Dark Stones #1: The Rising Da...

Galing kay Skylacine

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After her family is killed, a young wolf named Libby and her brother Alex are taken in by a different Pack, t... Higit pa

Chapter 1 - The Pack of Fading Shadows
Chapter 2 - Into the Unknown
Chapter 3 - New Faces
Chapter 4 - The First Farewell
Chapter 5 - Cut Your Losses
Chapter 6 - The Pack of Dark Stones
Chapter 7 - The Ceremony
Chapter 8 - The First Day
Chapter 9 - Tales from the Past
Chapter 10 - First Signs
Chapter 11 - Unwelcome Guest
Chapter 12 - Encounter
Chapter 13 - Feeling and Hunting
Chapter 14 - Intruders
Chapter 15 - Transition
Chapter 17 - Confessions
Chapter 18 - Discussing Terms
Chapter 19 - The Meeting
Chapter 20 - Aftermath
Chapter 21 - Trouble at the Border
Chapter 22 - Losing Battle
Chapter 23 - Preparations
Chapter 24 - Moving On
Chapter 25 - The Smith
Chapter 26: The Pack of Deep Hollow
Chapter 27 - Darkfur
Chapter 28 - Up Next
Appendices I - Name Pronunciations
Appendices II - The Packs and their Members

Chapter 16 - Caught in the Act

54 3 1
Galing kay Skylacine

The few wolves Libby had chosen to tell about their new identity and pronouns had accepted them. The Packmates in the know referred to Libby by the correct pronouns when there were no others around. Despite Red Spirit's encouragement, Libby still felt too nervous to tell the rest of the Pack, at least for now. Luckily the episodes of dysphoria seemed to have lessened a significant amount. Libby felt like they finally were at peace with themself.

A week had passed since their coming out to their close friends and family, and they were currently at the rendezvous site, together with Umium working on cleaning the outside of the youngster's cave. Due to the Pack of Dark Stones being one of the only ones known that slept in self-built caves from generations ago, it was also one of the only Packs that had to work on the upkeep. Sand, dust, needles and leaves would blow in and get stuck between the rock grooves. The structure also grew slightly unstable overtime due to erosion, with the rocks needing to be re-adjusted from time to time. It wasn't a fun job, but needed nonetheless, and a prime task for young trainees.

Umium grunted. "Ugh, I can't get this rock right." She tried to push on the large boulder that was located above the cave opening. "I'm afraid that if it stays like this much longer it may get loose and drop in front of the entrance. Wolves could be trapped inside!" She tried to give it another push, but the rock stayed still in its current position. "Libby, lend me a paw here, will you?"

Libby, who was working on removing debris between the grooves on the left side of the entrance, nodded and walked up to their friend. "Sure!"

Umium sat down with a frustrated expression on her face and pointed her large nose at the boulder. "It looks fine from here, but when you're up close you can feel that it's loose."

"No problem, let's do it together," Libby said.

The two trainees got up and got on their hind legs, each putting pressure on the right lower end of the large boulder. Libby could feel it give way just a little bit.

"Alright," said Umium. "When I say 'go', push!"

Libby carefully placed their paws right in order to be able to deliver the maximum amount of pressure. "Ready."

"Go!" barked Umium, before throwing her full weight onto the boulder. Libby did the same. Together, the two wolves strained upward until the rock finally gave way and was back into its old place.

"Whew! Took more force than I thought," Umium said after they sat down, panting.

Libby, tongue lolling as well, nodded. "When I joined Dark Stones, I had no idea there'd be actual upkeep of our caves."

Umium shook some dust out of her fur. "I keep forgetting that other Packs don't sleep in caves. It feels weird to me. I can't imagine what it's like having to sleep outside every day!"

Libby thought of their former Pack. "Back in Fading Shadows the Pack did have a single den, but that one was used by pregnant and nursing wolves around the time of whelping. Alex and I stayed inside it. It was a den hollowed out between a tree with thick roots, not a cave. I think it also didn't require any fixing the den, with the roots keeping everything stable."

"Interesting," Umium said. "No offense to any other Packs, of course, but I don't think that sleeping outside sounds very comfortable, especially not in the pouring rain or a snowstorm."

