The Exposure

By BattyforDungeonBat

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In this POV story, you're a 19 year-old college student at Hogwarts University and Snape is your professor. (... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three

Chapter Forty-Two

1.8K 51 24
By BattyforDungeonBat

          Severus jumps in the shower while you're in the clawfoot tub, allowing you some time to think, your body soaking and relaxing in the warmth. You contemplate everything that's happened today; everything that's gone wrong...and everything that's gone right. You smile to yourself thinking about making love in the moonlight.

          Perhaps if you can just reason with the girls...get ahead of things, you could get their word they won't share what they found. Surely they wouldn't tell others? It's a risky situation however, since a rumor about you being in love with Professor Snape will only put the thought in people's minds, and that won't help draw any attention away from your actual relationship. It'd certainly make this more difficult to hide...I'll talk to them tomorrow, make them see...they were awful tonight, but maybe if I can just explain...

          "Obliviation is the obvious choice, though if Minerva ever found out...but still, it's preferably to murder. In her opinion, anyway." His mind keeps drifting to your tears, his heart breaking over and over again at the memory and the sound of your weeping as he held you. He would give anything to take away your pain. He realizes his fists have been clenched while he's been thinking about it. He knows he shouldn't...but he can't stop thinking of how to completely destroy these insolent little witches who've betrayed you and caused such deep hurt.

          You climb out of the bath and drain the water, wrapping yourself in a large towel and stepping in front of the foggy mirror. You can barely see your outline through the steamy haze from Severus's shower, your hair wild and wrapped in a bun. You unfasten it and it falls down in silky curly waves, spilling gently on your shoulders. You hear the shower turn off and after a moment, Severus steps out and you see his dark, tall figure behind you in the mirror, a towel wrapped around his waist.

          The fog slowly clears from the glass, and you look into his eyes in the reflection. The look on his face is one of pure desire, admiration, and love. He gently leans down and kisses your bare shoulder, his obsidian locks dripping with tiny droplets, his eyes remaining locked on yours. His arms wrap around from behind you and you lean your head back on his shoulder, your neck slightly exposed. Looking in the mirror, you like the way you look next to him, the sight of you both together. It makes you smile, and when he notices, he smiles softly back at you.

          You stand there in that perfect moment, taking in the sight, burning it into your mind to save for later. Your heart aches with how loved he makes you feel. "You know..." His deep voice breaks the silence, his eyes watching you in the mirror, "If you're free next weekend...I'd like to eat with you on a Sunday perhaps, if you would like." Your eyes light up at the request. "Yes!" You clear your throat, not wanting to sound too eager, "Um, yes. Yes I'd love that..." He smirks playfully at you when he sees how excited the thought makes you and he kisses your cheek.

          "But how will we do that? Won't it seem odd for a professor to have lunch with a student?" He gently lifts your chin, turning your face and kissing you delicately on your lips. When you break the kiss he says firmly, "You...are not allowed to worry about anymore details. I will handle this." You smile and can't help but blush. He makes you feel so taken care of. It's like he sees the needs you aren't even aware that you had. He sees to every detail and it only makes you fall harder for him.

          He suddenly picks you up and carries you to his bed and his playfulness makes you laugh. "You know, I do know how to walk," you tease. "Yes, are rather clumsy, so perhaps it is best if I exercise caution with you," He winks at you and sets you delicately on his bed. You smile up at him, "I'm not that clumsy..." He arches his brow at you and says nothing, and your eyes widen and you laugh, "Come on! That's not fair, all of those times were because I was distracted!" "Oh, is that so? Distracted by what?"

          Your expression becomes coy and your hand reaches for the towel around his waist. "By this..." You gently tug at the towel and it falls, revealing his beautiful package. His eyes widen and he scoffs in playful disbelief, his eyes narrowing on you, "You really are such a naughty little thing," he taps you on the tip of your nose and moving in closer, supports himself on his elbows, stooping beside the bed and looking at you. He leans in, his lips just barely brushing yours, his voice a low mutter, "But you do have a way of getting what you want..."

          You smile and arch your brow mischievously and he gives you a suspicious smile before finally closing the distance between your mouths and kissing you softly, then a bit deeper. One of his hands comes to the side of your head, gently stroking your hair while the other gently traces the curve of your waist. Your kiss becomes more passionate and you feel the depth of his affection through this kiss.

          He pulls back after a moment and looks a bit more seriously into your eyes. "Y/n...I think it might be best if we perhaps destroy the journal," his brow knits gently together. You sigh and look away, "Yes, I think you're right. I can't let it fall into the wrong hands again...I just don't understand how they found it. I'd hidden it so well, I's like they went looking for it." He looks down and you see his black eyes narrowing, his expression becoming dark and his mouth tightening and you look at him curiously.

          "People like that will look for any vulnerability they can find to sink their talons in. They feel threatened by those who are special because they...are not." His voice sounds tight and angry, and you feel your pulse spike slightly. "It's alright, Professor. Perhaps I can speak with them and explain––" "You would be wasting your time." He snaps suddenly, his voice harsh, and you feel yourself recoil. His furrowed brow softens and he exhales, his eyes closing, "I'm sorry, Y/n, I just..." he looks earnestly at you, his brown eyes showing a hint of sadness, "...have a bit of experience with bullies. I do not wish to see you get hurt...I cannot bear it." His eyes gaze tenderly into yours, the emotion coming out in his voice.

