11.8K 412 305

You are one of Nene Yashiro's friends. After helping Yashiro summon one of the Seven Wonders, your life spira... More

Yousei-san (Edited)
The Misaki Stairs (Part One)(Edited)
The Misaki Stairs (Part-Two) (Edited)
The Confession Tree (Edited)
The 4 O'Clock Library (Edited)
The Boys Who Changed Their Future (Edited)
Donuts For A Murderer (Edited)
The Young Exorcist's Older Brother (Edited)
That's What Friends Are For, Right? (Edited)
Oyasumi (Edited)
Tea Party (Edited)
Found Memories (Edited)
Half Way Through One Shot! (Edited)
Missing (Edited)
Yugi Amane: Hanako-san Of The Girl's Bathroom (Edited)
Are We Still Friends? (Edited)
God Of Death (Edited)
Kannagi (Edited)
Sumire-Chan (Edited)
A View Of The Stars (Edited)
Caged Animals (Edited)
Nene, Aoi, And Sumire (Edited)
Teru, Akane, And Aoi (Edited)
Ghost Boys (Edited)
White Space (Edited)
Clean Slate (Edited)
Ending Author's Note

Hanako-Kun (Edited)

1.2K 36 43
By Glitchy_1987

      Hello And welcome to this book about tbhk! Thank you so much for taking time out of your hands to try out this book, any picture I may show doesn't belong to me unless said otherwise. And I will mainly be following the storyline, so there will be many spoilers! Toilet-bound Hanako-Kun belongs to AidaIro. And without further ado, I hope you enjoy it!


"Uhh. . .Nene? Is there a reason why you're dragging me to the abandoned girls' bathroom?"

"For support!" Nene replied, speeding up. She was still clutching your arm, so you had no other choice but to follow her.

"Support on what?!?" You yelled in response, why would Nene need your support for something in the girls' bathroom? Nene stopped speed walking, turning around to face you. "Aoi told me about one of our school's Wonders, specifically the Seventh. I want to summon her, and I want you to be there in case something goes wrong!" After her short explanation, Nene turned back around and continued to march forward. You suppress a laugh. ". . .Nene, I don't think this supposed 'Seventh Wonder' exists. I mean, c'mon, ghosts and stuff. . .That's just made up to scare people. . .'' You never knew Nene believed in such things, but then again, there was never an appropriate time to ask her about it. You waited for a response, but all you were greeted with was silence. Sighing, willed yourself to speak up again, feeling bad.

"Alright then, let's summon a weird ghost girl from the bathroom," You said, mustering up a little more enthusiasm, and walked faster so that you were now standing next to Nene, instead of having her drag you around like a limp mannequin. Nene seemed to be happier now that you're willingly joining her to summon the Seventh Wonder.

So together, the two of you entered the third school building, and started your way up the stairs, your footfalls echoing across the vacant building. The walls keeping the old school building up were dusted, the cream-colored paint peeling off, and the smell wasn't any better. You were sure the janitor never set foot in this building. Why didn't they just take it down at this point?

"Sooo. . .Do you know anything about this Seventh Wonder?" You asked, your words bouncing off the hollow walls.

"I don't know much about her, other than her name, Hanako-san, and how to summon her, which is to knock three times on the third stall of the girl's bathroom on the third floor of the third building. You chant her name three times and ask if she's there. And boom! Hanako-san!" Nene replied.

"That was a lot of three's. . ." You mumbled.

"That's all you have to say about it!?" Nene's loud high-pitched screeching voice bounced off the walls, echoing.

"Yup." Was your only response, and the environment was filled with silence yet again, with the exception of your footsteps.

Now standing outside the girls' bathroom in which this 'Hanako-san' should be lurking, something dawned on you, and you asked before walking into the girls' bathroom, "So, are all your girlfriends busy or something?" You questioned, now following a few feet behind Nene.

"Oh! Yeah, all of them have clubs right now. Plus, I have you to protect me in case something goes wrong!" Nene stated confidently.

". . .You do know I'm failing P.E. . Right?" You told her blatantly. She paused for a moment. "That doesn't matter! Let's just get going." She said, fully walking into the bathroom, you reluctantly followed behind.

