Operation Medea

بواسطة airsoftal01

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During a Dark night at Hogwarts, the Goblet of Fire begins to show a word of magic and war. المزيد

Operation Medea Trailer 1
Teaser Trailer 2
Teaser 3
Trailer 2
Official Video Trailer.
Wheres the next chapter ?
What is Operation Medea ?
December 2022 Update
May 2023 update
July 2023 Update
The Day of Portals
Learning The Truth
From Death to Rebirth
Dawn Of A New World
Americas Secret History
Sicut diabolus vult
Prometheus Spark
Sparks Before the Embers
Embers Rise
WereWolves In London Town
Wolf Hunters

Power of Knowledge

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بواسطة airsoftal01


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Hermione was many things, a soldier's child, a bookworm, bit of a neat freak due to her minor OCD, but what she wasn't was someone who now blindly followed authority after what came to light about the boy-who-lived Harry Potter now Hero of Germany Tanya.

So you might wonder why this matters? Well for anyone else it wouldn't, however for Hermione right now who is sitting in the great hall of Hogwarts with her fellow students and most recently fellow Cadets she started to see things, patterns, even subtle magic at play as many of the pure bloods seem to be all for military service and serving the crown. When before they would have scoffed at the very idea which caused her to become slightly paranoid and when able to, would bring up her concerns to her father.

Of Course these concerns would be put on the back burner as she looks at some of her fellow classmates looking at a magazine which had the one and only Rita Skeeter on the front page with the words 'NEW HOST WITH THE MOST! Investigative super reporter! Or yellow page muckraker!'

Hermione couldn't help but wonder how the hell Rita Skeeter, lie spinner herself, somehow got herself into the BBC, but even got her own spot on the BBC News known as 'Rita's Reports!' which is a mix of regular news, speculative news, and even your run of the mill celeberatiy watch type show the yanks love so much.

Now that would have been so bad if there weren't already talks of Rita getting her own talk show starting in mid november. 'HOW!?' Was all Hermione could say when she found out about it.

Before Hermione could continue her internal ranting the voice of Susan Bones caught her attention as she says, "hey did you guys hear about the latest arrest?" That got Hermione's attention as she heard Neville respond to Susans question, "not really no, i've been too busy with my classes to become a medic." He said before taking a bite out of his sandwich.

Draco decided to chime in as he said, "Heard it was Notts dad who got arrested for going against not only his Oath to the Crown, but also for attempting to flee the country with the family to avoid military service as punishment for raising up arms against the sovereign." Hermione was now even more puzzled as she watched Draco drink some tea before Susan added, "heard it Theo who ratted out his own father, said it was his patriotic duty as a proud British subject and future Knight of the crown." Which got the pure bloods to chuckle.

Hermione finally decided to speak up as she asked, "what do you mean oath to the crown? I know we were told that if we go into the service that we were to take an oath but is there a magical oath that some of us first gen mages don't know about?"

The pure bloods all looked at Hermione before Draco's hand met his face, thankfully Daphne Greengrass, a fellow cadet, answered Hermione's question as she said, "well yes. You see, for those of Noble houses or even for those going into government take a magical oath which not only swears fidelity to the ruling sovereign, but also shows they are willing to put their magic on the line in not only their service to the sovereign but also in the defense of the crown and country. So to betray the oath is also seen as high treason by both the ruling court and mother magic, or thanks to the portal God's eyes as we broke a sworn oath enforced by magic."

Hermione, as well as a few other first generation mages, was shocked to hear this. "what happens to these oath breakers? Aside from losing their magic." Susan spoke up, "in the past they would have either been hanged until hung or beheaded. However nowadays with our modern laws they will most likely face life imprisonment in a high security military prison. But you also have to take into account the crimes they committed which caused them to be labeled as treason. So it is really subjective, like with Theos father he would be seen as breaking his oath, a coward, and a disgrace to his family name and to the kingdom. So Theo will have to now work hard in order to clear such a disgrace from his family name."

Draco chuckles as he adds "well i don't know about all of you, but i am going to work my hardest and try to become a royal knight! Even if my father attempts anything i shall happily do my duty as a proud citizen of our realm and report any treasonous behavior like a true patriot should." This boasting came as a shock to many within the former 'light' side of the cadets of course before anyone could comment or say anything, the familiar sound of the portal opening up stops any further discussion as everyone prepares to see what is to come next in the adventures of Tanya, The Hero-Of-The-Fatherland.

The scene opens to the sight of a shared dorm room as Tanya is seen sleeping in a bed directly adjacent to Vishas bed, of course unlike most nights where Tanya has a peaceful slumber, this time she does not as young Tanya is seen thrashing about and whimpering slightly. Hearing her roommate and commanding officer in distress, Visha comes over to her bed, sitting on the edge she watches with a slight hint of sadness at Tanyas distressed face as she try's to figure out how to soothe her commanders nightmare, for while she was a soldier of the Empire, she was still just a child.

Minerva couldn't help but frown as she said, "Oh the poor thing, I couldn't imagine the nightmares she must be having." She says seeing how Young Tanya is struggling with what are clearly night terrors.

Severus Snape looked at Tanya with a look of understanding, he also suffered from nightmares from the wizarding war, but unlike young Tanya. His dreams involved all the people that he killed before turning against the Death Eaters coming to him and accusing him, hitting him, hurting him, and he did nothing to stop it he deserved it, but he worked towards his redemption everyday, especially now that Dumbledore was gone, he still could scarcely believe all the so called plans that the old manipulator had made for young Tanya. He always had a bad feeling about Dumbledore but he had always thought that he could at least trust the old man, turns out he couldn't, Dumbledore was just the light version of Voldemort apparently.

Finally a thought comes to her mind and with a collected breath she begins to sing with the voice of a soothing tone and soft voice.

(Till 1:07 but if you want to stay here and hear this song in its full then do so and then go on with the story.)

Spi, mladenets moy prekrasnyy.

(Sleep, good boy, my beautiful.)


Tikho smotrit mesyats yasnyy

V kolybel' tvoyu.

(Quietly the moon is looking

Into your cradle.)

Stanu skazyvat' ya skazki,

Pesenku spoyu;

Ty zh dremli, zakryvshi glazki,

(I will tell you fairy tales

And sing you little songs,

But you must slumber, with your little eyes closed.)

