The Canterfiction Tales

By CanterFiction

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This is a twist on the original Canterbury Tales. I did a collection of 24 mini fanfiction stories. More

Young Frollo
The Marvelous Misadventures of ZephyJack
The Tale of Two Scourges
New Friends and Unusual Parents
Take Them- Part 1
Take Them- Part 2
I Forgive You
A French Apology
Diagnosed- Part 1
Diagnosed- Part 2
This Burning Memory
Touche and Unguard
The Joys Of Camping
Frollos In Paris- Part 1
Frollos In Paris-Part 2
Frollos In Paris- Part 3
Fall For You
The Wondrous Beauty of Italy
The Will You, The I Will, The Sunrise
The Episode
Here I Am, Send Me!
Emory Maise Deslauriers
Until We're Old & Gray
Revelation 21:4

The Scavenger Hunt

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By CanterFiction

It's 7:00 on a bright, sunny, Sunday morning, and the Fletcher's are taking some of the kids from the Kingdom Hall, on a scavenger hunt today. Although Thatcher, isn't one of Jehovah's Witnesses, like his wife is, but he decided that it would be fun to help his wife with the fun outing.

"Thatcher..." said Eliza, gently shaking her husband awake. He made a sleepy groan but didn't wake up. "Thatcher!" Said Eliza, shaking him a bit more vigorously this time. He groaned again but sat up and rubbed his sleepy brown eyes, his white hair sticking up all over the place. "Do you remember what today is?" Asked Eliza smiling at him.

"Uh...okay I know it's not our anniversary. Is it?" Said Thatcher tilting his head.

Eliza laughed out loud. "No you silly man. We're taking the kids on that scavenger hunt today. I signed us up last week. And if I may say, you seemed rather enthusiastic about that. Remember now."

"Oh! Yes!" Yipped Thatcher, more awake now. "What time are we

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supposed to pick everyone up again?"

"Ten o'clock. So we should leave by 9:40 to be at the Kingdom Hall on time." Explained Eliza.

"Roger that!" Said Thatcher, getting out of bed. "I guess I'll go take a shower, I shouldn't be long."

Eliza nodded. "Okay sounds good. Do you want anything particular for breakfast?"

Thatcher put is finger to his chin, pondering the question for a moment. "Nope, I'll eat whatever you cook."

"Well alright then, pancakes it is." Said Eliza smiling.

When the Fletcher's finished breakfast, they cleaned the dishes together, and gathered the last of their things to get ready to leave the house. "Thatch do you want to drive?" Called Eliza from the bottom of the stairs.

"Sure I can!" He called back down to her.

As Thatcher came down the stairs, Eliza saw an apprehensive look on his face. "Hey, are you okay Thatch? What's wrong?"

"Do you think, we'll be able to handle all the kids? Well I mean, do you think we will be able to keep them all safe? I mean their parents are trusting us with their children." Admitted Thatcher.

Eliza walked up to her husband and put her hand on the side of his face. "These children are lovely and very well behaved. They can be a bit mischievous at times." She huffed a laugh. "But overall they are great kids. Their parents are very happy that we've decided to take them on this little outing."

Thatcher smiled. "Okay, well I can't wait to meet them."

As they  drove to the Kingdom Hall, Eliza began setting up the directions to the scavenger hunt grounds. "Eliza?" Said Thatcher. She looked over at him. "So, who's going to be there again? I want to make sure I know everyone."

"Well you'll meet them when you get there, but there are six of them.

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Zephyr, you know him, well I know you've never actually met him but I've spoken about him. Ica and Claude's son."

Yes! You have! You are quite fond of those two, aren't you dear." Said Thatcher grinning.

Eliza threw her husband a smirk. "Well these two drove me nuts at times. I was the chaperone on most of their dates and they dragged me all over the place and they were always so love birdy. And that Ica, well she's a unique one I'll tell ya that." Eliza smiled to herself thinking of Ica's eccentric personality. "But nonetheless, yes, I rather do like those two. And their son is just like her, but he has his father's mannerisms."

"Mmhmm. So, who else?" Asked Thatcher.

"There's Maverick, he's Zephyr's best friend. Then, Mackenzie, who's Kalista's daughter. Kalista is Ica's best friend. Then we have siblings Mattimeo and his little sister Minette. Mattimeo is the oldest of the kids. He's fourteen and very mature but you can tell he's still a kid at times." Chuckled Eliza. Then lastly there's Dakota. He's soft spoken and a very sweet boy."

Thatcher nodded slowly, then grinned over at his wife. "You do know I'll forget by the time we get there right?"

Eliza shook her head smiling. "Oh I know dear."

When they got to the Kingdom Hall, they were the first ones there. "We're a little early. Everyone should be coming soon.

"Eliza, I'm really excited. I know...I know weren't able to have children, will be nice having six around today." He said bashfully.

Eliza just looked at her husband. He was right. They had both wanted children, but weren't physically able to have any. Seeing him excited to spend the day with these Jehovah's Witness children made her heart swell. Then the corners of her mouth tugged into a warm smile as she placed her hand on top of his. "Me too Thatch."

Pretty soon two cars pulled into the empty parking lot. "Oh here comes the Mortimers and the Fannings." Eliza and Thatcher stepped out of the car ready to greet them. First to come over are the Mortimer children. Mattimeo went right up to Thatcher and extended his hand. "You must be Mr. Fletcher. It's nice to meet you. Thank you for taking us today." He said smiling sincerely.

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"Yes! I'm so excited!" Piped Minette, squealing and jumping up and down like a little school girl.

Mattimeo laughed out loud. "Sorry, my sister gets really excited about things."

Thatcher chuckled. "That's okay. I'm really excited too Minette."

"Oh, and these are their parents. Jack and Rebecca." Said Eliza motioning to them as they walked over to stand with their children.

Both Rebecca and Jack shook Thatcher's hand. "Nice to meet you Thatcher. We really appreciate what you're doing for the kids today." Said Jack. Thatcher smiled and gave a nod of acknowledgment. Then he saw a boy and his father walking to where they were standing.

"Oh, here are the Fannings." Said Eliza. "This is Dakota and his father Conner."

Dakota gave a slight bow his head and said, "Hello Mr. Fletcher. I'm happy I get to spend time with you and Sister Fletcher." He gave both of them a sincere smile.

Thatcher smiled back. "It's my pleasure Dakota. And Mr. Fanning, it is great to meet you as well."

Conner nodded and winked. "The pleasure is mine."

Soon, two more cars pulled into the parking lot. A silver Honda Accord adorned with stickers and a black Audi with raven decals on the side. Both cars parked near each other and out stepped the Frollos, and the McFarlands, and Liam. Eliza waved as the made their way over to where everyone was standing. Mavrik and his best friend Zephyr hustled ahead of their parents and enthusiastically greeted everyone.

"Hi Sister Fletcher!" Yipped Zephyr, as he threw his arms around her. "Today is going to be SO fun!"  Then the eager eleven year old turned his attention to Thatcher. So is this Mr. Thatcher?"

Eliza nodded. "Yup, this is my other half." She said bumping her husband's shoulder playfully with her own.

  Zephyr grinned, then hugged Thatcher, slightly catching him off guard.

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"This is going to be awesome! I'm happy you are coming with us!" He said looking up at him with bright green eyes.

Thatcher looked at Zephyr and grinned back. "I'm happy I'm coming too."

