The Tutor

By Kcooper0416

74 0 0

I was just a normal woman, a plain woman to be exact. My life consisted of tutoring students who were deemed... More

The Game
A Beautiful Distraction
Forged In Fire
The Smell of Freedom
Fill My Heart

How it all began

28 0 0
By Kcooper0416

It was early March and the weather was beginning to warm up and the leaves were finally beginning to get their color back. It was definitely a nice change of pace from the late cold snap that Texas decided to throw our way. When the entire state shuts down because we cannot handle ice, it is no fun for anyone. 

Just like every other day, I woke up with one thing on my mind. Coffee. It was a necessity given that I was quickly becoming a person that could easily sleep until ten in the morning without any hesitation or regret. Knowing that I needed to get moving or I would be late to the office, I pushed off my tan plush comforter and stretched, my bones popping in protest. My dog Sadie, a boston terrier mix decided that was a good idea and she decided that she was going to follow suit. However, her stretches never fail to bring out the best in her. As usual, mid stretch she lets one rip. The stench of her putrid gas left me gagging. It was our perfect usual morning routine, one that I wouldn't change for the world. 

"Thanks dog, good morning to you to." I choked out, wafting the smell from me and giving her the side eye.

Of course, she could care less that she just left a gas bomb in my room, and she got up and padded over to the bedroom door indicating that she needed to be let outside. According to her grunts, she was not pleased at how slow I was rolling out of bed, so she then decided that barking at me would make me move faster. 

"I get it, I get it." I told her, standing up and grabbing my soft pink robe off of my bathroom door and putting it on. I opened the door and proceeded to walk through my small narrow hallway.

Once I let her outside, I made my way to the tiny kitchen. My house wasn't anything to look at. It was a modest one story home that barely made 1300 square feet. It was perfect for me though, it was just me and Sadie in the house, so I didn't need anything more than that. However, I was very fortunate though to have some acreage. In total, I had about ten acres that my grandparents left to me after they passed away. It was perfect. The property line was fenced in by faded white wood that gave the field character. It was also my only line of defense against my diva mares Bailey, Daisy, Spirit, and Ruby. I have always been an animal lover, and I grew up with horses, so I decided that I would keep that tradition going. 

Inside the kitchen, I began gathering the ingredients to make a fresh pot of coffee. As the coffee was brewing and flooded the house with its sweet aroma, I decided to make a piece of toast and get Sadie her breakfast as well. She is the queen of the house, if she doesn't have her food in her bowl waiting for her she will tell you and leave you a bad review. Once all that was done, I drank my coffee and contemplated on how I wanted to go about teaching Luke today. He is one of my tutoring kids and he is a handful. If he is not learning through some sort of game, he refuses to do anything except pout. I am so consumed by my thoughts of different games to try, my phone buzzes which causes me to jump and nearly fall off of my sky blue bar stool. Rolling my eyes at myself, I unlock my iPhone and read the message that my friend Cassie sent me. "Girl, guess what! I am taking you to a Dallas Stars game tonight. And this time you can't back out because I already bought the ticket!" 

You've got to be kidding me. Hockey? Cassie knows that I am not interested in sports, and have zero desire to go to a game. Unfortunately for me, Cassie is a huge Stars fan and is currently one of the major sale reps for that team is totally into her. So, she is constantly getting all the latest Stars merch and and she even gets to occasionally attend meet and greets with the team. I will admit, I have always wondered what it would be like to meet famous people. Not that I would ever do it, I would be too nervous. I am not what you would call the celebrity type. Cassie is absolutely stunning. She is 5'6, has long jet black hair, hazel eyes, and her make up is always beyond stellar. I on the hand, am 5'3 long brown hair, blue eyes, and I hardly ever wear makeup. In fact, I barely even know how to put it on. Like I said, I am not the go and meet celebrities type. Hell, I am not the type to get dolled up for anyone. What's the point?

 Right as I was about to text her back and tell her absolutely not, to take someone else, Sadie began pawing at my back door ferociously. Grabbing my "Let's keep the dumbfuckery to a minimum" mug I let her back in and watched her shoot past me and straight to her food bowl. I guess I made her wait to long to get to her breakfast. She is ridiculous. Glancing at my watch, I realized that I spent too long in the kitchen and I needed to go feed the horses before I can get dressed and ready for the day. Picking up my boots from my petite brick fireplace, I quickly slipped them on and hurried out the door. Jogging to the tan tin barn, I opened the door and was greeted by lazy whinnies. 