Bayushki bayu.

Sam uznaesh', budet vremya,

Brannoe zhit'e;

(The time will come, then you will learn

The pugnacious life,)

Smelo vdenesh' nogu v stremya

I voz'mesh' ruzh'e.

(Boldly you'll stem your foot into the stirrup

And take the gun.)

Ya sedel'tse boevoe

Shelkom razosh'yu...

Spi, ditya moe rodnoe,

(The saddle-cloth for your battle horse

I will sew you from silk.

Sleep now, my dear little child.)

Bayushki bayu.

Bogatyr' ty budesh' s vidu

I kazak dushoy.

(You will look like a hero

And be a Cossack deep in your heart.)

Visha smiles as she looks down at the now calm form of Tanya sleeping like an angel. Leaning down she gives the sleeping Tanya a soft kiss upon her forehead before whispering. "Sweet dreams commander." Returning to her bed she welcomes the comforting embrace of sleep as both now sleep peacefully, not knowing what was to come the next day.

When Vasha started singing, the great hall was silent, deathly silently as the young woman's voice carried throughout the hall, even the castle itself seemed to help the woman by adding some of its magic to give those hearing her sing a sense of love, calmness, and even caring. However once the singing stopped, the reactions were mixed as some first years, even up to seventh, had tears fall free from their eyes, even Draco tried to fight the urge to cry as he remembered his own mother singing him to sleep when he had nightmares, and to hear this woman sing and even feeling the magic that came from it caused young Draco to make a note to himself to write a letter home to his mother and thank her for everything she has done for him to be the young man he is today. 

The portal opens up to the Capital city of the Empire, the sight of a light green building is zoomed in on before it cuts the room of a sleep Tanya, once the clock on the table next to the radio clicks six o clock, Tanya awakens almost as if she has programed her own biological clock to awaken at such time.

She begins her morning routine after she turns on the radio. "This is Imperial military command with your six A.M. War update." Tanya brushes her teeth with just a basic ceramic bowl and pitcher of water as she listens to the radio play the news. "North Norden reports our forces, including our central units, continue to expand on all theaters." Tanya begins to put her uniform on as she slowly buttons up her uniform top, making sure it is inline with her pants. "Next a report from Western Command at the Rhine front. In response to an overnight enemy attack our forces launched a large scale-" Tanya didn't even continue to listen to the report as she turned off the radio, after putting her Silver Wings Assault Badge to her uniform top. Walking to the door with her messenger bag in her left hand, while her right grabs her rifle by its sling, which she then slings said rifle over her shoulder, Tanya leaves her room ready for the day.

Those who were interested in the war reports, the adults mostly, listen to the news and for the Minerva it brought back memories of listening to the BBC to hear how the war was going for the allies against both the Axis and Grindelwald which in the early days seemed dark but in time the tides turned and they won such a bloody war. Of course those of the military wanted to hear how the war was going for this version of the German Empire but sadly that source of information was cut short after Tanya had shut off the radio.

For the students they couldn't help but chuckle a little, for be they regular students or even those of the Cadets, the almost robotic routine they go through every morning is one that is so ingrained into them that it's second nature for them in how they get up in the morning to get ready for the day.

As cars pass on a busy street the words "Unified Year 1924, Imperial Capital Berun" appear above the street, a couple of soldiers are seen walking by a vegetable stand, with some canned food and wine also being sold there. The Stand operator could be heard calling to the soldiers "Hey!, soldiers come spend your ration cards here!" One of the two passing soldiers called back, "No thanks, we already have everything we need."

The scene changes to an outdoor café with two women being shown with one of the women holding a letter from her fiancé, with her friend saying " I can't believe that Johann had already killed five Republican soldiers."

"Yes," the woman said. "He even thinks he'll be back before Christmas."

For Minerva hearing the words 'ration cards' caused her to give a small lady like chuckle as she says in an almost nostalgic way "oh i remember those days of rationing, how we had to do our part to make sure we were never wasteful and try to save as much as we could for the war effort."

For Dan, he had a small smile as he remembered the letters he would write home to his wife, always trying to keep her spirits up or even when he would be back home. The Falklands was probably the only time he was honest that he would indeed be back by Christmas. But then the desert conflicts began and it brought a bitterness into his mind at the fact he was ordered to not say anything of where they were going, dates, or even when they would be rotated out to go home. He honestly hoped and prayed that these soldiers, even if they are fighting their other world 'allies' , make it home to their loved ones.

Tanya is now seen walking the streets with a schooled face as she keeps her gaze ahead and the grip of her rifles sling tight, of course her inner thoughts were a different story as she begins to think, 'It's been six months since I left the frontlines and came back to the capital, and yet. I can't seem to get the stench of blood and gunpowder out of my nose.' Tanya stops as she looks at something in front of her smiling, full of content as she continues to think, 'but I can ignore that.' Soon the sight of a huge building, adorned in the Imperial colors and flying the flags of the Empire is seen right in front of Tanya as other Officers go inside the building. 'especially since I'm enjoying my studies so much.' Tanya thinks with a truly happy thought as she begins to walk into the officer school.

The flag of the empire, the double headed dragon could be seen on a wall as Tanya thoughts could be heard.

'While there are big differences on educational policies,' Tanya could be seen walking up a grand staircase in a very opulent building, 'A military university, interestingly just like a normal school, and unlike in my previous life, I am flourishing here, actually enjoying my time here.' It then cuts to her walking down a hallway to her classroom, 'I'm also treated pretty well here as well, but that's probably because I came back with a medal.' As she walks down the hallway a fellow student sees the Silver Wings Assault Badge and salutes her as she passes. 'Even though I'm still a kid and a girl, everyone still treats me pretty well.' as she enters a class room she heads to her desk and sits down unpacking everything. 'All I need to do now is learn and prove myself, and after that I'll earn enough money for myself and for the Orphanage, which they will never want again.' As she takes her hat off a strand of hair sticks up like a question mark.

Minerva raised an eyebrow at the opulence of the college, yes she worked in a castle, but it wasn't nearly as opulent as this collage. Yes Hogwarts was a nearly thousand year old castle, but it had character, it had history, it was her Home and no College Eireachdail would ever replace her home.