That bathroom, weirdly, was way cleaner than you thought it would be, no leaking sinks or toilets, it even looked like their bowls' had been recently cleaned. There was a giant window opposite the door, letting all the light of the world in, never needing a light bulb to keep the room illuminated.

And so, now here you both stood, in front of the third stall of the girls' bathroom. Nene sucked in a breath and raised her hand to knock on the door. She hesitated at first, but then lightly connected her knuckles with the stall, making a light thud each time she knocked.

Nene backed up, then spoke with a shake in her voice. "Hanako, Hanako, Hanako. . .Are you there?"

For a moment, nothing happened. But that was only for a moment.

"See? What did I say, Nene? Hanako doesn't exist-'' You were quickly cut off by the creaking sound. It belonged to the stall Nene previously spoke to. It was. . . .opening. You stopped talking. Nene gasped and grabbed onto your uniform sleeve, fearfully looking into the bathroom stall, which appeared to be empty. Your heart was racing, not expecting the stall door to open mid-sentence.

After a couple of seconds of silence, you sighed. "That was probably just some draft, nothing to worry about, Nene. Let's get out of here, I'm starving!" Nene still clutched your arm, nodding nonetheless.

But alas, before you could ever take a step away from the bathroom, something landed on your shoulder. . .A Hand, its grip tightening.

"I'm here~" A playful voice called out, giggling.

That was enough to get Nene to screech in terror, and for you to yelp, quickly throwing the hand on your shoulder off.

Quickly turning around, Yashiro let go of your arm, making you back up at what you saw in front of you, your back pushing past one of the vacant stalls. There was something standing–no–floating in front of you.

It was a ghost! He was translucent, some parts of him being completely invisible from the light through the window. Nene stared at him in pure fear, tears skimming her eyes. You now sat on one of the toilet seats, looking up at the ghost boy in surprise, panting from the sudden wave of adrenaline.

". . .A-Are you Hanako?" Nene broke the ice with a question to the ghost boy, noticeably stuttering. The floating boy didn't hesitate to answer. "That's right!" He said enthusiastically, a certain mischievous tone in his voice.

"Wait. . .so you're saying that you're Hanako-san. . .?" you then asked, standing up from the toilet seat you once sat on and walking forward, standing next to Nene, eyeing the apparition.

"Yup!" Was Hanako's only reply, a happy one at that. A little too happy in your opinion. . .

"Then where's your bob haircut, and your jump skirt!?" Nene yelled confusingly. Jump skirt? Guess Nene knew more than she told you.

"Well, that's just not the look I'm into these days. . ." Hanako replied, shrugging his shoulders. Nene huffed in annoyance, crossing her arms. You still watched the floating boy.

"But anyways! Mind telling me who you two are~?" Hanako spoke up again, pointing a finger at both of you. Although Hanako answered your questions, you didn't want to answer any of his.

"Okay, wait a minute. . .correct me if I'm wrong, but you're a guy. . .right?" You questioned, eyeing Hanako up and down.

"Yeah, you do look like a boy. . ." Nene backed you up with your assumption.

"That's because I am a boy. Trust me, I'm just as annoyed by that inaccuracy as you two are. But don't worry about the rest! Other than my gender, the way I dress, and how I died, the rest of my story is true! I'll grant your wish, then collect my payment. Based on your wish, of course, I decide the severity of your punishment~." As Hanako spoke, two spiritual orbs circled him, one was red, and the other was green.

Before Hanako could talk again, Yashiro beat him to it. "Are you some kind of pervert!? Out of everything you choose to haunt the girl's bathroom!?" Hanako's face quickly morphed into an unreadable expression, you could tell he was annoyed though. He started to walk back to the stall he emerged from. "Alright, we're done here, if that's how you're gonna treat me." He said dully

"Hey! Wait! She takes it back! It's cool you're a guy haunting the girls' bathroom. . .I guess. . ." You quickly said, immediately regretting it, now you sounded like a pervert.

You, in no way, think it was "cool" that Hanako was haunting the girls' bathroom. But for Nene's wish's sake, Hanako had to stay.

Speaking of said ghost, he stopped in his tracks. "You think I'm cool?" He asked, hopeful.