"And this is my best friend Mav." Said Zephyr pulling his friend over towards him and Thatcher. "He's pretty awesome." Mavrik looked away, a tad bashful.

"Hi Mav, nice to meet you." Said Thatcher holding out his hand.

Mavrik, his bashfulness vanishing, grabbed Thatcher's hand shook it vigorously. "Nice to meetch'ya!"

"Eliza!" When Eliza turned around she was immediately engulfed in a hug by Zephyr's mother. "Thank you for taking the kids today! Zephyr wouldn't stop talking about it all week!"

"Well hello to you too Ica." Said Eliza amused.

"Hi Ica." Said Thatcher.

Ica gave him a big hug as well. "Hi Thatch! You are going to have your hands full today. Everyone is so excited. Thatcher gave Ica an apprehensive look and Eliza threw her a pointed one. "Er...not like hands full in a bad way I just mean, you know like a busy day." Said Ica, realizing she may have made Eliza's husband a bit nervous.

But Thatcher just laughed. "It's okay, I'm sure we'll have good time." Ica gave him a small smile and nod. "Your son is a very enthusiastic kid...kind of like you."

"Yeah he is." Thatcher looked over to see Claude walking his way, with Liam and his sister Nessie. "How are you Thatch?" Asked Claude as he came and gave him a pat on the back.

"Not too bad. Gearing up for today." He replied.

Liam walked up and threw an arm around Thatcher. "Hi there. My name's Liam and I'm this old man's best friend." Said Liam sunnily as he motioned over to Claude who just shook his head.

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"Liam!" Yipped his sister. "You can't just go throwing your arm around people when you first meet them. They could be uncomfortable with that." Said Nessie as she brought up the rear. "Sorry Thatcher. My brother can be a little over zealous at times."

Thatcher laughed. "That's quite alright."

Ica glanced down at her phone. "Where is Kalista? She's running late."

"Well I mean it's only like ten after ten." Said Eliza. "She isn't really that late." Ica just stuck her tongue out at her, making Thatcher smother a laugh. Just then, Kalista's jet black SUV turned into the parking lot. "See she's here now." Said Eliza looking smug. Ica just made another face at her.

When Kalista and Mackenzie stepped out of the car, the quickly made their way over to everyone. "Hi McKenzie!" Said all the kids as they went over to say hi.

"Hi guys!" She said as she quickly went over to her friends.

"Kenzie." Said Kalista.

"Yes mom?"

"Come say hi to Eliza and her husband first, then you can talk to your friends.

"Oh yeah. Sorry." McKenzie made her way to the Fletchers and said hi to Eliza then to her husband. "Hi Mr. Fletcher. My name is McKenzie." She said, giving a small curtesy. "It's nice of you to take us to the scavenger hunt today."

Thatcher smiled and shook her delicate hand. "Well miss McKenzie, it's an honor." McKenzie smiled then went back to her friends.

"So is that everyone?" Asked Thatcher?

Eliza nodded then walked over to where the witness children were gathered paling around. "So you guys ready to go?!" Asked Eliza enthusiastically. There was a resounding 'YES' as they all cheered. "Perfect. Now go say goodbye to your parents and then we'll be off!" As all the kids went over to say goodbye, Eliza and Thatcher went to get set up the van so that everyone would be able to fit. "Are you ready Thatch?"

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He looked a Eliza and gave a nod and a smile. "They are really nice children. I'm glad we are taking them.

"Zephyr ne s'enfuit pas sur Eliza ou Thatcher. Est-ce que tu comprends?" (Don't run off on Eliza or Thatcher, do you understand) Said Claude sternly.

"Oui Papá."

Thatcher turned his head to see Claude stooped down to his son's level. Eliza sensed what he was thinking and threw him a smirk. "Yes, Claude and Zephyr speak French."

" you know what they said?"

Eliza put her hands on her hips and rose one of her thin white eyebrows. "Thatcher, do you really think I know what they said. Have I ever spoken French or claimed to be fluent in French?"

He chuckled. "No."

Once everyone was done saying good bye, Eliza and Thatcher gathered up the kids into the van. In the back row, was Mavrik, Zephyr, and McKenzie. And in the middle row was Dakota, Mattimeo, and Minette. "Okay, is everyone buckled up?" Asked Eliza turning around to look at everyone."

"YEEES!" They all said in tandem.

"Good, now off we go!" Cheered Eliza. As Thatcher put the van in drive, everyone began their excited chatter.

"So Sister Fletcher." Began McKenzie.

"Oh Kenz, you can just call me Eliza." She said giving her a wink.

"And you can just call me Thatch or Thatcher. I'll even settle for Mr. Thatch, but not Mr. Fletcher. Thank makes me feel old." He explained humorously. All the kids laughed.

"So Eliza." Continued McKenzie. "Where is the scavenger hunt?"

"It's in a town called Searchington."

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"Oh well that makes sense." Piped Dakota. "We will be searching for stuff."

"Hey! He's right!" Cried Minette. "I wonder if there will be a prize!"

"I'm pretty sure there will be." Said Eliza with a wave of her hand.

"Wohoo! Ça va être tellement amusant! Je ne peux pas attendre !" (This is gonna be so much fun!" I can't wait!) Cried Zephyr.

"Zephyr, English dude!" Laughed Mavrik.

"Zephyr speaks French Mr. Thatch." Said McKenzie, proud to have a friend that was bilingual.

"Yeah, his dad is from Paris so he taught him. It's pretty awesome." Added Mattimeo.

Zephyr scooted down in his seat feeling a tad shy, his freckled cheeks pinking a bit at his friend's praise.

Thatcher chuckled and looked into the review mirror back at the bashful eleven year old. "Oh I know. I overheard your dad saying something to you. Um...what exactly was he saying?"

"Thatch! Stop being nosey." Said Eliza throwing her husband a look.

"Er...sorry Zephyr. You don't have to answer that if you don't want to."

"No, it's alright Mr. Thatch!" Said Zephyr quickly. "He was telling me not to run off on you and Eliza."

"Ah I see. I thought I heard my name thrown in there somewhere.

Mav grabbed Zephyr in the crook of his elbow, and pulled his head down to his chest and rubbed his knuckles vigorously on his head" "Yeah Mr. Thatch, Zephyr is always getting in trouble for that." He teased.

Zephyr struggled out of his best friend's grip laughing. "Yeah yeah." Said Zephyr fixing his thick, wavy, disheveled hair.

After a forty five minutes of excited chatter and road games, Minette cried out. "Look! I see the Searchington town sign! We're here! She squealed. All the

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kids in the car cheered, excited to begin their scavenger hunt.

Thatcher parked the car, and everyone got out, looking this way and that. "Alright guys. So here are the rules. No one goes off alone. Got that?" Said Eliza looking around at the eager children. Everyone nodded. "Okay, number two make sure you if you have some sort of issue, like you have to go to the

bathroom or are hurt or don't feel well, come tell me or Thatcher right away. And lastly, have fun!" Eliza threw her arms up in the air. Everyone cheered, jumping up and down. "So Thatcher and I are your captains. And Mattimeo?"

Mattimeo looked up at Eliza with curiosity. "Yes Eliza?"

"Since you're the oldest, how would you like to be a co captain?"

A broad grin spread across the teenager's face, his light brown eyes glittering with excitement. "Yes! Of course! I would love to be co captain. Thank you Eliza!"

