Do I Know You? [NOMU BAKUGOU...

By A1H2D3

42 0 1

"I hesitated because of YOUR words... And now... my best- only- friend is dead..." That was the last thing Mi... More

Lost & Found

Death & Renewal

32 0 0
By A1H2D3

There are two forms of death, Physical and Mental. This is a story about both...

Katsuki cried out for help to the best of his ability. He was suffocating, the heroes were WATCHING, Deku was staring him down. Katsuki pleaded to Deku for help with his eyes. Deku almost ran in, but stopped-

'No, I don't think you can be a hero without a quirk...' Deku cried, as he stood still. The greenette shook his head, as he saw Katsuki's quirk turned off. Izuku ran in. "KACCHAN!?" Izuku was helpless against the slime, then a gust of wind blew both of the boys back.

Izuku immediately ran to Katsuki-

"SOMEONE HELP! HE'S NOT BREATHING!!!" That caught the attention of the heroes and the crowd. All Might's eyes went wide. Deku was breaking down crying. "HELP!!! PLEASE!!! HE'S MY ONLY FRIEND!!!"

All Might backed away nervously. This wasn't his specialty. But that green haired boy, he rushed in, despite his quirklessness, and right now, the boy he tried to save was dying...

The EMTs on site rushed to the blonde boy's side. They tried CPR, they tried to shock his heart, nothing worked. The lead doctor shook his head, as he walked over to Izuku. "The boy's dead. I'm sorry for your loss."

"NO! HE... CAN'T BE DEAD.... He can't... be..." The doctor put a shock blanket around the green haired boy. The heroes wanted to tell the boy how dangerous that stunt was, but the EMTs said he just witnessed something a boy his age should never have seen. The doctors and police kept the angry heroes at bay. A detective walked up to Izuku. The detective smiled, gently-

"I'm Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi," The black haired man kneeled down, to be eye level with the boy sitting on the back of the ambulance. Izuku numbly looked up at him. "What you did was reckless, but was in a good heart. Just... try to be more careful?"

"My legs... They moved on their own..." All Might was hidden in the crowd. The blonde haired man peaked up at that. A few minutes later, Izuku was walking down a back road, sulking. Kacchan was dead... No more bullying... But at what cost...?

All Might ran from behind a house- "I AM HERE- ACK!!" The man coughed up blood and turned back. Izuku started crying, not from sadness, but rage-

'No, I don't think you can be a hero without a quirk...' Izuku clenched his teeth. If All Might hadn't told him that, he wouldn't have hesitated... All Might said something about inspiring him to move, and that he could be a hero- Izuku's eyes shot up- "I can...?"

"Yes with my power-"

"What...?" Izuku growled. "YOUR power? I don't need YOUR power."

"H-hun..." All Might was shocked, who wouldn't want the power of THE All Might? "Why?"

"I hesitated because of YOUR words... And now... my best- only- friend is dead..." With that Izuku pushed past the hero, and left. All Might watched the boy walk away, in shock. All Might felt a pang of guilt. The same guilt he had when he couldn't save someone... Why did he feel like more than one person died just now?

A few days later. Tsukauchi was in an interrogation room, with a green haired woman. The woman wasn't being interrogated, she had come to the station worried because her son had been missing for five days and wouldn't pick up his phone, return a text, or even read the messages.

The poor mother was crying. Her son had gone missing. A quirkless boy named Izuku Midoriya. All Might had heard of the boy's disappearance and recognized the boy in the photo. The number one hero rushed to the police station to talk to his friend. The blonde hero stood behind the one way glass.

"Please find my baby, Detective..." The crying woman pleaded.

"I will find your son," Tsukauchi promised, the woman. The woman thanked him, as he handed her another box of tissues. The woman stood up to leave, with the detective comforting her. Toshinori Yagi, in his 'Small Might' form, walked up to his friend, as the woman left the station.

"Tsukauchi? I need to speak with you about the missing boy, Young Midoriya."

"Follow me," Tsukauchi walked into an interrogation room, and the men sat down on the provided chairs. "Do you have any useful information? Where he might have gone? Or have you seen him?"

"I met him. Five days ago," Tsukauchi took note that was when Midoriya disappeared. "He asked me if he could be a hero on a rooftop." Tsukauchi's eye widened-

"Take me to this rooftop. He might have jumped there."

"What...?" Toshinori's blood ran cold. "Jumped... As in-?"