"Yeah." You responded dreadfully.

"D-Definitely," Nene said after you, backing you up to make it sound more believable.

Hanako turned back around, now holding a pad of paper and a pen, a bright smile evident on his face. "Well in that case, Tell me both your names and what the girl's wish is!" He spoke cheerfully, ready to write things down.

"I'm Yashiro Nene! First-year in class A!" You didn't know why your information mattered in this situation, since this was just for Nene, but you went along with it anyway.

"I'm M/N L/N, a first-year in class C," You said, looking off to the side.

"Yashiro and L/N...Got it!... Now, what is your wish Yashiro?" Hanako asked after writing down something in the notebook, presumably your names, classes didn't really matter all that much.

"My wish is for the guy I'm crushing on to like me back!" Nene stated with keenness. Hanako mumbled back what Yashiro had just told him, writing it down.

"Out of everything you would have wished for. . .You wish for that," You deadpanned, crossing your arms over your chest. Why hadn't you expected this? The girl was boy-crazy after all. . .

"Don't judge!" Nene howled, her face reddening with blush. Hanako sauntered towards the two of you, leaning down to match in height. Feeling like he was too close for comfort, you put your hand on his shoulder to push him away. . .But your hand went completely through his body.

Startled, you quickly retracted your hand, your face morphing into mixed emotions of fear, disgust, and confusion. Hanako didn't seem to be fazed by it at all though. He completely ignored you, keeping his attention towards Nene. "And what's the guy's name?" He asked.

His eyes averted to you momentarily. Maybe he did notice your effort to push him away? Once the two of you locked eyes, you quickly shifted your line of sight to Nene, who continued to gush about her crush.

"His name is Minamoto! He's a second-year student, and he's super smart and nice! One time when I dropped my pencil case, he picked it up for me! He's such a sweetheart! Who couldn't like him!" She cascaded her love for the school president, pulling out her phone to show a picture. You and Hanako looked at it.

You wondered how she was able to obtain a picture so close without him noticing. She must've been only a few feet away to get such a close shot.

"Nice, sure, but not super nice, guess he looks decent. And you're one thousand percent true that everyone is obsessed with him," You commented, giving your side of how you saw the student council president. Nene only huffed at you, returning her gaze to her phone and staring lovingly at the picture of Minamoto.

"Easy enough! I'll grant that wish of yours!" Hanako said once Nene put her phone away into the safety of her pocket (Of course, not without blowing it a small kiss).

"Seriously?!" Both you and Nene said in unison, Nene sounding overjoyed, while you spoke more impassively. Hanako nodded, matching Nene's joy over your impassiveness.

"But how does this whole thing work? Do you have some kind of item that'll help you grant wishes?" You questioned, still not completely sure this ghost could change the way a person feels about another.

"I do, and it works wonders~." Hanako replied, smirking down at you while searching through his uniform's pocket, it unsettled you how mischievous he looked at the moment.

It also unsettled you with how much he could hold in his one small uniform pocket.

"Will you show us!?" Nene questioned excitedly, leaning forward to see what Hanako would pull out of his pocket. Seconds after she had asked, the ghost boy hauled out what looked to be a book, all you could see was the pale pink cover until he revealed it fully.

'100 Methods Of Love; This Is Love: A How-To Book' That was the cover's title, a big red heart in the background of two silhouettes of people kissing.

"Aren't you one of the seven wonders? Do you really have to rely on some love book? You're the most well-known one and you don't live up to your legend?" You asked, crossing your arms. Nene nodded aggressively, agreeing with you.

Hanako grinned and tapped a finger against your nose a couple of times. "Well that's harsh," He said with fake sadness, pouting. You scrunched up your nose. You couldn't feel him poking you, but a wave of coldness spread from where he 'touched' you. You leaned away, swatting at his hand, only for it to go right through him.

"Well. . .hear me out. If I use my powers to help grant your wish Yashiro, there will be an equivalent exchange. Because I'm making human hearts do something that isn't exactly normal, the price will reflect that. . .So trust me on this, it's much safer to go this route than using my powers." Hanako twirled the book in his hands while explaining, seeming to float up higher and higher until he was done talking, and back down to his normal floating height.