The students looked at the college and smiled slightly, yes Hogwarts had its charm, but they had to give the Germans their due, they had style. Of course for one Draco Malfoy he smiled as he pictured himself with a medal on his chest or even his title of knight being given respect as he simply walked down the hall. Yes Tanya, former Harry Potter, was what he would strive to be when he finally graduated and got his commission into the Royal Mage Forces.

Dan hearing Tanya speak of what war smelled like, reminded him of his first taste of combat during the Falklands, while he kept the stereotype of a strong and noble British soldier when he was around others or even his wife. He personally couldn't get what he saw out of his head, the smell of death, or even the screams of the dying. It haunted him until he learned how to deal with it years later. He prayed his baby girl would never know of such things, but he would be there for her when she did get her first taste of war. As both a good father and an officer. 

With an eager smile Tanya thinks 'despite everything so far, things seem to be looking up for me.' Soon class begins as the teacher, a senior officer, has what looks to be trench lines drawn up on the chalkboard as he lectures the class, "When units deviate from their intended mission plans, should the officer in command be held personally responsible?" Looking back to the class he waits to see what the answers will be from this batch of officer candidates, looking to one student he says, "Your answer Victor?" Victor stands at attention as he answers "Sir! Even if he wasn't directly at fault he should accept moral responsibility!"

"Ha" Captain Squire laughed, "That's right Fritz, you teach these officers what any true British Officer already Knows, and as for you young Fritz" he continued pointing at the Cadet that answered the instructor's lesson, "You need more learning if you think that's an acceptable answer."

Blackadder sighs as he has to be the responsible adult, again, but asks those present in a more controlled tone, "while the good captain does have a point i think what the good captain meant to ask was, is it a question of morality or of legal wartime law?"

"I think" Hermione started, "What the instructor and the Captain are trying to say is that it's a war time legality rather than a morality question."

Everything was quiet as everyone stared, and everyone missed the small smile that Squire had, with Blackadder saying "Yes, that is what he was asking."

Dan smiled at how smart his little soldier girl was as he says, "take fifty points for understanding of the wartime law."

The instructor hit the board "I'm not talking about morality you Idiot I'm talking about legal responsibility!, Pay attention you fool!" He looked around the room before his eyes landed on Tanya. "You Degurechaff!, what's your answer?"

"Sir" she said standing up "to clear up the question are there any senior ranking officers in this situation." she asked.

"Let's say there aren't any," the instructor said.

"Then sir as it follows, because the officer did not stop he should be held for dereliction of Duty and if found guilty of it."

she hesitated for a second here "The officer should be either killed by firing squad if the infraction is big enough or demoted for failing to stop insubordinate subordinates."

The instructor looked impressed and said "Yes, that is correct and a well thought out answer."

The students jumped slightly as the instructor hit the board, not noticing the thoughtful looks from some of the teachers, of course once the student body heard Tanyas answers the Ravenclaw students already had pens and pads out writing down the answer as fast as their hands could write. 

 Flitwick looked at the screen with a thoughtful look on his face, he thought to his kin at Gringotts and wondered if they were watching this as well, wondering if they were enjoying all the fighting and battles. 

 Susan couldn't help but think this was the sort of stuff her own aunt would drill into her head, yes she was now a Major in the Royal Mage Forces, but she was an officer of the law before and if there's one thing in the bones household you knew to the letter it was the law both inside and outside of the United Kingdom. Considering her Aunt was watching this like they were, she knew that by this time tomorrow her Aunt's hawk would come bearing books of the Geneva convention as well as every wartime law known to mankind.

The class soon ends with the sound of a bell as the students begin to file out talking among themselves, Tanya however stays within the class room as she lays down her Mondragon rifle and begins to field strip it as she begins to clean the bolt. Of course one student stays behind, a large built man who looks down at her as he says "Degurechaff."

She turns and looks up seeing a fellow student and the words "Military Academy Student Captain Maximilian Johann Von Uger"

"Good afternoon, Captain Uger" Tanya said as she looked back down at her disassembled rifle, "what is it she asked."

"You seem to enjoy working on your rifle," he said. It shows a shot of her hands with a brush in one of them, she stops and looks at him.

"This rifle" she said "Has seen me through the Rhine frontline and has saved me many times. I take good care of it because it has been a faithful friend, so I return the favor by taking excellent care of it."

Captain Uger looked down more than a little sad and said "Yes, you definitely were on the Rhine front." and with that he walked out of the room as Tanya went back to cleaning her faithful friend. 'Plus' she thought 'If X ever shows his face again i need something like my friend here to protect me Isn't that right Padfoot.' She didn't know where the name Padfoot came from but it did, and she named her Rifle that.

Bringing up her rifle, she aims at the front of the class with a determined face as she squeezes the trigger, dropping the firing pin on an empty chamber giving off a slight metallic sound.

Those of the Cadets knew how Tanya felt, they had not been given weapons training yet. However from the many hours of weapons safety, orientation, and even lectures of how to imbue their magic into their future service weapons it was drilled into them that their service weapon was to be treated as if it was a loved one. Seeing how Tanya took care of her weapon made truly come to understand what their instructors were teaching them, even from all the combat they had seen from this world's version of the first world war and even from what they learned of the Americans with their M16s malfunctioning during combat in Vietnam. The phrase 'a dirty weapon means your death.' Gave the cadets a whole new conviction in making sure their future service weapons were maintained and well taken care of.

However for Dan, it reminded him of his trusty SLR when it saved him during his time in the Falklands, even when they began to transition to the L85 he did his damndest to keep his SLR with him throughout his tours in that damn desert, because much like Tanya his SLR kept him alive throughout his years of combat duty.

Sirius had tears roll down his face as his hand grip his chest, he was crying both tears of sadness and joy at the fact that his goddaughter in a way still remembered him and even named her weapon after him, a weapon that has kept her alive in that damned war caused by a demon, a weapon that she would use to try and kill the demon who has brought her nothing but pain and suffering, but most of all that made him beam with joy was the thought that whenever she could she would maintain her weapon to keep her safe. Now he might have been making a stretch in this assumption, but in a way the connection she had with the weapon was a connection to him, in a way he was keeping his goddaughter alive. "Oh pup, padfoot is gonna bring you home. Just you wait and see. One way or another he will bring you home." 