          You lift your hand and gently hold his face in it, stroking his cheek. You smile softly, "You're angry for me?" He looks at you with a confused and flustered face, his voice becoming a bit more fierce, "Of course I'm angry...furious is more like it, it's everything I can do to not––" He stops and looks down, his reddened face and clenched jaw betraying his unspoken words.

          "Professor." You say gently but firmly, "Do not hurt them...not on my account." His black eyes flash up to yours intensely, "But they...deserve it. After the things they've said about you, Y/n...what they've done." "And how does hurting them solve anything? It only serves to create more pain," you reply gently, your brows pulled together in earnest. "I can't bear that responsibility...and neither should you on my behalf." You take his hand in yours and gently kiss his knuckle.

          He's silent a moment and you can tell this is quite difficult for him. He says nothing and you sit up, holding the towel still wrapped around you. "Can you light the fireplace?" Your question pulls him out of his thoughts, his brow arching. "Shouldn't you know how to do that on your own?" You laugh softly, "Yes...but I think it's more romantic when you do it," You smile coyly at him. "Besides...there's something very sexy about you using magic..." and you wink, making him laugh in a soft exhale through his nose, smirking as he flicks his finger smoothly, the fireplace obediently bursting to life.

          You smile at him and stand, walking to dresser where you set your journal. You take it and stand before the fire, gazing into it. Severus stands behind you as the shadows dance on your skin, the flames casting an amber glow over the whole room. The heat feels delightful on your exposed flesh and you open the journal one last time, flipping through it and smiling before tossing it into the flames.

          Severus puts his arms around your waist from behind, pulling you into him and asks, "It's a bit sad, isn't it? The very thing that brought us together being destroyed like this?" You laugh softly and shake your head, "No..." 

          You turn around to face him, your arms reaching up and wrapping around his neck, "Because nothing I wrote in there or ever dreamed of compares to the things we actually do...the things you make me feel." You gaze up into his eyes and he smiles down at you, seeming genuinely delighted by your words.

          He kisses you softly and picks you up again, carrying you back to the bed. He lies you down and climbs up beside you under the soft, cool sheets. He pulls you into him and you rest your head on his chest. You ask him to recite the recipe for Polyuice potion, and he laughs at your strange request but complies. He strokes your hair and the lull of his deep voice puts you to sleep within minutes.

          The next morning is a holiday so the students and staff are given a day off from classes and duties, and you sigh in gratitude when you remember that detail. Severus spoons you from behind, his hand cupping one of your breasts, and you hear from his breathing that he's still asleep. The sun blazes through the curtains as it rises and you spin around to look at his sleeping face, his dark lashes and pale skin contrasting sharply against each other. You feel your heart swell. It makes you feel warm to be near him when he's so vulnerable like this.

          After watching him for a few minutes his lashes flutter and he slowly opens them halfway, focusing on your face, a sleepy grin filling his expression. His hair is messy and tousled making you laugh softly to yourself, and you gently kiss his smile. He pulls you into him, bringing your bodies together. "My, what a treat..." "What is, Professor?" He smirks, "The beautiful girl that spent the night in my quarters is still here..." His fingertips trace down the curve of your spine, his hand gradually roaming down and firmly cupping your ass, making you whimper softly. "...and so willing to be defiled, it would seem..." he says in a low and languid purr, his lips trailing down your neck and across your jaw.

          You shiver in arousal at his advances, surprised that he's already ready to pounce on you within seconds of waking up. Your hand wanders down beneath the covers and you lightly stroke his already-hard member with your fingertips, making him gasp softly as he continues kissing your neck, moving up to bite your earlobe. He moves his body over yours and lowers down onto you, and his mouth makes lovely, delicate contact with the skin on your collarbone before coasting across and gently biting your shoulder.

          You suddenly hear a soft flutter and see a bit of folded parchment falling from a mail slot in the ceiling near the fireplace. It gently hits the ground and Severus's kisses stop as he sinks his face into the crook of your neck, his body slumping with an exasperated sigh. "Leave me alone..." He whines in a muffled, annoyed tone. You laugh at his protest and ask, "What is that?"

          He rises up off of you and finally looks over at the parchment on the floor. "Probably McGonagall. Unfortunately during term, I must be reachable at all times..." His voice lowers seductively, "...even when I'd rather be doing something else," His eyes flit back to you, his thumb and index finger taking your chin and brushing your skin softly, desire in his eyes. He kisses your lips gently before jumping up suddenly and picking up the parchment.

          You watch his naked form, admiring all of him as he stands in the sunlight that streams through the curtains, the light catching his glossy black hair as he reads the parchment. His eyes widen, his brow knits together and he scratches his jaw, his mouth dropping slightly. Your own eyes widen with concern as you wait for him to speak.

          "Professor...?" He looks away and scoffs in sardonic laughter, disbelief washing over his expression. He pauses before speaking, his mouth held open a moment before his words are ready to form, "It would seem...there is a rumor circling that you and I have been...fraternizing," He continues uncomfortably. 

          "And that we were seen last night entering the castle together."

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