"Well. . .But what if I'm alright with any price?" Nene mumbled, fiddling with her hands nervously.

"No, you're not alright with any price." You quickly thwarted the idea, talking for Nene as you looked harshly at her, right in the eyes to show how serious you were. No way were you going to let her price be raised for some stupid boy she'll probably end up getting over within a few months. Hanako brought a hand to his face, thinking, then waved his hand dismissively.

"Well, that's good! I don't have anything that advanced anyways to make this better than a lousy book!" He said brightly, smirking.

"Then, why did you offer in the first place??" You asked, tilting your head at the apparition, annoyed.

"Because~," Hanako said, leaning closer to you. And in return, you leaned away from him, quite done with his games at this point.

"Nene, are you sure you want to do this?" You asked, turning to Nene. This was a big decision, who knows what kind of payment this mischievous ghost would ask for.

"I'm sure! I mean, He grants wishes, surely he knows some good tricks!" As Nene spilled her high hopes to you, said wish-granting ghost was busy flipping through the pages of the how-to book.

Yeah, good tricks from a cheesy love book probably made in the 1800s.

"Let's start with this one first, "method 78, find creative ways to impress him with your skills."–Hanako cited, closing the book and looking over at Yashiro–"What are your talents?" He asked. Nene thought for a moment, then clapped her hands together. "Oh, I know! Both of you, follow me!" And just like that, Nene marched out of the girls' bathroom, you following close behind, Hanako following you, still floating.

You didn't like that he was taller than you, he seemed more intimidating although you saw him as more annoying than anything.

* * *

You all stood outside, in front of many rows of plants, fruits, vegetables, and colorful arrays of flowers, the setting sun shining nicely against the flamboyantly eye-catching plant life.

"So . .Where are we?" Hanako asked, looking around outside.

"We're in the garden." You responded impassively. You were all standing in a field of plants, veggies, flowers, how could he not realize this was a garden? And how had he never seen kids working in the garden? The window in the girls' bathroom looked over the entire gardening section in the courtyard.

"Yup! It's the best place I can show off my skills!" Yashiro confirmed, hands wrapping around her thin hips in pride. She walked forward then faced you and Hanako. "I'm a superstar at gardening!" She said with satisfaction, puffing her chest out and letting the evening breeze flow through her hair brilliantly.

"I can agree with that! I don't know how many fruits she's made that I've eaten, they taste great!" You aided her resume, remembering the juiciness of any fruit she gave you, the freshness of any vegetable, and the sheer beauty of any flower.

But of course, Hanako being Hanako (Which you quickly realized wasn't the best), gave Yashiro a weird look. She quickly caught on to what he was thinking.

"I grow flowers too! It's feminine and cute!" Nene defended herself, a light blush of embarrassment settled on her cheeks, her pride quickly dissipating. That blush eventually subdued, and instead, it was replaced with sorrow, her hands slowly slipped off her hips.

"Honestly, that's the reason I joined, to be more feminine. A boy I used to like said he liked girly girls, and at the time there were a lot of them in my school who were in the Gardening club. I also took on sewing and cooking. I thought that when I'd mastered all the skills, I'd confess my feelings to him," She was looking off into the sunset sorely. Nene had never told you this story before. . .Maybe she just didn't want to talk about it. Well, you weren't always interested in her love life either, but you listened to her story, respectfully silent until she finished.

"How long did you like him?" Hanako asked, walking closer to Nene. You followed him, wanting to comfort Nene. You couldn't understand the feeling of heartbreak, but you could at least be there for the person who had.

"Since I started junior high. I just told him how I felt last month, it took me three years"–She crouched down–"But he rejected me, calling me creepy and that I had daikon legs. . .'' Nene blushed from ignominy, glaring harshly at the plant in front of her. "But that was a month ago! I'm 100 percent over it and a completely different person now!" Hanako sat next to Yashiro, bringing his knees close to his chest. You kneeled down next to her on the opposite side where Hanako was sitting.

Now that he wasn't floating, you quickly realized how much shorter he was, compared to you at least. He was slightly taller than Nene, but you practically towered over him.

"I don't believe you," Hanako stated, making Nene blush more, caught red-handed.