"Good morning, ladies. I know, I am running late." I said to them, as I patted each one on the nose as I passed them. I only had four horses right now, but if it were up to me I would have a dozen. Grabbing the wheelbarrow, I scooped up as much alfalfa as I could manage and ran it outside into the pasture. Dumping the contents, I hastily ran back to the barn and let the horses out into the pasture where they began to lazily graze. 

Once that chore was done, I ran back inside and changed. Since I work with kids, I simply put on a pair of jeans and a nice floral blouse and quickly applied eyeshadow and eyeliner. Then, I grabbed my coffee, toast, and bags then ran out the door. Luckily for me, my office is only ten minutes away from my house and I could get there in time before my client arrived. As I pulled into my office parking lot, I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if I were to meet the team members from the Dallas Stars. Knowing me, if I was given the opportunity I would try to fade into the background and blend in with the crowd. I have never been one to stand out anyway. I am a pretty plain person, there isn't anything special about me or my appearance. Cassie's offer to go to the game was tempting, I would love to see the guys in action in real time and not on the tv. If I were to watch a game that is. However, I am not fond of the crowds or the overly expensive food that typically follows these events. I think I would rather lay in bed with a bucket of popcorn and watch the game from home just to let her know that I watched one. It looks like I made up my mind, I will text Cassie and tell her that I can't go. I'm sure I can think of some excuse. Maybe I came down with a sever case of walking corpse syndrome. 

Once I am at my office and unlock my door that has a sign that reads "Ms. Jade's Tutoring", my mind shifts from hockey to pure work. Hours go by and my back is beginning to get stiff from being behind my desk. Luckily, I just had my last client and I could finally go home and take a bath. Warm water sounds like absolute bliss. With that one mediocre task on my mind I grabbed my bags and looked around my office. There were paper clippings on the floor, my phonics center was a mess, and my math games were out of order. It truly was a disaster, one that I would put off cleaning until later. As I locked my door and headed to my car, my phone began to ring. Fishing it out of my purse, I looked to see who was calling me. It was Cassie. Oh, shit! I never texted her and told her that I couldn't go to the game tonight. Well, damn. Now what am I going to do? Sighing, I pressed the answer button and took a deep breath. 

"Hey, Cassie. I uh...have some bad news." I said, trying to sound light hearted. 

"Well, that's too bad! Because I have some great news! I am pulling into your driveway now, I brought all of my makeup and some outfits that you need to try on. We are going to have so much fun!" She squealed into the phone. I could practically feel her energy vibrating through the phone. 

"Oh, about the game Cassie..." I began, but she cut me off. 

"I know! You've got to be super excited since it is your first game! Don't worry, I already have it all planned out. The parking spot is already paid for, and I bought you your first Dylan jersey! Hurry up and get here! I will let myself in and start getting ready while I wait for you. Bye!" She said, ending the call. 

Well, it looks like I am going to the game now. Taking a deep breath I tried to push my nerves aside. I mean, what was I even nervous about? It's not like I am actually going to meet any of the players anyway, especially not Dylan. All I have to do is sit in my chair and watch them game just like I would at home. Once I was home, I made my way to my bedroom and was met with a squeaking Cassie bouncing up and down with all of her glorious hair holding a Dallas Stars blackout jersey that had James written on the back with the number 14 on it. 

"You are going to look so hott in this!" Cassie said, with a big smile plastered on her face. 

"This is amazing, Cassie! Thank you!" I replied, truly grateful for this gift. My dad was a huge Texas Rangers fan, and whenever my siblings and I would buy him one the price tag would take ten years off my life every time. 

"Ya, I know. Now, put it on so I can do your hair and makeup!" 

"You don't have to tell me twice." I giggled, slipping out of my blouse and sliding the jersey on. It fit my frame perfectly. I had to admit, Cassie was beginning to rub off on me. I was becoming more excited and actually wanted to go. 

Now that my jersey was on, Cassie immediately got to work on curling my hair and doing my makeup. When she was done with me, I hardly recognized myself. The smokey eyeshadow pallet that she used made my blue eyes stand out even more than they already do. For once, I actually felt beautiful. Since we were done getting ready, we emptied our purses and only took one tube of shimmering lip gloss, our debit cards, licenses, and phones. It was finally time to go, so we got into her silver Jeep and headed to Dallas. The time had finally come, I was going to a Dallas Stars game! And whats more, I was excited about it. 

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