 The scene shifts to a room filled with books and the words "Military Academy Library" appears over it all, it then cuts to Tanya trying to reach a book but due to her height, she is falling to reach it. She tries jumping a few times to reach the book she wants but to no avail, she stops and while she pouts at the fact she can't reach it. She tries one more time to reach it but just as she was about to try a hand comes out of nowhere and grabs it, confused she looks over and sees General Zettour, and as he grabs the book. "I see you reading about Hannibal and his tactics during the Battle of Cannae, you've chosen a worthy topic to study."

She saw that he was general and quickly saluted him "I'm so sorry General sir, please forgive me. I am Tanya Degurechaff, a student here at the Academy, 1st Lieutenant for the Glorious Imperial Mage Corps."

The General gave a small smile at Tanya before saying "At ease Lieutenant, I'm Strategy and Operations, Vice Director Zettour."

'A strategy director, huh he must be here scouting to fill positions for his department, it's a pretty big deal for him to be here.' Tanya thought to herself. Tanya gave him a small smile and said "It's an honor to meet you, Vice Director."

Zettour smiled back and said "I've heard more than a few tales about you from the Rhine front, you've done much for being so young."

Tanya was more than a little shocked. "Um i don't know about all that, i just did what my orders were and what my superiors ordered."

Zettour smiled at Tanya's humbleness, yes he was picking right. "If your not busy, why don't you come to my office, so we can speak further." he said

Tanya looked shocked but saluted and said "Sir it would be an honor, Sir!"

They both turned and began walking towards his office with Tanya thinking 'Huh I guess I've impressed the top brass, I guess my rapid rise was good for something after all.'

There were some chuckles as while Tanya has garnered respect for her performance as a soldier, at the end of the day she was still a child and would not be able to do certain things due to her stature.

Of course once the general came into the picture, more than a few of the pure blood cadets which consisted of Draco, Daphne, and of course Pansy. All had varying thoughts or more like fantasy's, Draco the most, of doing so well that they would personally be scouted by a high ranking general with offers to advance their own military careers. 

Hermione raised an eyebrow before both eyebrows went up to her hairline as she remembered the last viewing, how this general found Tanyas file all thanks to the demon Being X which caused her to be on guard for what is to come, however Neville just looks at his fellow cadets as he says, "well seems like things are starting to look up for Tanya." Draco nods in agreement as he says to the heir Longbottom, "indeed it does. My cousin's achievements are being recognized by the brass."

Dan, along with the others slightly narrowed their eyes as they had a bad feeling of what is to come, while it might be nothing and is a simple talk that didn't mean Tanya might be thrown into something that she didn't want and was only put into a situation because of the Demon.

Outside the people of Berun were high in spirits as many drank, laughed, and even brought their children to enjoy in the lively atmosphere, however inside the office of one General Zettour was standing at the window, looking down at the people while Tanya was standing at attention next to a chair across from the general's desk.

Zettour finally broke the silence as he says, "please be seated." To which Tanya gave a proper "Yes sir! Thank you." Before taking the offered seat, after being seated Zettour, still looking out the window, says to Tanya, "I've asked you here because I would like to ask your opinion on something."

Tanya looked slightly confused by the general's request and waited to see what his question was, of course the question came as Zettour says, "Lieutenant. What are your thoughts on the war?" This caused Tanyas eyes to widen before becoming clearly uncomfortable as she looked down slightly, averting her gaze so as not to meet the generals.

There was a pregnant silence among everyone within the great hall and even at the head table where the staff were seated, for many knew that asking such an opinion during times of war even during the great war was either a test to see if those fighting still had the will to fight or to see if ones loyalty was still towards their own nation.

Hermione broke the silence as she said, "well. Unlike how our first world war went, with magic being used by this world's militaries it would be hard to give an honest answer with how broad the question is." One Ravenclaw nods in agreement as they added, "I agree with you on that Granger, the war could honestly go either way, but unless another nation decided to join in the conflict it could go in either the alternate Frances favor or in the Empire's favor depending on the tactics used as well as how they deploy their mage forces. 

"I'm afraid I don't quite understand the question sir, and besides I'm not in any position to answer such a question." Tanya said

Zettour looked back with half of his head and said "Allow me to rephrase, Lieutenant, what do you expect the next major developments of this war to be?"

Tanya kept a cool outside but inside she was a mess, 'why is he asking me these questions? I'm just a kid, who so far has gotten lucky to have talented subordinates. But it will look rude if I refuse to answer, oh what do I do!?'

After a few moments Tanya spoke, "Sir, permission to speak freely." Zettour nodded his head 'After all' he said in his mind 'I need to know your honest opinions.'

"I believe" Tanya said after a moment "That the next stage of this war will cause it to develop into a full scale World War."

"A World War?" Zettour said confused,

"Yes" Tanya said "A war that is fought by all the world's major powers, even if the Republic, was to be defeated and peace restored to the continent, the Allied Kingdom or the Russi Federation would fear our Fatherlands growing power and out of fear would seek to destroy our Fatherland in its infancy. While yes our Fatherland's military is powerful. all alone we would crumble from the weight of the world crashing down on us."

As she says that flashes of the Empires past battles comes on the screen, it then switches to a map that shows all of the Republic's forces falling as the Empires rise over

their defeated enemy.

"Interesting" Zettour said "I see your point."

Hermione just sighs, " she's right, if you look at our own history the same thing happened with America during the first and second world war. They lend leased weapons, gave us funds, and even allowed for volunteers. It wasn't until they were attacked that they finally got involved in both wars. Of course in this world's case the Empire is only fighting their version of France and Sweden, but for how long is the real question."

Susan then chimes in as she says, "but the real question is who will open a new front first? Will it be this world's version of us? The Russians? Italians? Bulgarians? It's clear that the Americans are not involved at all in this conflict."

'Hmm' Tanya thought, 'he seems pretty interested in what I had to say, so far so good.'

"So you see" Tanya said "The interference of other nations is just unavoidable, oh sure it will start out small, giving out loans of money to the Republic, and then sending them weapons or volunteers."