"You should! Because it's true!" She counterparted, burying her head in her hands. At this point, you could practically see the embarrassment through her hands.

"As much as I don't want to agree with the toilet boy, I don't really think you're over this guy either." You calmly said. Hanako left alone the nickname you gave him, it might make Nene feel worse by addressing it.

"Well, you both are wrong! I'm totally into someone else now! And once that stupid guy sees that someone like Minamoto loves me back, he'll regret turning me down!" Nene said confidently, finally bringing her hands away from her face and forming them into fists of independence.

"Really? So does anyone do it? Even L/N over there?" Hanako asked, placing a hand on the side of his face, smiling at Yashiro. He obviously knew what he was doing.

"Excuse me?" You said angrily, glaring at the bathroom ghost, baffled.

"Absolutely not! I like Minamoto! Don't try to pull anything. And M/N's my friend, no way in heck would I date him! He's not my type!" Yashiro said. You nodded your head, glaring at Hanako.

"And you're sure you want this Minamoto guy? Something tells me you hardly even know anything about him. . ." Hanako pointed an accusing finger at Yashiro.

"I'll have you know I know plenty! Practically everything," Yashiro bit back, crossing her arms and puffing out her cheeks.

"What's his first name?" You asked bluntly. You constantly hung out with Yashiro and Aoi, and not once had you seen her talking to the president. She also had never asked any questions about the guy, so she either lied about knowing a lot, or actually talked to him after school hours or something.

Nene didn't answer your question, only looked down in front of her, and pointed out a worm. Hanako sighed and handed Nene a heart-shaped card with a pen.

"A gift tag?" Yashiro questioned the ghost, taking the tag and pen with confusion.

"Yup! Write a cute message and give it to your boy along with something you grew. I call it Operation Present!" Hanako answered, giving Nene a closed-eye smile. What a creative title...

"Y'know. . .that's not a bad idea actually. . ." You pointed out, scratching the back of your head, not liking the idea of agreeing with the bathroom ghost.

"I know it is~" And now the ghost was floating right in front of you, so quickly it felt like he teleported there. He probably had.

You tried to back away from the coldness he emitted, it wasn't easy considering you were kneeling down. He giggled and moved closer, teasing you. You gritted your teeth and glared at him.

Yashiro quickly stood up, her hands balled into fists. She spoke before you could tell off Hanako. "Let's do this! Operation Present is in action!" She shouted and started looking around for an edible vegetable or fruit that was finished growing, one that was made by her delicate hands.

"Yay!" Hanako yelled, clapping his hands and finally moving away from you.

"I'll tell him thank you for picking up my pencil box the other day!" Nene smiled confidently, hyping herself up. You smiled at her childishness.

"He'll love it," You said, certain in your words. Sure, you didn't really want Nene getting with Minamoto, but you still wanted to back her up in her decisions. This wouldn't kill her, so there wasn't really a reason to intervene.

"And I'll use those vegetables as a gift!" Nene pointed in the direction of said veggies while writing something down on the pink paper. You and Hanako looked to where she was pointing.

Oh no. . .

Did she have to pick those?

* * *

"Someone left produce on your desk with a thank you note."

"What did you do? Help a vegan out or something?" Hearing the taunts of the other students made Nene feel incredibly embarrassed. Her face started turning the color of one of the tomatoes she left on Minamoto's desk.

Hanako laughed at the scene, and you tried to elbow him, but your arm just went through his body. You kept forgetting about that. . .

"This is so embarrassing!" She screeched.

Operation: Button of Love was in action!

One of Minamoto's button's on the cuff of his school uniform came undone.

"This is your chance, go sew it for him." You urged your friend, gently pushing her forward. She nodded and flounced over to Minamoto. But of course, three people already beat her to it, begging for them to be the ones to fix it, overwhelming Minamoto. . .

Commencing Operation: Lunch Box!

Hanako decided it would be a good idea to make Minamoto a boxed lunch of cute little creatures. Nene thought it was brilliant and quickly got to work, she always loved the idea of giving homemade creations of hers to people as a gift. But apparently, instead of cute creatures, Nene made the food look like weird monsters, causing Minamoto to put it in the lost and found, thinking it was someone else's. It crushed Nene.