Libby chuckled. "To be honest, me neither.."

"It's how we got our Pack name, you know," Umium said as they indicated the large dark-colored boulders that made up each cave. "The stones our ancestors used to make these caves. I still don't know how they managed to do it, to be honest, especially the Leader's Cave and the tower of Leader's Rock! These things are so heavy, I feel like these wolves of the past must have been huge!"

"Not to mention strong," added Libby.

Umium smiled, then looked more serious. "Libby, don't you... miss your old home? I wouldn't know what it's like, joining a different Pack, but I can imagine it being difficult ."

Oh. Libby didn't really like the abrupt shift to a more serious topic of conversation, but they knew they couldn't let Umium down. "I mean, I miss home, especially Mom and Dad and my friend, Alice. I wish they were still around. But...by now I've been at here for almost half a season-cycle. Dark Stones may not be Fading Shadows, but by now it's home all the same. I don't think I'd be comfortable hunting in the open Plains by now, I've gotten used to the constant musky scents, birdsong and shadows of the forest."

Umium nodded understandingly. "That makes sense. I hope you enjoy your time at Dark Stones. I know we're not a perfect Pack--" Libby followed her gaze to a part of the rendezvous where a group consisting of Snow-white, Pearl and Ktea were talking "--but I'm glad it's home to you and Alex."

As if her saying his name had summoned him, Libby's brother entered the rendezvous site with a snowshoe hare between his jaws. He moved past Snow-white's little crew, looking absentminded, and dropped off his catch in the prey-cave. Alex left the clearing behind almost as soon as he had entered it and headed in north-eastern direction.

Not this time! Libby narrowed their eyes. In the past week, they still hadn't been able to identify what Alex was hiding, but something told them this was their shot. They looked back at Umium, then at the youngster's cave. I have to finish this, dangit. But if Alex is acting suspicious, it might be for the good of the Pack that I find out what it is...

"Libby?" Umium tilted her head. "Is something wrong?"

Libby looked back at the gray-and-cream she-wolf. "I need to check something. Can you cover the rest of my chores? I'll return soon, I promise."

Umium raised a brow in confusion, but didn't seem to want to press for any details. "Okay, but be quick!"

Libby instantly got up and exited the rendezvous where Alex had left it. His scent was strong. At first they wanted to follow him and confront him with where he was going, but they quickly thought better of it. Maybe staying hidden and stalking him to see what he is up to would be better.

Staying low in the underbrush, Libby followed their brother's scent. With them moving slowly in order to not alert him of their presence, Alex's scent got fainter, but still strong enough to follow. He kept moving strictly into the north-eastern direction of the territory. Why is he going there of all places? What about the dogs?

After stalking him for a while, the underbrush grew less thick, until eventually all that remained was some open trees with semi-tall green grass and the occasional shrubbery and scattered boulder. Libby had to be extra careful not to be seen, as they could spot Alex at a distance. He seemed completely unaware of them following him. That was, until he stopped and looked around. Libby quickly ducked behind a large rock and pressed themself to the ground. Don't notice me, don't notice me. They hid like this for a couple breaths, until finally they had the courage to slightly lift their head. At first they perked their ears above the rock. No sounds other than the usual birdsong and rustling of summer leaves. They then dared to raise their head over the rock. Alex had vanished from sight, but his scent remained.

Slowing down their pace even more and making sure they were up-wind, Libby kept zig-zagging in Alex's direction, from one obstacle to hide behind to another, sometimes taking short breaks to make sure Alex hadn't noticed them.

Libby's hair raised when they recognized another scent blowing their way. Dog. It had the same smell that they and Katie had found on their swimming trip. Libby frowned determinedly. I have to save Alex and then warn the Pack!

They started to move forward more and more rashly now, only half-using any obstacles to hide and not paying much attention to being heard. The scents soon grew stronger.

Libby spotted Alex. Opposite of him stood a creature not quite like a wolf which yet still somewhat closely resembled one. Libby didn't need to see any more.

With a snarl, they launched themself at the dog, pinning them. The creature let out a loud yelp and Libby could finally study the animal.