"That's a pretty bold assumption, how would you respond to that?" Zettour said

Tanya took a moment and then said "By starting talks with the other party early on, give them promises that we wouldn't war with them for a set period, but have those promises be under the conditions that they stop all support of Republican forces. Barring that failing I would put a focus on us limiting our losses while making sure to bleed the enemy of their reserves and combat capable troops." Tanya looked proud of herself. 'I hope the General likes it, I managed to put all of my thoughts into that one.'

"So what you're saying" Zettour said, breaking Tanya out of her inner thoughts "Is that you wouldn't even try to win the war?"

Tanya's eyes widened at the accusation "No sir!" She said "All I said was limiting our losses while inflicting a lot of casualties on the enemy, we would come out the victors in the long run."

Zettour didn't say anything at first but after a moment he said "Then how would you see your plan through."

'I need to make sure I sound smart and brave with this, everyone at the Orphanage is counting on me!' Tanya thought to herself. "Well i would use a plan that combines Defensive tactics and the offensive capabilities of mages."

"Mages are powerful, yes," Zettour said "But they don't exactly make up a grand majority of our forces, and they aren't very useful for capturing enemy bases."

"Yes sir" Tanya said "However Mages are great in two places: firepower and agility, it makes them great for hunting down enemy forces."

Both the military heads present and even the Ravenclaws began taking notes of the capability and even limitations of how they could be used, unknown that the worlds military heads were also doing the same, as Oliver Wood nods his head abit, "so like seekers." Of course Hermione expanded on his thought, "yes in a way. However if you think back they have been mostly in a support role. However if you think about it, it does make sense that much like a seeker they are used to either hunt other mages or help take out artillery' emplacements, scout out enemy positions for counter battery operations. Honestly Tanya brings up a good point at the fact of how flexible mages can be in terms of combat roles they can be used for."

'Okay Tanya, now head this thing home' came Tanya's inner thought "A country can't maintain a war if it's bleeding Soldier, Resources, and power, eventually it will collapse on itself. But you could win a war if you limit how much Resources and manpower you lose. With that in mind I believe that this is the best policy to use our mage forces."

"Huh" Zettour said "Possibly"

'YES!' Tanya cried out in her mind 'I totally sold him on something I just pulled out of my ass on the fly.'

"And" Zettour said, pulling her from her thought "How large of a force would be needed to use such a force."

"Well at least a Battalion sized unit, in order to conform with the Imperial standard for combat infantry. It of course would need to be tested and put through training in order to test the validity of such a unit." Tanya said, answering his question.

Zettour crossed his arms "Of course," he said "Put together a formal proposal letter on the subject"

"Yes, Sir" Tanya said standing up from the chair and saluting the General "I'll get started on it at once. You won't be disappointed sir."

As Tanya turned and left the room the General's normally closed eyes opened slightly and he said "Oh, I'm sure I won't be disappointed Major Degurechaff, I'm sure I won't be."

While at first the students were impressed with how Tanya proposed how Mages should be used, which once again all of the worlds military commands took note and even began to expand on the idea presented with the current level of military technology they have, however at the end the sounds of hands meeting foreheads, or even outright realization at what just happen came to pass as even Dan could be heard grumbling "this was a bloody evaluation, Tanya you poor girl this is why you don't show your competent or else you get 'volunteered' for something you didn't even know you were volunteering for." 

 Hermione just sighs as she thinks 'note to self, if asked for such and or similar opinions by people in the future, only give a half ass answer and or do ANYTHING that doesn't land me in what Tanya just landed herself in.'

Soon the sound of a train is heard as the scene changes to the sight of a train chugging through the Imperial countryside, as a tree passes, the sight of a wide eye Lt. Colonel Rerugen who was currently reading a document as he thinks almost in disbelief, 'no they can't be serious!? A global conflict involving all major world powers!' The Lt. Colonel continues to stare at the document with his mouth a gape, almost as if he couldn't believe it.

Rereugen flashed back to the Office of General Von Rudersdorf "Zettour, passed this along to me, the author's name is being kept confidential, I know you're busy going to all the Battlefields and out fronts but I want you to take a look at this." As Rereugen, now back on the train, put the packet back down, and took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance and fear.

Rerugen thinks 'a world war would be madness, the amount of lives lost would be immeasurable, and would likely end in the Fatherland collapsing.' Opening his eyes he looks up before looking back at the documents as he continues to think, 'it sounds insane but it's not impossible.' Bringing his arm down he just stares at the document. 'Is that why im having such a visceral reaction? Or is it because the way this report is written and reasoned sounds disturbingly like something SHE would say.' he thinks as he glares at the wall across from him.

Blackadder nods, "the only hope is that if this version of the German empire loses the war that some mad man doesn't take over and attempt to build a false vision that they believe will last a thousand years." That got a nod of agreement from those present to which Flitwick adds, "or something worse." While he may be half goblin, he was also the head of Ravenclaw and with it came the insight of learning from history. Be it goblin or human even magical, for as the saying goes 'if one does not learn from history. They are doomed to repeat it.'

 The scene opens up to a building with a car passing in front of it with the words appearing above it "#3 Krueger Street, Zolka Café '' it shows Tanya enjoying a nice cup of coffee, with a smile on her face she took a sip and a look of bliss took hold. 'My grades are very good and most of my classmates treat me with respect, despite having to die to get her, I find myself enjoying my time here.' As she contemplated many things she heard the door opening and the bell above it ringing, she looked and saw Captain Uger looking around so she said "Hello, Captain Uger, it's been a while how have you been." Uger looked startled, looked down and saw Tanya sitting there enjoying her coffee and sweets.

Uger takes a seat across from Tanya as he says, "a rifle and a newspaper, you're nothing if not consistent. That makes you the ideal soldier I'd say." Tanya nods as she looks up at Uger, "you're the one making a name for yourself. Everyone says you're to be inducted into the twelve knights, the pride of our school." This causes Uger to chuckle a little as we see the Captain has a wedding ring while he slightly strokes the handle of his cup of coffee. "Is something the matter Captain?" Tanya asked.