But will she be defeated? Absolutely not!

Operation Corner of Love!

"Are you sure putting a piece of toast in her mouth and making her run into Minomoto is going to make him fall for her?" You asked, deadpanning and absolutely hating the idea Hanako came up with. You did not believe for a second that this plan was going to work, not in the slightest.

"Of course I'm sure! Now Nene, GO! Will be the signal-" It was too late, Yashiro ran around the corner, causing chaos when running into Minamoto, then him running into another boy, then that boy running into another girl. . .

Did you forget to mention there was a staircase?

"Somebody call an ambulance!"

* * *

"Ugh! None of this is working!" Nene cried out in frustration, slamming her hands against the sink, and wincing afterward, shaking her hands. You held her still as you placed an ice pack against her forehead where a decent-sized bruise lay.

"True. And Hanako, how is having Nene running around with toast in her mouth supposed to make Minamoto want her? How in the world did you come up with nonsense like that?" You questioned, gaze still locked on Nene's forehead, holding the ice pack in place. Hanako shrugged, making you and Yashiro huff in annoyance.

The apparition walked up next to you and Nene, starting to float again. "Well. . .Why don't you just tell him how you feel? Wouldn't that be much easier?" He questioned, leaning closer to Nene. You, being the protective older brother figure you were, moved Nene away from Hanako, eyeing the shorter boy with a small glare as if to say: 'Back off.'

"I can't do that!" The girl quickly protested, blushing.

"Well come on! I'm running out of ideas here!" Hanako said shortly after Nene had declined his offer to confess. He shook the love book in his hands. "There aren't very many pages left!" He exclaimed.

"Well. . .Confessing would be the easiest way to finish this, but even I wouldn't be able to do that. . .'' You added, crossing your arms. Nene put her head in her hands grumbling, giving up. You patted her shoulder, eventually reaching an arm around her shoulders and bringing her closer to you, comforting her in the best way you could think of at the moment.

"Oh, I got it!" Hanako said suddenly, snapping his fingers. Nene looked up from her hands, and you quizzically gazed at Hanako, who was currently fishing through his pockets (Hopefully not for another how-to book).

"Found it!. Here!" Hanako pulled out some kind of doll, handing it over to Nene and you. You grabbed it before Nene could, inspecting the doll closely, turning it this way and that. What was so special about it exactly?

"And. . .What exactly is it?" You asked, looking back up at Hanako, he walked forward until he was standing right in front of you. "It's a Kokeshi doll~" As he said this he brought his hands up to his face, leaning forward.

"Huh?" You and Yashiro asked simultaneously, pushing for a better explanation.

"It's kinda sexy~" He wiggled his eyebrows.

And Nene lost it. She immediately snatched the doll out of your hands and threw it out the giant open window in the bathroom. Hanako yelled in distress, reaching out the window to where the doll was now long gone. You chuckled slowly at the scene in front of you.

While this was happening, one of the orb-like things that was once circling Hanako came down and picked up an item, it was the green one, and the red one was next to it., and another one was floating next to it.

You gently took the bag from the green orb in curiosity, glancing back at Hanako, who was still grieving at the window. The bag was small, and had a small, worn red flower design in the center.

"Hey, what's this?" You asked, holding the bag up for everyone to see.

"Oh! Those are scales, they're used for matchmaking," Hanako replied nonchalantly, turning away from the window, closing it.

Once Nene heard the word 'matchmaking,' she promptly released herself from your hold, taking the bag from your hands and swiftly opening it. She grabbed one of the scales in the bag, bringing it up close to her mouth.

"No! Don't do that!" Hanako yelled, panicked and sped towards Nene, who almost had the scale in her mouth. But you quickly took it out of her hand, not sure what the scale was going to do if she ate it. You held it high above your head so Nene couldn't reach it.

"You'd better start explaining!" Yashiro yelled, her attention now to Hanako, anger flashing over her features. . .

"Alright, alright. .In that bag are mermaid scales, and anyone who swallows them would be cursed, but a part of that curse is: whoever swallows a scale with you will share a bond-" Hanako couldn't finish his sentence before Nene reached back into the bag of scales, grabbing another.

