Forced Marriage | Wenclair

By k9ine3

68.5K 1.8K 2K

"Out of the billions of people in this world, I'm being married to a werewolf?" Wednesday threw daggers at he... More

1. Tragic News
2. Learning About the Addams
3. "Stacked" Emotions
4. Destructible
5. Scars From the Past
6. Jealousy in Sight
7. Thinkable Actions
8. Lovestruck
9. A Gift for You
10. Hyde the Nightmares
11. Four Visitors
12. Devotion
14. Woeful Birthday
15. Vow to You

13. A Truth to Seek

3.6K 95 138
By k9ine3

A/n: I apologize for the long wait. I was focused on school, but I'm free. As a reward for waiting patiently, I added a little bit of spice for this chapter. Enjoy yourselves! :)

Wednesday Addams

"Your birthday is in a few days. Are you excited about it?"

"Not quite. I don't care much about celebrating it. It's merely a regular day."

Enid and I were lying on our bed together in our bedroom. We discussed arbitrary things that led up to my natal day. While my lover and I are resting upstairs, Pugsley is currently at school, and my parents are playing rounds of Uno with Thing in the dining area.

"Is there anything you want to do? I know everyone has told me you aren't a big fan of celebrating your big day, but maybe you have something in mind. You are turning eighteen," the werewolf scooted closer to me as we faced each other.

"Being with you and my family is enough of a celebration to me. Especially the stunt you pulled off on the weekend. You've done enough. I shouldn't expect a lot for my birthday," I spoke softly while gazing into her heavenly blue eyes.

"Aww, Wens! That's the cutest thing ever. Can I at least give you a gift?" Enid asked, smiling brightly.

"If you'd like to, I'll give you permission," I nodded once.

"Thanks Willa. You're the best," the lycanthrope brushed aside my bangs before giving me a sweet kiss on my forehead.

"You as well," I gave a kiss back on her forehead, leading the blonde to grin and stare affectionately at me.

Enid went on to intertwine my hand with hers and state, "You make me very happy."

"The feeling is mutual," I held my girlfriend's hand tight and even shared a miniature smile to show that my words were sincere.

Then, something snapped inside of Sinclair. All of sudden, she grabbed my face and planted numerous kisses everywhere. I didn't mind it as my abdomen felt moths fluttering, and my cheeks were converting into a crimson color. Enid stopped on her eighth peck before pulling away and sighing gleefully, laying her head back on the pillow.

"What was the purpose of your action?" I inquired in interest.

"You smiled, and I found it super adorable that I couldn't resist to give you so many of my finest kisses. I'm sorry if it was too much," she expressed guilt.

I hovered my fingers over Enid's face to caress it as I answered, "Don't apologize. I admire your physical touches. It doesn't torment me nor do I despise it. I'm comfortable with you presenting your love languages."

"Good, because I do not want to make you uneasy. That's the last thing I'd want," the therianthrope pointed out while putting a hand over mine that was brushing her cheek.

"I would've alerted you, but there's no need. I find it fascinating that I turned soft for you. How have things changed," I uttered to the woman.

"Heh. That's what love does to you."

"I agree."

The she-wolf continued beaming as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and held me. Enid's head rested on top of my own as I slowly nuzzled her neck. We cuddled for a couple of minutes, not saying anything to each other. I haven't fully hugged Enid before, but I am aware she will erase any issue I have in mind if given the chance to be embraced by her. Almost like she has healing powers through physical contact.

I yearned for Enid and I to confess our love together for it to be a happy ending for us. However, there is one problem. The monster I wish to catch and murder is still on the loose. He is in the way of my future wife and I. After viewing my vision, I became determined to prevent our deaths from coming true.

When we finished searching outside of the house, I decided to leave some hidden traps in case the Hyde ever came back. To no avail, nothing was discovered. I felt fumes leaving from my nose and ears from the outrage. I didn't give up at that point. I left the traps where it had been placed in the beginning and kept checking on them.

The only clue I have gained is the Hyde lives in the city. It's a terrible clue, but it will do. There are countless people, in which any of them could be the culprit. Interrogating may help lead me to the monster, but there are doubts. Even so, I can play detective. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Enid speak.

"Is there anything you'd like to do today, Wens?"

"Actually, there is," I replied.

"And what's that?" Enid slightly pulled away to get a glimpse of me.

"We need to move on with our search for the Hyde. Lurch can take us to the city. There, we can investigate," I told the creature.