 Draco couldn't help but feel pride at how good his cousin is doing, however his mind started to think about the idea of a knight order being introduced to Hogwarts which made him smile abit bigger as he made a note to himself to write up a letter to be sent to her highness to 'humbly ask' if such a order could be made for cadets with 'exceptional skills, grades, and honors' which made the voice in his head add 'yes, this is a grand idea Draco, No not just Draco, but SIR Draco Malfoy of the NOBLE House Malfoy ! Of the Cadets! And future officer in Her Majesty's Royal Mage Corps.' This caused Draco to chuckle as he hid a large grin on his face.

For Dan he could see why the Captain looked the way he did, because for a moment, Tanya was replaced with Hermione in uniform sitting there, and it only strengthened his resolve to try and convince his baby girl to try and get a position that would keep her away from any combat positions. Now he wouldn't be obvious with it, maybe a hint here and there. That's all.

"Lieutenant Degurechaff," Captain Uger said "This may be a little too personal but why did you volunteer for the Military?"

Tanya looked confused for a moment. "With someone of your talent and drive you could have done something far less dangerous, so why service?"

Tanya looked down and asked "How much do you know about my past, Captain"

"Not that much" he said Tanya gave a sad smile as she looked down, "Captain I grew up in an Orphanage, everyday was just a struggle to survive especially as people generosity dried up with their purses, we all knew hunger us Orphans and the Sisters that ran it, even when we begged people would look down on us, calling us urchins and a drain on resources, the only jobs we could get were the most dangerous because as some said "Who cares if some no name orphans die, it gets rid of some mouths to feed." So after it was discovered that my magical talent was so high I decided to join up for the only remaining family I have left, those that haven't died from some cruel mine or textile factory owner. Everything I do Captain is for those that are left," she looked down for a moment and when she looked up a smile graced her face that made the Captains heart hurt, it reminded him so much of his own Daughters when she was hurt inside and didn't want him to know how bad.

"That's why I joined up Captain for those I love so that they can get a chance at a better future." Captain Uger looked down before he looked back up tears threatening to stream down his face "I see" he said in a heartbroken tone, 'It is true' he thought 'The ones that are broken the most try and shoulder the most.'

Minerva didn't know it, but she, much like many of the students, had tears threatening to spill free from her eyes simply because of the fact that everything Tanya is doing, all the hardships, even the defying of a demon claiming to be GOD! Was doing all she could provide for her home, and while she might never know due to said demon, the headmistress firmly believed that this wee las would have been sorted into the house of lions. Which brought a sense of pride into the old woman's heart and as she slightly grasps her rosary she said a silent prayer to herself "oh James, Lilly i do hope you're looking down on your nighean with pride. Because while she may not be a Gryffindor, she is as much a Lion as you two were."

The students who werent crying or seeking a shoulder for comfort were reminded of all the hardships Tanya has gone through and continues to go through, Luna however looked on with a sad smile as she says, "dont worry oh great warrior of Prussia, for the great mothers blessing is with you and shall bless your home and those for whom you see as family."

Uger looks down at his ring as he finally says, "I have a kid now, a little girl." Tanyas eyes widen slightly as she looks at Uger as she says with abit of a small smile, "really? congratulations sir." Uger, still looking at his ring, continues his thought "every time i look at you, i can't help but ask if my own daughter will have to go to war one day. Just the thought of it terrifies me."

Looking up at Tanya, he looks right into Tanyas eyes as he speaks with conviction, "sending children out into the battlefield is insane." Looking down slightly he adds, "it isn't right, surely you can see that?"

Tanya looked at him and said "You know Captain, i believe you a nice person, and your Daughter is very lucky to have you as a father, your kind and you have a conscience, and empathy, you should get a position here in the rear before you have to go to the front, be here for your little girl make sure you are here to raiser her, be here for her, and love her."

"I wish I could" Uger said "The frontlines are a more Honorable position."

"What you need is what I've already said, stay here for your daughter, she needs you more than the frontline. Every battle we win is a fight that she won't have to. Please Captain stay here for your Daughter." Tanya said.

Uger looked down pensive and Tanya wanting to clear this miserable air away said cheerfully "Now why don't we have some lunch and maybe some coffee and sweets too." she said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you for the offer, Lieutenant. But my wife is waiting on me at home." and he turns and leaves the Café.

 Dan slowly looked down at his own wedding ring, thinking of what Tanya said to the Captain, much like the Captain, Dan did all he could to not just provide for his family but also made sure that every battle, every engagement, every firefight he lived through was one that his daughter never had to. Looking up to the student body in the great hall his eyes landed on those of his child Hermione who with a single tear rolling down her face she mouthed towards her father 'thank you, for everything daddy.' And that did it, Dan fought back tears as he just gave a nod to his little princess with a smile of a proud father.

Susan, much like many others, was silent, either moved by Tanyas words or remembering those of their family who died fighting in the blood purity war, much like her parents did. So with the first moment she sees her Aunt and future Step Uncle again she would give them both a hug and thank them for everything they did to make sure she had a happy life.

Tanya smiled as she thought, 'at least another little girl will not have to lose a father.' she smiled as it changed to Imperial Strategic Headquarters, conference Room 1 as an officer gave a report, "update. The redeployment of our central forces to the Rhine front has caused a temporary lull in the battle with the Republic."

"Yes" Zettour said "But it's also true that our soldiers in the western theater were almost completely wiped out, it's critical that we reorganize and reinforce them quickly."

"Yes," another General said. "But a large-scale military reorganization would take too long and be almost impossible at this point."

"I am well aware of the resources it would take." Zettour said, "Which is why I have something else to suggest."

"Really" a Bald headed general said. "I hope it's something more feasible."

"It should be" Zettour said "It's a new Rapid Response Force." Hushed whispers broke out and a voice could be heard saying "That isn't what our original plans called for." "This would help operations," said General Rudersdorf, "we are in dire need of a highly mobile force that can be rapidly deployed around the country."

Daphne nods as she says, "he's not wrong. From what we saw the fronts is at a standstill, the only real way would be for the mages to be used a unit for hit and run tactics." Hermione nods as she says to her fellow Cadet, "you're not wrong. The trench fighting of the first world war were nothing but standstills or just fighting for inches of land. With mages either being treated as a commando unit or even like that of the Special Air Services would give the Empire the edge it needs to break the stalemate of the frontline."