Eliza smiled and nodded. Amused at his readiness to accept responsibility. "Alright you guys, let's go get checked in."  Manning the check out line was a cheery, flamboyant man with black slick back hair, with the exception of his curly bangs.

"Hello all!" He sang. "Are you guys excited to enter the scavenger hunt contest?"

"Wait, it's a contest too?!" Cried Mavrik.

"Uhhuh." My name is Manny by the way.

"So Manny." Continued Mav. "Since it's a contest, will there be a prize?"

"Oh absolutely honey! There is first, second, and third places." Said Manny.

"Cool well that's a bonus!" Piped Zephyr. "But I'm just happy we get to do the scavenger hunt."

"Don't you care if you win?" Ask Manny, leaning both his elbows on the booth.

"Well." Began Dakota. "Winning is nice. But me and my friends honestly just came here to have fun. So if we win, that's awesome. But if not, then that's

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okay too. Right guys?" He looked around at all of his friends nodding their heads.

  Manny looked at the group of children standing before him. "Well noow." He said crossing his arms looking impressed. "I like you kids' attitudes. So have you come up with a name for your team?"

All six friends looked at each other. "Well no." Started McKenzie. "We didn't know we had to pick one."

"But since we do." Minette jumped in. "Why don't we have my big bro do it since he's co captain!" She twirled around making her green summer dress flare out around her.

Mattimeo flushed a little, feeling put on the spot when all his friends turned to look at him. He rubbed that back of his tilted head grinning shyly. "Gee guys, I'm flattered, but are you sure you want me to come up with the name? I mean we're a team so-"

"Mattimeo, we are sure." Said Dakota, putting a hand on his shoulder, smiling warmly. All his friends nodded agreeing with Dakota.

"Thanks guys." Said Mattimeo looking at his friends fondly. "Now what shall we call ourselves." Mattimeo put his knuckle on his chin, pondering his own question. Then he quickly snapped his fingers as the name popped into his head. "I got it! What about the Spirited Six!" Said Mattimeo. Then his enthusiastic smile faltered and the corners of his mouth turned down into a slight frown. "But, wait. Technically there's eight of us with Eliza and Mr. Thatch."

"Oh kids, don't worry about me and Thatch." Said Eliza with a wave of her hand. We're simply here to keep any eye on you. The scavenger hunt if for all six of you to enjoy." She threw them a wink and Mattimeo gave a curt nod of understanding.

"Okay Spirited Six! Let's do this!" Cried Mattimeo throwing his fist in the hair. His friends cheered and followed suit. Mattimeo turned his attention back to Manny. "Okay, we've got our name. We are the Spirited Six!"

Manny put his fingers over his heart and leaned back. "Oooo I like that. Well you six definitely have spirit I'll tell you that." He said as he wrote their team name down on the entry form. "Well alrighty, well you enjoy the scavenger hunt and good luck."

The Scavenger Hunt

Not long after, the Scavenger hunt was ready to begin. Walking up to the front of the crowd, was a woman with auburn wavy hair that was tied back into a single French braid which stuck out of the hole in the back her red baseball cap. "Okay scavenger hunteeees! She said raising her voice so she could be heard. Welcome to our annual Searchington scavenger hunt! My name if Tiffany and I am the host of today's activity. Now here are the rules. Every team will need to find six clues. Once they find those clues, you will need to solve the riddle in order to find the next clue. The first one who finds all six clues and crosses the finish line will win. The winners will receive spinning top toys and a gold medal. For the first clue, I have marked those trees with every team's name. Your first clue will be somewhere on that tree. After that, different teams will get different clues that won't all be in the same places." Explained Tiffany. After the last clue there will be a finish line, everyone on the team must cross it...even the captains.

Eliza and Thatcher looked at each other a little unsure. "Liza...don't you know we're up we're up in years." He whispered. "We can't run. How do you expect us to beat all these young wippersnappers? Won't they be mad at us if we slow them down and cost them?"

"No, they won't. Trust me. We just run the best we can." She winked at him. Thatcher just looked at her, still not fully convinced, but didn't press the issue any further.

  "Now is everyone ready to begin?" There was a chorus from all the teams of children eager to begin.

"Well alrighty then. On your marks, get set, GO!" Tiffany swung her hand down and a barrage of children took off running.

The Spirited Six made their way to a massive oak tree with a large hole in the trunk with their name on it. "Ooh! I think I now where the clue is! I think I know where the clue is!" Cried Mavrik. Eliza and Thatcher caught up to the six kids watching them with amused looks on their faces. Mavrik jumped up and reached into the hole to try to grab whatever might be in there. "Urgh I can't... quite...REACH! Ugh! Zephyr you try."

"Mav...I'm shorter than you! How am I supposed to reach it silly goose." Said Zephyr.

"Yeah but you can jump really high." Replied Mav.

"Okay, I'll give it a go." Zephyr walked up to the tree and jumped with his

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arm out stretched, his feet high off the ground. "Oof!" I don't feel anything! I don't know if there is even a clue in here." Said. Zephyr looking back at his friends over his shoulder.

"Mattimeo's taller. See if he can reach." Suggested Mackenzie.

Mattimeo walked over to the tree and stood on his tippy toes and reached his arm in and felt around. "Zephyr's right guys I don't feel anything. I don't know if it's in here."

"It isn't!" Cried Minette. Everyone turned to look at her. "It isn't in there because it's right here!" She said stomping her he feet and pointing excitedly. All her friends eyes drifted to the bottom of the tree where she was pointing. There sticking out from a thick tree tooth was a hot pink index card.

"Good going sis!" Cried her brother running over to pick her up in spin her around in praise. "Alright sis since you found it you get to read it." Said Mattimeo encouragingly.

"Okay!" Minette held out the index card and read it aloud.

"I have to be broken before you use me, I'm hiding out with the tee  and the greenery."

Minette just stared at the riddle. "Umm what? How can you use something when it's broken?" She said looking up at her friends who were pondering the question.

"Er...well I mean maybe it's talking about when you break something you have to fix it then you can use it." Guessed McKenzie. "Like when you break your leg it has to heal before you can use it?"

"Yeah...but why would you break it just to fix it again?" Asked Mavrik skeptically.

"I know what it is!" Piped Dakota. Everyone looked at him curiously.

"You do? Said McKenzie tilting her head making her dark blonde ponytails bounce to the side.

"It's an egg! You have to crack the shell open so you can cook it. Me and my dad make eggs an and let's just say I'm really good at breaking eggs." Chuckled Dakota.

The Scavenger Hunt

"He's right!" Cried Mavrik! Good job Dakota!" All his friends ran up to him patting him on his head and back with praise. Dakota laughed. "Thanks guys, but what about the second part of the riddle? I'm not quite sure about that part."

  "Oh yeah. We still have the second part to figure ouuut." Whined Minette.

"Don't worry Minette, we'll figure it out. Besides as my nanny says, 'no whinging.'" Zephyr laughed but Minette just stuck her tongue out at him, but all in good fun.

"Hold on, can I see that?" Ask McKenzie holding out her hand. Minette nodded and handed her friend the index card. Her turquoise eyes scanned over the words. "Tee!"

Um...T?" Said Zephyr raising on of his slanted eyebrows. "Like the letter T or the tea you drink?"