"Yashiro! Don't!" Hanako shouted, reaching out to take the scale from Nene. You, taking matters into your own hands, swallowed the scale you were holding. Nene and Hanako looked bewildered at you.

"M/N! Why would you do that!?!" Yashiro screeched, grabbing both your shoulders, shaking you aggressively, tears pricking your eyes.

"I don't want you to be cursed, Nene. Since I swallowed the scale, if you do now, then we might fall in love, and I'm pretty sure both of us don't want that happening." –You smiled kindly at her– "What kind of friend would I be if I didn't look out for you? I know you like that Minamoto guy, but cursing yourself for him is not the way to go, trust me." You spoke calmly, taking the extra scale from her hands, and putting it back in the bag, sealing it, and handing it back to Hanako.

Nene looked over to the ghost boy. "Why didn't you say something about the scales in the first place? You had the right items this whole time! You're nothing but a liar!" Nene yelled harshly at the floating boy, turning around and rushing out of the girls' bathroom.

Once she left, you looked over at Hanako. His head was down, hat dipped low, allowing a dark shadow to cast over his haunting amber eyes. You couldn't tell what his expression was, but he seemed to be sad, almost shameful.

You walked up to him, he wasn't floating so you were significantly taller than him at the moment. You reluctantly placed a hand on his shoulder, hovering where your hand would be touching him so you don't go completely through him.

"I'm sorry she blew up at you, it wasn't your fault. Because you didn't mention the scales, I'll just assume you were trying to not get Nene cursed, so thanks for that." Hanako looked up to meet your gaze, a blank expression. It felt weird looking into his eyes, it lacked mischievousness, he actually felt bad about this.

"As much as I would like to keep you company, I have to go make sure Nene's not causing trouble anywhere. So, I'll see you later. . ." You waved a hand as you walked out of the bathroom, and down the hall, leaving Hanako alone, feeling extremely bad but you had to make sure Nene was alright.

Something felt off as you walked down the steps to get to the first floor of the building. You stopped walking, feeling dizzy. You grabbed the railing connected to the wall. You looked down at one of your hands, feeling something tingly on it. There were scales on the back of your hand, and they were spreading.

Eyes widening at the sight you yelped, before everything went dark.

You felt yourself falling.

                Falling. . .

          Falling. .


It felt nice.


* * *

"There we go!" You heard as you woke up from your blackout. The voice carried, echoing multiple times and blending together

"M/N!" You heard Yashiro yell, her voice was also echoey, like the voice before. It confused you, why was the world echoey?

"Where. . .Where am I?" You questioned. Did your voice sound different? A pitch or two higher maybe?

"Everything is ready for you, I do hope you enjoy it~" That was Hanako's voice! Just as echoed as Nene's. You then felt as if you were moving. It startled you and you gasped, bracing yourself.

Hanako and Nene walked up to what seemed to be a mirror, you looked at it, seeing that Hanako was holding a fish tank. . .with you inside.

"What the hell is going on!" You yelled, aggressively swimming around, hoping for this all to be nothing but a bad dream. Hanako walked you back to an empty desk, placing the tank on it. He sat on a desk next to you. "I think it's the scale you ate," Nene suggested slowly, and Hanako confirmed that. "That would be correct, anyone who swallows the scale will become one of the mermaids' servants, so that would explain your lovely look right now," Hanako explained, placing a hand atop the fish tank where you resided, patting the glass.

Not long after Hanako had finished talking, the room started rumbling, it caught everyone off guard.

"Wh-what's happening!?" Nene screeched, trying her best to hold down the desk that had you on it. The water in your bowl splashed violently, forcing you to follow its hurtful currents.

"Well. . .Isn't that just tragic? Humans are truly the most foolish of creatures!" An unknown voice spoke, its voice holding many layers... Its laugh was even worse, maniacal.

"But I've brought a reason to celebrate! From now on you will have the pleasure of serving me!" The voice spoke again, a pile of desks in the middle of the room caved in, and a creature emerged from the hole in the floor.

"What is that thing!?" You asked, panicked, swimming around frantically. It was giant! A nightmare of a mermaid!