Squire who was listening in on the conversation couldn't help but hide a smile as in his mind he thought, 'well she would be a perfect pick for strategic operations, a bright one she is.'

The Bald General looks at the paper as he says, "you're talking about this plan for a rapid response mage battalion your office submitted a few days ago. Am I correct?" He looks back at the two generals.

Zettour nods, "yes. A single battalion wouldn't be a strain on our resources and it could be deployed quite quickly." The Bald General sighs as he leans back abit "I understand the plan but who would lead this?"

"I've already picked out the ideal candidate." Zettour said with a slight smirk on his face "She has notable combat experience and the report she submitted to me speaks volume of her foresight and judgment."

 Already dread was beginning to grow in everyone's stomach as Minerva's hand went to her forehead as she said in an almost fearful tone. "oh god please no." 

The sight of an Imperial military camp is seen as the words ''Imperial Army Western Theater Garrison." As we come to a tent where the sound of the Lt. Colonel is heard again, "and your sure their all in agreement about this?" The messenger standing at the end of a table nods as he says, "yes that's what the brass said Colonel."

Lt. Colonel Rerugen with a raised eyebrow as the Messenger says, "given our situation they don't want to waste any opportunities.''

Frustrated Rerugen says in a tense voice "But didn't they read my report about her time at the academy and the ruthless demeanor she showed!"

"Yes" the Messenger said "But high command believes she's changed while she's been studying at the capital."

'SHE'S CHANGED!?' Rerugen screams in his mind 'A person's true nature doesn't change after a few months of studying.' It then hit him like a bolt of lightning, that report about the world war. He gets down on his knees and unlocks his truck and gets the report out of it.

"Is that why they wanted me to read this?" Rerugen said as he crushed the paper in his fist his voice rising in anger. "Because she's the one who wrote it!" he screams the last part as he throws it down onto his closed trunk.

Both Fred and George both shouted at once, "SHE HAS CHANGED YA GIT!" Draco of course in a more controlled manner says, "the only reason he was the way she was is because she knows no other life outside of having to fight to just eat or what the military has trained her to be. She is not a monster. Sir." Hermione on the other hand just shakes her head as she had a feeling that when she finally signs up that she will have to face these types of officers which means she would have to talk with her father in private about what to expect in the future.

Minerva had to drink her tea just to keep from yelling out certain words and phrases that are not meant to be said in either polite company or infront of children, but damn if she didn't want to let her highland blood on this officer behind closed doors. 

The sight of the two head dragon statue is seen as we find Tanya sitting across from Zettour at a dining table who is sitting next to a Colonel with wait staff around them. "Once again I'd like to express my thanks for inviting me here." Tanya says politely.

As a glass of wine is being poured a Colonel beside Zettour is heard saying "I'm amazed that you have become one of the 12 knight's at such a young age setting quite the precedent wouldn't you say Zettour."

"Yes" Zettour said "It is quite something."

"I'm deeply honored by your words sirs" Tanya said

"Please, you're still a growing girl, eat as much as you want." The Colonel says.

"Thank you, the food does smell very good." Tanya replied

"Strategic HQ is famous for this dish" the Colonel beside Zettour said

As Tanya ate, she tried to hide her grimace, 'You don't get to eat hot food on the frontlines often, but with this stuff, i'd rather eat cold rations.'

Draco who before was irritated was now on cloud nine as he heard Tanya, his Cousin who died and became a girl to an alternate Prussia, WAS A KNIGHT! And by extension meant that his blood line via the potter and blacks WERE NOW THAT OF KNIGHTS! 'Yes! Thank you god above! I AM FROM A FAMILY OF KNIGHTS!' His smile almost threatened to split his face as he heard behind him, "careful Draco, your ego could be mistaken for a new form of timed explosive spell." Commented Daphne dryly. 

 Tanya looks up at the Colonel next to Zettour as she says "you know this food makes me think fondly of my time deployed at the western front." The Colonel looks surprised as he says, "oh? What a splendid thing to say." Sipping his wine he smiles as he says with a jovial tone, "perhaps we should start calling it something like the specialty of the Rhine battlefield then." He then laughs along with Zettour while Tanya just offers a small chuckle at the Colonel's attempt at a joke.

That got uncomfortable laughs from some in the great hall as Dan just sighs, "that was the worst joke. Ever. Of all time." Blackadder nods as he says to Dan, "that it was sir. That it was."

"Now let's get to business, there is a reason we called you here tonight." The general looks up and some servants come to get their plates and also give Tanya some papers.

"You've probably guessed this already, but we would like to discuss with you your postgraduate placement plans." As Tanya read the papers her eyes widened. 'These were great placement options, all of them safe and all guaranteed that after a couple of years she would be placed right at Strategic command, 'This is almost too good to be true' Tanya thought.

"In light of your past achievements, personal won't interfere in whatever you choose." The Colonel said.

"These are all such great options, I don't know how I will decide." As she says that another paper is put down in front of her and the Colonel stands up to leave.

Tanya slowly picks up the paper as she asks honestly confused, "what is this?" The general now beaming with a smile says, "actually their is one more option for you from Strategic HQ." Standing up the Colonel announces, "well ill be taking my leave now. Best of luck to you Degurechaff." Tanya looks up at the man as she says, "y..yes thank you." Zettour looks to the man as he says, "Colonel, have a lovely evening." Saluting Zettour, the Colonel leaves him and Tanya alone in the room. 

Those at the head table slowly narrowed their eyes as the students even were suspicious because this had to be another setup, the first time Tanya was given options it caused her to be sent to a made doctor who got turned into a puppet for the demon. So needless to say all were now waiting to see when the other shoe would drop.

'Those other options were just for show weren't they, this is the position they want me running, huh I wonder why.' Tanya thought while looking at the paper.

Zettour looking at her gives a slight smirk and says "Given your assertiveness, I'm sure you'd rather get straight to business. Lieutenant Degurechaff, I intend to put you in charge of the new Rapid Response Mage Unit you suggested to me the other day."