"Okay, but where will we even start? There are so many places to attend, not to mention hundreds of people," she brought up another question.

"I have one place in mind. One that neither you or I would want to step foot in."


"Do we have to be here?" The tall woman asked with a whiny tone.

"Yes. If we want to survive, there's a slim chance of finding answers here," I tried convincing Enid.

"Ugh! I swear if Tyler tries anything on you, I'll scratch his dumb face," my partner folded her arms and huffed bitterly.

"That will be an amusing sight to watch. I wouldn't stop you from hurting him, but we do have to focus," deep down, I wish the idea will transpire.

"Right. Let's get this over with," the blonde let out a deep breath.

I nodded at her words before proceeding to enter the cafe. Not a single customer in eyesight, although there were two familiar faces behind the cashier counter. Both boys were bickering about nonsense until they heard mine and Enid's footsteps approaching them.

"Wednesday and Enid. What an unexpected surprise," Xavier raised his eyebrows at us.

"Hello to you too, Thorpe," Sinclair grinned at the artist.

"I thought you weren't coming back," Tyler said without any emotion to read from his face.

"You thought incorrectly. I don't have time to catch up on our meaningless lives. Xavier, a private word with us?" I cut to the chase.

"Uh, yeah. Sure," Xavier seemed confused as he left the counter and joined Enid and I over to a booth in the far corner.

After we sat down, Enid said to the man, "We're sorry to intrude your work time, but there's something really important we need your help with."

"Hey, if you need help, I'm all ears. I want to be as useful as I can with whatever situation you two are in," Thorpe says with sincerity.

"Good because Enid and I are in danger according to what I witnessed in my vision," I reported directly to him.

"What kind of danger?" Xavier lowered his eyes in seriousness.

"Have you ever heard of a Hyde?" Enid questioned the male.

"A Hyde? I don't th- wait. I believe so. I had images in my head that brought me to draw on my canvases. It was a freaky looking monster with sharp teeth and nails. It had big eyes and some hair on its head. I believe the body had thin limbs, but whatever this thing is, it's very tall and pale," Xavier described the monster.

"That's exactly what a Hyde looks like. But what's the reason for having images of the Hyde?" Enid had another question in mind.

"I have no clue. Sometimes I would try to sleep, and it keeps showing up in my head like some nightmare. I even had two dreams last night where you and Wednesday were being sliced by the Hyde. Good thing you two came here so I can tell you about it," Xavier provided new information.

"It is a good thing. I had a vision similar to what you hinted at. Enid and I are being hunted down by this unknown beast who is also the prey being tracked by us. Do you happen to have any other images regarding the Hyde in human form?" It was my turn to quiz the boy.

"Not that I recall, no. When I first drew the Hyde how I envisioned it, the hair reminded me of Tyler for some stupid reason. I think I spent way too much time working with that dude in the cafe. I heard a while back he had shown odd and violent behaviors in the past. In all honesty, I think that's just the human in him," the artist shrugged his shoulders.

"Interesting. I believe that's about enough details we can intake. Are there any other concerns you want to say, Enid?" I asked my girlfriend.

"Nope. I think we got it covered. Thanks for the help Xavier. We appreciate it," Enid thanked him with a grin.

"Anytimes ladies," Xavier returned the smile.

"Oh, and ask Bianca to make a group chat so we can spare ideas for our double date soon," the werewolf added.

"You got it," Xavier gave Enid a thumbs up.

We stayed in the booth as Xavier went back to the counter, ignoring Galpin as he tried to talk to him.

"Should we bring Tyler over here?" Enid wondered.

"No. He's useless and wouldn't take our problem seriously. I suggest we should consider him as our number one suspect," I indicated.

"I'm on the same page. I remember when a Hyde shifts, they replicate features from their own human self. When Xavier said the hair he drew of the Hyde reminded him of Tyler's, I automatically assumed it's him. Especially when he had a history of being violent. Hydes are known to be extremely aggressive and vicious which matches his past behavior," the she-wolf implied while her eyes hardened as she analyzed the green eyed man.

"You made a great point. I suggest we kidnap and torture him endlessly until he admits being the Hyde," I felt a wicked smile forming on my lips.

"And what if he really isn't the Hyde? Then he'd call the cops, and we would be screwed."

"I hate that you're correct. For now, Tyler will remain the suspect. You and I can go for a stroll in the woods at our property to find any signs of the Hyde returning," I built a different plan.