Their coat was shorter than most wolf coats, and their eyes a bright shade of golden amber. Their ears were a shade darker than their main coat, which has the same pale golden color as the fur Libby had found way back. The dog's tail was thin compared to the bushy tails of wolves Libby was used to. The strangest of all was the ears, which both folded over in a very un-wolflike fashion. The dog glared and bared their teeth.

Libby looked at their brother. "Don't just stand there, run and warn the Pack!"

To their confusion, Alex stayed still, his eyes round with horror.

"Alex, snap out of it!"

"Get off of me!" the dog snarled below Libby, struggling. Libby was having trouble holding on. The canine was about the same size as them, and almost matched them in strength.

A gray blur slammed into Libby, knocking them over. Libby landed in the grass with a loud oof and got up. They expected to see more dogs surrounding them, but instead they saw Alex carefully helping the dog to their paws. Libby tilted their head. What was going on?

"Are you okay?" Alex asked the golden dog.

The dog shook their coat and their ears flopped wildly. "I'm fine, just surprised and all." Both canines then turned to Libby, the dog looking livid and Alex looking uncomfortable.

Libby got to their paws. "What's going on here? Why are you helping them?"

"Her," Alex corrected them sharply. "I could ask you the same question. Did you follow me?"

Libby frowned and flattened their ears. "You've been acting weird ever since we found the signs of the first dog. Is this where you've been sneaking off to? To be with the enemy? Give out Dark Stones secrets? That's why you covered yourself with wolverine droppings, right? To hide the dog scent!"

"Sandy is not the enemy!" their brother bayed. "You'd understand that if you got to know her!" He turned to the dog. "This is my sister, Libby."

"Not the enemy? She and her friends stole our prey and marked our land!" Libby raged.

Alex frowned. "They wouldn't be doing this if they had anywhere else to go!"

"That doesn't give them any right!" Libby barked.

Alex was about to speak, but Sandy put a paw on his shoulder, a gesture that made Libby bare their teeth. "Let me talk to her." The pale golden canine then turned to Libby. "I'm Sandy, leader of the Dog Pack."

Leader? thought Libby. This dog was hardly older than they and Alex were.

Sandy continued. "My Pack and I come from a faraway Longleg settlement. We were kept imprisoned in small metal things known as cages and were barely fed and not given any space. My dogs and I escaped and fled into the forests. We have been looking for a place to settle down since, but you wolves, as well as foxes and coyotes, seem to occupy every stretch of suited land there is!" She exhaled angrily through her nostrils. "We couldn't go on without having to resort to stealing prey and occupying other Pack's land. But of course we get chased out of each Pack's territory sooner or later, so currently we've been staying on the border between your Pack and your neighbors, the Pack of Deep Woods."

Libby narrowed their eyes, not sure whether or not to believe the story. Despite the sad tale, Sandy looked well-fed and strong, with a sleek coat and no ribs showing.

"That doesn't give you the right to take over our land or prey!

Alex cut in. "Sandy and her Pack have been through so much! They deserve to have a spot to finally have some rest!"

"So what do you suggest?" Libby growled. "Co-existing? The Pack of Dark Stones needs this territory."

Alex looked at Sandy with a look in his eyes that Libby didn't like at all, then back at them. "I mean, why couldn't we? Just share some of our prey, maybe the dogs could join our Pack..."

"Oh, I don't think so." These words came from Sandy herself. "Alex, I appreciate you looking out for us, but sharing won't cut it. My Pack needs a territory. A full place we can call our home. And I have chosen the land of Dark Stones for this."

Alex swallowed uncomfortably. "Maybe you should let me talk to our Leader about it, I'm sure he'd work something out..."

Sandy blinked at him. "Fine."

Alex shifted uncomfortably, but nodded.

Libby approached the duo. "And how did you two even meet?"

Sandy blinked nonchalantly. "Kind of was an accident. Alex found signs of me before any of the other wolves in your Pack did, but unlike you he knew to keep his muzzle shut. He understands us and our needs. It would serve you well if you did the same."

Eyes blazing, Libby was about to leap onto the dog again when Alex got between the duo. "Let's not get too heated. I'll see you again, Sandy." He then roughly nudged Libby in the direction of the rendezvous. Reluctantly, they went along with it without taking their eyes off the pale golden dog, who soon left in the direction of the neighboring Pack territory.