"Yes, as in he killed himself. I'm afraid about 80% of quirkless people kill themselves more or less by Midoriya's age. It's sad, but true. If he did kill himself, we can at least give the boy a proper funeral, and the mother the news of what happened to her son."

Izuku wasn't anywhere around the rooftop. There was no sign of anyone actually. Tsukauchi sighed. The detective spent six months on this case, the other officers giving up, since the boy was quirkless.

Detective hated when cases like this went cold. Reluctantly, Tsukauchi put away the case files. Maybe one day, Midoriya will resurface. Or the Detective hoped he would.

All Might burst through the door of the USJ. He was NOT smiling. Hitoshi, his successor looked up at the loud noise, breaking the boy's focus on the Nomu. Which caused the monster to head Towards the purple haired boy's best friend- Monoma.

"NETIO!" Hitoshi called out. The purple haired boy cursed himself for losing focus. One For All increased his quirk from 'Controlling anyone who ANSWERS a question' to 'Anyone he talks to'. All Might saw potential in him, since Aizawa saw potential in him-

"Aizawa is a strict man, with high expectations. If he believes you can be a hero. You deserve this power and to be a hero!"

All Might gave Hitoshi so much hope. He gave him the power of All Might himself, but it manifested differently in Hitoshi than in All Might. All Might said it would make him punch stronger, not boost his quirk tend fold.

Whatever, he had used his power to keep the Nomu in place so it wouldn't attack and kill Aizawa. The ravenette had barely managed to dodge the monster before Hitoshi took control. All Might rushed in, Hitoshi looked to his side- NEITO WAS NEXT TO HIM!?

"How'd you dodge that!?" Hitoshi asked his friend.

"I... didn't..." Neito muttered, clearly frightened. Hitoshi turned his attention back to All Might and the Nomu.

"HEY MONSTER! STOP FIGHTING BACK!!!" Hitoshi took control of the Nomu again. All Might was grateful for his successor's quirk, it was so useful, especially combined with One For All. All Might was right to trust Aizawa's judgement.

The lead villain, Shigaraki Tomura didn't seem phased, when Nomu was shot out of the building's skylight. Despite acting like a child, when All Might wasn't at the USJ when he was supposed to be. The hand-covered villain laughed manically-

"Sensei, said that was a chance you'd beat the Nomu... So we had a back-up plan. Kurogiri, send in... Zero..."

"Yes, Young Master," The mist villain opened up a portal and out stepped, a blonde, red-eyed boy who looked to be just barely younger than the students. All Might froze, as if he'd seen a ghost. And honestly, he probably was- "Zero, take out All Might."

"Of course Kurogiri," The blonde boy bowed, before turning his attention to the number hero. The boy rushed at All Might, who was still frozen. Hitoshi growled, All Might was gonna hate him for this-

"ALL MIGHT CAPTURE THE BLONDE VILLAIN!!!" What Hitoshi was trying to be a hero. This was a kid, probably being manipulated, he wasn't gonna have the number one kill a middle schooler.

All Might's eyes glazed over. All Might sent a weakened punch to Zero's gut, Zero was unphased. Hitoshi's eyes widened- "All Might used a small bit more of... your quirk..." Zero grunted as he was pushed back. All Might punched Zero's head with 20% of One For All.

It didn't work. Hitoshi's mind started to get fuzzy. If he overused his birth quirk mixed with One For All, he would pass out from mental strain-

"All Might..." Hitoshi muttered, as loud as he could muster, knowing his quirks would turn off the second he black out. "Gain control of yourself and remember you have to fight... Zero..."

Hitoshi passed out. All Might regained his control. He didn't know what was happening, just that he needed to fight this blonde kid. All Might managed to use 100% of his power and knock the boy out. Shigaraki scratched his neck, angrily-


"Now, now, Young Master," Kurogiri calmed the blue haired man down. "Zero was unstoppable if All Might recognized him. Clearly, that wasn't the case. But look he's panting, we can beat him now, if we hurry!"

"Yes, let's KILL the symbol of peace now..." The two villains rushed to attack All Might, but suddenly, Shigaraki was shot in the hand, legs, and arms. Kurogiri acted quickly. Protecting his master.

"Zero," Blonde boy was only partially conscious. "When you can, return to the base." Zero goaned, but nodded to the best of his ability in his state. Kurogiri teleported himself and Shigaraki away.

The police and UA staff entered the building. They arrested the villains. Aizawa had zero tied in his scarf. Zero barely reacted, even though he was finally conscious. All Might, finally fully aware, recognized Zero-

"Young Bakugou?"

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