"Neither. The tee that is used in golf. My parents play golf at the driving range, and sometimes they take me and my brothers. My dad taught me all the pieces of equipment they use. The tea is the little thing you put the ball on to hit it. So we should go to the golf course. I think I know exactly where the egg is. Follow me."

When team Spirited Six got to the golf area, McKenzie looked around the golf course. Alright here's the tee."

"Yeah, but where's the egg?" Asked Mavrik.

McKenzie walked over to the hole, reached in and pulled the egg out. "Right here." She said grinning.

"All right!" Cried Zephyr jumping in the air, and pumping his fist. "You found it McKenzie!" Everyone cheered.

"Good job Spirited Six." Said Eliza clapping her hands. "First clue down, five to go. Is the clue in there as well McKenzie?"

"Yup." She said holding up a bright orange index card.

  "Okay, since you found the egg, you get to read the riddle." Said Mattimeo.

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She nodded and read the clue aloud.

I'm tall when I'm young and short when I'm old. Find me where a   

glow where only the truth shall be told.

"Well, this one's a weird one." Said McKenzie looking up from the index card. "When people are young, they aren't tall they start out short."

"Hey! Maybe they are talking about some sort of animal!" Piped Zephyr, putting on finger up. " a giraffe! They're really tall."

"Yeah giraffes are shorter than the adult giraffes Zeph." Said Dakota.

Zephyr deflated a little. "Oh...yeah."

"'s not something that grows." said Mattimeo.

"What do you mean bro?" Asked Minette tilting her head, making one of her long French braids fall over her shoulder.

Then Mattimeo got a look as if a light bulb went off in his head. "What I mean is, what if the thing is an intimate object. Like chalk or crayons! When crayons are new their tall but the more you use them they get short and stubby."

" think it's a crayon?" Asked Mavrik.

"Well, I mean it could be but then it could also be a pencil or-"

"Chalk!" Yipped Zephyr.

"Yes, chalk." Affirmed the fourteen year old.

"Well...what about the second part, maybe that will give us a clue plus even if we know what it is, we don't know where it is." Said McKenzie. "But okay, so the second part says, 

Find me wear a glow where only the truth shall be told."

"Okay, so the thing we want is an inanimate object and it glows."  Said Mattimeo.

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"A light!" Cried Mavrik.

  Zephyr put his hand on Mav's shoulder. "Mav, lights don't get short though. Well I mean maybe they go up and down but I don-"

"A candle!" Cried Minette, her sea green eyes bright with recognition. "When you buy a new candle it is tall but when you light it, the fire makes the wax melt and eventually it gets really short to the point where you can't use it anymore!"

Mattimeo thought then he too brightened. "My sister's right guys!"

"Alright!" Cried Zephyr jumping up in the air. "Let's go!" He began to take off in a run, then halted when he didn't see his friends running with him. In fact they were looking at him with mixed expressions.

"I'm, not here to burst your bubble or anything, but we don't know where we're running to." Droned McKenzie.

"And you took off running again." Mavrik added. Zephyr slunk back over to his friends, but they smiled at him amused, making him smile back. His best friend threw an arm over his shoulder almost knocking him over. "We love ya dude, but sometimes you're a little hyper. But don't worry we won't tell your dad about the running off." Zephyr looked back at Eliza and Thatcher who pulled their fingers across their lips as if the were zipping up a bag. He grinned and turned back to solving the riddle with his friends.

"Alright, so the other part of the riddle said 'where only the truth be told' where do you usually tell the truth?" Asked Dakota.

"Truth be told..." murmured Zephyr.

"What Zephyr?" Said Dakota turning to look at him. Truth Be Told! My mum and Auntie Kalista and great auntie Sandra watch that show! And they go to court a lot to solve cases...usually about someone who's been murdered, and sometimes it's the people you least expect, and then your really sho-"

"Zephyr!" Yipped Minette going up to grip his shoulders, and looking into his bright green eyes. "Focus. Now, where is it we have to go?"

"The court house, over there." They hyper eleven year old pointed to a white building with yellow cream dome on top of it, a little distance away from

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where they were standing.

"You sure?" Asked Minette, letting go of his shoulders and stepping back." Zephyr nodded as a smile graced Minette's pretty features. "Then let's go!"

When the Spirited Six arrived at the court house there was an attendant to let them in. Thatcher and Eliza thanked him and ushered all the kids inside. Once they got into the main court room they all looked around and began searching for the candle. "I got it!" Cried Zephyr. All his friends turned to see him standing on the judges stand.

"Dude what are you doing up there?!" Yelled Mavrik.

"Finding the clue." Replied his best friend looking smug.

They all gathered around him to find an index's card with the riddle on it, wrapped around a red candle stick.

"Okay Zephy, since you solved it you read it." Said Mattimeo.

"K, here goes." When Zephyr looked at the riddle, he hesitated and his eyes widened just a tad.

"Zephyr, what's wrong?" Asked Mattimeo, apprehension creasing his light brown brow.

"It' French!"

McKenzie snatched the index card from his slender hands and looked at the riddle for herself. "Qu'wew qua pooet-" McKenzie tried to read the clue but fumbled over the French words. "Oh here!" She said, thrusting the card back at Zephyr, her cheeks turning pink with embarrassment. "Why is it in French anyway!"

"Gee Kenz, you do know that Zephyr would be the only one who could read it right?" Giggled Minette taking McKenzie's hand. Her friend just gave her a pointed look, resembling her mother. But it was a good attempt. If I tried reading it, I would probably sound like a seal choking on fish.

McKenzie's pout slowly turned into a smilie then a laugh. "Okay, well I feel better now." She said grabbing Minette and squeezing her. "Alright Zephyr, go ahead and read it."

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Zephyr nodded and read the French riddle.

"Qu'est-ce qui peut courir, mais ne marche jamais ; a une bouche,   mais  ne parle jamais ; a une tête, mais ne pleure jamais ; a un lit, mais ne dort jamais?"

After he was finished reading, he looked up to see his friends staring at him blankly. Eliza couldn't help but laugh out loud while Thatcher stood there looking dumbfounded.

"Zephyr, I think you need to read it in English so we call all understand the riddle." Said Eliza with a hint of laughter still in her voice.

"Oh...yeah. Duh. Sorry guys." He cleared his throat and began again. In English this time.

What can run, but never walk; has a mouth, but never speaks; has a 

head,   but never cries; has a bed, but never sleeps?"

"Well that's a hard one." Said McKenzie putting her hands on her hips. 

Mavrik took the index card from Zephyr and squinted at it as if he couldn't see. "Welp gots me beat. And why is it even in French in the first place?"

"RIGHT!" Cried McKenzie. Throwing her arms up .

"Alright guys, let's take each sentence piece by piece." Said Dakota as he stepped in front of his friends, looking at each of them. "We'll figure out the French part later. Now here, the first part is 'what can run but never walk.'"

Well that could be anything!" Piped Minette. People run all the time."

"Yes, but at some point they'll get tired and have to walk." Said Mattimeo.

His sister nodded her head. "True, you're right. But...oh! Water can run." Her friends looked at her with bemused faces. "Well it can't physically run on legs but you know when you turn the faucet on they say the water's running?"

"Yeah." Said Dakota slowly. "Yeah she's right! So there we figured out the first part. Rather Minette did. But anyway, Zephyr, what was the second part again?" He asked, looking in Zephyr's direction.

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"Um, has a mouth but never speaks." Zephyr looked up, with confusion on his face. "Yeah...I don't know."