Finally, the duo stopped. "I can't believe you followed me," Alex finally huffed, looking at her through bright yellow eyes.

Libby frowned back. "I can't believe you're betraying our Pack!"

"I'm trying to work out a peaceful solution! I really am," said Alex. He looked hopeless for a moment, then met Libby's eyes again. "I love her, Libby."

Libby's jaw dropped. They'd suspected this already, but the confirmation still hit them like a rock. "You love the enemy?" Suddenly him being together with Maggie doesn't sound all that bad.

"They're not the enemy, Libby! They're just canines in need of help! I know Sandy sounds harsh, but you have to understand what she and her dogs have gone through!"

"She wants to overthrow Dark Stones, Alex," Libby shot back. "It's one thing to ask us to share, but another to completely want to claim the land!"

"Sandy told me she'd doesn't want to fight. We could join our Packs together under her rule!"

"And you expect that peace would last? You think wolves like Snow-white would go along with this? You'd be that disloyal to Dreven and Kotan?" Libby shook their head. "Where is your loyalty to Dark Stones?"

"I love Dark Stones," Alex said darkly. "Just like I love you. But I also love Sandy, and I think she and her Pack have a right to be at peace somewhere. I just gotta find a way to compromise, somehow." He looked conflicted.

Libby sighed. Despite how mad they were, they could see how it was tearing their brother apart. "I don't know what to say. I suspected you were up to something, but I didn't know you were together with one of the Dog Pack."

Alex's eyes flashed. "Is that why the Pack would refuse to help them? Because they're dogs?"

Libby shook their head. "Of course not! That's not the issue! Dogs, coyotes, foxes, or wolves, the species doesn't matter: They're set on taking over our territory, that's the problem. If this were just another wolf Pack we'd be facing the exact same issue, just with a different species."

Alex sighed. "I know what Kotan told us during training. Each Pack was given a territory to defend and maintain by the ancestors ages ago, during the forming of the first Packs. And having the dogs share or give them part of our land would break this ancient rule. But... I want Sandy and her Pack to flourish as well as Dark Stones. If somehow we could work together..."

Libby sighed. "Is Sandy's tale really true?"

"It is," Alex confirmed. "I've talked to the other dogs about it, and it's definitely true. Some bear the marks of their poor treatment by the Longlegs to prove it. They need help. I wish I could give it to them somehow without turning my back on Dark Stones."

"Well, earlier or later you'll have to choose," Libby grumbled, harsher than they had intended.

"I can't! That's the problem!" Alex suddenly froze. "You're not gonna tell the Pack, are you?"

Libby hesitated. Loyalty to Dark Stones obviously would demand that they did, but that'd be putting their brother at risk of humiliation and a lot worse. If the Pack knew he was close to the enemy... They didn't like thinking of what would happen.

"Libby?" Alex's eyes were round and looked at them pleadingly.

Libby closed their eyes and tried to think, before shaking their head to get clear. Finally, they met his eyes again. "I don't know. I don't know if I can lie to Dreven and Kotan about this.

"I'm not asking you to lie! Just hide it! I promise I'll figure out a peaceful solution by myself in time! I want both sides to win in this!"

"Sometimes you need to pick a side, not compromise."

"But sometimes compromise is exactly the answer!" Alex's neck fur rose. "Don't tell me you think it's right to just send these dogs off to yet another part of the Midlands to barely scrape by yet again! They deserve a home!"

Libby twitched their ears uncomfortably. "Look, I don't wish them any ill will, but you saw how Sandy is determined to chase us out!"

"Only because the wolves of Dark Stones would be too stubborn to share!"

Libby sighed. "Look, let's just think this over for a while, shall we? I don't know if I can keep your secret, but I think you should tell Dreven and Kotan yourself, like you told Sandy. I know their answer will be no. After that, well, we'll see. You'll have to make a choice, though. You can't be loyal both to Dark Stones and your girlfriend."

"I'll figure something out," said Alex. "I have to. But first, let's head back. And wash the dog scent off our coat in the pool."

Libby repressed yet another sigh. Oh, Alex, you got yourself into a whole lot of trouble.

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