"That is the mermaid. She is here to collect you as her servant, M/N." –Hanako smiled mischievously, looking back at you– "But I'm not going to let that happen." He finished, now looking up at the mermaid. Said beast ordered for Hanako to get out of the way, and hit him with her tail, making the ghost fly into a pile of desks.

"Hanako!" You and Nene yelled in unison. Taking measures into her own hands, Nene stood tall in front of the fish bowl, trying her best to protect you, though she was utterly terrified, and it clearly showed.

"Nene! Don't do that!, you'll end up getting hurt!" you scolded. Although you were a dumb fish, vulnerable to everything, you couldn't help but try and keep Nene safe.

"I don't care! It's my fault you're like this in the first place!" She said guiltily.

"Aww, how pathetic, do you possibly think you can take someone as powerful as me!?" The mermaid coed, amused. Nene didn't respond, she continued to hold her ground, glaring at the horrific apparition. The mermaid reached behind Nene, grabbing the bowl, you yelped at the quick motions. But before the mermaid could do anything, Hanako spoke, stopping the mermaid in her tracks.

"Just hold on a second. I haven't yet granted a wish for that girl, and the fish plays a big part in this. So just let me finish my work and then you can get to yours." the ghost boy spoke, holding his shoulder. Before he could speak up again, the mermaid interrupted him.

"Quiet! Don't you ever think you can command me!" It demanded.

"I wasn't. I asked you. . .But now, I'll just have to use force." Hanako said, his voice low as he pulled out a knife from his uniform, ready to slash the beast in front of him. You and Nene gaped as Hanako swiftly slashed the mermaid, surprising it, and quickly disappearing. It cursed out its revenge as it returned to the shadows from once it came. Since the mermaid was now gone, you were no longer in her grasp, succumbing to gravity.

"Catch of the day~!" Hanako hollered as he caught your fish bowl, placing it back on the desk it was once on.

"M/N! I'm so sorry this happened! It's all my fault!" Nene screeched, on the brink of tears, holding the bowl in a tight grip, hugging it.

"It's alright Nene, just don't go around eating things that'll get you cursed!" You scolded, swimming around, trying to make a point but ended up looking foolish. Hanako pulled out a scale, holding it up. "Yashiro, you still have a wish to make, if you would like for it to be changing L/N back into a human, I will grant it. But of course, there will be a price~" He said, facing Nene.

"Yes! Please turn him back to normal! I don't care what the price is!" Hanako smirked and flipped the scale in his hand. He caught it. "It's done, L/N, you will now turn back to normal, as for Nene"–Hanako brought the scale up to his mouth,–"You'll pay with your body~" He smirked.

Once Hanako swallowed the scale, a crashing sound was heard, and you were now covered in water, sitting down on the floor. The fish bowl was broken to pieces, glass sprayed everywhere. You looked over to Nene, who was blushing. You, angry out of your mind, got up and tackled Hanako, holding him in place to yell at him. "Absolutely not you stupid perverted ghost!"

How the hell were you able to touch him? Physically?

"What the hell?" You mumbled.

"We're now bonded, therefore we now share a link, so go easy on me," He explained wearily, coughing.

"Would you get off of me, you're pretty heavy," Hanako said, out of breath.

"Are you calling me fat?" You responded offensively, staying where you were for your own amusement. Eventually, you got off him.

"And Nene, it's time to pay. What I want is a good work ethic!" Hanako said with enthusiasm, clapping his hands together once. Nene's blush died down after what Hanako had said, now toned to a soft pink.

"Huh?" You and Yashiro had let out, not expecting Hanako to say what he just did.

"Yeah! And I was just thinking an assistant would be so much easier!.... What did you think I meant? I need a priestess and one or two assistants! You two are perfect for the job!" Both you and Nene blushed bright red from embarrassment, embarrassed from the misunderstanding.

"You dirty little humans~ thinking so lewdly~"

"Why you little!-"


"Do you ever wonder where things we forget end up? Forgotten moments or souls? If we don't remember them, does that mean they're gone? Or, are they still here, in a new form, desperate for us to notice them? Has anyone out there heard this story? The one about Yousei. . ."


If there are any mistakes revolving grammar, spelling, and overall the way I say things, please let me know so I can fix them! It'd be really helpful 🙏

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