"Fine by me," she responded.

"First, I have an appetite for my iced quad espresso. The second it's in my hands, we're leaving. Would you like anything?"

"I'm okay. I'll wait for you by the exit," Enid gave me a quick smooch on my head before walking away from the booth.

I hummed in satisfaction to myself as I left the table and stepped forward to the cashier. Tyler was alone since Xavier went to the back. I preferred Thorpe to be serving me rather than Galpin, but my luck has run out.

"I'm only here for my customary refreshment. Nothing more," I made it clear to the suspect.

"Look. I just wanna say that it is not my fault that I'm into you Wednesday. I thought maybe you would give me a chance," Tyler held a sorrowful expression.

"For your information, I would choose to gauge my eyes instead of having any sort of romantic interest in you. May I remind you that I'm in a relationship with Enid," I gave the boy a heads up.

"You're really not with her. You said you do not show emotions. I don't see it with Enid, but I do see it with me," Tyler tried reaching over the counter to grab my hand until I pulled it away rapidly.

"My hand is reserved for Enid to hold. I suggest you produce my beverage or else I won't hesitate to have Enid clawing your face like a scratch post for felines," I was getting furious of playing Tyler's delusional game.

"I know what I'm talking about. Someday you will notice it. Then, you'll run to me instead of her," Galpin commented with a scoff before he went on to make my drink.

I rolled my eyes in disbelief while pulling out some cash and waited impatiently for Tyler to finish, watching him carefully. As if it felt like an infinite amount of minutes, the brown haired boy placed my drink with a straw on the counter.

I grabbed my plastic cup and slid the money to him, uttering, "Keep the change."

Before he was able to say anything else to me, I turned around and stormed off. Enid spotted me going in her direction and opened the door as I departed from the cafe with her behind me. I took a sip of my expresso as Lurch unlocked the back door for us to enter and sit down on the seats. Once Enid and I settled, Lurch went to the driver's side and began the engine.

"I saw Tyler trying to touch your hand, and you moved it away from him," the blonde voiced.

"I would have stabbed his hand if it weren't for me forgetting to bring the dagger you purchased. He's deranged to think he has an advantage of capturing my heart when you're the only soul who can have it," I claimed to the woman.

"And I intend to keep your heart safe from any intruders that try to steal it," Enid quirked the corner of her lips.

"You have knowledge on how to swoon someone like me, and it's working," I smirked moderately.

I detected Enid's face turning a bloody red from my statement. I found her reaction to be enchanting and grossly forcing the organ pumping blood to beat against my chest speedily.

"I'm flattered," the therianthrope muttered for me to hear.

I remained smirking as I vocalized, "As you should be. Lurch, take us home. We're cutting our journey short."


"This sucks! We weren't able to find footprints or any other evidence to pinpoint Tyler as the Hyde," Enid laid on our bed flatly with her front facing upward.

"My money is on him. Without a doubt, Galpin is pretending to be an innocent human. He's playing the part well enough to convince anybody he is not a monster or murderer," I came up with a conclusion.

The bubbly girl propped her elbows to hold her body up as she replied, "What I'm afraid is that we'll end up being wrong and trapped at a dead end. What happens then?"

"Then we must wait till the monster catches us. A solution that is simple," I drawled.

"As long as nobody dies, besides the Hyde, that's what matters, right?" Enid waited for my answer.

I nodded in response. We both know our family will be fine. It is Enid and I who the Hyde wants for unspecified reasons. The monster can torment us all it wants. However, my girlfriend and I are not as naive as the Hyde would perceive us to be. A stab to the stomach won't kill me easily. As for Enid, I have full faith she'll make it out alive. She's my deadly werewolf after all.

"We will be okay. I just know it," the lycanthrope fully sat up on the edge of the bed with a confident expression.

"Keep up with the positivity. It suits you perfectly," I admired the wolf.

"Thanks Willa," Enid glanced into my eyes, smiling widely.

"You're welcome," I disclosed, deciding to sit next to the wolf.

When I looked away from Sinclair for a moment, I was capable of feeling her gaze burning through my pitch black soul. As I sat down, I averted my eyes back onto Enid.

She pursued to gaze upon me so I queried, "Why are you staring at me profoundly?"

"Sorry. It's just that... you're very gorgeous, and my eyes don't want to look away," Enid complimented.

"I sense you are in a flirty mood. Is there something you want from me?" A smirk almost appeared on my face.