"Remember guys, water." Said Dakota.

"Right." Said Mavrik putting his knuckle to his chin. "Which kind of water has a mouth?"

"Ooo I think I know but I don't remember what the body of water is called." Minette squealed. "MaybeI can figure it out if I her the rest of it."

Zephyr nodded and read the rest of the riddle. "Has a head, but never cries; has a bed, but never sleeps."

Out of the corner of her eye, McKenzie saw Eliza whispering something to her husband. " you know? You know don't you!" All she did was throw McKenzie a knowing smirk. McKenzie sighed. "But it's against the rules for captains to help. Right."

"That's okay Eliza, we'll get it eventually." Said Minette smiling over at her. "So let me see, bodies of Noo um has a head?" Minette's friends watched her intently as she wracked her brain. "Has a bed...river bed..." All of a sudden Minette gasped excitedly. "River! It's a river! Yaaay I got it!" She whipped back to look at Eliza with a glint in her sea green eyes. "It's a river, isn't it Eliza?!"

Eliza nodded, a proud expression on her face. "You got it girly."

Thatcher looked around. "There's a sign that says 'to the river' over there." He said pointing about a half a mile from where they we're standing.

Zephyr squinted his bright green eyes in that direction. "Mr. Thatch is right! We have to go over there to find the next clue. Let's go guys!" Zephyr just couldn't help himself, his muscles bunched to run but he restrained himself.

"Hey kids." Said Eliza giving them a cheeky smirk. "Go ahead and run to the river. Before it runs away." All the kids laughed at Eliza's silly attempt at a pun. "Just make sure you stay within eye sight of Thatcher and me. If something happens to one of you, your parents'll kill me."

"Don't worry, we will!" Called Mavrik over his shoulder as him and his friends began to take off toward the river.

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"Race ya!" Called Zephyr to his friends.

"No way dude! You already know you're gonna win. "You're so fast!" Said Mavrik as he ran behind his friend.

"Okay, here, I'll put someone on my back. Hmm. Mattimeo hop on!" Zephyr crouched down.

"No way! I'm too heavy! I'll crush you crazy nut."

"I'll go." Minette brushed passed her brother and flipped her two long braids over her shoulder looking smug. She got onto Zephyr's back and stood up, telling Minette to hold on.

"Alright, on the count of three we all go." Said Mavrik. "One...two...three!"

Team Spirited Six took off. This time it was Mattimeo in the lead. His long legs flew across the field, and his light brown hair pulling back in the wind.

"Zephyr! Go faster! Big bro is winning!" Cried Minette, tightening her grip around the eleven year old's neck.

"Minette you're squeezing too hard!" Choked Zephyr. "I can't breathe!"

Minette immediately loosened her grip. "Oops sorry!" She squeaked.

All six children continued to race to the river. The Fletchers watched them with amused expressions.

"Are you having a good time Thatch?" Asked Eliza, turning her head to look at him.

A smile graced his face. "Yeah. I know they aren't our kids, but still, it's nice to have children running around in our life. Seeing them have a good time, well that's why I'm enjoying this day so much."

Eliza leaned over to kiss her husband on the cheek. "Well, I'm glad you're having a great time. Now let's hurry because they're getting a little far ahead of us. I know we aren't as young as we used to be, but if we don't hurry we won't be able to see them. And like I said, "I'm not in the mood to be murdered by angry parents."

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Thatcher laughed out loud. "Okay, let's hurry then."

When the Fletchers caught up to the six children, they saw Mattimeo doing a victory dance. "So, I'm guessing you won?" Asked Eliza putting her hands on her hips.

"Yup! Although if Zephyr wasn't carrying my sister, he would have probably won. Even with her weight he came in second.

"Yeah, I ran out of air half way through. Minette here choked the living day lights out of me." He chuckled. "But it was fun running with her. She was my partner in crime...and she did try to cheer me on after Mati passed us. I think she'd make an awesome horseback rider." Minette looked down bashful, her cheeks pinking a bit.

"Yeah, I came in last." Said Dakota a tad glumly. "But," his tone became more upbeat. "It's okay. I had fun running with my friends."

"Hey guys! We're at the river so let's find that clue!" Said McKenzie.

"Right." Said Dakota giving a curt nod and began wading into the river. Eliza gasped slightly and started forward, about to rebuke the eager boy for entering the water alone, but her husband whooshed passed her.

"Dakota! Be careful!" Thatch hurriedly got in the river, soaking his clothes. Dakota looked back just as Thatcher took hold of him. "Please...please..." Thatcher was so out of breath and cold he could barely speak. "Please be careful. I don't want you to get hurt."

Eliza came up to the edge of the river as Thatcher aided him out. She gave him a pointed look, one of her white eyebrows raised. "Dakota, I know you're excited, but you can't just enter a dangerous setting like that. Rivers can be very dangerous if you aren't careful. What would happen if the current pulled you under and you drowned? "What would I tell your father?" His friends watched quietly, their faces unsure and worried as Eliza reprimanded him.

Dakota's brown eyes became glossy with tears. Thatcher, feeling sympathy for the deflated eleven year old, as he stood there soaked, his face flushed with subtle anxiety. Pretty soon Dakota's tears no longer stayed in his eyes, but ran down his cheeks as he sniffled.

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"I-I'm sorry." His voice was high and strangled as he tried to stop crying.

Thatcher, feeling sorry for him, bent down to his level and put a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Hey, hey, it's alright." He looked back at his wife whose expression softened. Dakota looked up and sniffled some more, wiping his tears away with the back of his sleeve. Thatcher hugged him, then searched his face. "We just don't want anything happening to you. Besides look at me." Thatcher stood up and held his arms out. "I'm soaking wet. I almost peed my pants when I saw you in the river, but you would never be able to tell." All the kids broke out in loud laughter, the concern melting off their faces.

"THATCHER!" Eliza rolled her eyes. "Get over here." There was a chorus of 'oooos'  from all the kids. Thatcher went over to his wife with a goofy apologetic smile on his face. "What am I going to do with you?" This time it was him getting the pointed look.

"I'm sorry Eliza." Said Dakota. I shouldn't have gone into the river by myself.

Eliza, like her husband hugged Dakota. "It's alright. Now I know you all need to find the next clue, you can look in the water, but don't go in the water." She threw a playful look at Dakota, who grinned bashfully.

As everyone began searching the edge of the river, Mavrik decided to splash McKenzie, who's back was turned.

"Ahh!" McKenzie let out a surprised scream as the cold water hit her." Mav! What the heck! He threw her a cheeky look. "Grrr!" McKenzie's face flushed and she splashed him back but he ducked, the water drenching Minette instead.

She too gave a high girlish scream. "Kenz you got me instead!"

"SPLASH FIIIGHT!" Yelled Zephyr at the top of his lungs.

Pretty soon everyone was splashing each other at the edge of the river, squealing with jubilation. To the kids' surprise, Thatcher joined in with their cries of joy, leaving his wife to watch. Admits the happy melee, Eliza was splashed, instantly drenching her clothes and making her white hair become plastered to her head. Everyone pointed at her husband looking smug. Eliza glared at him. He shrank back as her blue eyes bored into him. But then, the corners of her mouth turned up into a grin and her eyes became playful. She ran to join them, splashing him in revenge. While they frolicked in the cool

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water, Mattimeo felt something stony catch in his fingers. He pulled it out and examined it. At first he thought it was a rock, but when he looked at it closely he saw it was a tiny replica of some sort of church. A smile broke out on his face when he realized there was an index card rolled up inside. He opened the door of the little sculpture and pulled it out.