Tanya's eyes widened as she gasped and said in a shaky voice "I'm sorry a mage battalion." she then flashes back to her discussion in Zettour's office and she internally freaks' out 'THIS WAS MY IDEA, OH FUCK, OH FUCK, OH FUCK!!!!!!!!!, leading a battalion like this is way, way too big of a responsibility, what if I get everyone killed, what if I fail and that smug bastard X is there to gloat!'

"Given that this is a highly mobile unit" Zettour said momentarily breaking Tanya out if her mental freak out "This unit would answer directly to Strategic HQ, that means you won't have a superior officer."

"Yes, but" Tanya said "I'm only a first Lieutenant, I'm hardly qualified to run a battalion at my rank."

"Don't worry," Zettour said, interrupting her "I'll put in an order to make you an organizer."

"An organizer" Tanya asked confused

"Yes" Zettour said "it's a rank that has been obsolete for sometime now, when you graduate you'll be promoted to Captain and then to organizer to make the Battalion then force a promotion to Major, I've taken the Liberty of putting the paperwork together." He stops, takes a drag of his cigar and blows out some smoke.

There was a pungent silence once again before finally Neville of all people broke that by shouting, "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR BLOODY MIND YOU DAFT IDJIT!?" Calming down he sees the military officers and noncommissioned officers looking at him as he clears his throat and adds "Sir." Before slowly sitting down back into his seat looking embarrassed.

Hermione clears her throat as she says, "while Neville could have said that in a more controlled way, I agree with him that this is pure madness to even consider allowing such a thing. I mean it's just...just" Hermione didn't have the words for what they saw. Of course Susan had to add in, "insanity backed up by the proper paperwork to make said insanity official." Draco says, "thank you Susan." Susan nods back as she says to Draco "your welcome."

Tanya keeping herself collected as best as possible she says, "this is such an enticing offer sir." While on the inside she was yelling 'THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT X!' Tanya then asks Zettour, "How much time do i have to organize?" Zettour responds with a firm, "get it done as soon as possible, choose up to forty eight mages whichever ones you think would be best." Tanya nods and says to the general, "I understand sir, i'll get started right away." Pushing back her high chair she gets down and is about to leave to get underway of her new position.

"First Lieutenant" Zettour said stopping her "I've been told you can be rather difficult to work with, I don't question your ability to lead, but you do have a bad reputation, so please do keep that in mind."

"Thank you for the suggestion sir." Tanya said all the while thinking in her mind 'Bad reputation, what bad reputation.'

Zettour gives her a quick salute and says "For the Fatherland." With Tanya giving a salute back and walking out of the dining room. As she closes the door Zettour raises his glass and says "Yes I've chosen the right candidate, but still sending children to war what madness we live in." and swallows the rest of his drink in one go. 

Dan shakes his head as he said in an almost tired tone, "it is madness, truly madness." Minerva was shaking slightly with anger as she thought, 'this truly is that demons work! All to try and convert you to his heretical demonic ways! The bastard is truly that of the snake!' Looking at her rosary she closes her eyes and tries to calm down as she prays again, "oh lord above, please protect this lost lion for whom has been taken from your loving gaze."

Hermione sighs, "oh Tanya. Can't seem to catch a break can ya?"

Tanya walks down the steps of the Strategic building all while she thinks, 'DAMN IT! I'm going to have to stall as much as I can, that way I can delay things as much as possible without getting into trouble.'

Blackadder chuckles abit as he says, "the only way you can do that is claim the paperwork got lost, claim you don't have enough staff, or just try and be less competent." Sprout looked towards Blackadder as she asks, "you truly think she will do that?" That cause both Blackadder and Dan to laugh as Dan answers, "not a chance in hell because Tanya is the type of soldier who will try and get the job done, even if she goes about it slowly."

It now shows a building in the morning with the words "Imperial Strategic HQ External Building" appears over it "What the actual hell is this" Tanya could be heard saying, "Why the hell are there so many volunteers, I just out the poster out a week ago and made sure everyone knew what they were getting into." It shows a poster with the words 'Mages Wanted. Extremely Difficult Battles, Low Pay. Spend your days in combat and unfathomable danger. If you return alive, you will receive Fortune, Glory and Honor.'

"Why in the hell would anyone willingly volunteer for this crap!" Tanya cries out in anger and shock "It will be impossible for me to go through all these applications by myself!" It pans behind her to show a literal mountain of paperwork for her to sort through.

"Wait that means i can take the lack of personnel to take all the time I want." Tanya said and was about to laugh with hope when a knock on the door sounded, and a voice she had not heard in a while sounded through the door.

"Excuse me" came the unmistakable voice of Visha.

"Wait a minute" Tanya said in shock, "Visha is that you!"

"Indeed it is commander" Visha said, saluting her. At that moment, bearing all Military standing Tanya broke protocol and hugged her because at least now, she had someone she knew she could trust. Visha returned the hug with the same vigor as Tanya, "It truly has been a while hasn't it Ma'am"

Even with everything that has happened, all the insanity that Tanya had to face and even with all that they had seen. The bright light in the dark was that of Visha, the only person who honestly made Tanya smile a true honest smile.

 Sirius was laughing abit as he looked towards Remus saying, "i like her! I think she would be a good one for pup!" Remus just gives a small laugh as he says, "Sirius i dont think she's old enough yet to understand the feelings of love." Sirius in response just waves his hand dismissively.

Klara just smiled, it honestly brought a warm feeling to her heart to see the princess find someone she cared for which even if they do find a way for them to come to there world, she and by extension the Royal Court Wizard would act in place of her guardians. "when Tanya finally does become a woman of age, i personally wouldnt be opposed to her seeking a relationship with the princess." Alexei just nods in agreement as he too was smiling at how happy these two made each other.

 In the white house many saw the wholesome scene in front of them, of course the sounds of sniffing could be heard as Bill looked towards his magical counterpart, with a slight smirk he asks, "Jackie. Are you cryin?" Jackie, not even looking at him, just says defensively "No! I have something in my eyes!" Of course that was a lie as Jackie was thinking 'My baby girl found herself a girlfriend! She's too young to date damn it!' Of course she would lie if she didn't want to see where such a possible relationship would go. 

Of course she wasnt alone as many around the world, including in Germany and even the afterlife hoped only for the best as the adventures of Tanya continued to unfold.

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