"A kiss would be nice," she confessed while a light blush formed on her cheeks.

"So be it."

I slid closer to her to the point where our legs touched. I planted both hands on her neck as Enid placed a hand on my elbow. I gently pulled her down when our lips slightly parted. She swooped down and captured my lonely lips with hers. Eyes closed, our lips danced together in synchronization. It turned fervent and eventually brought Enid to deepen the kiss.

Her hand dragged from my arm to my hips before softly laying me down on the mattress. The blonde was on top with her knees on each side of my body. Her hands laid flatly next to my head as we broke our kiss to intake oxygen. We panted quietly while my body wanted more of her. Enid's pupils were enlarged and dark that it made me grip the collar of her sweater.

I yanked her down with my mouth near her ear to whisper seductively, "Bruise my lips and neck with your mouth, cara mia."

Enid lowly growled at my words before smashing her lips against mine. She kissed me aggressively and even swiped her tongue on my bottom lip. I opened my lips before Enid entered her warm tongue inside. My hands were tangled with her smooth hair as our tongue battled for dominance in which Enid had won. I heard the she-wolf moan faintly when my tongue glided onto her sharpened canines.

The werewolf's teeth somewhat pierced the tip of my tongue, drawing a trace of blood. Ending our make out session, Enid tugged the bottom of my lip with her fangs before releasing it. My chest rose and fell, knowing that the entirety of my face was flushed.

Trying to catch our breaths for a second time, Enid worriedly asked, "Are you okay? Was I too rough?"

"I'm more than okay, and not a lot. I can handle your roughness either way," I answered her questions.

"Do you want to continue or stop for now?" Enid gingerly wondered.

My eyes stayed on her as I declared, "Continue."

Enid bit her lip, nodding, and ducked down to my neck. Her hot breath made contact with my skin until I felt a pair of lips attacking near my nape. Her teeth nipped my sensitive epidermis and even dragged her wet tongue along the veins pulsing out. As much as I wanted to hold my moan in, I wasn't able to achieve my goal. Enid's mouth felt too compelling where I had to let out a small groan.


What made it irresistible was my partner slipping a hand underneath my long sleeve shirt, touching my stomach. My hands were clenching on the sheets tightly while my body ached more for Enid's physical contact. There was an intense heat emitting throughout my body that's no longer cold. Sinclair was about to pull off my long sleeve up to my chest when we both heard a voice.


Enid and I looked to the direction of the voice and found Pugsley standing at the door frame with a surprised appearance. Swiftly, Enid moved my shirt down, got off of me, and stood up to cover me. I took a deep breath as my anger grew because of my brother interrupting us.

"H-hey Pugs! Was there s-something you needed?" Enid stammered terribly.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to join mom, dad, Thing, and I in a round of Uno, but it seems you're busy torturing my sister," my nuisance of a brother tried to hold back a smug face.

My teeth gritted as I sat myself up and looked around Enid to my sibling to say, "Pugsley. You're going to wish you never entered my room."

"Uh oh. I'm gonna go. Bye!" Puglsey sprinted out of the bedroom before I could chase him.

"I'm going to mutilate him," I relayed to Enid right as I darted towards the staircase.

It didn't take much of my time to apprehend my brother effortlessly. I used a net gun found in the closet of the guest room to entangle Pugsley. I forcefully hauled his body and strapped him onto a wooden wheel with his limbs outstretched. He tried to persuade me that he wouldn't come into my room unannounced, but I did not listen.

Spinning the wheel and Pugsley along with it, I carried out a container of knives and began tossing them one at a time. Purposely, I'd miss to not actually harm Pugsley but to frighten him. My family heard the commotion and included themselves in my game. Enid found us taunting him and pretended nothing was happening.

"I think my brain is scrambled," Pugsley wasn't able to see straight after my mother stopped the wheel.

"Come on son! I can last being spun around for weeks. My record was five weeks," my father recalled.

"No fair," the youngest Addams pouted while upside down and still tied to the wheel.

"We should train together. Before we can, we must defeat the Hyde that's chasing after my daughter and daughter-in-law."

"Did you two find anything useful regarding the beast?" My mother questioned Enid and I.

"Not quite. We do have a suspect in the back of our minds," Enid addressed.

"Who might that be?" My father was eager to know.

"Tyler Galpin. The man who works at Weathervane's Cafe and Bakery," I replied with a hint of hatred in my voice.


A/n: Two more chapters to go. Are you guys ready?

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