"Hey everyone! I found the clue!" His friends, as well as Eliza and Thatcher ceased with their antics and came to crowd around Mattimeo.

"Um... what is that?" Asked McKenzie, tilting her head, making her wet hair fling droplets of river water.

"It's the Notre Dame." Said Zephyr, his French accent coming through.

"Notre what?" Said Mavrik, flinging his wet black and white bangs from his golden eyes. Everyone looked at him with bemused expressions.

"It's this big famous church in Paris. My Papá used to hear the bells all the time when he lived in France when he was little." Explained Zephyr casually.

"Well! That explains why it was in French." Said McKenzie.

"Yeah and good thing we have Zephyr on our team!" Mavrik jumped on his back and ruffled his hair which had made his waves become slightly curly now that it was wet.

"Hey!" Laughed Zephyr, buckling under his friend's weight.

"Hey you two monkeys, let my brother read the riddle." Said Minette as she tried shoving Mav off Zephyr.

Mattimeo cleared his throat and read.

There's a one-story house in which everything is yellow. Yellow 

walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color are the stairs?

"Oh well, that's easy. Said Mavrik nonchalantly with a wave of his hand. "There's no stairs in the house. Everyone stared at him. "Well ironically I live in a yellow...well not that yellow like in the clue but me and my mom live in a one story house. No stairs. One story means there isn't an upstairs or a downstairs." He concluded.

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"Well alrighty then." Said Zephyr.

"Hey guys." Piped Dakota, there's a yellow shed thingy over there." His friends looked in the direction he was pointing. "I bet the clue is there."

"Right then, let's go!" Said their co Captain.

Sure enough when they got there, McKenzie found a yellow index card in a tool box. "Okay so this one says,

"What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it?"

"Okay there are a lot of things you can break without touching it." Exclaimed Minette. "You can just throw something at a window and break it. Technically you aren't touching it." She said lifting her head high, quite pleased with herself.

"Aren't you though?" Piped McKenzie. "I mean you touch the thing you throw and in order to throw it you have to pick it up."

Minette sighed. "True."

Everyone sat there wracking their brains for a couple of minutes. Then Mavrik uttered something that was barley audible. "A promise..."

"Whadja say Mav?" Asked Mattimeo.

"A promise. You can't touch it...or pick it up. It's just words. Empty words. I would know. When you break a promise don't you know you can also break someone's heart!" Mavrik began to raise his voice and clench his fist. "My dad broke a promise...he broke the most important promise you can break. He broke his promise to Jehovah when he left the truth. Left me and my mom. She cried every night for a month!" Mavrik, clearly distraught, dropped to his knees and openly wept, his cries loud and heart wrenching.

Immediately his best friend was at his side. "Mav...Mav!" Zephyr wriggled under him and wrapped his arms around him, cradling him close to his chest, and rocked him back and fourth, on the verge of tears himself. "Mavrik..." his voice cracked. "I'm here."

"I wish I had a dad like you Zeph. He's crazy about you, he loves you so much!" He sobbed into his friends chest. His tears soaking his already damp shirt. He lifted his head and looked at each one of his friends with watery eyes,

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and carried on with hysterics. "All of you guys have dads. And the worst thing is it would be different if my dad died. At least I would know he would have died a good dad. But no, he just walked out of my life! I want to be mad but that's only because I miss him and the good times we had!"

Pretty soon everyone, including Eliza and Thatcher were on their knees hugging him. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, until their friend stopped crying. They let him go and stood up.

  Zephyr helped him up and smiled fondly at him. "If it makes any difference, you can share my dad if you want, too."

"Mine too!" Piped McKenzie.

"Oh ours too! Said Minette. "Right bro?"

"Right sis." Said Mattimeo nodding in agreement.

"And mine." Dakota walked up to Mavrik and hugged him. When he pulled away he had tears in his own brown eyes, but he met Mavrik's gold ones. "My mom is like your dad. She never came into the truth, but she left me and my dad when we did. Then...I found out one day, she had a whole new family....with another woman. I guess it turns out she's gay...but that doesn't mean I don't miss her sometimes or remember the good times we had. It's okay to miss your dad, Mavrik, even though you've been hurt."

Mavrik stared at Dakota, who shrugged innocently with a sad smile on his face. "Yeah, I don't talk about it because it makes me sad...but you're my friend so I wanted to share that piece of me with you, let you know that you're not alone."

Mavrik wiped the last of his tears and sniffled. "Thank you Dakota, and thank you guys for wanting to share your dads with me."

"Sure thing!" Said Zephyr. This time it was him jumping on top of Mavrik, who started laughing and shoved him off.

"Are you guys ready to read the next riddle?" Asked their co Captain.

"Oh! Yeah! And hey this is the last clue! " I think Mav should read it!" Piped Minette. "Er...that's if you're okay to, that is."

Mavrik smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I can read it." Mavrik looked at the

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crumpled index card in his hand. He hadn't realized that during his out burst, he must have crushed it in his fist. "Sorry guys I kind of smushed it." He said looking around apologetically.

"Can you still read the writing on it?" Asked Thatcher.

Mav nodded. "Yeah. Okay, here goes."

"I have a head, a tail, is brown, and have no legs? No I'm not a dime,  but you can find me at the finish line."

"Hey look! All the other teams are over here!" Gasp  Minette.

McKenzie looked around at all the teams gathering around and reading their index cards." does that mean we're..."

"All looking for the same clue!" Finished Mattimeo. "We have to figure out what this thing out before they all do!"

"Alright, okay, so it's brown." Said Minette rather frantically.

"Yeah but it could be anything! A lot of things are brown." Said McKenzie, just as frantically.

Dakota circled his hands as if he were stretching out his wrist. "Read the other part of the clue."

"Um, um." Mavrik fumbled with the card. "It has a head and a tail."

  McKenzie threw her hands up exasperated. "Great it could be a brown animal for all we know!"

"Like a kangaroo! Or a boar! Or a horse, or a-"

Mattimeo threw his sister a look. "Minette!"

She shrugged innocently. "Sorry."

"Read the rest." Said Dakota hurriedly.

"No legs!" Said Mav quickly. "Oh and it's not a dime!"

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"Not a I got it!" Mattimeo snapped his fingers. "A penny! Heads one side, tails on the other, it's brown, and-"

"Has no legs!" Squealed Minette throwing up her arms and twirling.

Team Spirited Six, heard another voice call out the answer as well. "Come on! We have to get to the finish line!" Cried their co captain. Eliza and Thatcher gave each other unsure, hesitant looks, but ran with their team.

The group of Witness children took off toward the finish line, Zephyr in the lead, their captains bringing up the rear. They were a good distance ahead of the team who had figured out the riddle after them. Their foot steps sounded like a galloping heard of wild horses, their legs a blur as they raced to the finish  line.

"We're gonna make it!" Cried Zephyr, raising his voice over the sound of the pulsing in his ears.

Just then there was a grunt, followed by a thump. Dakota looked over his shoulder to see Thatcher on the ground and his wife bent down over him.

"Guys! Mr. Thatch fell!"

"Thatch are you alright?" Asked Eliza, her voice high with slight panic.

He sat up a little dazed and dirty , but otherwise un harmed. He dropped his head down in his hands, heart broken he let the children down. "Yeah...but I just ruined our chances of winning."

"Mr. Thatch!" He heard Mattimeo call his name followed by the rest of the team running back toward him. A knowing smile graced Eliza's features.

Zephyr, again being the quickest, dodge around the other teams who were rushing to get to the finish line. "He grabbed Thatch's hand then Eliza's and yanked them forward. "Come! There is still time. We don't leave anyone behind." He threw them a wink. Thatcher's brown eyes widened with awe and astonishment. "Guys go as fast as you can, we'll be right behind you!" Still clutching both the Fletcher's hands, Zephyr pulled forward, as fast as he could go without pulling his captains' arms from their sockets. Glancing back over his shoulder, he threw them an expression much like his father's.

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"I would put you on my back, but I am kinda small...I don't know if I would be able to run very fast with you Mr. Thatch.

Thatcher laughed out loud at Zephyr's cheekiness. Come on Eliza, just a bit further. "Yelled her husband. We can push just a little bit harder. I know we're no spring chickens but come on!" Zephyr, Eliza, and Thatcher pressed on, passing the other teams, then catching up to the rest of their team. Everyone ran fast and hard, their breaths coming in gasp, and their lungs aching, but still, they pushed themselves, passing the third team.

"!" Coughed McKenzie.

Zephyr could tell the older couple were running out of steam, and fast. He slowed his strides a bit.

"All...most...there!" Mav wheezed.

McKenzie, Mavrik, Minette, Mattimeo, and Dakota passed the team in the lead and crossed the red and white checkered finish line. But Zephyr and the Fletchers were still behind. The last of the team Tank, as their team was called, passed the three of them and crossed the finish line. They cheered, and hollered, but team Spirited Six didn't care. All their eyes were locked on the rest of their teammates. The Fletchers and Zephyr gave one last valiant effort and crossed the line. They had come in second, but could care less. Forgetting their fatigue they raced toward Eliza, Thatcher, and Zephyr and jumped all over them cheering. Eliza and Thatcher could only lay there, gasping for air, but nonetheless had smiles on their faces.

"That was AWESOME!" Cried Mavrik jumping in the air.

"I'm...s..sorry." Said Thatcher still trying to catch his breath.

"Sorry? Why?" Asked McKenzie bewildered.

Once Thatcher caught most of his breath he sat up. "For costing you the race."

"Mr. Thatch," began Dakota. "Remember what I told Manny before we started? I said it doesn't matter if we win or not. It was the fun of the game. We had so much fun. And we got closer I think, and learned new things about each other." He threw a tiny smile in Mav's direction and gave a small nod. "We're better friends because of it...and you're our friend now too." He smiled sincerely at Eliza's husband, who's brown eyes widen and watered as he looked

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at the group of children who had treated him so kindly.

"Besides! Piped Minette. "You and Eliza really kicked butt out there. I mean yeah you're old but-"

"Minette!" Cried her friends in unison.

Eliza and Thatcher burst out laughing. "Sorry to tell ya kids but me and Thatch here are old." Said Eliza still laughing.

"Nuh uhh. My mum says that you aren't old until your 85. Then still you can be the young 85 were you can still do active stuff and are really healthy. Don't get OMS or OLS." Retorted Zephyr.

"Huh?" Said Thatcher tilting his head. "What's that?"

"Long story, I'll tell you later Thatch." Said his wife giving him a pat on the arm.

"Zeph, your mom's weird anyway. I would know. She's best friends with my mom." Said McKenzie smugly.

"Heeey." My mum's not weird. He paused. "Okay may she is a little weird sometimes. The good kind of weird though."

All his friends broke out into high pitched laughter as a boy from team Tank walked by and looked down at them throughly perplexed. "Why are you guys so happy? You came in second. My dance teacher says second is the worst because it's the first loser. And you guys didn't win the prize." He held up a bright red spinning top. "It spins really fast and glows in the dark. Isn't it cool?"

Their co captain looked at the boy and gave him a grin. "Yeah that's is cool. Congratulations. You guys were super fast and you beat us fair and square. We're just happy to have had fun. Even though we didn't win."

They boys gray eyes shifted to Zephyr. "Hey you, the boy with the wavy hair." Zephyr looked up. "You are really fast. I wish I could run as fast as you."

Zephyr looked down, suddenly feeling self conscience as his tan skin started to turn pink. "Thanks."

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"Yeah! He's even fast with me on his back!" Exclaimed Minette proudly. Zephyr's face went from pink to full on red. "And he speaks French. We had a riddle that was in French and he figured it out no problem!" She continued.

"Minette stop your embarrassing him." Said McKenzie, giving her a playful shove.

"Hey!" She laughed.

"And my brother was our co captain that led us to victory! Er well, to second place." She chuckled.

"Come on Min, it was all of us!" Said Mattimeo.

"And he's modest too!" Piped Mav who went and jumped on him.

"Mav! Urg..." Zephyr joined in, then Minette, as well as Dakota, and McKenzie. They laughed as they all wrestled around on the soft grass. The boy watched them, then slowly turned his head to look over at the friends who were on his team, who had their noses in their phones. Then looked back at the Witnesses children. A quick wave of sadness and longing flashed across his face.

"Well that's cool I guess." He said. "Well gonna go back to my team now. Bye."

"See ya!" Team spirited six said in unison.

Just Then Tiffany walked over holding eight silver medals. "You guys fought pretty hard out there. And I heard what you said about just having fun. That's mighty fine thinking right there. Here, even though you didn't win the prize, there are medals." She handed everyone a medal.

"Ooo these are awesome! Thanks Tiffany!" Minette slipped it over her head and struck a model's pose. "How do I look?"

"Like a ham." Said McKenzie slyly.

Minette scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Kenz!"

"I'm just kidding!" She laughed.

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Tiffany chortled at the girls' banter. "Well hope you all had fun. Take care now."

"You two." Said Eliza and Thatch in tandem.

"Now that I've got my breath back." Said Thatcher standing up. "How about we go get some refreshing drinks? I saw a smoothie bar on the way here. My treat!" Everyone cheered in agreement. "Okie dokie. Last one to the car's a rotten sandwich!" Zephyr immediately took off and Thatcher stared after him clearly befuddled. "How does that boy have so much energy?" "He just ran practically half a mile basically dragging our weight. And when we stopped he was barely out of breath.

"His mother." Eliza stated plainly. Then smirked over at her husband. Come one old man, let's go.


When they got to the smoothie shop, everyone was abuzz with excitement to choose their drinks. The smell of fresh fruit, milk, sugar, and everything sweet filled the shop.

"Since Mattimeo was our co captain, would you like to order first? Asked Thatcher, looking over and giving him a sincere grin.

"O-okay." His light brown eyes scanned the smoothie menus until they fell on a certain treat that made his mouth start to water. A three layered slice of cake. Chocolatey on the bottom, vanilla cream in the middle, and cheese cake frosting on the top, complete with a juicy red strawberry. "Umm...Mr. Thatch, is it okay if I get a dessert instead of a drink?" He asked timidly.

"But of course! Get whatever your heart desires!"

Mattimeo's face lit up. "Okay! Thank you Mr. Thatch!

Now it was Minette's turn.

"What can I get you little miss?" Asked the jolly man behind the counter.

"Hmm, I would like bubble tea!" She squealed. "Bubble tea is oh so delicious!"

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Then Zephyr walked up to the counter. "Can I have the caramel frappe made with almond milk, with whipped cream and a cheese dumpling please?"

"Yesseribob!" He said joyfully.

Next was Mavrik. "Can I have a root beer and that loaf of bread?"

The man turned and looked at the bread Mav was talking about. His bushy eyebrows raised in surprise. "Well, I was going to throw that out as it expires tomorrow but...I mean if you want it..."

"Yes! That's okay. I love French bread rolls. Just like I love my French best friend right here." He slung his arm around Zephyr, who gave an audible 'oof.'

"Welp, okie dokie."

"McKenzie?" Said Thatcher, letting her know it was her turn.

"Lime club soda!" She yipped. "It's very refreshing."

All who was left was Dakota. He stepped forward timidly, then looked back at the Fletchers. "Even though I made you a little cross?"

Eliza huffed a laugh. "Oh Dakota, yes silly goose.

He grinned meekly. "Thank you. Alright, if it's alright, I would like chocolate tea.

"Coming right up." Said the chubby man.

Once everyone all settled in with their drinks, they admired their silver medals.

"You know, I really like our medals." Said Mav, turning it over in his hand.

"Yeah, me too."Agreed Zephyr. "Thanks for taking us Mr. Thatch and Eliza. I...well we had so much fun. And I'm proud of you for running with us. Like Min said you kicked butt!"

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They both chuckled. "Well we had your help." Said Thatcher. He was quiet for a moment taking in today's activities. "Hey, you think we could all take a picture? I want to have something to remember this day."

Everyone smiled at him. Mattimeo gave one quick nod. "Yeah, of course."

"Excuse me!" Called Minette waving down a a man carrying a tray full of goodies. "Can you take a picture of our group here?"

"Minette! Can't you see he has his hands full." Said her brother, face palming himself."

The man chuckled and set his tray down on the table beside him. "I don't mind." Thatcher handed him his phone. "Aright, is everybody ready?"

"Ready!" They all said in unison.

The man snapped a few pictures and handed Thatcher back his phone. "Thank you."

"No problem." He smiled, and picked his tray back up to find a seat.

Pretty soon everyone was done enjoying their drinks, and it was time to leave the smoothie shop to head home.

As Thatcher pulled the van back into the parking lot of the Kingdom Hall, the kids saw all their parents waiting for them. They all gave Thatcher and Eliza big hugs, then piled out of the vehicle eager to tell their parents about their adventure.

"Mummy! Papá!" Zephyr called running up to greet them. "I had SO much fun! Thank you for letting me go!"

Ica took the silver medal that was hanging around her son's neck in her hands. "Ooo what's this!"

"It's a silver medal! We came in second! It's funny...I ran with Mr. Thatch and Eliza. They we're able too keep up with me for the most part." He said proudly.

"That's my boy! I bet you smoked all those other teams!"

Zephyr rolled his eyes. "Mum. Don't make it a big deal. We just had fun."

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"Oh son, you didn't over work them did you?"

Zephyr laughed. "No, they we're fine...for the most part. I mean Mr. Thatch fell but he's good."

Claude raised one slanted eye brow.  "He fell?"

"Yeah but he's okay! I promise. We went back for him. We protected him from getting trampled dad."

Claude's expression softened and he huffed a laugh. "Well he's still alive so I guess that's a good thing."

Zephyr looked up at his father, his dark gray eyes were warm and his aged face was gentle. Zephyr thought back to what Mavrik had said when he broke down. About his father walking out of his life. He realized how blessed he was to have a father who he knew would never abandon him. He threw his arms around him. "I love you so much Papá." Claude looked down a little surprised at his burst of affection then looked at his wife, who just tilted her head a bit. "Thank you for always loving me and never ever leaving me and mummy, and never breaking promises, and protecting me...and just for being my Papá!" Zephyr's bright green eyes started to tear up a bit.

Claude bent down to pick him up in his arms. Zephyr wrapped his arms around his neck and laid his head on his shoulder. He just held him for a few minutes, then pushed him gently away from him so he could see his son's freckled face. "Hé, je t'aime aussi, pour toujours et pour toujours. Ma petite cacahuète, mon précieux garçon. (Hey, I love you too, forever and always. My little peanut, my precious boy.)

Zephyr smiled at him. "Merci papa." (Thank you daddy.) He said softly. As he peeked over Claude's shoulder he saw the rest of his friends in their father's arms and smiled to himself, knowing that they were thinking how great it was to have fathers that truly loved them. Then he noticed Mavrik, who gave him a wistful smile. Zephyr felt his heart break a little more, but as his best friend, Mav knew what Zephyr was thinking, and mouthed the words. "I'm okay." Zephyr gave him a small smile and snuggled back into the crook of his father's neck.

  "Mav my man!" Mavrik heard the voice of his uncle, and then he felt himself being hoisted into the air and onto his shoulders. "Did you have fun?" Asked Liam craning his neck back to grin at him.

The Canterfiction Tales

Mavrik laughed. "Yeah, I did. Oh look! We came second place in the scavenger hunt!"

Liam took the medal in his hands. "Well second place ain't bad."

"Yeah and Zeph was so cool! We were all running and then boom! Mr. Thatch fell so we all went running over to help him. But Zeph zoomed passed us and grabbed him and Eliza and they all ran to the finish line together. We got there first but all of team Tank passed and the rule is the whole team has to be pass the line. Zephyr, Eliza, and Mr. Thatch came after them. But we didn't care, we just had fun. Oh and then we got dinks and food!"

Liam flipped his nephew off his shoulder and into his arms. "Well that explains the bread crumbs in your hair." He chortled.

"Huh? What?" Mavrik reached up and ruffled his black and white hair, covering Liam with bread crumbs. "So where's mom?"

"She got called into work so I came solo to pick up my super cool nephew!"

Mavrik looked at his uncle. His sunny face, his care free spirit, and his quirky attitude always made him feel loved and cared about. "Uncle Liam?"

"Yes buddy?"

"Thank you."

Liam tilted his head. "For what."

"Taking care of me and mum...when dad left."

A warm smile graced his uncle's face and he hugged him close. "I'm always going to take care of you an mum. I promised grandpa that."  He whispered.

And you never broke that promise. Mav thought silently. "I wish I could have met grandpa. He sounds like a total goof. Like you!"

Liam laughed out loud. "Well you are also a goof so there!"

Mavrik pushed his uncle's head down playfully. "Alright, alright. I love you uncle Liam."

The Scavenger Hunt

"I love you too buddy. Now wataya say, ready to head home?"



When the Fletchers got home, it was about 8:00 and they were settling in for bed. When Eliza walked into the room, she saw Thatcher sitting on the bed smiling down at his phone.

"What'chya looking at?" He held up the picture the man took of all of them in the smoothie shop. Eliza smiled warmly at him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "I'm glad you had fun today."

"You were right about those children. They are so kind, the way they came back for me like that, and weren't mad that I cost them first place. They pushed me to be my best, especially Zephyr." He huffed a laugh. "I think that kid eats rocket fuel for breakfast."

"Oh trust me, I've wondered the same thing." Said Eliza humorously.

"And...they said I was their friend." Thatcher looked at his wife with glassy eyes. "I'm glad you asked me to go, Liza." He kissed her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too Thatch." She said tenderly. "Good night."

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